...then it must be hello!

So, yes, I am called Desk Lamp. Why? Because there's a lamp on my desk. That's...pretty much the only reason, actually.

I used to be active on this site, but due to life being...well, life, I had to take a break with writing and role playing. Time passed, and life got a bit more easier to manage. I figured, eh, why not go back to roleplaying? I needed to shape up my rusting writing skills, and I missed weaving up some stories. So, here I am!

I enjoy almost all types of genres. Fantasy, scifi, exploration--basically anything that leads to a good adventure. I love some good ol' humor, whether it be from the ridiculousness of a situation or the snarky jokes of a character. Casual through High Casual are mainly my kinds of RPs, but I'll sometimes drift around if I'm the mood.

A little bit about me before I end this growing monstrosity of an intro. I'm a girl, if anyone was wondering, but I'm not really the kind to correct anyone if they so assume I'm a male. I'll just roll with the punches. I enjoy drawing and painting, especially when it comes to cartoons. You see, I'm hoping to become a cartoon animator or comic artist one day. Or maybe a chef. Or something. But I degress, I'm really into cartooning, and would be more than happy to draw things for people. (Within reason, of course.)
I love Videogames. Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Minecraft, Fire Emblem...a bunch of stuff, really. I like watching anime, and I love to read.

So, once again, hello! And might I propose a little, digital toast to a happy RPs for all!