Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyNameWontFi


Member Offline since relaunch

The silence sets into the large gathering hall. It's clean, almost sterile panelings and ceilings remind you of a hospital, though the lighting is slightly dimmer, which degrades the atmosphere from a clean, brimming sanitation of a hospital floor into something more sinister. It feels like a school cafeteria.. without the school and the cafeteria parts. A small elevation separates the area where the inmates are seated, from the stage with two portly-looking men clad in lab coats exchange comments to each other.

" ATTENTION !" .. The voice of the apparent military commander, adorned with various triangular insignia, bellowed through the halls. You see the ranks of what you assumed to be prison convicts, shudder and jolt up, the commotion and muffled chatter suddenly dying to a complete, eerie silence, as if speech was prohibited under the pain of death.

"CLASS D PERSONNEL ORIENTATION TRAINING IS ABOUT TO COMMENCE !" ... The apparent commander-in-chief nodded to one of the scientists, who moved forward and in a monotone and, I daresay, clinical tone, as if describing a routine medical procedure, elaborated... "As you have been told, you have been transferred to the Foundation on Protocol-12" .. He cleared his throat promptly and continued.. "We do not care about your past transgressions. Your criminal record has been erased, along with any other public records of your existence. Whether you were transferred here from death row or from one of the immigration centers is irrelevant"..

"Your mission here is to participate in experimentation under the guidance of the Foundation. This is your penance for your crimes against society.. "

You dozed off, barely registering his words, instead focusing on the banner depicting a large symbol resembling a biohazard sign, surrounded by the letters SCP.

" ... Refusal to comply or failure to perform your assigned duties are grounds for immediate termination .... "

You dozed off again, now noticing the armed guards surrounding the panes that entombed the central hall in a pike square formation ..

" .... Upon successfully serving a term of six months, you will be granted an honorary pardon from any and all crimes that you may have committed, as well as a lump sum of 100.000$ as reward for your cooperation .... "

The rest of the coordination training blazed past you unnoticed, your mind still foggy and decrepit from your not so graceful transition from 【OMITTED】. The crowd of inmates was separated into several ranks, with you being assigned the number D-3188. As they printed the barcode into the back of your neck, you felt your arms weaken and jitter. What seemed like moments later, you've found yourself next to a large cell block, rounded up into small yet efficiently placed prison cells. The dim lighting on the floor nearly thirty feet above did little to dispel the dim atmosphere. Your mind went blank, and what remained of you was gone, now squarely replaced by D-3188.

░░░▒▒▓▓██ ☣SCP FOUNDATION ☣ SECURE. CONTAIN. PROTECT. ████████████████████████

  ᴳᴱᴺᴱᴿᴬᴸ ᴮᴿᴵᴱᶠᴵᴺᴳ
This RP is set into the SCP foundation universe. It will contain elements of supernatural horror and suspense, as well as psychological thriller and mystery. Survival will be your modus operandi, though depending on the player's performance and choices, the genre may meander a bit towards action or even 【DATA EXPUNGED】. There will be other players in the game, so it is technically not a 1x1. For the time being, however, you will be unable to directly interact with other players, or even know whether or not the characters are NPCs or played by an actual person.

  ᴿᵁᴸᴱᶳ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᵁᴹᴮ
You are an expendable CLASS - D █ You have no plot armor whatsoever █ The RP's mechanics will be realistic
Any and all godmode attempts will result in an XK-【REDACTED】scenario. Which is excruciatingly painful from what I remember.
Any and all powerplay attempts will result in an NK-【REDACTED】scenario. Trust me, you do not want to find out what that means.
The game will be a unique combination of point-and-click (well.. write) adventure and freeform sandbox RP.
There are no character sheets nor descriptions. In this RP, you sir or madame are playing as yourself.
I will mirror both the quantity, quality and frequency of your own posts.

  ᵀᴵᴾᶳ ᴬᴺᴰ ᵀᴿᴵᶜᴷᶳ
SCP universe (plot+setting+premise) is canon (with the exception of less-established / obscure / stuff that breaks mechanics / fan-wankery).
Yes, you are allowed and encouraged to metagame and read the SCP wiki. In fact, it's near impossible to survive the RP if you do not.
Horror/supernatural tropes and adventure game logic will come into play. Background knowledge and creative use of objects & mechanics is a must
Remember: The longer you survive, the more badass you are. And the more I respect you. Hold on for long enough and I will build you a shrine.
You can collaborate in OOC with other players (will arrange the details later..)

  ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴱᴿ ᴾᶳᵞᶜᴴᴼᴸᴼᴳᴵᶜᴬᴸ ᴾᴿᴼᶠᴵᴸᴵᴺᴳ
If you are a gun-toting, cigar-chewing, militaristic lingo-spewing self-appointed navy seal (with over 300 confirmed kills), you will do well here ---- if you can keep that gung-ho attitude and your macho fantasies in check. Similarly, the nature of the beast favours creative minmaxers and other munchkins and the like ---- as long as you can refrain from playing rules lawyer with me, as that will cause rocks to fall immediately and ████████ you. Sneaky and clever survivalists also have a slightly higher life expectancy. The best precursor for enjoyment (and staying alive!) is being familiar with the SCP mythos and overall survival horror and adventure puzzle game stuff. SCP fans, authors and contributors are especially welcome.

░░░▒▒▓▓██ ☣SCP FOUNDATION ☣ SECURE. CONTAIN. PROTECT. ████████████████████████

You know what to do. This is considered a universal "intro post". What happens now is up to you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

This seems preetty damn cool. The OOC is pretty well written.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
Avatar of Major Ursa

Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 12 days ago

Interested...but damn, now do I ever wish I had let myself go on that SCP reading tangent...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyNameWontFi


Member Offline since relaunch

CLASS - D personnel are to stay in their designated holding areas and obey the orders of the security staff and researchers. CLASS - D personnel are to advised that the information below the thick line [ █████ ] is considered Out-Of-Character. During testing and incarceration, CLASS - D are allowed to engage in conversation with other test subject and staff where applicable, and to investigate, manipulate or combine objects as they see fit. For maximum life expectancy and enjoyment, they are encouraged to use situational awareness and mechanics to their advantage. Acquisition of knowledge via reading of documents, test logs and procedures, or via the SCP Wiki, is also advised. Failure to comply with the established rules, however, is grounds for summary execution.

The SCP Foundation wishes you a pleasant stay at our facilities.
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