Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Minan briefly took his attention off of Michiko to look at Luna, wanting to reply to her but instead giving a confused, slightly sympathetic look. He couldn't understand a thing she was saying. "You only speak for yourself. I'd kill myself before I'd let myself be arrested." He stated, completely serious. "Even if Eden does not exist I'm still making a decent profit off of this, it's far from a waste of time." He had gotten off track, but at this point holding his tongue was a skill slipping away from him the more he had to listen to her talk. "I may or may not be able to get in touch with a friend who knows a doctor, one we can trust. However the problem then becomes getting Luna to accept any help." Looking back for the Zenohunt, she was gone. How in the hell did he not notice that? "In any case, do not rely on me, and seek options that don't involve trips to clinics." Sure, he could get fake prescriptions no problem if he needed to, but this was a long shot.

Walking out after Jasper to the quarters, Minan stopped to watch the scene. He heard her speak of her god, and shook his head at Jasper's attempt to console her. Seeing as his religious beliefs were based more on a concept, rather than a god, he couldn't fully relate; however he still understood that dishonoring a god wasn't to be taken lightly. He waited until the clicker was out of her hands before he decided to walk over, once again leaving Jasper holding her weight. Well, this was just fantastic. At least she was speaking. Speaking was good, meant that she was still there. He gently grabbed her chin, bringing her face up so he could see it. "Luna, stay with us." He told her before going to his bed, grabbing his communicator and trying to get in contact with people who knew the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It's ok Luna. No one is going to hurt you." Jasper says gently to Luna following Minan and lays her down on Minan's bed. "Hope you don't mind. Laying down will help the blood flow beter and help her stay conscious because if she passes out I don't know if she'll wake up." Is all he says and his eyes have a distant look as if he's lost in thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Siekupe krutupio. Patra poa ipeka, Gurnaka-Kaspir." Minan started explaining, the being at the other end looking strikingly similar to them. "Hm?" Minan briefly glanced over to see Jasper putting Luna on his bed and moves over, turning back around to the communicator. "Of course, but if vomit becomes involved you're dealing with it." Or he would just take Jasper's bed. Really, he didn't care.

Talking to their contact once more, Minan seemed to be growing frustrated by the time the other walked away, though the conversation was still left open. "Grateu sia." He muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It does not need to be this complicated." He turned to Jasper, "As I said, seeking alternate ways would be helpful. My...How would you say, brother? Has been annoyed with me, so this is going through circles." Human gender and family construct had always been a struggle for him to understand, but he felt it was the closest thing he could relate them to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasper sits down bring his flute out from under his shirt ,which hung on a leather cord around his neck, and begins to tap a finger rhythmically against it. "I don't know anyone here so I'm not going to be much help in that area."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Michiko saw that Luna was in the middle of freaking out *dear god what did they do to you Luna* and then heard Minan say that he knew a doctor who could help so Michiko turned to Minan and said "So you know someone that can help us?" the person that Minan was talking about may be Luna's only hope.

Michiko was also disgusted at how selfish the crew was *so we would rather have all of our friends die for profit? I don't care how much money its selfish and dumb. friends are more important than money*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yes. What do you think?" Jasper says rolling his eyes. "I have some thing that might help." Jasper then pulls out a small blood red ruby ,which is no bigger then his thumbnail, out of his pocket. "I've been carrying this thing around for I don't know how long trying to find a good thing to use it for. This is a good way to use it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

noticing that Jasper has a red ruby made Michiko felt like jasper was a gigantic idiot "a ruby? how is that going to help it has absolutely no Medical value how do you suppose this would work?" Michiko turned to Jasper and said that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Your an idiot. It may help bribe who ever Minan is talking to to help Luna. Of coarse it has no medical value. But most likely in this money system of yours it is rather expensive." Jasper says a slight growl in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Actually I'm not the idiot. you are. people have absolutely Zero interest in tiny Jewels if you attempt to bribe someone with that. well they'res a 35% chance you'll succeed. People want money. not some old tiny Ruby unless you were to sell the Jewel. Which is nearly impossible since we're wanted" Michiko said to Jasper in a bit of a mean voice. "I have a bit of money. if anyone we're to bribe him it would be me" Michiko says holding out a a bit of money. about 500$
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Luna's eyes remain closed, but she starts to murmur things in Zenospeak, her eyes watering, even though she knew she wouldn't be understood. She began to breathe heavily, and her body got considerably warmer as she began to make whimpering and crying noises. The pain in her arm was excruciating, and the feeling in her body had began to pile onto her like bricks. Her hands clung to Jasper as she whimpered and made noises of pain and sadness. In her mind, she was holding a door to prevent the poison outside from getting in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasper's attention shifts back to Luna as he sighs softly. " You poor thing. You poor, poor thing. I'm sorry that you have to go through." he mutters softly carefully and gently as to try not to hurt her he strokes her hair a sad look in his eyes. " if only I had the things I need to make it..." He softly begins to hum a lullaby his mother sang to him when he was young to try to calm Luna a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Minan took the ruby, looking over it. By now, his friend had returned with a stack of papers, and the two were talking again. It seemed that they were talking about the gem, as Minan gestured to it. The conversation went on for another good five minutes while the other flipped through documents and papers. Soon enough the communicator was shut off and he was left with a number he had written on a scrap of paper.

"Your arguing over such petty things didn't make convincing them any easier." He seemed a bit agitated. While he took the money, Minan looked at Minchiko, confused. "Why would I sell it? That would take time out of my schedule, my time is money. I will send it to them and they will do what they please with it. This is easily 3000 dollars, even more; they are nearly impossible to get on my planet." It rained diamond dust on Neptune, but that didn't mean other gems were as easy to find. He grinned, "However, you can consider this 500 dollars a bribe for me, and my troubles." He stood up, taking his phone out and dialing the number he was given. It was a 5 second conversation in the same language he was speaking before.

Soon enough a human looking-figure with a bag was in the ship, guided by Minan. "Dr. Gashow." He introduced the man when they walked in the room. Upon seeing the state the Zenohunt was in, the doctor shot an annoyed, but confused look at Minan. "Why the hell is she not in a clinic? I heard what you related to Chiranan, but Christ." The T'vao sighed, "It is a long story. In any case you are being paid." Gashow shook his head but went over to Luna, shooing Jasper off the bed.

As he started to examine her he also listened to her, and though he couldn't speak her language fluently, went on the assumption that she was delusional. It's what it sounded like from what he could understand, at least. Finally he seemed to have enough information and sat down, opening his bag and taking out different serums. "I would say she was poisoned." He stated to himself more than anyone as he started putting needles in the antibodies. "She won't be to a proper condition for awhile, but in the meantime this will help." He laid out the serums in an order, giving her shots down her shots down her uninjured arm. "I'm supposing this wasn't properly taken care of, either?" He asked, gesturing to her covered wound.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It was better then nothing." Jasper says crossing his arms. "If something hadn't been done she would have bleed to death. Your going to going to give her stitches aren't you?" he asks know that most likely that was true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Luna was beginning to feel the tiniest bit calmer as she hears what sounds like a lullaby. The presence in her mind seemed to... Lessen, however it was still there. Suddenly, she hears more voices, and she feels sudden, sharp pains coming from her not-injured arm. She begins to yelp loudly, feeling alarmed, and she kicks out in the direction she smelled the nearest presence. Her eyes open a little, and then they open up wide. The figures she saw in front of her were red silhouettes, completely featureless. Her hands dart to pull her light bow out, her ears beginning to ring a little, now not hearing anything.

"Y-Yasta kabac. Y-Ysta kabac! Nonrobelieves! dabastars!" She hisses at them, her light bow now in her hands, pointed at one of the red figures, whom she didn't know was Minan. She then switches aim to the doctor, and then to Jasper. She begins to growl, cocking a lever on the weapon so that a bolt was firmly placed and ready to fire. In her eyes was no longer pain or sadness from before, however they were now filled with both anger and protectiveness, the latter as she also believed she was in her cabin, even though it looked nothing like her one. Maybe they took my stuff. She thought. "Tege tou fo yam maroo!" She shouted. To reinforce that she was very pissed off, she fired a bolt into the corner of the room, before quickly re-aiming back at Jasper. Features were now starting to form on the silhouettes, however she barely registered who they were. A few seconds later, the silhouettes had formed enough for her to recognize them a bit more. The sudden realization caused her to drop the light bow, and topple sideways back onto the bed, tears in her eyes. Her lips parted, and she whispered in English. "C-Can I die?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasper calmly walks up to Luna and sits down next to her. "Yes you can die. We all have the ability to die. No you may not die in this moment. There is a reason you have to live It's just you don't know what it is right now but there is a reason why we are all alive. We all have done things we regret. Every single one of us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Of all the time for his spear to not be on it, this was a hell of a time. It was leaning against his bed, so close to where he was, but maybe it was best to not move. By the time he had even considered getting it she was pointing at the doctor, who was doubled over from the kick in the stomach he had received. When Minan had seen an opportunity to get his weapon she was seeming to calm down, flopping back down on his bed. He decided to leave it be, and unclenched his fists; not realizing he had closed them in the first place. It was yet another reminder to him that he needed to be more careful around the crew.

Minan, looking at the bow still, nonchalantly answered her. "Not yet. We still need you, after all." He looked back, only half joking. Luna could provide nice company but he wouldn't readily pay $3000 just to keep that. "I apologize for not explaining this beforehand to you, Luna, but I was not sure if you could understand me." He spoke slowly, clearly; not wanting her weapon pointed at him again. "This is doctor Gashow, a friend of mine." To his mention, the doctor gave a nod, standing up straight once more, "Your arm still needs tending to. Luckily someone could manage first aid, but it still needs proper treatment." He explained.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Luna's eyes widen once more at the mention of the doctor, but she decides not to curse or be angry that such a person was trying to help her, as it is a dishonor to be helped by a doctor unless absolutely needed (for example, for something like an amputation). Instead, her tail curls under her legs as a sign of submissiveness, and she whimpers a little. "D-doctor." Luna says, looking at the man. "T-Thank you." She says, her voice now level. "Thank you for making me lose more honor than I already have today." Her sarcasm can easily be picked up in this sentence, and she looks away, sighing, submitting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Minan sighed, shaking his head. If nothing else at least she was complying. He bent down to the doctor, who was now getting materials out for her wound. "Poga pae klipople platai ao ketae ti." He muttered, laughing softly. Gashow began fixing the wound, cleaning it, sewing it shut and covering it with a bandage. "The thread is designed to dissolve in time. Redress it daily and try to keep it dry." He started packing up, "Now, is there anything else?" Within a minute he seemed ready to go.

"Ah, I believe I also discussed something else." Minan grinned, and the doctor paused. "Hm? Oh, yes." Out of his pocket he handed Minan a small stack of papers. "Many thanks. We are going through Chiranan, yes?" The human nodding, Minan seemed content. "We'll do that, then. Goodbye." He saw the man out, then came back into the room. "I really am sorry for subjecting you to that, Luna, but there wasn't another option." In a crew as small as theirs, she was too valuable to let go. "Do you want to be alone? While you are on my bed I don't really mind." He nonchalantly commented as he picked up his spear and hooked it onto his back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Michiko actually felt Like ending Luna right now. "your welcome by the way Luna. your friends just saved your life and they didn't have too" Michiko said to Luna in a very Pissed off tone. wow Honor over life. that sounds like some kind of Honor obsessed Old Teenage drama. Michiko turned to the doctor and said "thank you for your help" Michiko says to the doctor in a very thankful tone.

Michiko pulled out the $500 dollars she had earlier "Its not exactly much for a bribe but. I hope this will pay" Michiko said holding out a wad of cash to doctor Gashow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"So your saying that you would rather be dead and never be able to regain your honor then to live and have to ability to regain your honor?" Jasper says to Luna stands up "I'm not criticizing you I'm just wondering."
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