Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Soren laughed as his hands were pulled away from the keyboard. He stood and went over to his friend. "Sorry friend but I wasn't going to the grid. I was going to set up a trasport to my sky lab so that I could retrieve my stuff. I won't be able to use your stuff with out training and calibrating. So either I am going to be usless in a fight or I figure out a way to get up there undetected?" He didn't want to spend days of calibrating or training with new weapons that he himself hadn't made or fitted for himself. He went and picked up a few weapons and checked some armor. "Sadly the weapons I won't be able to use but....." he pulled on a green and brown cloak...." this is perfect." He turned to his friend and wondered what he would say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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Kazen was busy fitting his own outfit. He'd selected a brown leather ches tpiece, which was worn over a beige tunic. He then pulled the Grey and blue cloak from the shelf and slipped it on. He was fitting his boots and bracers as he heard Soren's question.
"Take what you can, and we'll find a way up to your gear. Though we may have to borrow a local transport in order to get up there. Something inconspicuous." he said as he stood up and approached the weapons racks. He selected a short dagger, a heavy sabre, and three belts of throwing knives; one for his belt, and two for his boots. He was pulling out the somewhat outdated gear and turned a heavy axe over in his hands before slinging it over his shoulder.
"This is gonna feel weird at first, but we can adapt faster than the computers. Plus, we'll be in small numbers." he explained as he sheathed his sword and placed two flintlocks in his rear holsters. The last weapon he pulled from a rack was a hidden blade. He strapped it to his left wrist and tested it a couple of times before looking to his friend, no, to his brother.
"Let's see where this leads." he said with a grin as he approached Soren and held out his right hand for a shake.
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Soren took his hand and was glad he agreed to retrieve his own gear. "Brothers." He pondered on how they would get to an island that float above Raslan. "So if you are right about teleportation, air transportation, and other forms of getting to my lab in the sky how are we supposed to get up there. If I couod get a stable encrypted connection that cycles frequencys every few seconds then we wouod get up there undetected." That was the best that Soren could come up with. Well with out exposing then with air travel. He also had another thought. Vanitas couldn't be doing this on his own. Sure his abilites but locking down the city secretly wasn't his style. He wondered if Maleficent could be helping the boy or he helping her. Either way he wouod have to wait to confirm his suspicions. So he waited to see if his plan was good or if Kazen had a plan of his own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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Kazen shook his head. "Teleportation isn't really much of an option, but we can get a transport. It'll just take some work to do it. Transports aren't normally searched so we could easily slip by unnoticed for a time." he said as he turned to leave the room.
"First, let's get up to the street and see what's in the area." he then slipped out of the room, and back into the tunnel beneath Raslan. Once he'd found the ladder he was looking for he climbed up and opened a hatch near a small warehouse.
"Come on Soren, we gotta move man." he called back over his shoulder as he exited the tunnel and hid against the wall of the warehouse. He looked around the corner and then stepped into the lot, everything was quiet.

--------Dusk Town--------

Captain Jaimz strode out of the cabin of his ship, a large bottle of rum to his lips as he looked out of his one good eye towards the sip that Salem had sailed into the harbor.
"Ready the main sails, lets go see the new Cap'n of these waters and skies." he bellowed after a swallow of rum. He sighed loftily and corked the bottle, placing it back into his pouch that hung next to his sword. He approached the wheel of his ship and directed it toward's Salem's.
"Fly the colors Quartermaster Dregg, we've got business ta discuss."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Soren followed him closely. Close enough to conversate with him. "Kaz there is a slight problem. The island is cloaked and no one can see it I can locate it with the wrist computer so we need to be with someone that isn't either going to remember taking us there or someone we trust to stay up there like Cid." Soren followed close and keep and eye on the people around him. Some of them looked off but he couldn't make out why.

-----Dusk Town-----
Lario had given up looking for Seig so he decided to go one ahead to meet captain Jaimz. He summomed his keyblade mega flare which in turn summomed Bahmut. Lario jumped on his back and the flew off from just outside the castle. He then located captain Jaimz's ship that was now flying the colors sailing out to a ship that was a safe distance from the town. He sped up and jumped from Bahmut to the ship. "Captain Jaimz how goes things? I haven't been down lately and I am sorry for that but Seig should have been relaying the messages. Speaking of have you seen him, I was hoping he would join us to meet this new person." He watched the new vessel while talking to Jaimz.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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Kazen shook his head and stopped at a nearby corner. He peaked around it and looked back to Soren.
"We can get there, trust me. Many of the transport routes fly over the city on a regular basis towards the outer ruins. I believe they are looking for something out there. Though nobody quite knows what." he said as he resumed his walking pace. The two of them were making decent time and he ducked into a nearby shop just as a group of patrolling soldiers stepped out from the next alley.
"Stay close, but we'll do fine. We just need to locate a transport and take it." he said as he casually browsed the shops wares until the guards had left. He then stepped out of the shop, beckoning Soren to follow.
"It's best not to go looking for trouble, we need as little attention as possible."

-----Dusk Town------
Captain Jaimz spyed the dragon Bahamut through his spyglass and grinned. He chuckled to himself as he waited for the boy to land.
"Ye really enjoy the flashy side of things dontcha." he said with a laugh as he clapped Lario on his shoulder and motioned his hand towards the cabin of the ship.
"Young Master Seig is below deck, he seems fit to work on my ship. Got a good strong back the lad does, he'll make a fine quartermaster one of these days. Though some of the crew find it odd that he seems intent on living amongst them. Bein' the former king and all."
"Dregg! Ye Scabless hindquarter of a mule, bring 'er around and hold steady on her port side. The King and I are to go aboard. An fetch that land lubber Seig from the depths of me ship, he'll not fester with the cannons another second a'fore he comes to greet his king." he said with a wink to Lario before strolling to the port side of his ship as it approached Salem's.
"The Calico Finch is a fine vessel, but she's not seen one of this size in quite some time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Soren had followed just as he was told and even managed to spot a few cameras that he pulled kazen out from the view of. "Sorry but I figure they are looking hard for you and some of the others. With them having the grid and depending on who is helping they might be using facial recognition software." He ducted in and out following kaz hoping they would reach the transport soon.

------Dusk Town------
Lario also clapped Captain Jamez on the back. "Well you were a bit out in the bay I didn't want to row all the way out." Lario smiled as he heard about his friend tending to Jamez's ship. "Well I hope he does well at it I myself like the air more than the sea." He took a spyglass out of his pocket and looked upon the vessel that approached. She was a large vessel but it also seemed fast. He then turned his attention over to the icebergs that were floating close to the bay entrace. The flags were not Larios but bandits that probably planned to ruin the days festivities. "Well atleast whoever that is stopped those bandits. They may have not meant to but they helped us. Lets get there quickly." Lario put the spy glass back into his pocket and waited on the ship.

Captain Salem dropped anchor and waited for his meeting to begin. He and the crew had set up lunch on the deck with nothing but the finest they had on board. Mana tea and fire roasted sandwiches. He saw the dragon come from the castle to the other ship approaching and sawbit drop someone on to its deck. Nevertheless he sat down and waited as he began to sip his tea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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Kazen approached a mechanic shop and checked out the transport vehicle. "Fraen owed me a favor." He said as he climbed aboard and began the ignition sequence. "Come on, there isnt much time to waste. We've got to get moving. So do what you do." He said as he took a seat at the navigation console and entered in the coordinates.


Seig strolled out from below deck, he was dressed loosely. Just a tunic and a pair of slacks. He wasnt even wearing boots. He waved lazily unto Lario and leaned against the mast. "Perhaps the visitor means well?" He said as he looked from their group and across the water. The young man was intensely curious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Soren jumped in the pilot’s seat and took off as soon as the vessel was ready. They rocketed from the small hanger and into the drift just above the city. "Well this thing can get up and go I see. Now I will reimburse Fraen when I get the chance but well this vessel won't survive the trip." He then threw it into overdrive and rocketed into the stratosphere. Once in cloud cover he activated the radar and put a reverse magnetic field around them so that normal radar couldn't detect them. "That will keep us safe for the time we need. They flew not even a mile before the sensors went haywire and the vessel's engine shut off. They stayed floating but moving slightly towards something hidden in the clouds. The computer on Soren's wrist began to talk. "You are entering restricted air space. Please state your name and business or you will be shot down." Soren was happy that the first protocol security system was working. "I am Soren of Raslan and I am bringing a guest Kazen of Raslan. Override code Trinity Chameleon Dragon Gummi." The wrist computer then displayed a green access granted and spoke again. "Welcome Sir and guest to lab Omega code name Olympus." Suddenly the clouds around them disappeared and they and the ship were in a hanger aboard the largest lab that Soren could come up with. Well really it was Merric's last thing he did before he "died." HE had set instructions on the chamber that contained the golden liquid that also kept one of his selves Artemis alive. The instructions included plans for this floating fortress/island/lab/ whatever the hell he wanted to be built if the right code was put in. The liquid was the juice of the old god like power that was left over and Soren saw no better use for it. When the code was put in the vat of liquid would drain into the halls and everything that lab was copying everything. It then would explode and evaporate into Raslan's atmosphere collecting in the clouds. It only took twenty minutes to take effect and complete. Now the fruits of the processes labors were complete and ready to be fired up. "Alright let’s get started.”Artemis bring all medical systems online and transport us to that wing." A voice out of thin air complied and in a second they were there. "Well Kazen I will be reading the test results that you are about to go through but first welcome to Olympus. Don't ask questions right now because we are going to fix you up first then we will have a whole Q and A session later." He didn't wait for Kazen to respond before nurse came out and took Kazen by the arm and asked him to lie on the medical table for microscopic x-rays and blood work. "Won't take more than a minute to get this up just do as she asks." Soren left the room and went into one of the offices in this wing and brought up a full system diagnoses to make sure everything was in working order while Kazen was being seen.

------Dusk Town-----

Lario went over to his friend and clapped him on the back. "Well I am and I am not surprised to see you here. I figured you might want to stay in the guard back in the castle but whatever suits you I guess." He smiled and turned to look at the ship again and back to Seig. "Maybe they do." He handed him the small note that had been flown to him that told him that they were to meet this stranger in the bay to discuss terms of some kind. Lario wanted no trouble for his people so he decided to comply, after all the stranger was not asking for the king alone but with his companions. So there seem to be no ill intent. "Captain Jamez! It seems the stranger has weighed anchor and is waiting for us. I think we should forge on and prepare to board, but you’re the captain so your call!" Lario turned back to Seig and said. "It really is good to see ya." He then turned back to the captain to see if he would get a scolding for trying to order him and his crew around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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Kazen looked around and took in the sight of what Soren had shown him.
"Man. If only my grandfather could have seen this..." he said under his breath. The young man had gone through quite the transformation already. He was a bit taller, his beard and hair had grown out more ahaggily and his eyes were a warm shade of green. "So what do you think is going to happen?" He asked as he accompanied the nurse. "Also, where'd you get these nurses man? Have you been holding out on me?" He asked as he sat on the table and waited.


"Let them come, if he is a threat it wont be anything we cant handle." Said Jaimz. He then glared down at the king but managed to hold his tongue. The captain steered his ship towards the newer one. "Now all aboard thats goin aboard!" He called out, before moving along to the edge of his own ship. He would not go aboard, he chose to leave these matters to the others.

"Lets go Lario, we've gotta get this over with." Seig said as he jumped ship, literally, as he swung from The Calico finch over to Salem's vessel. Once there he approached the new captain and gave him a lazy salute. "Whats your business here, hmm?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Soren Laughed. "No I am not holding out on you." He shifted his attention from the screen and went around to the table where Kazen was and brought up a holo scan x-ray on Kazen and screens of his blood work. "Well it looks like this is going to be permanent. Your cells are on both worlds are changing so there is no way to slow it down or make it easier because he it is magical where as on earth it is spiritual." He looked over a few more things then collapsed the screens and beckoned his friend to get off the table. "Sadly I can only help you be training you in the change here. Going to be a bit different than on earth. In the mean time it’s time for a system reboot." He strolled over to a chamber that had risen out of the floor. The nurse opened it up and he stepped in. "See ya on the flip side." The chamber closed and filled with a clear gel. Then a light on the chamber flashed from red to green and it sank into the floor. Suddenly an image flickered to life. It was Soren. He shook of the sensation of being a digital image and turned to Kazen. Now while I get a full body work up let's take a tour shall we and answer any questions you may have." He smiled and waited.


Salem smiled and offered a seat to Seig and the new King Lario as they boarded his ship. "Welcome to The Cursed Jewel gentlemen. I will be your host this evening on this discussion of the business venture that I would like to inquire about." He took a bit of a sandwich and drank some tea. "Now it seems that you might need some help protecting your kingdom and I would like to offer mine and my ship's services. We are a hardy crew of mage pirates that know our way a great many of spell, artifact, and of course treasure. Now what say ye summoner king?" He then drank the last bit of his tea and snapped his fingers for some more.

Lario had climbed aboard at the same time that Seig had and stood next to him when he spoke. Lario mulled over what the mage pirate captain had said standing of course. He knew they needed help but for this stranger to just offer help out of the blue. What was his motive? Who had he talked to already? Someone had to have spilled some information or had he just been watching from the skies. Either way he wasn't sure what to do exactly. From the knights point of view in him he would have taken the offer to see what might have been the person's motives or who might his informant been, but the new king in him thought that it might not be a great idea. He turned to his friend for advice or to see what he would say out of instinct to the captain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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Kazen shook his head as he heard what was said. "Skip the scans, no need in waisting time on something that's ain't gonna stop." He said as he followed the monitors lead. "As for questions, I dont really have any. You've got your secrets, and you always will. Just know that I've got mine as well." He said as he cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms. He seemed to be growing a bit more feral, his hair thickened and his frame increased in over all muscle tone as his transformation began to take hold. He drew his hood back and ran his fingers through his hair. "There'll be a time and place for this type of thing, right now though we've got heads to crack and people to find." He then turned and walked away. He was angry, in his and Soren's absence they'd lost a strong foothold. Vanitas' forces combined with the others involved in the conflict had run their group ragged with constant conflict. Kazen was in no position to call orders, and without the King and his command they'd been scattered. "We've been losing this fight for too long. If we cannot end this we're looking at another Keyblade War, that's just what Xehanort wants." He said as he paced back and forth before lighting a cigarette. "Our fighters are scattered, and our communications have been cutt-off. There's very little we have to work with, and you cant use your magic. So, what are we gonna do?" He asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway.

-----------Dusk Town----------

Captain Jaimz sat behind the group as they conversed, he smoked his pipe and held his tongue. Seig looked up at Lario and then back to the new pirate. "Well, I believe the easiest question would be, 'Why should we trust you?' But I'll let the kig here ask the questions. But for now, we'll entertain your request while we sort out the details of what you've proposed." He said easily enough, though he was trying to hide it his commanding and direct tone was still present in his voice. He then waited for Lario to say his piece.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kazen shook his head as he heard what was said. "Skip the scans, no need in waisting time on something that ain't gonna stop." He said as he followed the monitors lead. "As for questions, I dont really have any. You've got your secrets, and you always will. Just know that I've got mine as well." He said as he cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms. He seemed to be growing a bit more feral, his hair thickened and his frame increased in over all muscle tone as his transformation began to take hold. He drew his hood back and ran his fingers through his hair. "There'll be a time and place for this type of thing, right now though we've got heads to crack and people to find." He then turned and walked away. He was angry, in his and Soren's absence they'd lost a strong foothold. Vanitas' forces combined with the others involved in the conflict had run their group ragged with constant conflict. Kazen was in no position to call orders, and without the King and his command they'd been scattered. "We've been losing this fight for too long. If we cannot end this we're looking at another Keyblade War, that's just what Xehanort wants." He said as he paced back and forth before lighting a cigarette. "Our fighters are scattered, and our communications have been cutt-off. There's very little we have to work with, and you cant use your magic. So, what are we gonna do?" He asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway.

-----------Dusk Town----------

Captain Jaimz sat behind the group as they conversed, he smoked his pipe and held his tongue. Seig looked up at Lario and then back to the new pirate. "Well, I believe the easiest question would be, 'Why should we trust you?' But I'll let the kig here ask the questions. But for now, we'll entertain your request while we sort out the details of what you've proposed." He said easily enough, though he was trying to hide it his commanding and direct tone was still present in his voice. He then waited for Lario to say his piece.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Alright then" Said the hologram of Soren. "I know our forces are scattered but with Olympus we might be able to bring some old connections straight to us and outfit them with the proper equipment. Training sadly will have to be on the fly. Olympus is well the brain of Raslan. He is connected to every computer that we would normally have access to and some we don't. He is also equipped with darkmatter gummi cloaking so that we aren't discovered. Also they can't detect a hack from Olympus due to the backwards re routing that is done. I know I can use my magic right now also so that is why right now I am having limiters in the form of my equipment installed." Soren's hologram walked over to a center console in the room and activated it. "So right now they occupy the mountains as a main base and terrorize the city and outlying towns. Kazen do you know what they have been looking for or even that in the hell they are doing? I mean he can't be just looking for us can he?"

-----Dusk Town-----

Lario turned back to Salem. "That is a good point. Just because you have trapped a few raiders in ice doesn't make you trust worthy. It makes you useful and shows yours and your crews' strength but doesn't put you on the payroll, but I am inclined to at least be gracious to our town's savior on this day of celebration. That being said I will invite you and your first mate to the castle tonight for dinner. Your crew will also be fed at the docks but must remain on the ship for now. Over dinner we will discuss at length your journey and what brings you to this world." Lario stood and looked down at Salem and bowed.

Salem stood and bowed back to the man. "I accept your offer and well my first mate isn't here. He is well the reason I am out on this journey. Anyhow if you would allow me I will steer us to the dock or to your ship if you so desire." Salem offered.

Lario walked over to the side and summoned bahamut. " I can find my own way back sir." He waved the others over to come on and climb aboard. "I shall drop you two off on the ship and then head back to the castle. I must help prepare the meal for our guest." He said as he got behind bahamuts head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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Kazen took a drag from his cigarette as he listened to Soren's reply. "Havent exactly had much chance to investigate his motives. He's been keeping his actions closely guarded. Which to me would suggest someone else behind the scenes. All he is is a puppet, but I could be wrong. He's too much of a gamble. It could be either A or B. Whichever it is though, he's bound to make a move if he isnt able to find us." He said as he though about their overall options and resources. "That is, provided he doesnt know we're back. But let's just try and hope that isnt the case."

------Dusk Town--------

Seig left with Lario and the others aboard Bahamut. "So, what do you think abot this guy? Im not a hundred percent conviced he's an ally, but I dont think he'll cause us any harm unless we cross him in some way." He said as he thought over the days events. "Have you heard anything from Raslan? The others seem to be quite silent lately."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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"I honestly don't think he knows." The hologram began to glitch out and shut off. Finally the process was complete and the cylinder rose from the floor vented its gases and Soren stepped out in his assassin's garb. "Now that is done I think we should finally put together out brotherhood. I think we should call a chosen few up here to Olympus and get operations up and running. The setup will be just like a crew working with us in an animus. We will do missions on the ground will the others have the Eagle's eye view so that they can give us up to date info on movement. We can't be totally blind going into this. Also it seems that I can't call out to the other worlds so sooner or later they will either come or Vanitas will go to them. We have to get something up and running in that sense as well." Soren walked over and looked Kazen over. "So you going into the field all wolfed out?" He laughed lightly stood there waiting for his friend to reply.

-----Dusk Town-----

Taking off for their own ship Lario had a puzzled look on his face. "I am not sure what I think as of right now, but I feel that he might be able to reveal more of himself at dinner." He said as he dropped them on the boat. "Alright get back and help the man dock I will head to the castle. Have fun my friend." He said as he took off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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Kazen turned to his friend and shrugged. "I dunno, it doesnt feel as if Im done changing. I still feel a build up of power but it's being sup-" at the moment he was cut off as his vision faded to black. In a moments time he'd been enveloped in a blanket of darkness. Kazen fell to his knees and let out a cry of shock as his underwent the full change. Dark energy flowed from him as a surge of energy exploded outwards and he stood in the room in Heartless form. His new form was canine in appearance, though he wore a black Organization cloak that was torn to shreds and two solid yellow eyes peered out from beneath the hood. The sleeves ended his clawwed hands that glowwed with a white aura. Black fur covered his limbs beneath the cloak of his former self. Without a word spoken he was off, the beast tore its way through a hatch in the cailing and melted through the shadows.

------Dusk Town------

Seig joined Lario on his way up the docks after the ship had anchored. "So, hows the title of 'King' treating ya?" He asked as they made their way to the castle.

----------Land of Dragons---------

A large flash of light splits the air in a small clearing outside of a small village not far from the mountain range. King Mickey stumbled through and collapsed in a heap. He stood up slowly and dusted himself off. He'd been on the run since Vanitas had attacked Disney Castle, unable to reach any of his friends and allies. "Boy, I hope the others are alright. I gotta meet with Master Yen-Sid and find Rike and Sora fast!" He said before dashing of into the trees, keyblade in hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Alarms rang out and all over Olympus. "Well fuck." Soren said as he stared at the spot where his friend creature beasted himself out and into Olympus somewhere. "Olympus activate Athena protocol. Find the creature. You have a DNA sample from a bio scan earlier. In the mean time as soon as you locate the beast you are to teleport me to location. If it makes it to the ground we are screwed...If that does happen activate Zeus, and Poseidon protocols, if those fail activate Kronos around this world.

----Dusk Town----

Lario smiled but didn't know what to say. "Well it has been interesting to say none the least but I have to say I don't know how you did it for as long as you did. Oh by the way have any of your abilities come back? We may need you to mimic this Captain Salem to stop him if needed. I think the term is fight fire with fire as it be?" Lario clapped his companion on the back and headed up to the castle with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kazen
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Kazen Key of Convergence

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The Anti-Form Kazen moved quickly through the facility searching for a way out. After a few moments of moving through the shadows it opened a corridor of darkness and slipped through to the streets below. The beast rematerialized on a rooftop and was immediatly targeted by the city's defenses, Vanitas' guard s moved to his location and began their attack. The beast let out a primal roar and began ripping through the soldiers. The soldiers moved quickly to the rooftop and made their way towards the large beast.

Kazen clawwed at the soldiers as they fought, he was aware of what was happening by the influx of dark energy was too great for him to control. After he'd cleared the rooftop he heard a voice from behind.

"Somebody isnt having a very good day." Vanitas said with a sly laugh."And just where have you been hiding? A heartless as powerful as you will make a great asset." He said as he held his hand out towards the beast and attempted to manipulate it. Though the only thing he managed to do was cause the Darkness in Kazen to shift slightly before it returned to it's original state.

The beast charged towards Vanitas and after crossing half of the rooftop and jumping over the fallen soldiers it stopped in its tracks and stared Vanitas down. A second or two later the darkness around him dissipated and the Keybearer returned to his former self. He stumbled forward a few steps and upon noticing his enemy was only a few feet away he sighed and summoned his keyblade. "Fuck." He muttered as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

-----Dusk Town-----

Seig shrugged and sighed lightly. "Trust me, it wasnt easy. You've just got to take it one day at a time. As for my powers, they're back but Im no where near full strength." He replied as he looked up to Lario and shrugged again. "We')l handle anything he can throw at us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Soren's heart stopped the moment he saw the beast appear on the ground. "Olympus stop everything!" He said loudly. He watched as the scene unfolded. Slamming the console with his fist Soren looked back up as his friend changed back into his human form. "I will be running more test of you later but for now it looks like your ass needs saving. Olympus equip me for air dive to the location." He said as he walked a few feet and then the floor opened up. Down he fell like he was a kid at a water park and soon he was out of the floating island base and into the sky. Shifting to one side to make sure that dumbass Vanitas couldn't plot his trajectory, Soren pulled a rip cord from his side and a parachute exploded right as he exited the clouds. No cover. Meaning if they decided to shoot back he was going to be a sitting duck. Equipped with his crossbow, shot guard, and phantom blade he was armed to the teeth in ranged weaponry. For now though he knew he had to get Kaz out of there. Aiming carefully he grabbed a smoke bomb from his cloak and threw it a few feet from each of them. Once it hit the ground it exploded and think white and gray smoke covered the area. Using his own intellect he aimed a much more lethal bomb towards they back of where Van would have been standing. The explosion was laud and direct. Van didn't know what to do except duck and cover. Soren landed quickly behind Kaz. "Come on we don't have alot of time!" He wanted to get out of there because he knew he couldn't take on Van and Kaz was in no shape for any type of fight
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