Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 29 days ago


Fritz had watched the vile trader be consumed by roots, the somewhat grotesque spectacle almost fascinating him as the roots behaved with a will of their own. He was about to ask how such a thing could happen when he remembered his first encounter with the imp, and how a root had grabbed his ankle and held him in place. Shivering at the thought that such a fate could have been his he looked around for Aergar before he spotted him stood beside the trader’s wagon, with an innocent grin covering his face and a glint in his deep amber eyes.

When the imp next emerged from the wagon Fritz continued to watch him, his mind still turning over what his opinion of him should be - beyond suspicion that was. He had found some kind of staff amongst the trader’s goods and was now wielding it, his attention fixated immediately on the children that Ada had saved before he approached them.

"Fritz," the imp scolded as he reached to untie one of the knots, "You've got that shiny new knife, don't you know how to--"

Suddenly Aergar fell silent and a look Fritz had never seen spread across his face before a strange transformation began. The girls each began to morph into animals whilst Aergar became noticeably weaker, leaning on the new staff desperately as in the blink of an eye the girls finished their transformations before bounding into the forest, one of them pausing a few moments to bow her head gracefully towards Ada in some kind of thanks.

There was silence for a moment as the group stared at Aergar somewhat dumbfoundedly before he collapsed forwards, obviously exhausted from what had just happened. Frit glanced at Ada to see what he should do, but she was watching the imp with a curious gaze – who was now regaining his composure slowly as the plant life around him wilted and died before he shakily stood again, picking the staff up and examining it closely. Fritz guessed by what had happened and how he was handling this staff that it was the cause of what had just happened. The imp did not look his usual self, and even seemed to grow sadder as he examined the staff before he suddenly cast it away, the wood changing and cracking slightly as soon as he released it.

"That wasn't me," Aergar said, shaking his head. He waved his hand at the staff. "Keep that, I don't want it." Even as he spoke his gaze lingered on the staff and he looked like he was longing to pick it up again. Suddenly the imp turned and bounded into the forest as he disappeared, it seemed that whatever it was it had definitely unnerved him. Picking up the rope that had only a few moments ago bound the girls and examining it he asked “What was that all about?” Kirin seemed to share his confusion and the pair talked about what it could have been. She was still very shaken up about what had happened with the trader, and Ada as well was acting strange with Kirin, apologising several times. "Fritz," she whimpered, her lip trembling, "I'm scared. I want to go home."

He squeezed her hand and smiled at her “It’s okay Kirin, you’re safe.” His gaze moved up to Ada who was quickly beginning to loot the trader’s wagon with Fimion. “Ada just needed your help” he explained slowly, searching carefully for the right words “she wouldn’t let anything happen to us, she just could explain that she needed your help at the time.” He let his words linger in the air for a few moments before he turned his gaze back to her, looking into her eyes as he added with a smirk “besides, I promise that I will make sure you’re safe. I was just about to heroically leap forwards and slay that beast of a man before Ada beat me to it.”
He grinned at his own joke, hoping it would make Kirin feel better. But as he continued to look into her eyes his grin faded as he realised that he had meant what he said. Blushing slightly Fritz looked away from her face before he stood and turned his attention towards helping the others, shooting Kirin another quick smile before he did.

Time passed quickly as they travelled, Fimion regaling them with numerous strange tales and stories. Fritz listened intently to them all, and in return told them a few of the myths, legends and stories from his own world. Before long they had reached Haneul and Fritz gazed at each and every thing, taking in the sights and asking numerous questions about almost everything.

The tavern was no different, the boys curiosity knowing little constraint s he bombarded Fimion and Ada with question after question. This continued almost entirely until Fritz slipped into a slumber, exhausted from almost everything he had seen and been through – happy to be next to Kirin as they both slept. He dreamt of everything he had seen and heard, a kind respite from the usual dreams of his parents and his home. When he awoke he was alone in the room, initially panicking as he wondered where Kirin and the others were. Moments later the door to the room opened and Fimion came in with a tray laden with numerous foodstuffs and a large bottle of something.

“Ah you’re awake” he said with the familiar grin on his face “I thought we should eat and drink before we begin our day. We have a lot to do today.”

“Where are Kirin and Ada?” he asked, slightly confused.

Fimion’s smile faltered for a moment before he told Fritz that Ada had gone to take her back to her family, before he added “But don’t worry. I’ve come to learn that fate has a way of bringing those we care for back to us” a knowing smile on his face.

Fritz’s expression turned to one of slight disappointment “Oh, I just thought that... I mean I’d hoped that we could have spent more time together.”

Sitting beside him on the bed and setting the tray down Fimion sighed before he said “I know you wanted that. But sometimes we must focus on not what we want, but what we have. Besides, you’ll find that if you concentrate on yourself for the time being then before you know it things will work out. Besides, you need to focus on your first lesson with me, if you ever hope to be able to use magic.”

Fritz glanced up, his eyes once more sparkling with curiosity. Fimion was right, he guessed. Kirin needed to be home and back with her family after what she had been through, and he needed to focus if he hoped the same for himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raxacoricofallapatorius
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Raxacoricofallapatorius god of shenanigans

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The solitude of the forest welcomed Aergar. He came to rest in the comforting arms of an ancient oak. The leafy boughs embraced him like a long lost lover, and in them he found comfort. Already the feelings of dread were fading. He was tired, so tired that the thought of sleep teased his mind. He did doze a bit, but while his body rested his spirit lifted from him and bounded through the canopy in the form of a ram. Though not like any ordinary ram, because the form was altogether insubstantial and quite ghostlike, surrounded by a blue-green aura. Its mouth was wide and filled with sharp-looking teeth, though teeth that could not bite living flesh. It ran wild and unfettered, pranced through streams and thickets alike, all through the night until the moon was high enough for the wolves to sing to it. It was then it returned to the body that was its home, and Aergar awoke refreshed. He felt quite himself once again, and he realized it had been quite some time since he had corresponded with Phrenesis.

Remembering the little black book, he withdrew it from his jacket pocket and let it fall open on his lap. He found an elaborate-- if chaotic-- sketch, featuring Ada herself about to be devoured by a very angry characature of a pie, but oblivious to her peril. Beside this and rather out of place was a carefully scrawled question mark. Ah so it was a progress report that old ghost wanted. He thought for a moment. Truly he had not learned much, but the fact that Ada tolerated his presence was something of a start. He thought a bit more, then pricked his palm with one of his long pointed fingernails, turning to a blank page he drew sultry scarlet lines that formed a rather suggestive picture of himself and Ada, as if he were romancing her, but behind them he sketched a clock and gears. As the blood dried on the page the bright red faded to brown, and he closed the book. By this time the sun was rising, and he figured he ought to go and find his party.

After locating the road, he teleported himself up it some distance until he was standing outside of Hanuel. The sun had risen fully by now, the town was waking up. There were several inns but Aergar saved time be peering into the stables at the horses to see if Willow was there. As he made his way along, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a shop window and, being the narcissist that he was, paused a moment to take a longer look. He was a little surprised at what he saw. The first thing to notice was that his golden horns had grown, at least an inch, curving back over his head. His face too was changed, features slightly sharper, taking away from his formerly youthful appearance. Turning around and looking over his shoulder, he noticed that the hem of his coat didn't quite reach his heels as it once had, but now rested just above his ankles. He wasn't sure if he should be disturbed or impressed. He hadn't thought to change his appearance, though in a way he liked looking a little different, having looked the same for so many years. In many ways he thought he might be a great deal more handsome, so he decided to leave it as it was. After admiring himself for another moment or so, and making a couple of faces, the shop owner came out and shooed him away.

He found the inn and ordered a simple meal in the taproom while he waited for his newfound companions to wake up. When they did meet up with him they were one less in number, and he made a smart remark about Ada changing her mind and selling the girl into slavery after all. "And for a good price I'll reckon, seeing how plump your purse is." Soon they were back on the road going north, to Eira he learned. He wondered what could be so interesting up there. Fritz was situated in the back studying some old scrolls or some such, and Aergar managed to squeeze himself between Ada and Fimion. He asked to be allowed to drive several times until Ada tried to smack him, he then retreated to his perch on the very top of the canopy's frame and pretended (unconvincingly) to sulk. The road ahead was long and he was already bored, and annoyed at how slow mundane traveling was. He could hardly stand walking much less sitting in a wagon doing absolutely nothing.

"What an interesting collection you have here," a sinister voice hissed from the doorway. Laakari turned, shocked to find his pale kinsman filling it with his willowy frame. "You would not be angry if I borrowed a trinket or two, now would you?"

"Bromelian, I think--" Laakari was cut off my a muffled scream. The pale elf jerked poor little Novell into view, his long white fingers held her by the head, palm covering her mouth and nose so that she could barely breathe. "Let her go!" Laakari exclaimed instantly, taking a defensive position. Bromelian's thin lips curled back in an unfriendly smile. His grip tightened on the small fae girl as tears spilled out of her eyes. "Please," Laakari pleaded, "She's innocent."

"All suffer in war. Suffering makes no distinction from the good and the wicked. I will let her go, but you must give me something first. I desire the ianua stones."

"You cannot--"

"You are in no position to bargain, dimidium-sanguinis. Do you think I value this insignificant fae? These are revolting to me, I would not hesitate to kill even this child of theirs. They are vermin. Give me the stones."

Laakari scowled. Wordlessly, he turned to one of the shelves on the back of the wall, pulling forth a small chest. With yet another small key, he unlocked it and lifted the lid. Inside, lying on a bed of velvet, was a gold chain. On each end was a polished, uncut gem. One was obsidian, the other opal, each uncut and polished to be perfect spheres. He lifted it, careful not to let the two ends touch, and placed the the item into Bromelian's outstretched hand. The elf's eyes fixated on the odd trinket while the hollow eyes of the wolfskin draped over his shoulder glared at Laakari mockingly. His eyes flicked back up to his cousin coldly. He released his hold on Novell and shoved her toward Laakari, who opened his arms to catch her so she would not fall.

"Farewell, Laakari." Bromelian clicked the stones together and vanished in a flash of light. Novell sobbed and Laakari scooped her up in his arms, wondering what the ramifications of his sentimental weakness would come to.

He arrived on the outskirts of Tariq ahead of schedule, the sight of him earning a number of curious looks from the locals. However, no angry mobs came to drive him out so he ignored them. Spotting a familiar woman gazing up at the airships he approached her with reverence. The black cat at her heel eyed him suspiciously. "The ianua stones, as you requested," he presented the gift to her, "They shall take you wherever your heart desires within Emansaria. Simply touch them together with the place in your mind, although they can only take you to locations you have seen yourself already. I imagine that won't be a problem for you. Although, use it sparingly, it takes nearly a full day to recharge. I am sorry I had to use it, this way was the most efficient." He bowed his head. "I expect my reward immediately, and it ought to be generously given seeing as how I took such a beating in order to acquire this pretty bauble."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aegar unexpectedly returned by the time Ada returned to the party. Willow was eagar to return home and after feeding and grooming him Ada followed up on Fritz's progresses with magic. For the moment, he was getting the hang of alchemy, and had succeeded in making a bean grow into a plant. She paid the inn keeper 5 crowns the next morning. 4 for the room, and a very generous tip of a single crown. The horse's hooves clattered as they left the courtyard and leaped onto the gravel, holding their heads high and ears pricked with interest. They travelled for a couple of hours, and Ada imagined murdering Aegar five different times. Each one more gruesome and gory than the last. The sights amused her and she struggled to keep from smiling.

Eventually Ada saw what she needed to: a thin trail of smoke rising out the forest tree tops.
She pulled the wagon over and spurred the horses into the forest. With the help of Aegar the trees seemed to lean out the way for the wagon to push through into the deeper parts of the forest. She hoped out the drivers seat and landed like a cat, with bent knees and ankles. "Aegar! This is your forest, so what is that smoke over there?" When he could not respond she raised her eyebrows and muttered something about a know-it-all. Fritz thought he heard her say "not such a know-it-all now are you?"

Ada shooed them all out the wagon and gave each a water skin and a small bag of food. She was reluctant to give anything to Aegar-under the impression he would bound off and find his own- but when he gave her big puppy eyes she handed them over. Then Ada locked up the wagon. First with a large brass key she kept on a chain, along with four other keys, and several rings. One being from Kirin's father. Then secondly with magic. Fritz and Fimion watched amazed as she moved around the wagon - from which the horse's were unhitched and let free to do as they please - chanting spells. First a golden shower rained down on the wagon and it became still and even sagged a little. Then it lost it's paint became dull and began to peel, the wheels sank into the Earth and as a finishing touch, Ada added a hole in the roof. She explained to Fritz that Duplo- who was still inside as a soft toy could get out, but no one could get in. If anyone were to look in the hole in the roof the wagon would appear empty and abandoned. With no floor and no contents. It broke Ada's heart to see the wagon like this, but the thought that only she could undo the spells comforted her.

As she turned and walked away, the party following, she thought she could feel the wagon glaring at her from behind her back. "Aegar, what's the quickest way to get to the trail of smoke?" Eager to show off his knowledge of the forest he trudged on before all of them and still having received no explanation, Fritz and Fimion followed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finding the source of the smoke was harder than Ada anticipated. The walk was quick - only three hours. But the terrain was tough. Ditches and roots slowed down their feets and bushes snagged their clothes. Rotting leaves on the forest floor softened the walk but the constant weaving tired out Ada quickly. Aegar took this all in his stride, strutting through the forest proudly. Pointing out all the plants and their names, and talking to the birds and the trees like old friends. Fritz was eagar as ever, bounding ahead to keep up with Aegar and bombarding Ada with questions which she glady answered.

Thanks to Fritz's chatter Ada learnt the man's name again: Fimion. And throughout the walk he was happy to walk calmly next to her. As they stopped outside the cave - out of which smoke softly bellowed- Ada sat down with a heavy huff and began to massage her swollen and sore ankles. "I'm getting old Fimion. This body has had it too comfortable. I have become an old fat librarian, I'm no longer the woman I used to be" she talked to him out of ear-shot of Aegar. The imp was behaving strangely. Surely the incident with the slave trader did not disturb him that much?

While assessing her swollen ankles Adaa came to the conclusion that Fritz should learn how to make a poultice. He mentioned something from his home-world, a poultice that would stop a wound from festering and getting sick. The work of medicinal magic Ada suspected.

After their brief break, they entered the cavern. Dark-plants adorned the cave walls, she sighed contently as her favourite flower caame into view: a bright blue flower embedded in a bed of delicate red petals. Ada loved the plant for it's rarity, and beauty. The flower inside a flower intrigued her as they were each seperate plants. The red petals were round and crumpled and your touch, while the blue petals were more detailed with faint scales that reflected the light when rotated.

Pushing on, deeper into the cavern, the party quickly found the source of the smoke. In the center of the cave stood four silver sphere's. As high as Aegar's waist as perfectly round. Their shiny, smooth surfaces reflected the interior of the cavern. As big as a hall, the paty was rather small in the reflection off these baubles.
(To be finished tomorrow)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 29 days ago


The day that he spent with Fimion had been fascinating, if not somewhat marred by the fact that Kirin was gone. The young man had taken him to a river that was about an hour’s ride away from where they were staying, the pair talking the entire time as they rode on Ada’s a wagon with Willow and Meryl trotting casually ahead. Fritz explained in great detail how he had come to be in Emanseria and the events that had lead up to him joining Ada, including his experience with Aergar and the raven. In return he had bombarded Fimion with countless questions as he usually did, asking about magic, alchemy, elves, fae and countless other topics.

Once they had reached the lake Fimion had proceeded to go through the alchemy scrolls with him, though he only knew very few words his understanding of magic and alchemy were sufficient to answer any questions the boy had. Fimion explained that he was unable to use magic, but he understood the concept behind it – and so tried to get Fritz to unsuccessfully manipulate a pebble for a while before he switched to trying alchemy.

“There are many different ways to cast a spell” he explained “there are numerous words which can be used from what I understand to achieve the same goal. The way I would levitate a pebble is like this: ‘volare, gutta sibilus’ as he spoke the small stone in his hand flew into the air somewhat chaotically before he whistled and it dropped back into his hand. “Lady Lovelace uses different words. Hers are probably better, considering I’ve had basically no training. But I’m sure she’ll make sure that you learn everything eventually, but for now you can practise with these words.”

Fritz had tried countless times, but to no avail. Fimion chuckled before reassuring him that with practise it would happen. He just needed to learn to think the right way and tap into the energy that lived within the world.

By the time they had returned to the inn Fritz had given up on the spell for the moment, but was buried in Ada’s scrolls reading everything he could. He was making notes in a notebook that he had pulled from his bag, using his knife to quickly sharpen the only pencil he had brought with him.

Aergar had returned to the group, something that Fritz didn’t mind. He was curious to know what had happened with the imp since he had been gone. He looked somehow different, but Fritz couldn’t put his finger on it.

Fritz had tried several different spells that he had found in the scrolls, Ada correcting his pronunciation each time he spoke another incantation. As he read aloud “Quinque dies crescere” he jumped as suddenly he felt the strangest sensation he had ever felt. It was like every part of him was tingling and coming alive, but at the same time he could feel something leaving him, draining slowly away. A small bean that Ada had given him (along with the pebble, some string and a mug filled with water) suddenly sprouted and grew into a young sapling, roots shooting out as they grew longer. Fritz cried out in surprise before he grinned massively, realising what had just happened. He had finally managed to use magic, something he had never dreamt of actually being able to do. At that moment he realised that this was actually happening, and his mind soared at the countless thoughts and ideas about what he could potentially do one day.
Fritz continued to pore through Ada’s scrolls as the wagon bounced along, he occasionally glanced through the small window at the surroundings, regretting somewhat that he couldn’t pay full attention the land they were going through. As the wagon eventually stopped and Ada busied herself with casting numerous spells to disguise it as an old wreck Fritz watched and listened carefully, taking note of how easily she did it all. It still took him a huge amount of concentration to do even the simplest of things. As they began their trek into the forest Fritz wondered what they were doing, making sure his dagger was in his had he carefully examined the forest around him as they followed Aergar through the numerous trees and foliage.

As Ada and Fimion reached the cave that she was taking them to she stopped and took a seat, huffing as she said “I'm getting old Fimion. This body has had it too comfortable. I have become an old fat librarian, I'm no longer the woman I used to be” . He grinned and shook his head before he retorted “Well you don’t look it” he said in earnest “besides, age is just a number I’ve come to find.” He let his gaze linger for a few moments as he smiled at her, before he turned as the others approached them.

Moving into the cave Fritz gazed around, withholding the numerous questions that were building in his mind. As he walked he watched Aergar before he suddenly asked “So Aergar, how are you? You seemed a little...” pausing for a moment as he searched for the right word “...unsettled before. What even happened with that staff thing?” his curiosity about the whole thing had been gnawing at him since it had happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raxacoricofallapatorius
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Raxacoricofallapatorius god of shenanigans

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Hm?" Aergar had apparently been distracted by something, but whether it was this strange cave or some stray thought it was hard to tell. He had been very quiet since they'd left the wagon, unusually so. But it wasn't just him, the forest was also quiet, as if waiting. Like the calm before a storm, though the skies outside were clear and blue. Quiet, like when the trees sleep in wintertime beneath a blanket of snow. So quiet. So still. It was not apparent to the imp whether it was he who was influencing the wood or if it was the wood influencing him, he'd been a part of these wilder lands for so long that he could hardly tell the difference.

And now Fritz was asking him questions, asking him how he was of all things. It surprised Aergar, no one ever asked him things like that or was in the least concerned for his well being. But this silly little human wanted to know how he was. He hardly knew how to answer.

He knelt and placed his hand on one of the strangely perfect spheres. The surface was smooth and glassy beneath his hand, and warm. The air around them was also very warm. In the distorted reflection he could see his own face and Fritz's. "This world, unlike yours I think, is very old," he began, glancing back at the boy. "Time goes back so far that no record can be found of it, and none are alive who can remember more than myths told them by their grandparents. And yet, some things from ancient times are still found now and again, turning up in the most unexpected places and often unrecognized for what they truly are. Many are magical, but not in the sense of the kind of magic I or Ada can use, or that you're learning. It's an old, strange magic. It's wild and dangerous and difficult to understand, probably left behind from the gods before they vanished, a choice few relics left for us to ponder over.

"I can't say that staff in the trader's wagon is one of them, but I have never encountered anything like it before. It… frightened me." He fell silent again, pondering the sphere and why Ada had wanted to come here. He had a strange feeling like he'd been here before, but could not quite remember. He stood and turned his eyes toward the gypsy woman, surely she had sensed the same things he had about the staff. Or not. One never knew how ancient magic worked. His mind returned to the children, who were now frolicking in the forest somewhere, all memories of their previous torment forgotten. He had not meant to change them, but it had happened through him nonetheless. Perhaps it was for the better, as it was likely most of the girls had been orphans or else their families were no good for them, they had nowhere to go, but now they'd been given new lives and a second chance to be happy. He somehow knew they would be safe, that no trouble would come on them anymore. It was his forest, and he knew.

But he had to stop thinking about that now, how foolish to be distracted. Since when had he cared about the fates of the odd travelers to cross his path? Since a very long time indeed. Shaking his head to clear it, the imp seemed to snap back to being his old self. He leaned casually on the sphere and gave Ada a quizzical look. "You know I think I remembered why I don't know where we are, it's because I don't make a habit of trespassing into other's homes, and I would bet my last meal on that being what you've just had us do. And you didn't even think to knock."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ada walked forward and assessed the cavern. In the center of the hall stood a long 30 seater table, neatly covered with dishes. Enough to feed a group of 15 people, unless the group of 30 were on diet. She was drawn to the table, it was beckoning to like an old friend.
"You know I think I remembered why I don't know where we are, it's because I don't make a habit of trespassing into other's homes, and I would bet my last meal on that being what you've just had us do. And you didn't even think to knock." Aegar called her back into reality. "I didn't ask you to follow me, so don't judge my decisions" Ada snapped at the imp., annoyed and tired from the long walk. She looked back to the table, more dishes had appeared. Carcasses dripping with gravy, steaming pies, shiny salads. She felt her mouth begin to water. Behind the table sat a homely fireplace crackling merrily. Infront of it sat a large plushy armchair covered in green velvet. Her mental defenses tingled as a blue light suddenly shone from the silver balls, washing the others from her vision and filling her with a sense of calm.
"Come, my dear." A quiet voice called from the armchair. Eager to please like a young child she ran to the armchair giggling. Her short black curls bounced around her head. Around her ankles swung a green skirt embroidered on the hem with a blue forest of tree's, deer and birds. In her hand she clutched a white handkerchief with a red rabbit stitched in various thread colours.

"Ada where have you been, your hair is out it's keep and your coat is muddy?" A woman with dark brown hair that hung limp and sparse around her shoulders wheezed to Ada. Her feet were elevated on a poof and thick blankets were draped around her.
"I'm sorry mother, I was exploring the garden. I made you this, it's of a rabbit I saw. Do you like it?" The woman brushed Ada's hand away, dismissing the present.
"I do not want your useless cloths. Is that where you were when I died, exploring the garden?"

The life fell away from Ada's mother, her skin became darker and rotted away, her eyes turned milky then sank into her skull until maggots poured fourth out of them. Ada jumped and moved backwards. Her mother, reached out a hand, and a chunk of flesh fell to the floor where it turned to dusk and a pile of beetles that scuttled away from the light of the fire. That gave Ada an idea, she darted to the fire and ripped out a long burning log and held it out to her mother.
"Now now Ada, don't threaten your mother." Her mother placed her hand on the arm of the chair and shifted her other hand out from the blankets and used the arm of the chair to push herself out the chair. Blankets fell off her into a pile on the ground, that turned into several grey snakes and slithered under the chair. Her legs were mere bones, stripped clean of all flesh. "Stay away from me, ghoul!" Ada threatened, holding the log with both hands. Her hands violently shook unsettling orange sparks that fell to the ground.

"Ada, I am not coming towards you, you are coming towards me." The corpse held out it's rotten hand to her "I would not harm my own child, why do you want to harm me. Put away the log." Obediently she dropped the log back into the fire, where the flames licked it's side like a hungry dog. "Mother.." she coughed out a clogged throat. "Come my child" She turned and hobbled slowly around the fireplace, towards the wall of the cave. Ada followed, her feet leading her on while her mind sobbed inside itself.

Her mother stood on the edge of the raised platform looking out on the empty expanse of the cave. Her rotten grey eyes stared dead ahead at a large rock on the ground, “look.” Ada stood patiently next to her mother, nervously fiddling with the hem of her skirt. The rock infront of her rippled and started to rise. It then took on the form of a person, and as if rising from a slumber the figure stood, the illusion of being a part of the earth fell off it like blanket and collected in a small pile at it's feet. The figure stretched and faced her.

It was not solid. The person wavered like smoke before a beam of sunlight: constantly repelling and swirling but maintaining the same contour lines. Ada made out the face which was hidden behind a thick matted beard. If the person had colour it would have had fiery red hair, rosy cheeks and eyes so blue they camouflaged into the sky on a sunny day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 29 days ago


"I expect my reward immediately, and it ought to be generously given seeing as how I took such a beating in order to acquire this pretty bauble."

Phrenesis stood gazing at the ianua stones, turning them in her hands and grinning at the familiar feel of the uncut polished stones. It had been far too long since they had last been in his possession, lost in one of his ‘rare’ defeats what must have been hundreds of years ago now, if not more. Satisfied Phrenesis looked up and gazed out across the cliffs of Tariq, the surrounding countryside extending for miles from their lofty vantage point, considering briefly the ease of which she would be able to travel at the simple touch of the stones and what it meant.

The young girl flicked her gaze to Bromelian and nodded slowly. She supposed he had done what was instructed, betrayed his old cousin and brought her something of almost immeasurable value. It had been easy considering the elf’s hatred of fae, to use the current events to manipulate him into her service.

“Yes I suppose I do owe you quite a bit” she replied softly as she removed the small satchel from her back and reached into it. Brushing aside numerous items she found what she was searching for and pulled out a solid gold bracelet. The metalwork was intricate, the band made from intertwined lengths of metal shaped into various swirling patterns that combined to form a serpents head along the band.

“Here you are” she announced grinning brightly as she passed it over to the eager hands of Bromelian who gazed at it. “Wear this and you shall have all the power I promised” she explained “It is of no use to me”.

The elf quickly slipped his thin wrist into the bracelet, his eyes practically popping from the anticipation. A few moments of silence passed before the elf gazed once more at Phrenesis, a questioning look beginning to spread across his face before he started to ask “What is suppo...” before suddenly his breath was cut short and a very alarmed expression shot across his face. Gasping and spluttering for air he began to frantically pull at the band, his efforts futile as he began to be crushed by some invisible colossal serpent. As the elf fell to his knees Phrenesis took a step forwards and keeping eye contact with Bromelian she removed the band, however the invisible assault did not cease and his eyes seemed only to beg before they began to bulge and roll into his head. Giggling slightly Phrenesis pulled him into an embrace, gently caressing the side of his face before she pushed aggressively, sending the elf plummeting backwards over the cliff edge.

Phrenesis stepped forwards again and with interest watched as the body tumbled downwards before smashing into the side of the cliff, bouncing and flailing broken through the air before at the last moment it plunged into the swirling depths of the Nimue river.

Sighing fondly Phrenesis turned and slipped the bracelet back into her bag before picking it up and with the familiar spring in her step she made her way towards where she would be able to catch her airship to Eira where she would wait for Sparrot. She had also decided that she wanted to meet this Laakari Monstrator, after all he was apparently a renowned master alchemist and inventor – with knowledge in many topics. Besides if he had somehow ended up with the ianua stones who knew what other baubles he may have acquired during his lifetime.


Sparrot flew high through the air, gliding on the warm eddies that swirled all around him as he headed towards where he felt his love. The ground was little more than a speck as the bird continued to climb, eager to pass on the divine message he had been given. After what felt like a lifetime of excitement to the bird he was finally close, wondering how his love could be so high in the sky before he finally spotted a dot of colour splashed against the endless swirling fields of white clouds. Closing the distance Sparrot soon recognised it as one of those bizarre airships that those land-stuck creatures used to fly, after all Sparrot could hardly blame them – he could think of nothing worse than being stuck plodding slowly on those silly little leg things they had.

Soon Sparrot spotted his love, still within that mundane girl he had taken some time ago. As he soared down his little mind briefly pondered all of the ‘hosts’ his love had used throughout the ages, some lasting only minutes, others for sometimes years at a time. His love ensured that when he was done they never lived, aside from the very rarest of exceptions – though they were truly far and in between. Suddenly Sparrot wondered what was becoming of that mundane girl, forced to watch all of his love’s glorious actions. Jealousy briefly filled the bird as he remembered the warm and immense feeling of happiness when his love was with him, controlling his very actions and being one with him in every way.

Cawing to announce his presence Sparrot landed on the bow of the airship, his love stood at the very tip and gazing out into the swirling skys. As she saw him a happy smile covered Phrenesis’s face and she reached out and stroked Sparrot, the pair enjoying a brief moment together after the considerable break apart they’d had.

“What news my little one?” asked Phrenesis softly as she continued to caress him.

“ Much news” squawked Sparrot “so much news, so much dues.” He hopped around excitedly, barley finding the words to express what he was trying to.

“The city of old, high up the stone that reaches the sky. It was there it was!” he cawed “You must be told! A message for you my love!”

Phrenesis suddenly became very interested in what his companion was squawking about. “Be calm” she said as he frantically hopped to and fro.

Suddenly Sparrot stopped and froze for a moment before in a voice and tone that was most unlike his own the bird said “Phrenesis, he who was once whole and shall never be. He who will turn the world back to once what it was, to unify the planes and return the order to pure chaos once more. A human walks the world of Emanseria, he is the key. Bring him to the temple of the ten and he can take that which you have always desired.”

Suddenly Phrenesis remembered oh so much, his mind swirling at the countless memories that assailed him. Moments later it was all gone again, beyond his recollection with only one lingering memory. The gemstone of Ulrick, it would need to be his. It had all been so close, the memories had been right there, the reason it was so important was at the forefront of his thoughts. But of course it was gone now, but at least the gemstone of Ulrick was in his head.

“Oh you wonderful little bird” she cooed, the familiar glint returning to Sparrot’s eyes as he returned to his normal self. Suddenly Phrenesis was filled with an almost guilty feeling, her hand withdrawing from Sparrot.

Taking a step back Phrenesis hesitated for a moment before saying “We have a new companion”. Sparrot cocked his head, a musical squawk escaping him like an eroteme hanging in the air. As if on cue the black cat came stalking into view, almost as if it had been sat waiting for its moment. Sparrot glared as the feline made its way towards his love and meandered and rubbed itself against his love’s leg.

“He has no name” said Phrenesis “but he has become most useful recently.” Sparrot’s glare deepened and Phrenesis laughed softly. “Do not worry my love” she murmured, Sparrot taking particular note at the choice of words.

The wheels in Sparrots mind turned slowly, was he to accept this? Why of all things a cat, he wondered. It made him think of that vile gypsy his love was so obsessed with, the one that could turn into a cat – though hers was a small brown tabby – he remembered clearly. Of course he would not protest, he knew that he was around before this feline intruder, and he would be around after it had lived out its usefulness as well.

The trio stood at the bow of the airship as it sailed through the skies, the crew oblivious to the doom that the strange looking mundane girl was planning on bringing with her odd animal companions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*Continuing from earlier The man's beard bristled as he spoke "Ada, Ada my dear. It has been so long." "Father?" Ada spluttered out, her small childs voice muffled with emotion. "Ada." The man held out his arms to embrace the child. Fooled Ada ran forward ready to leap into his waiting arms, she flew through the air and landed with a cold, hard, smack on the stone ground. "I have somebody here to speak to you" he said, his figure wavering. Ada stood slowly, her dignity lost. The figure walked off, gliding quickly through rocks and over the uneven ground. Ada scuttled after, as she caught up he stopped. And turned to look around. As he did, many of the same smoky figure appeared out the cave walls, slowly crawling forward. Some limped with lack of limbs to lean on, others held their bodies together with the limbs they still had. One was merely a skeleton, held together by his rich clothes: his thick purple robes, his navy tunic and high leather boots with red engravings. Next to him walked a woman, half her face was beautiful: green eyes and dark dark hair. Her olive skin glowing through her weak ashen colour. Her face was ruined, half of it marred. Ripped apart and falling off like someone had mistaken her for beef to be minced. The last to appear was a man with stubble and a bald head. He had thick bandages wrapped around his neck, unlike the others he walked normally and didn't glide. As he stumbled over a rock Ada remembered why he needed the bandages. His head fell forward straight out the bandages. His hands which were pressed to his stomach darted forward to catch his skull as his bowels fell out his stomach and spilled onto the ground. The man squashed his head back into place and continued to walk, obviously not noticing his leaking organs. Many dozen figures surrounded Ada. Her heart fluttered like a hummingbird's wings, pressing against her chest, threatening to push itself out of her chest and beat lifeblood into the ghost that surrounded her. Fear stabbed itself into her gut, turning and slicing like an invisible malevolent figure stood before her, twisting the dagger slowly and cruelly as it buried herself in her chest. A few figures began to talk to her, throwing accusations of their death, questions to the well being of their loved ones and how they died. More joined the mumble until all the ghosts were wailing at her. She had long back started backing away, now she stumbled over something and fell onto her back. Now the figures started getting angry, a few threatened with their fists, gliding forward to tower over her. Among them stood Ada's mother, looking sadly at her fearful daughter “I am sorry my daughter, but you did bring this on yourself. It is your fault we are dead.” The skeleton merchant lunged at Ada, trying to grab her wrist and pull her up. She flipped herself over and scrambled at the ground, grabbing onto anything that could pull herself up, she had just stumbled onto her feet and began to run, her skirts washed around her legs, catching and clawing at her legs, slowing her down, when she felt a strike in her chest. The force threw her forward, cutting off all movement on her body. She tasty salty blood in her mouth and looked down. The large arrowhead of a crossbow jutted out her chest. In the dead center, where it would have pierced her lungs and broken as many ribs as possible. Behind her stood the marksman, he slowly lowered his crossbow. A drowned sailor, his light hair plastered to his forehead. Ada looked on at her killer, her eyes rested on her rotting mother. The pain of betrayal was far more painful than the arrow in her chest. “Our death is your fault Ada, we gave you more mercy than you deserve.” Tears spilled out of Ada's large green eyes “I am sorry mother, I am sorry you are dead. I am sorry” she fell to her knees and sobbed. The mighty Ada Lovelace, known throughout history for uniting and breaking kings. The woman of the people, the Queen of the innocent, now a snivelling infant in the eyes of her dead mother and murdered kinsmen. Men and woman that were her companions, her protectors, and her soldiers throughout time.
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