Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Cast: Digidestined 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Demon Kings/Queens Lucemon: Babramon: Lilithmon: Leviamon Beelzemon Daemon Belphemon
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Alejandro “Alex” Vargas

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Digivice Color: Green

Hometown: Born somewhere in Spain, but currently lives in West Hollywood, California.

Being a practicing musician, [Alex](http://i.imgur.com/2Gvq2tt.jpg)presents himself in the fashion of a rocker. His slightly slouched posture is met with an obsession with baggy clothing and long, messy hair. And beanies. He loves beanies. He has one for each day of the week. All different colors too. Even when he’s slouched, Alex has a height of five-foot-nine inches, which is pretty average for his age. His weight is pretty average too. He’s not really muscular, but he is fit, so that’s something, right? He has near-shoulder-length, brownish-red hair and auburn eyes. His skin is that of what one would expect from someone who was born to Spaniards. The shade it comes to is a light mocha color.

While his attire changes periodically, Alex usually has an outfit that represents who he is. Like stated, he has a passion — well, more like an obsession — with baggy clothing. As such, he wears a light brown T-shirt that is two sizes too big for him and over that is a dark green, denim jacket that has red edges. He usually gets mocked for that jacket. Some people even make Christmas jokes and he is cool with every bit of it. He wears black fingerless gloves on his hands. A dark green beanie is over his head. Though, it makes no difference as his hair outmatches the size of said beanie. As for his lower-body, he wears a larger-than-needed pair of blue jeans that are held up to his waist by a black, leather belt. The bottom of his pants are stuffed into his beige tennis shoes that have a dark brown color for the laces.


Sometimes Alex likes to have too much of a good time. He’s always finding new ways to get himself into trouble. Be it his rock star-tendencies or just the fact that he loves to have a good time, the fact remains that he’s spending more time behind bars than in front of them. It happens so often that he’s on a first-name basis with the local law enforcement. He even has some of them on speed dial. So, you know that he gets into trouble too often if he can call them right away. At the end of the day, however, Alex is a fun-loving rocker. He loves to laugh and make others laugh.

His love for laughter and a good time comes from what he does when he is not in school: Playing the Guitar. Nothing puts a smile on his face — or on others’ faces — more than when he’s shredding on his axe. The passion that shows when he’s shredding outweighs all of the stupid shit that he does when he’s trying to be some kind of hotshot or bad ass. It is, after all, the sound of music that makes the world a better place. At the very least, it makes his world a better place.

Alex is not one to shy away when it comes to people. Being the kind of guy he is, his first impression could very well be a bit overwhelming. He could come off a little pushy and abrasive. At times, he might even make a few people dislike him at first. However, underneath his abrasive exterior is, in every sense of the word, a true friend. He will never let anyone down who he feels is precious to him. Hell, even if he doesn’t know people for that long, he will still be the bigger man and protect them from bullies or people who he thinks are a threat to them. What can he say? He’s got a heart of gold, but boy does he have a brain the size of a walnut.

Belongings: Along with his everyday bag — which includes a single change of clothes, a beanie for every day of the week, and an assortment of various food items — Alex carries with him his guitar and a miniature amp.

Crest: Friendship

Digimon Partner:

Rookie: Labramon

![enter image description here](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vnDbFtJzzug/UXvcsRWQv6I/AAAAAAAAEd4/5XDLWZwKjlA/s1600/03+Labramon+%282%29.png "enter image title here")

Cure Liquor:
Labramon’s ability to assess the damage done to a friend allows him to restore data to them. Well, given that it’s within his wheelhouse.

Labramon releases a high-pitched bark that is loud enough to disrupt a digimon foe to the point of either causing hearing damage or data damage, which is obviously bad.

Dog Pounce:
By taking a running start, Labramon attacks a foe with ferocity and surprising strength.

Claw Attack: By using his razor-sharp claws, Labramon slashes away until he can’t no more, his opponent is rendered unconscious, or he is forced off of his opponent.

Labramon is a loyal digimon who will protect his friends till his very end. Be it the characteristics that he shares with his namesake, the Labrador breed of dogs or his nature to be loving and protective, Labramon simply is that. If he sees his best friend(his human partner) in danger or senses that they will be in danger, he will guard them with his life. Labramon does have a slightly goofy side. Well, at least in the sense that it’s slightly simple-minded. Adding to his protective instincts, Labramon often dreams of the day he can become strong enough to protect those that he cares about even from the strongest of foes. A digi-heart of gold this one has.

Champion: Dobermon

![enter image description here](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121117004924/digimonfanones/es/images/9/93/Dobermon.png "enter image title here")


Grey Noise:
An evolved version of Retri-bark. This version seals up the power of its target and prevents it from using said power for a minimum of one minute. The side-effects of it, however, add to it’s previous form’s effects. So, as it is plainly obvious, more damage will be done to hearing and the target’s own data.

Black Beam:
Be it from his collar, eyes, mouth, or even his entire body, Dobermon has the ability to fire beams of black concentrated energy at his targets. These said beams have the potential to rip right through the target’s defensive and by extension, their own bodies and possibly damage — or completely destroy — their digicore.

Atomic Shredder
As fast as he could be, Dobermon runs at near lightning-fast speeds and simultaneously pounces an opponent and right when he makes physical contact with them, he starts clawing at their flesh with his razor-sharp claws.

Digimon Personality:
According to the legend and many, many rumors about the Dobermon-species, they live for the sole purpose of hunting and destroying Virus digimon. This one specifically is aware of that and while some traits are there, they aren’t as severe as it is with the other Dobermon-species. He does retain most of his Labramon form’s personality. He still has that sense of protection that he must do for anyone he cares about, but as stated beforehand, he feels the constant need to hunt down any virus digimon. However, a slight controlling of that need is always present when it is necessary.

Ultimate: Cerberumon

![enter image description here](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ijComJua1ys/UcUBRIA56EI/AAAAAAAAHmQ/HE0cLS3ICME/s1600/05+Cerberumon.jpg "enter image title here")


Be it on impulse or concentrated for a few seconds, Cerberumon has the ability to fire scorching-hot flames that have a particular high temperature. Anything it touches is incenerated almost instantaneously. Furthermore, they have a wickedly shade of green.

Inferno Gate:
By tapping into some of his deepest powers, Cerberumon conjures up a gate leading to the Digital World’s Dark Area. From there a gravitational pull is activated to any digimon with evil in their heart or any kind of virus programming. Once they have been identified as such, the gate will not close until either all traces of them are gone or Cerberumon is unable to hold the gate open.

Styx Killer
Cerberumon’s body glows green and as it becomes overcharged with an uncomfortable amount of green energy, Cerberumon’s three heads open their mouths and out comes three streams of water and when they combine, a green glow surrounds it. The water itself, upon physical contact, will suck out the digital force from a target’s digicore. The same thing can be applied for a human as it will suck out said human’s life force. The longer the water is on contact with its target the longer and more dangerous the effects become.

Digimon Personality:
Cerberumon is, if not anything else, divided. On one hand, this Ultimate-level digimon has a strong urge to kill anything that dares harm its tamer. Should he sense that his tamer is in danger, he will stop at nothing to protect him or her and even further than that, he will appear to be on a slight rampage until who — or what — is posing any kind of threat to his tamer is vanquished down to its digiegg form. On the other hand, Cerberumon has quite the dark side. This stems from the fact that it shares a dual status as both Vaccine and Virus and as such, it can act unstable at times. Even though the recurring trait of protective instincts are there, Cerberumon can sometimes lash out on those he’s protecting. Or on the other side of this side of him, he could go out of control and unnecessarily attack his enemies until, as stated above, they are nothing but data after he’s through with them.

Mega: Anubismon

![enter image description here](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/006/a/6/anubismon_by_niking-d5qmw01.jpg "enter image title here")


Pyramid Power:
Anubismon creates a square pyramid from beams of the purest of light that are depicted from Egypt’s ancient formulas. It works only on the evilest of digimon. When they are sealed within it, the pyramid itself is a prison and the only way to become free from it is to become purified.

From the depths of the deepest and darkest regions of the Digital World arises a great beast and it is told among the oldest and wisest of digimon that this beast judges. It will judge those in front of it. If they are evil, then they will be devoured. Their digicores gone from their bodies and their data absorbed into the beast. Should they be of good nature, the beast will not harm and they will be protected by this beast. It will serve as their guardian for as long as they remain pure.

After becoming what he has only dreamed of since it was stripped from him, Anubismon becomes the personification of protection. The Anubismon of legend was said to be a very ancient digimon who watched over the Dark Area and guarded it from those who try to harm it. It is also said that it acted as a guide for the digimon who pass on to the digital world’s equivalent to Heaven. The need to hunt Virus digimon are obviously present in this form, but are far more controlled and balanced with his other traits. Most importantly, Anubismon is completely loyal to his tamer. The need of protecting him or her comes first and even more so, the bond he has created with his tamer influences his actions in the best of ways.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Anorgos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-------------------------------------------- **Name**: Nuada Tuath **Age**: 15 **Gender**: Male **Digivice Colour**: Dark Red **Hometown**: Moved to California (West Hollywood) to live with his cousin two years ago, originally born in Ireland. **Appearance**: A crop of short but thick brown hair hangs from Nuada's head, framing in some cases the rather pale appearance of his skin, most notable his face and hands. While he wears a normal and plain blue buttoned shirt, the simple black jacket he seems to wear all the time matches well with the pair of equally plain black jeans. An ordinary set of light brown boots give his normal 5'7 height an extra lift, making him seem more taller than he actually is. His bright blue eyes are always hidden behind a pair of glasses, something which he needs in order to see even remotely normal. **Persona**: Nothing much changes for Nuada if one was to compare how he is now to when he lived in Ireland. Though back in his country he was a little more open with those around him, always eager to step up and help if anyone needed it, even just happier, all that seemed to go away in place of just a mute kind of silence since he came to live with his cousin two years ago. It usually comes to just saying the bare minimum whenever he's at school and has no choice but to give some kind of verbal response, yet always before and after one, Nuada would go back to silence and focus on something. Whether it was school work, a book, or even his own silent thoughts, whatever it was, it was always something other than what was happening around him. **Crest**: Hope **Digimon Partner**: _**Rookie **_- Terriermon ![enter image description here](http://wikimon.net/images/4/4b/Terriermon2.jpg "enter image title here") **Moves**: Terrier Tornado: Generates a tiny tornado by spinning its ears like a propeller. Blazing Fire: Spits out shots of superheated air. **Persona**: A very shy Digimon, Terriermon is usually more comfortable relaxing somewhere, and not causing or finding any trouble. Because of this rather sleepy attitude, it can sometimes wake up to find itself in the middle of a problem it would never want to be in, whether it's between two or more other Digimon, or even one aggressive enough to find Terriermon a tasty snack. In these situations, the small Digimon will do everything it can to either distract or disorientate the opponent, all to give it a chance to escape and find somewhere else to sleep in peace. ----------- _**Champion **_- Unimon ![enter image description here](http://wikimon.net/images/8/8f/Unimon2.jpg "enter image title here") **Moves**: Holy Shot: Fires a burst of energy from its mouth. Horn Thrust: Stabs the enemy with the horn on its head. Uni-Gallop: Kicks with its hind legs. Spread Neigh: Confuses the enemy with a supersonic wave. **Persona**: The once shyness of Terriermon remains in this Digivolved form, though instead of the natural aloofness and fear of meeting other Digimon that its Rookier form had, the now Champion form replaces it with at times a very vicious and aggressive attitude when it wishes to be left in solitude. ---------------- _**Ultimate**_ - Hippogriffomon ![enter image description here](http://wikimon.net/images/9/99/Hippogryphomon.jpg "enter image title here") **Moves**: Heat Wave: Spits out an extremely high-temperature wind. Sonic Voice: Spreading its wings, the powerful screech it emits from its beak seems to amplify to immense levels, capable of easily shattering earth. **Persona**: It's here that the shyness of Terriermon disappears and its true feelings finally come forth. Usually being the first one to just throw themselves into any situation, has caused a reputation for this Digimon to have no fear whatever the foe may be. It's need to always protect those smaller and weaker than itself, as well as those it feels is its family, takes high priority no matter what. --------------------- _**Mega **_- Hououmon ![enter image description here](http://wikimon.net/images/1/10/Hououmon.jpg "enter image title here") **Moves**: Starlight Explosion: Solemnly flaps its four wings, causing it to rain golden grains that are said to purify all of the wickedness of those who suffer this technique. Crimson Flare: An attack in which flames are emitted from the mouth by the power of its wings. Life Force: An attack in which Hououmon generates a wonderful energy that sucks up an enemy's physical strength. **Persona**: It's love and need to protect all good hearted Digimon is brought to a physical form in Hououmon. Known as the very 'Light of the World' the rays that stream from the final form of Terriermon embodies everything it tried to hide from itself for so long, the want and need to trust and care for others without second guessing oneself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Isabella “Belle” Vargas
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Digivice Color: Pinkish red
Hometown: Los Angeles

Isabella is one of those few girls around her age that her physical body looks as it should for said age. Being of that very particular and often confusing age of fifteen, Isabella’s body demonstrates how it’s nearly done with..maturing. Her curves are modest, but still very attractive and…tasteful. Men obviously find her very delicious, but at the same time, she has some qualities physically that have some retainers of innocence despite her actions with boys being anything but. Her build is very slim. Some would mistake her as being less-than athletic, but it’s just how she prefers to present her body image and her image in general. Her height is very average for a girl her age, so nothing remarkable or unique there. The way her hair flows down to almost mid-back presents something of an obsession with long hair and it is teased at the edges. Though it is naturally brown, it’s obvious that she has parts of it that resemble the various colors of the rainbow. Her eyes, surprisingly, haven’t been tampered with as they are hazel.

Isabella is very straight-forward with her attire and what a normal outfit for her is. It is true that her outfit can change depending on what her mood is, but usually Isabella has a very gothic-inspired look; almost taking it from the Emo fashion. Mainly black in color, she wears skin-tight jeans that have various rips on the leggings. She wears what appears to be a belt with various metal-like platings on it. Seems to hold her pants up from falling off her lower body. She wears black boots that are left half-unzipped. She cites this as a personal preference. Her friends say that it’s her making a fashion statement. On her upper-body, she usually wears a T-shirt of various bands(depends on the day) that comes to a stop just above her belly button. She has a leather-looking jacket over said shirt. It’s probably made from the same material her jeans are. Said jacket is black in color and it has a trifecta of belts that act as a replacement for a zipper. They only cover about eighty percent of her torso. As for accessories, she has various items that she wears. She has a pair of star earrings that hang from her ears, a cross pendant around her neck, various rings on both of her hands, various, thin, and multi-colored bracelets on her wrists. People usually call those “Sex Bracelets”.


There is definitely an attitude that comes with Belle. It’s like everything either has to be fight with her and whoever she’s talking to/is talking to her or it has be met with a very sassy and/or sarcastic remark. It’s like something in her has to make everything a challenge for the people trying to get through with her. Perhaps all of this just comes with the territory of her displaying a punk-like persona. Yeah, she’s definitely going through that “I’m against the world, so fuck you” phase. In either case, it makes her a tad difficult for anyone trying to get through to her, especially her older brother who seems to be the one person who gets the most of it. Isabelle’s sassiness definitely comes from her mother. Definitely in her youth, Isabelle and Alex’s mother was quite the handful for her parents when she was in her teen years. Though, it’s safe to say that Isabelle’s sarcastic and sassiness nature far exceeds that of her mother’s by at least twice as much.

Just because Isabelle has a snarky-like attitude does not mean that she lacks a positive side. This is where her similarities to her brother shine in the form of a fun-loving side. To be as such, Simply put, she loves to have a good time. This can range from causing trouble throughout the town or simply hanging out with her friends and/or her brother and/or his friends. Isabella sometimes “prefers” her brother’s friends over her own and sometimes it’s the same for them. In other words, they love to “party” with her and that leads to her acting out in promiscuous ways. This isn’t to say that she has no respect for her own self. She just likes to have fun and it just so happens that this comes in the form of partying. She likes to make sexual advances towards people and overall, her flirtatiousness is dominant along with her sassiness and sarcastic self. Along with her love for partying, she also likes to experiment with various drugs that range from narcotics to prescription drugs and she usually drinks alcohol while doing it.

Even though that Isabella is snarky as all hell and she loves to have fun even if it means offering her body up in exchange, she has major insecurities about herself. She does not love herself. Well, at least not in the way that people would assume. She just has enough love for herself to get by through day and day. As it could be assumed, the fact that she lets people use her in various ways and how she puts toxic drugs into her body, she truly doesn’t love or honor herself or her body for that matter. The truth is that Isabella fears that one day all of this risqué behavior might get her into some deep shit at some point in her life. The other truth of the matter is that Isabella wants to be loved and her sassiness and sarcastic self is just a front for how lonely and sad she is with her life. Call it teenage angst or whatever, she feels like this everyday, but she has to keep a front for the ones she loves, especially for her brother Alex who would detect if anything was wrong with her.

Belongings: Isabella has a shoulder bag that she keeps with her at all times. In it are various make-up items such as eyeliner, lipgloss, and nail polish. She also has her IPhone 6 as well as a Ipop Touch which has nothing but punk rock music on it, especially Sleeping With Sirens. She is obsessed with that band.

Crest: Love

Digimon Partner:

Rookie: Betamon

  • Electric Shock - Betamon discharges an electric current that’s emitted from her body that comes to be over one-million bolts and it strikes the opponent.
  • Beta Slugger - Betamon removes the sharp fin from its back and shoots it like a boomerang at various opponents as it could strike multiple targets in one go.
  • Cutter Fin - By somersaulting through the air, Betamon’s sharp fin and claws slice up any foes within the line of range that it can make from aforementioned flips.
  • Water Tower - Betamon causes a geyser of water to erupt from the ground and rise up from underneath the opponent, causing them to either be severely damaged from said geyser or sent flying into the air cause of the pressure from the water.

Contrary to what most conceive about the Betamon, this one is quite different. While most convey a moderately confrontational person, this one specifically has a gentle and a docile nature. This doesn’t mean that Betamon is shy or quiet. No, it just means that it doesn’t act on every impulse that most of its species would do. It presents itself with a fair amount of maturity and is often seen as the type to speak out of wisdom or speak wisdom to those who seek it. However, do not anger this Betamon. It will not hesitate to attack, especially if the one it cares for the most is in danger. If that is the case, this Betamon will do all that it can to defend its loved one. It will not stand down until said loved one is safe or it is reduced to a digiegg.

Champion: Seadramon

  • Ice Blast - Seadramon discharges a breath of absolute zero-temperatured water towards any opponent within the range of the blast and it freezes them solid upon contact.
  • Water Breath - Similar to Ice Blast, Seadramon discharges high pressured water towards an opponent which sends them flying the opposite direction.
  • Chilblains - More so an ability than an actual attack. This specific one stems from Seadramon’s over-reaching ability to control water and by extension, ice. As such, she is able to induce a form of frostbite upon a target that she is specifically…well, targeting. She can do as such by either increasing or decreasing temperatures upon her target and that causes various results. The most significant result of all of this is tissue/data damage, depending on if the target is human or digimon.
  • Cold Breath - Seadramon emit’s a misty-like breath from her mouth that usually acts as a distraction, vision-impairing technique. It can also cause slight freezing to whoever it touches, but that’s highly unlikely.
  • Bind - A physical attack in which Seadramon wraps her body around an opponent which will make it hard from them moving and allows her to attack more closely and allowing more effectiveness from her attacks.

When most think of Seadramon, they think that the species are a bunch of idiots without much intelligence. And for the most part, those people would be right. However, that is not the case for this Seadramon. It has a high intelligence unlike any of its species. Though, there is more of a rage element in its personality, but that’s more so on its serpentine instincts than anything else. Seadramon retains its loving and protective nature from its previous form. Though, now its more on the wild side, but the essentials are there. It will die protecting the one(s) it loves.

Ultimate: MegaSeadramon
  • Lightning Javelin - MegaSeadramon discharges a stream of lightning from the horn on her head at any opponents that are within the firing range of it.
  • Dragon Attack - MegaSeadramon conjures up massive lightning energy as she first shoots up a Lightning Javelin to the sky. As the electrons activate a thunderstorm from the clouds above her, her horn acts as a lightning rod and once fully charged, her entire body becomes a static electricity conduit to which she fires a massive attack that takes the form of a lightning dragon and attacks anything within one mile radius.
  • Thunder Blade - By charging the horn on her head, MegaSeadramon stabs an opponent with it and induces a shocking sensation.
  • Mega Ice Blast - MegaSeadramon fires a blast of ice from her mouth that is lower than absolute zero temperature.

More fierce than ever, MegaSeadramon embraces all that it is. Completely aware of how fierce she can be, MegaSeadramon displays a more monstrous, but intelligent and willful side that wasn’t really present in her previous forms. Where they lacked assertiveness or strategic aptitude, this form more than makes up for it. It’s love for the one it is sworn to protect takes a more direct and at times, bully-like form. It does love the one it is sworn to protect, but it will not tolerate anybody to harm it, which could lead to some form of a berserk-like craze. Still, it’s fully aware of what it does.

Mega: MetalSeadramon
  • Power Stream - From the cannon on her snout, MetalSeadramon fires a massive beam of energy that wipes out anything it touches that is of lesser strength or power.
  • Grand Lightning - By charging her entire body up with electricity either artificially or naturally(IE from the skies above), MetalSeadramon discharges it from each spike on her body. Once released, they act as tendrils of blue lightning that will wrap around its target(s) and squeeze until they are reduced to electrically-charged bits of their former selves.
  • Hell Squeeze - By wrapping herself around her oppoennt, MetalSeadramon proceeds to squeeze the life out of her opponent until they are reduced into bits of data. She can also use this move to attack at close range.
  • Poseidon Divide - Most noteably her most powerful attack move. MetalSeadramon stretches her body as far into the sky as it can. She then roars up at the sky and the pure vibration of her voice causes the skies to get darker and the weather to get colder. As the temperature decreases, the cannon on her snout proceeds to show signs of a change. The fashion in which her Power Stream charges is shown, but in pure white ice energy particles. Once fully charged, MetalSeadramon fires it at full strength. Anything that it touches not only is frozen solid upon contact, but will also explode in that same moment. The sheer force of this ice-powered beam has the potency to divide the seas in one strike.

Considered the pride of the Seadramon-species, MetalSeadramon displays just that. Pride. That’s not to say that she’s completely vain or full of herself like the Demon Lord of Pride, Lucemon. No, it just means that she prides herself in the reputation of her kind. This just means that her love for the one that she is sworn to protect reaches deeper levels. One could even say that she has more love for that one person than in any of her previous forms. MetalSeadramon will display overwhelming destructive powers if anyone should prove to be a threat to “that one’s” life. She has become the very essence of her kind as well as pride mixed in with love.

Isabella's speech color is Salmon
Betamon's speech color is light purple
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