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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Britslebane Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Crew Position: Entertainer Techniques/Fighting Style: Breakdancing and getting an opponent hit by his own or his allies attacks. Fruit: Devil Fruit: Suwapp Suwappu Fruit(Swap Swap Fruit)- Allows the user to teleport and "Swap" places with something else. Currently he can only swap himself with another person but obviously the power will develop as the story progresses. The only limit for this Fruit currently is he has to be able to see what he is swapping, for example he cannot swap himself with a person behind him if he can't see them, however it does work through reflections. Personality: Flippant, reckless, careless, whimsical, mischievous, curious. Bristlebane really does whatever he feels like. Whether that entails playing for coins in a town square or breaking into a castle treasure simply to leave a calling card. Bristlebane clearly has no purpose in life yet has large array of skills keeps him out of trouble moving from one place to the next. Backstory: Bristlebane doesn't remember much of his life. Anything further than a year back he has trouble recalling. Not that he cares, what's he done and what he is going to do has no importance to him. His well aware of how strange this is to other people but merely finds it amusing. One of the few things he does remember was eating his devil's fruit. He had snuck into some high security building or another simply to see what was inside it, there was a strange looking fruit. Needlessly to say Bristlebane was curious to see what was so great about this fruit and naturally ate it. Suffice to say Bristlebane was very disappointed at how it tasted and now will no longer eat fruit of any kind, for now anyway. Other: Can do Voice impressions, Ventriloquism, and has skill with all musical instruments. Is an excellent dancer and won't eat fruit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Bristlebane Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Clickly Talent: Spell manipulation. Bristlebane's control over his own magic is rather weak, however his talent lies in controlling other's spells. He can bend, change and take control of others magic far easier than he can use his own. Back-story: Bristlebane, commonly refereed to as Bristle, quite ironic since his personality is anything but, lived his life as a noble. Bristlebane, however was a very perceptive boy and quickly grew disgusted with the way his family lived of the misery of others. They didn't deserve the title "noble" and he decided to make sure they didn't have the privileges that went with it. Upon turning 15 he began breaking into his family's vault and removing the treasure inside. His parents had left for an important meeting with a famous duke and were gone. Over 3 nights he removed everything inside scattering it throughout the village they ruled over with the advice to everyone he met to leave. By the time his parents came back they arrived at a ghost town, no one was left in the town and his family was left penniless. Everyone the silver silverware and been taken. Bristlebane wandered the world with a great deal of gold in his pocket and learned a wide variety of skills. He learned how to dance, how to play music, how to sneak, how to pick locks, and how to cook. But the only thing he didn't learn how to do was use magic, the one thing he wanted to do beyond all else. Personality: Bristlebane is very random and contradictory. Actions he does several seconds before hand will be dismissed as having no significance and he will change his mind faster than you can realize he made it up in the first place. He is friendly, impossible to offend, and blunt as a train. Usually
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Sol Photo: Age: 21 Gender: Male Abilities: Wind magic and Expert swordsmanshop How you could work in a team: Killing Everything Personality: Typically care-free and more concered about food than anything else. Sol is a likeable guy and doesn't like poeple who flaunt thier power. A bit chilvouras and stale at times but he likes to have fun like anyone else. History: Other:
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Bristlebane frowned, it was going to try to climb over after that but... he didn't really have a death wish right now unlike some poeple so he yelled up, "Hey Person! Mind opening the gate? We got a beastie trying to eat us and I don't really want to be here when it arrives."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Bristlebane Title: The Trickster Age: ??? Gender: Male Appearance Rank: Mage Personality: Flippant, reckless, careless, whimsical, mischievous, curious. Bristlebane really does whatever he feels like. Whether that entails playing for coins in a town square or breaking into a castle treasure simply to leave a calling card. Bristlebane clearly has no purpose in life yet has large array of skills keeps him out of trouble moving from one place to the next. History: Bristlebane either doesn't remember his past or doesn't want to. Regardless he has lived a life of taking odd jobs, adventuring, and every now and then, stealing to take care of himself. Due to his inability to use magic he focused on gathering a large amount of magic items to compensate, and still is. Bristlebane was so vexed by his inability to use magic that he decided that if he couldn't learn to use magic, then he would learn to do everything else. As a result he has an incredibly wide array of skills, everything from pick-pocketing, to blacksmithing, to alchemy. Finally Bristlebane decided that if he could ever learn how to use magic it would be in a guild focused on magic users, and so to this end he joined Harpy Magic: Holder Bristlebane doesn't have any "magic" per-say, instead he has something very different. An immunity to magic. Simply put magic doesn't affect him, much to Bristlebane's regret, not due to a lack of effort, he could use no magic of his own. However this didn't stop him from trying for his whole life. To further this cause he ended up joining the Magic Guild Harpy. Still he had never found a way to use a magic of his own, so he decided to compensate by building up an arsenal of magic items.
Other: Uses variations of break-dancing for physical combat and he loved the card he has in his hat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Appearance Name: Bristlebane Nicknames/Titles: Troubadour, Hero, Thief, Savior, Demon, Angel Age: 19 Skills: Music, Break-dancing, Acrobatics, Sword-fighting, cooking, lying, singing, stealing, sneaking and flirting Equipment:Two Swordbreakers, several throwing knives, a lute, travelling rations, a sleeping bag, flint and steel, several smoke bombs, one bola, a single gun, a bullet mold, lots of money and a small bugling horn Personality: Bristlebane is a dashing young fellow full of liveliness and adventure. A travelling musician, but he is also more of that, he aims to become a hero of sort and is quite adept in combat, specifically when fighting many opponents, as on his travels he has often been set upon by brigands. He is a shameless flirt, however besides that he maintains a strictly chivalrous front. Of course he would never lie to a lady, much less fight one, and help any damsel in distress he can find. That said he can be a bit arrogant at times and quite overbearing Biography: Bristlebane's past is unknown however many believe him to be a travelling noble, it would certainly explain his eccentrics, and his well educated manner. Of course other rumors speak of him as a terrible mix of demon and angel, one moment wooing a beautiful damsel, the next tearing into a group of villains that insist upon wrong doing. Of course no one can say for sure where he came from, perhaps even himself?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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(Picture here) Name: Kenichi Age: How old are they? Gender: ??? Personality: Determination as deep as the ocean. If Kenichi has set his heart on something only death can stop him, maybe. Honor as soild as stone, Kenichi would never strike a women or defenseless opponent, never tell a lie, and never fail to help someone in need. Kenichi is not naive however and is well aware of the evil humans are capable of. Role/Title: Self-taught Martial Artist. History: Kenichi grew up in a middle class household with two loving parents, a single child. He lived an average life until his teenage years getting everything he wanted, which admittedly wasn't much. A treat now and then, a toy sword, nothing big. Until a circus came into time, of course Kenichi was excited and wanted to go. Naturally his parents let him and they all went together, he oohed and aahed with the rest of the crowd as the Amazing Angels preformed their death defying feats. But what amazed Kenichi the most was the martial artist they had. He did all kinds of feats, he fought a man in a suit of armor and won, his hand smashed through no fewer than 10 bricks at the same time, and finally he managed to defeat a tiger, without any weapons! Kenichi marveled at this amazing man, who can perform feats with his body that fully armored knights couldn't replicate. He immediately turned to his parents and said "I wanna be like that man right there!", his parents simply smiled at how adorable he was acting and dismissed it as a simple case of a child being dazzled by something he didn't understand. They knew that the fight had been staged, the bricks we already weakened, the tiger soothed with sedatives, so they simply let their favorite child continue dreaming. After that they left the carnival and returned to their home, several hours later they heard the dreadful news, Ovorion had come and burned the circus to the ground, Kenichi heard that all the members had been killed, captured, or forced to flee on the winds. His childish lips trembled at the thought of the beautiful acrobatic angles killed, his new hero attacked, and the animals slaughtered. His parent reassured him that all would be okay, and managed to get him to forget the whole ordeal, or so they thought. While Kenichi calmed down and externally showed no sign of remembering the incident, he kept the memory safe. He decided he would avenge the Circus. Kenichi vigorously searched for some sorts of martial arts tutor but to his great disappointment found none. So he decided to create his own training regimen at the age of 14. Since he didn't know how martial arts really worked he decided to work on the basics and then search for a trainer later. A full year later still no one visited the small town with even an inkling of how to fight, so he decided to improvise Kenichi spent the next three years of his life developing his own form of martial arts. It was crude yes, but it was effective. After those three long years of training Kenichi deemed himself fit for combat and heard the Queen's call of help. Quickly he packed what little things he had and left his village in the middle of the night. However on his way there he was ambushed by a group of bandits, foolishly cocky he attempted to fight his way out, much to his surprise his attempt at fighting for freedom was ended by a cudgel to the back of the head. Kenichi woke up dazedly to find himself in full restrainents, what he had thought were simple bandits were actully men working for some sort of foul magic user. Anything extra: Is there anything you want us to know about them that perhaps might come up later? Or do you have a theme song that works for your character?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Nolan Age 17
Personality: Adventurous, always willing to try new things and sticks up for what he believes in. A bit naive or he was anyways before he came here. Can get hotheaded at times and lose control of his temper but is Pre-Transport Story: Nolan was a star jock at his school, very popular and always had friends around him. Although he always had a feeling that his friends were just around because of how popular he was, but he tried to ignore this for the most part. Nolan felt that for some reason he was wasting his life here, but had no idea why or what to do to fix it
Hero Object Personality: Sarcastic, cold and uncaring.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Moros Age: 19
Personality: Moros is always happy. However he seems to have a more sarcastically amused view of the world. While he's always laughing, but not with the world rather with it. He seems to view life as nothing more than a joke, nothing is important, after all nothing you do lasts for long anyway. Moros sees no point in lying and is often brutally honest, and pain simply amuses him. Chivalrous ideals are mocked and dismissed as meaningless. Moros obviously has problems sympathizing with anyone and has trouble understanding with strong emotions. Bio: Moros raised in what should have been a loving and caring environment. Yet despite his parents best attempt to care for him, he remained ever distant. He was one of this children that never cried, that never threw those temper tantrums so typical of children. As he grew up his distance from life became more prominent. His sarcasm and dark humor prevented him from making any friends and thus he grew up alone besides the attempts of his parents to teach him how to love. However his parents didn't know how bad it was until they learned of his habit of dissecting small helpless creatures. Immediately they forbid him from doing it and Moros of course complied if somewhat reluctantly for the first time showing anger rather than disdain for once. Out of desperation in an attempt to humanize him they sent him to the monks, and they happened to find that he had a large amount of innate magic. Skills: Dancing, Piano, Cooking, Sarcasm. Equipment: Clothes What element will you be assigned to teach you balance?: Darkness Why did the monks assign you that element? One would think Darkness would make Moros's condition worse, however the monks believe in teaching him the frailty of life, and of him self, he will learn respect for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Known name. Alias/Title: Self explanatory. Skills/Ability Information: If certain techniques, kekkei genkai, hiden, or fighting styles of theirs are known about for whatever reason, please mention them in the Skills/Ability Information. Otherwise write a basic description of how they are known to conduct themselves in combat. Known Description: Their physical appearance and known equipment go here. Known History: Misaka was always a frail child and was never though to be capable of becoming a ninja. At first she believed this herselfm but as she became older she found herself discontent with the idea that she could never be good enough for something. Much less something her whole family was. So her decision was simple, she decided that her body was far to weak to bother with taijustu and she would fully commit all of her efforts to mastering ninjustu. When her parents were out of the house she would sneak into thier room and take out several of thier books on chakara. Misaka quickly devoured all the information she could find on chakara and Influence: Are they the head of a clan. Do they know people in powerful positions. Are they a village head, etc etc. Entry Added By: Player name.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Bristlebane stared in shock at Anna and slowly raised his hand to feel his cheek and felt the scarred over cut. To be honest Bristlebane was glad that it would become a scar, it would help him remember this lesson. Dumbfounded still by the random act of kindness from someone he barely knew, and to top it all of she was able to actually use her magic while Bristlebane could barely reach it. But he had learned something from that, somehow he had been able to see the pale blue colors of Anna's magic, she had made the magic itself want to do her will, she wasn't forcing the magic to do her work, she was telling it to.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Leon's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the dull clunk of his knife clattering against the plate. Plate? Who walked around wearing plate armor, although he was more surprised when the man tried to hide it from some reason and pretend to be hurt, foolish the act wouldn't have fooled a blind man. Thinking that Charles was reaching for a dagger Leon set his center of gravity low to the ground making it easier for him to dodge as he closed the distance between him and the butcher. However to his surprise the man pulled out a strange contraption he had never seen before, but given the man was pointing it at him it was most likely some kind of hand-crossbow so Leon jumped forward angling his body to avoid the shot.

What he hadn't been expecting was the loud bang and speed of the projectile as it slammed into the side of his leg. Luckily his preemptive jump and leather armor kept the damage small and through the searing pain it seemed he only had a small hole in the the big muscle in his leg. Leon grinned viciously as hot blood ran down his leg, this would be fun, even if the wound would no doubt take weeks if not months to heal before he regained his full capabilities. The force of his jump carried him into Charles and unless the man was fast enough to move out of his reach immediately after firing his strange tool they would topple to the ground together. Here Leon had the advantage since he already had two knives in his hands and was already stabbing towards what he knew to be weak points in plate amour, the armpit and the neck, as they fell to the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Shinon Age: 17 Appearance: Sign: Sagittaruis Personality: Bio:
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Leon suddenly increased his speed dashing foward and yelling causing the horse to rear up. As Leon ran along side it he stuck his arm out slamming it into Charles and knocking him off the horse. As Charles crashing to the ground he landed soildly on the knife that Leon had planted on the ground causing the sharp implent to burst through his chest and the man's blade clatter uselessly to the groudn with a dull clanging sound. Just to make sure Leon slit the man's throat afterwards wiping his blades off on the doctor's clothes. He also grabbed the bulging money pouch that was at the mans belt and raced off into the darkness once again. Leon would have to deal with the culprits about to causing chaos, no one did anything illegal in this town without him knowing about it, and he wasn't going to let them get uppity. The night soon became red with the blood of foolish thugs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Leon grunted angrily, his prey wasn't going to escape that easily. He grabbed onto the horse's front legs and swung under it latching his legs around its back and pushing sideways with his arms as the horse's feet slammed to the ground in order to turn it around to face Charles "HIYA!" he shouted and the already spooked horse immediately charged forward right into Charles. Leon's quickly swung himself onto the top of the horse and he came to a crouch on top of it
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Arathyra


Apparent Age: 19

Gender: Female

Nation: Grado

Class: Faithful(Female)

Weapon Mastery: Staves D

Level: 1

Background: Arathyra was born in a small village, her mother served as the towns Wise Woman so to speak. Always ready with a healing remedy, or if the situation was worse, then her trusty stave. Her mother told her that the stave had been in the family for a very long time so you could always count on it. Arathyra, being a young girl, of course wanted to be like her mother and quickly learned alongside her the arts of healing. Eventually though when she was old enough she decided that she wanted to do something more important.

So Arathyra traveled to the capital in order to find a better use for her skills. Her mother gave her the family stave as well as another stave that Arathyra had never seen before as a farewell gift telling her that she would even be able to help people far away with it once she learned how to use it. Arathya was over joyed with the gift and promised her mother that she would learn how to use it before she departed on her adventure to the capital. She departed with a group of traders there heading there and decided to aim high and see if she could find work at the castle itself.

Plot-Susceptive: Yes

Equipment and Items: x1 Heal, x1 Physic, x1 Elixir

Personality: Arathyra is very kind and as a result rather naive. She gets very serious over things she cares about and she just wants to help in any way she can.

Ability Assessment: Arathyra is extremly talented in healing and can heal most wounds with ease but has no skill in any other area.

Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Freakisly ticklish, loves animals. Doesn't eat meat and is terrified of loud noises. Is a terrible cook but wants to get better and often volunteers to make food. Dreams of finding true love

R-button Summarization: A sweet young healer from Grado
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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This is not a explaination of why you should pick my course. This is an explaination of why you WILL pick my course. Quite simply put I don't belive any of the other courses off what mine does. First an intiall look at the course shows that the course alone will keep player entertained wondering the best way to play. It offers a good varity of paths to choose and leaves the players unsure of what will happen making them want to play the course again and again. Of course i have ensure that there are ways to make a hole in one but still left it as incredaibly unlikly. Not just one, but two ways. Ideally there are two perfect shots from the left and right paths that can create a hole in one with the middle path simply stopping your ball dead in its tracks. Of course in terms of difficulty of the course itself it is not terriably difficult. Failing to get through the log will force you into an extra shot or two but nothing that isn't managable. If one were to go for the bankshot off the rock route of attempting the hole in one than a colliding with the rock incorrectly will still lead you towards the hole amd if you are to overshoot then coming back is somewhat difficult if you don't account for the slope but certainly not impossible. Due to the relative openness of the course it is available to suit any theme you think neccasary and thus can be put in really in any situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Krysanthe

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Weapon: Sea Legs - Ornate wooden boots imbued with a lot of water Dust. At the user’s will, the boots can generate water that can be used for movement or offensive purposes, from jets to waves to empowered kicks.

Specialty: Tank. Krysanthe is ludicrisly strong and her boots are increadibly durable. She can make use of her sembalance to weaken her foe's blows and strengthen her own, she is well trained in fighting under the effects of increased gravity and while this makes her slower it makes her blows pack a serious punch. However she does have to reley on her boots for speed as her own is somewhat sub-par and she has difficulty landing a blow on more flighty foes. In addition while she can hit hard and do it a lot, Krysanthe doesn't have much else. If she can't kick, punch, or blast it with water then she doesn't have much else.

Semblance: Krysanthe can manipulate the gravity around her within certain limits. She can increase gravity by up to double and decrease it down to half. If she wants to she can target specific objects with this power but she can only affect things within 10m.

Personality: Krysanthe is an energetic girl, one might even say hyper. She commits to things rather easily but makes sure to carry through with them. She doesn't care much for beating around the bush and can seem rather blunt at times, but she really does care about her friends. Krysanthe tends to naturally take charge of the situation due to all the energy she has and is rather impatient which can lead to some reckless decisions at times. Both of her parents are instructors at a Hunter Academy, although admittedly not one as prestigous as Beacon. Of course they did thier best to ensure Krysanthe's future and this lead to a great deal of pressure to suceed in order to fufill her parent's dream of going to Beacon. Beneath her jubulaint personalilty she hold a very deep fear of failure

Color: Shiny Gold

Emblem: A golden sword plunged into a raging ocean

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