Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jonnyh447


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay so is it cool if I make a holding for my Baron? I've sort of already written a lot of it but might as well check before I finish... He's the owner of a place I've called 'Brightmoor' and controls a small area of the surrounding land, probably being able to raise a levy of about 200 men. I want Brightmoor to be where the snow meets the mountains and have a small, discrete mountainside fort that's by no means well prepared for a siege. It's more of a big stone house... Is that coooooooo'?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Quite so. If he's not a Weade, feel free to come up with some sort of barony-esque family. (including family name.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jonnyh447


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Looks good! The story is surely decent enough and I can understand his motives. As for the pictures, the 'face' one looks good, and suits him well. However the second one, I'm not so sure about. Should I just interpret him as a knight in plate armor? If so, might I suggest perhaps combining the face picture with one of these;
The reason for my nitpickery is that I've had people use pictures like those before, where they sort of end up like a MMO-heavy-armor-tank kind of character, while I'd rather keep it on the realistic side. Many knights, especially foot-knights, did not wear plate armor all that much. For the first picture you see a brigandine, essentially studded/riveted leather. It looks cool, knightly and above all, since it's leather it can have that nice royal-red or that badass-black color if you wish. Second one is self explanatory, I like this one especially because the guy looks cool. Third one is (I guess) a cuir bouillie which means boiled leather, it's essentially hardened leather shaped into a piece of armor. Usually these were used in combination with plate armor (you'd have a thing layer of plate armor, then over that the hardened leather). This stuff was hard as hell and was one of the reasons crossbows became common in the battlefields, simply because an arrow could not penetrate these (well.. there's bodkin arrows etc but you get what I mean.) However if you wish to go for plate armor that is fine too! If that's the case I'll just imagine the guy in a way that makes it seem realistic to me. I hope I don't come across as a complete nutjob :P I try my hardest to pay attention to how I write things as I can sometimes come across as if I am being rude, when I'm not intending to, so sorry if that's the case. On a sidenote, if anyone needs pictures of the sorts I have a few saved that you might be able to use for your character, or for inspiration or w/e. Just hit me up if you need/want to see them! Oh and aside from my nitpicking on the characters picture, it's a good character man. The personality and history are good, and he provides a pretty decent character to work with. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jonnyh447


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Haha don't worry it's nice to have such a comprehensive response and I too tend to waffle on :) I thought the second pic would be a little over the top too but I'm on an iPad and finding http: picture addresses is a nightmare. So I was sort of limited :p I like your second pic too though, is it okay if I swap my two out for that one and I'll try get one of gregor's armor? If you've ever seen game of thrones he'd wear the same sort of armour that Gregor Clegane wears when he's fighting Oberyn and I have every intention of having him die at some point too so don't worry about him seeming a little too strong because reading over my post he seems OP, he's overly vulnerable to archers without plate I'd say so it's sort of a must that he's covered in metal being such a big threat on the battlefield. He's going to be an unfortunate soul who despite his desire for peace consistently finds himself at war. He realises the irony in fighting for peace which gets him pretty depressed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Yeah, I actually looked up the Mountain to see what he wore, and he wore a suit of leather armor with metal shoulderpads. It's like lammelar except it's not just QUITE lammelar armor. You can take the picture! That's why I put them there :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So, I am thinking of making my character the stable master for the Weades. He would be older, probably close to thirty-five or forty years old and a former warrior. Would this be okay with you? If so, is it possible for him to be missing an eye?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jonnyh447


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay so I actually can't get a http: with Gregor's armour for now, I'll figure it out though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

So, I am thinking of making my character the stable master for the Weades. He would be older, probably close to thirty-five or forty years old and a former warrior. Would this be okay with you? If so, is it possible for him to be missing an eye?
Yeah definetely, go for it.
Okay so I actually can't get a http: with Gregor's armour for now, I'll figure it out though.
Does that work?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jonnyh447


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yahh thanks bud :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Hey! I'm a grown ass man, not your bud! :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jonnyh447


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My humble apologies good sir! I appear to have taken some hallucinogenic mushrooms and confused you for my bud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Galen 'Urik' Gallatin "Soldiers are expendable. Me? I'm too smart to be wasted." Full Name: Galen Gallatin Titles: Marquis Urik Social Rank: Marquis Job or Societal Position: Advisor to the late Lord Rikard, Master of the Exchequer (Royal Accountant) Age: 28 Gender: Male Personality: Sly almost to a fault, Marquis Urik relies mostly on his wits rather than physical might to see himself through the day. His greatest advantage basically comes down to his skill in blackmail; he has juicy information on just about everyone. These skill in particular helped him attain his vaunted position. History: Born to the late fourth Marquis of Urik, Galen was destined for a political life before he was even out of the womb. As the heir to a key defensive territory in the demesne of Whitelands, his lands buck up against the outer territories of the demesne of Forklands, Galen's sole purpose from nearly the day he was born was learning how to best defend his territory and deter would-be raiders and bandits. As a secondary function of his lands being located so far to the south of Whitelands Galen also possesses one of the few plots in the Whitelands which are truly suitable for agriculture and as a result his family, over the years, has accrued quite a bit of wealth. This wealth however was the true beginning of the Gallatin families' ambition. Through some long and almost nearly forgotten familial ties the Gallatins are related, however tangentially, to the Weade's by blood, something that explains their key positioning upon Whitelands borders; who better to trust than one's own blood? These ties however are the root of the Gallatin families' secret ambitions. Since obtaining their post in Urik the family has, throughout its generations, constantly attempted to secretly gain the throne and Galen is no different. Galen's father the fourth Marquis took large strides in securing his first son's appointment as Master of the Exchequer, a powerful position which controls the purse strings of the kingdom. With Galen away, his younger brother of 3 years, Gerrik has taken over the duties of running the family estate and seeing to the defense of Whiteland's borders. Many in court are aware of the families' ambitions, however, the few people who seem to have remained oblivious are the Weades themselves. Skills: Marquis Urik's ability to manage money and supplies won him the highly contested position of Master of the Exchequer. His ability to extract and act on information (blackmail). His meticulously cultivated ring of informants and 'spies'. Dreams and Fears: Marquis Urik dreams of a wide dominion completely under his control. He fears his plans being discovered. Favored Equipment: Long, flowing, extravagant robes which instantly declare his social status and courtly position. An intricately carved dagger which he carries about for emergency defense. Extra: Marquis Urik completely buys into mystic superstition and believes in things like seers, fortune-tellers, fate-workers, etc. Valeria Valentine "A knight's job is to defend their liege!" Full Name: Valeria Valentine Titles: Knight of the Bridge Social Rank: Knight Errant Job or Societal Position: Wandering Knight Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Fearless, Valeria has set out a path for herself which she is determined to follow to the end. Perseverance is one of her defining qualities and it has kept her alive during her years of chivalric wandering. She professes and follows the common code of chivalric virtue which all true knights attest too, namely: the defense of a chosen lord, the protection of the peasantry, a knight's sworn chastity, and above all else a keen religious reverence. History: Born into a poor family in the iron hills, Valeria's predecessors were actually miners and blacksmiths going a long way back. Unenthused with the prospects of a life toiling away at iron and steel she'd never get to put to use herself (even though she excelled at the smithing arts), Valeria departed her traditional home with nothing but a bit of armor and some hand-crafted weapons/gear. During her travels she was able to acquire a fake patents of nobility which painted her as the daughter of an extremely low-born noble family and was, from this position, able to find herself a place in a border noble's militia. Taking to her training well, Valeria spent a couple of years honing her skills before departing again, insistent this time, her knightly vows have long since been taken, that she should find herself a proper lord. These aspirations in mind Valeria became a knight-errant, a wandering warrior who did her best to express her heart-felt values of chivalric duty and courage. It was during these wanderings that she gained her nickname, 'Knight of the Bridge'. One sunny day Valeria set herself up around a small bridge which forked an minor, but still unfordable stream, intent on spending the day challenging passers-by to friendly 'bouts of chivalric battle. As the day passed on various peasants of every shape and size crossed back and forth upon the bridge, each in turn declining the knight's requests for combat. At some point, a merchant and his accompanying cavalcade of four lightly-armed bodyguards approached the bridge on the other side, muscling out peasants and in some cases pushing them over into the river. Obviously a true knight could never stand for such an affront to the peasantry, after all, Valeria had taken a vow to protect them from tyranny. Therefore Valeria interceded herself upon the platform and challenged the merchant to back down from his wrong-doings. Perturbed, the oligarch sent his men to clear a path and through force of will Valeria was able to toss each in turn over and into the river, causing them to drown under the weight of their armor and clearing the bridge for use by the common folk. Skills: Valeria has been thoroughly trained in a variety of knightly skills including equestrian, swordsmanship, archery, physical conditioning, and survival tactics. Dreams and fears: Valeria dreams to one day attach herself to a powerful lord and serve them for the rest of her days. Valeria fears being turned away from such a position or dying lordless and without honor. Favored Equipment: Valeria has an incomplete set of roughly used and dented steel armor (pauldrons, greaves, gauntlets) and a chainmail shirt in addition to her hand-me-down sword and shield. She also has a couple of sets of mild clothing and boots. Most of these items are carried on her horse and she rarely wears her armor about (its quite heavy). Extra: Valeria has a horse named Lowen. Note: I'm almost positive something in here is either wrong/needs to be tweaked so please let me know whatever that is. Second Note: Bios are incoming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

My humble apologies good sir! I appear to have taken some hallucinogenic mushrooms and confused you for my bud.
Hehe, in my country we can get those shrooms' legally. :P Not that I'd ever do that..
~Large cool bio's that I dont wanna quote for space reasons~
Looks good, however I always find it quite difficult to imagine anime-esque appearances as 'real people' although I noticed in other RP's that this is usually only when I'm 'grading' them and this no longer becomes a problem in the IC. Still, I'd like to point out that the way they are represented is usually not wholly realistic (body-physique wise, too) and that I'd probably take it with a grain of salt. For example if you look at Valeria's picture, she's wearing a corset type of top which is not only incredibly bothersome in combat (it's tight and restricts movement and breathing, imagine getting punched in the gut and you lose all your air.. that'd suck.) it's also not really realistic in the sense that nobody has worn a corset into battle. However the rest is all very well written and I hope to see your histories soon! Thanks for your interest. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Izaka Sazaka> Looks good, however I always find it quite difficult to imagine anime-esque appearances as 'real people' although I noticed in other RP's that this is usually only when I'm 'grading' them and this no longer becomes a problem in the IC. Still, I'd like to point out that the way they are represented is usually not wholly realistic (body-physique wise, too) and that I'd probably take it with a grain of salt. For example if you look at Valeria's picture, she's wearing a corset type of top which is not only incredibly bothersome in combat (it's tight and restricts movement and breathing, imagine getting punched in the gut and you lose all your air.. that'd suck.) it's also not really realistic in the sense that nobody has worn a corset into battle. However the rest is all very well written and I hope to see your histories soon! Thanks for your interest. :)
That's a well-reasoned response, my reposte is that I intend to use those pictures merely as a general basis for the appearance. For example, in Galen's picture his robe is ripped/torn, something that obviously wouldn't be true of a noble who could afford better. I hope that's a suitable response? I believe that once we get into the IC, like you said, it's not going to matter very much. As a quick final note I wanted to make sure I was getting the noble rankings correct: a marquis is a very minor-level noble no?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

A marquis is similar to a count (basically, you rule a piece of land and you have subjects of your own) however the difference is that I believe a marquis was ruler of a march, a border-territory that was intended as more of a castle where men could be stationed in case of war. If you want to be a very minor noble then you'd be a courtier (someone that roams the court of a noble) from a noblemans family. And yes that's kinda what I was going for, just using them as a basis for appearance and then letting everyone just come up with their own version more or less. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Also as a minor suggestion I think we can start putting CS's into the character bin area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Watching this. I'm still considering whether to join in or not since I'm still a little tight on schedule, and I dont wanna ruin anything. But I might just be able to find some time, probably this week, to write a character. No promises though. Just saying I'm interested. Oh and subscribing!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Awesome! Glad to have you interested atleast :) I hope to see you joining us.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Smooth
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hm. I'll also put forth my interest. I've got exams coming up, but I've been wanting to get back into RPing for a while now. The GM for another RP I've been wanting to join seems to have disappeared without a trace too, and it seems to take ages before another RP that suits my tastes pops up. Might as well not let this one pass me by. Rambling aside, I'm thinking of making a scribe.
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