Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It's Time to Roleplay!

Get Your Keyboards Ready!

Let me introduce myself and explain my general style of roleplay...

(Basic Info)
  • My name is Caoimhe Gallagher or Miss Gallagher by the site title.
  • I'm a 25 year old female.
  • I run a business in real life.
  • I am incredibly friendly, but I do not tolerate idiots (by this I mean assholes).

(Roleplaying Info)
  • I've been roleplaying for a long fifteen years.
  • I'm considered to be on an advanced + level, but enjoy high-casual + Advance mixed roleplays.
  • I play dominant females (personality). I NEVER play damsels in distress.
  • I enjoy roleplays that can contribute a mix of suspense, violence, adult content, etc. So, you must be alright with said content as well.
  • The content above means you must be at least 18 years old to avoid possible legal issues.
  • I can post multiple times a day, so I expect my partners to have time (as in, not one post every couple days).
  • At the moment, I'm only showing Hetero roleplays on this thread. I AM open to lesbian plots if you PM me about one you may want to do.
  • When it comes to hetero plots, I play main female and I only want male partners (no females playing males).
  • When it comes to genres, I love most of them. The only things I avoid are cliché plots or plots that involve playing children.
  • I am 100% against incest*, pedophilia*, and bestiality*.
    • * Incest as in blood related. This does not include step family (unless raised together from birth).
    • * Pedophilia in the human sense. I'm not talking a 600 year old inhuman creature still being considered a 'child' to his own kind.
    • * Bestiality as in actual animals. This excludes furries/anthros.
  • * Roleplays will be Private Messages and E-mails ONLY due to possible content.

(Extra Roleplaying Info)

Here are my ORIGINAL roleplays!

Please, private message me once you decide what plot you want.
I rarely notice posts on the thread.

Content Graph
Even if they aren't listed, there is a possibility of other content.
  • V (Violence)
  • A (Adult 18+)
  • G (Gore)
  • H (Horror)
  • M (Mystery)


* Medieval Fantasy
* Content expected: V-A-G-M

Tears of an Angel

* Medieval Fantasy
* Content expect: V-G-M

Destiny of Trade

* Medieval-ish Fantasy
* Content Expect: V-M

Freedom from a King

* Medieval (fantasy optional)
* Content expect: V-G-M


* Medieval
* Content Expect: V-A-M

The Beast Within

* Medieval Fantasy
* Content Expect: V-G-A

Time Lock

* Medieval Mix
* Content Expect: V-G-M

A Dragon's Heart

* Medieval Fantasy
* Content Expect: V-G-M

The Flower of Life

* Medieval Fantasy with some high-tech advancements
* Content Expect: V-M

Glint of a Barrel

* Wild West
* Content Expect: V-G

Hot Fangs

* Wild West Fantasy
* Content Expect: V-A-G

Among the Waves

* Pirate Fantasy
* Content Expect: V-G-M

Davy Jones's Locker

* Pirate Fantasy
* Content Expect: V-G-M

Rome's Tranquil Blade

* Roman
* Content Expect: V-A-G

Rome's Secret Blade

* Roman
* Content Expect: V-A


* Future Sci-fi
* Alien Deformed Humans
*Content Expect: V-G-H


* Future Sci-fi
* Aliens
* Content Expect: V-G-A


* Future Sci-Fi
* Expect Content: V-G-A-

Help me!

* Modern Supernatural
* Content Expect: V-M-H

Killer's Club

* Modern Horror
* Content Expect: V-G-A-H

Jasper's Asylum

* Modern Horror
* Content Expected: V-G-M-H

Undead Eyes

* Modern Supernatural Fantasy
* Expect Content: G-M-H

In the Game

* Modern
* Content Expect: V-G-A

Grip of War

* Content Expect: V-G-A

All options below this point are very adult oriented (Mature, 18+).

Plots are vague enough to not break site rules.
Kinks and the like can be discussed via Private Messages.
Scroll down past this section to find the 'series pairings'.

Prince of Darkness

* Fantasy
* Content Expect: V-A

Subway Stranger

* Modern
* Content Expected: A

Daddy Dearest

* Modern
* Content Expect: A

Her Little Maid

* Modern
* Content Expect: A

Peace, Love, and Bloodshed

* Medieval
* Content Expect: V-G-A

Darkened Moon

* Modern
* Content Expect: A-G-V-M

Here are the Series pairings!
These are NOT part of the 'adult' section above for those confused.
I am only seeking men who are happy to play canons.
Some pairings have OC options, but not many.

  • Avatar - The Last Airbender
    • Zuko x OC + Others

  • Justice League
    • Your choice from series x OC + Others

  • Resident Evil
    • Wesker x OC + Chris

  • Arkham City
    • Joker x OC + Others

  • Dragon Ball Z
    • (Your call) X OC + Possible others.

  • Samurai Champloo
    • Jin x Mugen x Fuu x OC

  • Zoids - Guardian Foce
    • Karl L. Schubaltz x OC + Others

  • Naruto
    • Kakashi x OC + Others
    • (other main options available)

  • Yu-Yu Hakusho
    • Hie x OC + Others
    • Kurama X OC + Others
    • Kuwabara X OC + Others

    • Kaiba X OC + Others

  • One Piece
    • The crew (we share) x OC

  • Pokemon
    • OC x OC
    • Mewtwo x OC x OC
    • Professor Sycamore X OC

  • Hellboy
    • Hellboy x OC

  • Riddick
    • Riddick x OC

  • Mortal Kombat
    • Choose your warrior x OC + Others

  • Pirates of the Caribbean
    • Jack x OC

  • Harry Potter
    • Draco x OC + Others

  • X-Men
    • Kurt X Logan X OC X OC

  • Jurassic Park
    • OC x OC

  • Thor/Loki
    • Loki X Oc
    • Thor X OC

And that's all! Private Message me if you're interest!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

BlAH! Burned my food. That's rare and reflects how I'm feeling right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Taco time!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I want sweets so bad... ;-;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

God damn, that Ab Carver Pro is killer. ><
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Time for food!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
Avatar of Undead Eyes

Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A good morning! I did a workout. Responded to all my RPs, and now I'm having hashbrowns!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
Avatar of Undead Eyes

Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Morning! -Puts poppyseed bread in the oven.-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
Avatar of Undead Eyes

Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
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Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
Avatar of Undead Eyes

Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So hungry! -Holds stomach.- Need to buy some food today...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undead Eyes
Avatar of Undead Eyes

Undead Eyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

...I had a pound and a half of steak... Mmm...
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