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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Isengrim
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Absolutely! Each race can have its own language. Just to develop a little backstory (as I am wont to do):

All modern races of Allevent can trace their heritage back to the Advent, when an ancient race known as the Lexons warred with one another and unleashed the Nightbringer, destroying their civilization. Decades later one section of their society returned to the site of their self-destruction, now a thriving forest infused with an abundance of unstable, 'living' caith. These people became the Elfes, and because of their longevity and their insular ways, they speak a virtually unaltered form of Antelexis even tens of thousands of years later.

The other branch continued to wander and spread throughout Allevent, becoming the modern races of Deor, Human, Bogle and Gygr (and more). Over the millennia each developed its own separate language - although because they all share a proto-language in the Antelexis, a common pidgin tongue allows each race to communicate with one another across Allevent. It is this tongue, known as the lexis, that we'll be writing/speaking in throughout the rp.

The human language is known as Yuma, and to other races' ears it can sound somewhat simplistic though not offensively so. Straightforward, Yuman is the most commonly known language outside of the lexis itself, and in fact sounds more like a heavy accent than a separate tongue.

The various deor tribes have a language with multitudinous dialects and accents, but collectively is referred to as Indigen. To other races it sounds rather obtuse, because even the slightest changes in tone can drastically alter the meaning. Indigenous songs can have entirely different meanings depending on the music they're set to.

The bogle tongue is called Folkl, and sounds quite complicated to other ears, as though twice the sounds are made in half the time. Folklor words are known for their surprising specificity and length - for instance having a single word meaning 'a friend who at one point was, or could soon become, a romantic partner.'

The gygr people speak in Glot. The Glottal tongue is virtually unintelligible to all other ears and can sound as little more than a deep, throaty rumble. Because the gygr people are sensitive to sounds at a lower frequency, there is much more nuance to the language than is readily apparent.

The elfes continue to speak in the old tongue, the Antelexis. It is incredibly formal and literal, and the grammatical and syntactical rules make mastery for nearly all other races impossible unless immersed in the language from birth. To the elfes, all other tongues are more or less understandable, except for the more idiomatic or figurative expressions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry to hear that! I hope everything's alright - and always feel free to come back and contribute whatever, whenever!

It's nothing to worry about, they just want to make sure my fever isn't rabies or something unlikely. Lol doctors. I'll do that and come back when I can!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dondude
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Dondude His Dudeness, Duder, El Duderino

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Simple statistics."

Name: Vylmor Octavius (Veel-mor as opposed to Vile-mor)
Nickname/Alias/Title: "Vee", as most pronounce his name in the incorrect form. Otherwise known as Mr. Octavius when dealing with business ends.
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Race: Halfling (Human-Elf Mutt)
Occupation: Doctor, Loremaster, Alchemist, Merchant

Vylmor's life came to be among a small, secluded elven tribe known as the Keyls, their people located far, far off to the heavily forested west of Coeden. Unlike most of the remaining elven societies, those that have since adopted at least some of the advents of the modern age, the Keyls take pride in their deepened connection to nature, in both the hardships and "purity" that it brought to their simple, albeit archaic, existence.

Among these elves was Vynmora, whose beauty was without proper diction even within the Antelexis vocabulary. Like many, she held curiosity to the possibilities beyond the Keyl's forested home of solitude, as beautiful the lush fields of flowers and herbs, radiant sunlight, and towering trees were. Unlike most in her tribe, however, she actually acted on her desire for knowledge, and proceeded to explore the forests around her during the night, as the Elders slept and the Keyls' patrol was few.

It wasn't long into these nightly journeys that Vynmora came across a small Human outpost, frontiersmen of Adelost seeking to learn more of the surrounding areas (and to perhaps see if such land was for the taking). Among these men was August Octavius: one of the leaders of the escapade, and one of the few with a mission that wasn't of ill-will: to simply record and learn of the fauna, caith, and the inhabitants, if any.

This was quite the discovery for Vynmora, who lived an existence where the Keyls were taught that Elves were the only species of humanoids to exist. Only a few nights more beyond this finding did Vynmora and August happen to meet, at a lush ravine that practically separated the outpost between the more heavily forested conclaves, where the Keyl's tribe was kept hidden in its depths.

It was love at first sight for August; as for Vynmora, it was more along the lines of her curiosity building to their greatest heights, seeing (what she assumed to be) an Elf with very strange, "flat" features (as far as Elves were concerned). The two would return to the dividing ravine each night, and it would be a few nights more before the two would even attempt to communicate with one another, but it was not before long that their forbidden love quickly blossomed.

Many, many nights did their affair pass and their love grew with time, until Vynmora discovered she was of child. This was much to her misfortune, as the Keyls would discover upon her birth that the child was "unpure." It was only lucky enough (at least for Vynmora) that fate would have it that her assigned partner, Gerwyn, would perish during a hunt by an attack from a Caithness. Vynmora, guilty as she was, took the given opportunity to play off that her soon to be child would be theirs.

It was with this discovery that the true lovers decided, against both of their greater desires, that they should end their affair before another unexplainable child should happen to arise from their irresponsibility. With a final goodbye at the ravine, it would be the last time that the two would see one another again.

Months flew by, and Vylmor was born without complication. He seemed perfect in every way, being lucky in taking most of his mother's features as opposed to his fathers. This seemed to fool everyone, excluding the Elders, who knew without doubt that Vylmor wasn't a pure Elf. Though, they waited to act, allowing Vynmora to raise her child without the faintest hint of dissatisfaction.

Seven years passed, and while Vynmora longed for a life with August, soon enough she was content in raising Vylmor, teaching him the ways of the Keyls, happy to be given a second chance for her disobedience... or so she thought. It seemed that the Elders planned to make an example of Vynmora all along, only that they waited until Vylmor was of age to witness the action himself.

Without warning, Vynmora was imprisoned, beaten until her once beautiful visage was only a faint memory, and then brought to stage, only to have her throat sliced in front of a bloodthirsty audience... with Vylmor held prisoner next to her, so as he may reap the knowledge of her misdeed, before he would suffer the same fate the very next day.

Of course, Vylmor would not take this. With the supreme luck of having loose ties, Vylmor made his escape into the night, heading off to the old outpost which his mother would tell him stories of. Only did Vylmor discover that the once small outpost had over the long stretch of time developed into a moderate farming village of its own.

It was here that Vylmor was reunited with Mr. Octavius; luckily for him without much commotion, as Vylmor's first stop was the pub. August knew in an instant, even beyond the bruises and dried tears; this boy was his son. By the night, August had taken all his belongings he could bring by carriage, as well as his boy, for a stealthy move back to Adelost...

...Many years would pass. August, being a wealthy and privileged merchant of the trade city, was able to afford Vylmor an unparalleled education. But even the best private mentors money could buy had difficulty quelling Vylmor's endless quest for knowledge, and on the off hours that he was not with a guide, Vylmor planted his face in August's vast collection of books and encyclopedias.

In the few hours that remained in the day, Vylmor had a deep fascination with Adelost's School of Wards, a guild that specialized in the studies of Solurgy. With a deep desire to learn how to protect others, to prevent such injustice that had befallen his mother, Vylmor spent countless hours in the halls learning from the best scholars as to how to control aurum.

This was yet another area in which Vylmor excelled, being capable of creating protective auras around himself and others that protected both from weapons and elements. His aptitude astonished most teachers, having to spend nearly their entire lives to accomplish what he was able to with the caith.

By the age of 25, Vylmor was an adept student of Solurgy, and carried in his mind complete knowledge of the world around him (or so he presumed was the case with simply reading an encyclopedia). But this yet was not enough for him. By August's surprise, Vylmor announced that he would be making his own way independently, furthering his medical studies in the city of Havenstad. The two shared a close, loving bond, but Vee made it clear that he would not feel complete without seeking his own way and fortune in the world. August accepted his son's desires, and it was a sad farewell, before Vylmor made his departure.

It was here in this little pirate port, a far cry from the noble, secure life of Adelost, that Vylmor found he could make a great opportunity for himself... not to mention, he heard the weather there was fantastic. Indeed, it was a pirate's paradise... and soon, Vylmor found out, a junkie's paradise as well, soon becoming familiar with Cuprum's uses beyond what's mentioned in the medical textbooks.

Vylmor came to the city with the hopes of one day becoming an esteemed doctor or surgeon, but the potential profit in the seedy world of Cuprum dealing was more than he could resist. Using his knowledge of both Aurum and Cuprum, Vylmor was one of the first to discover just how potent the drug could be when the former was used to enhance the latter. His first batches to the Havenstad druglords that empowered the Black Market couldn't keep up with demand.

Over the past five years, Vylmor has risen from a modest medical student to a bonafide king pin; all through the deceptive use of his Solurgy in combination with Cuprum. As he has seen it, if such unmotivated individuals would befall the whims of a drug to take away their pain, who was he to deny them? If it weren't him, it would be somebody else to take the profit; and if the profit was up for grabs, why not be the one to take it?

Vylmor's "business" has spread far across Oceanica, as his business ties have spread even further across Allevent, granting him a great deal of control and information as to the solidity of his affairs. And with such knowledge came some unfortunate attention. By the last year, it was becoming apparent to Vylmor that his business has grown far too large for him to handle, and his arrogant desire for growth has led to such a state that his business has grown beyond even his own control.

With Vee's unwitting arrogance, some of Oceanica's more aggressive task forces have made it their sole mission to take him down personally. Many of their missions have since made Vee's moves all over the expansive archipelagos, his business dealings, a difficult persuasion, if not impossible. As such, he has learned to seek more "legitimate" business sources... among them, Vee came across the Aleph Null only six months ago.

It was with this ship, and its captain, the esteemed Wilton Grady, that Vee found his perfect escape route from the encroaching, seemingly unending forces of the law.

It is ultimately Vylmor's goal to further amass the wealth that he has made for himself, if only for the sole purpose of someday completely annihilating the Keyl clan. The memory of Vynmora's unjust public slaughter has been fresh in Vee's mind since the night of her death, and it would be no greater satisfaction for him to personally show those that have wronged him how Vynmore's "unpure" offspring has made a name for himself; despite their murderous contempt.

Clearing his name is a second thought, but it would certainly help to clear the since foggy relations Vylmor has had to compromise with his father, August. Not to mention, it would certainly help him ascertain a more comfortable life upon his completion of being a runaway... but since his boarding, Vee has been seeing more and more to like than he originally presumed of the piracy occupation.

Vee has since learned that there is more than meets the eye from his encyclopedias (in fact, he has been seeing in many an occasion that such encyclopedias that he has grown from have been entirely wrong in some respects). Indeed, his journal has come to life from the various journeys that the crew has encountered, and he has been fueled by a newfound mission to record their various findings, wildlife, and locale as they come. Perhaps as the journey continues, such a mission would become a forethought...

- Highly skilled Solurgist.
- Extensive knowledge of Cuprum, and can use it for creating healing/enhancing potions, deadly poisons... and form it into a high purity variety for copperheads. Not a Theurgist, however, and needs to manipulate the material the old-fashioned way (pestle and mortar).
- Intelligent and highly educated, making him quite knowledgeable when it comes to varying factions, the geography, history and varying species of Allevent, what-have-you. This makes him a great source of information. However, this doesn't really translate to "street smarts"; Vee knows the world by textbooks, not through actual real-world experience.
- Knowledgeable of the value of materials and items, and a skilled barterer. His business persuasion is unparalleled... but his actual people/relation/morale skills are lacking, to say the least, coming off as cold and calculating.
- Capable polyglot. Vee can converse perfectly in Yuman and Antelexis. Vee can also converse in Indigen and Folkl, though he is far less fluent in these languages. Glot, however, is barely intelligible for Vee.
- Shifty, skilled gambler.
- Fashionista, and knows how to cut hair.

Strengths: [Defense; Intelligence] - Vee's true strengths lie in the back of the brunt as opposed to the front lines. While perhaps only a tad self absorbed, Vee will extend his energy into those that he deems as his allies, and that goes for most of the crew in the Aleph Null; besides, he would rather deal with you the easy way through prevention as opposed to the operating table. He also has an innate sense of where the damage will be coming and going, as is second nature with a sharp mind; chances are if you have an unknown blindspot, he probably has you covered... so long as nobody's coming at him with a rapier.

Weaknesses: [Attack; Willpower] - Where Vee is truly skilled in the use of Solurgy, his energy into the arcane and academia has left him without much in the way of threatening force. In fact, as much as Vee holds himself to such high esteem, he would be almost helpless without an ally to finish off even the slightest of threats. Even when he knows how to protect his allies, you would be best to make sure he is loyal and truly looking out for you; chances are, if he had to save you or himself, he would vote for the latter. So it's best to keep him happy. When out of combat, he also has been known to escape into his own created vices with Cuprum; best not call him a Copperhead, though.


1. An ornate, highly prized Dagger. Vee has soaked the blade in a deadly poison; the slightest contact is slow but certain death...
2. ...without the antidote, which Vee keeps handy in a small vial around his neck. Vee is not skilled in the slightest with the dagger; but if he's already behind an unsuspecting person, all Vee needs to know is to slice the carotid artery.
3. An equally ornate and incredibly valuable pistol, held at his hip. Six rounds. The weapon is simply for show, if anything, as Vee couldn't hit a barn door if he was ten feet away. But perhaps with luck and in a dire circumstance, one of those six bullets would hit something of an encroaching enemy.
4. A satchel, which carries:
5. A varying assortment of potions/poisons, dependent on the situation, and miscellaneous herbs and alchemy supplies, such as his mortar and pestle.
6. Vee's journal, where he marks all matters of information that he gathers of his surroundings and of those around him. When he isn't speaking, he will tend to be writing something in this. Keeps it locked, the key to which is draped around his neck alongside his antidote.

What other characters would know:

From the way Vee keeps himself, most would definitely connect that he's a man of privilege, and that he isn't afraid to show it. He's usually seen everywhere sporting a dark navy trench coat, complemented by a lighter scarf beneath and dark purple, skin tight gloves [akin to the character picture]. They're of a very finely crafted, expensive material, and do well to block from the winds while being stylish to match. Sadly, not very effective for combat; but he looks hella rad when he casts auras and wards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Isengrim
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Awesome character Dondude - Exactly what this ship needs!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dondude
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Dondude His Dudeness, Duder, El Duderino

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@IsengrimAfter reading more of your own character, it's going to be tricky coming up with a way to convince Wilt to have Vee's noble ass on board, despite his uses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Isengrim
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As long as he can shit over the rail in a thunder storm and he'll fit right in with the rest of the crew...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dondude
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Dondude His Dudeness, Duder, El Duderino

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As long as he can shit over the rail in a thunder storm--

Yyyyyyyyeah, about that...

Also, where the heck are the rest of the characters?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bakugou
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bakugou Nerf THIS!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In progress. I'm afraid I'm running a tight schedule this week, so I apologize for the delay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

How would Grady feel about a runaway noble who can't fight?
She's just...well....a gearhead noble who researches Caith. Construction, repairing, or deconstruction :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Isengrim
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lol, as long as his entire crew aren't nobles!

Even if he learns about her upbringing, it doesn't mean he's going to automatically attack her or something. Yeah, he's out for vengeance against those he feels are contemptuous of the lower classes; those who acts as though their whims and fancies are more important than the lives of the common folk. Those who've walked away from that life, or don't espouse those particular views, he's more or less alright with.

I mean, he'll probably spend his time teasing her in a manner somewhere between good-natured and not, but he isn't going to throw her off the ship or anything...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RyanTadashi
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I am interested in making a character for the Master Gunner position, if that's alright!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RyanTadashi
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@isengrim Let me know if there are any problems, I will be happy to change them!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XSilentWingsX


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, so I've got my character pretty much ready, though it's still work-in-progress-ish! I may go through and make a few edits here and there. I'd love to hear what you think, and I'm always open to making changes.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Isengrim
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@RyanTadashi Welcome aboard - can't wait to see what you come up with!

@XSilentWingsX Excellent post! I'm loving all these great charas!

One of these days I'll end a sentence without an exclamation point!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Welp, I'm making the character, and probably the only urgist who consistently overuse/abuse the Caith.
She goes on a rampage, since it's Ferrum :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Isengrim
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@RyanTadashi Wow, you sure hit the ground running - great character!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RyanTadashi
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@RyanTadashi Wow, you sure hit the ground running - great character!

Thank You very much! Be prepared to be disappointed as my drawing skills are about 2% what my writing skill are.

Very excited for this RP!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've finished all the WIP stuff for Alex. Its probably not the best Character ever, but I think it'll grow well when we actually are IC.

It you have any problems with it, let me know @Isengrim. I thought that with Grady's rougher personality, that a First Mate who was personable and charismatic would be a good offset.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Utterly awesome! Blame 71342 for my presence. :p
I have ideas for either a Gygr/Deor (equine) Master Gunner, but I see we have balder vying for that position. If he likes, I would be more than happy to be his assistant.

Otherwise a pirate would do me just fine.

Also, I had an idea taken right from the movie 'Stardust': as a form of legal enterprise, they drag great metal nets through storm clouds to harvest Stanum, vivium, and lumen from the wind water and lightning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Isengrim
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Great to meet you! Like you said, Master Gunner is taken, but since he's going to be dying of old age any day now, I'm sure he'll be training some young pup to take over! :) I'd love to see a non-human aboard - a Deor would be awesome!

And good idea with the harvesting of caith - great minds think alike!
1x Laugh Laugh
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