Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mysaren
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Mysaren killjoy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mysaren stepped out of the spacecraft, her boot immediately hitting hard metal. She folded her communicator open, staring at the map in front of her. Police station, right. She made her way over to the station, humming a tune as she looked around the city. Derberus used to be a lovely planet, but it had somewhat fallen to shit in recent years.

Someone smuggling to her left, a gun shot to her right. Her hand twitched to her gun, cracking her neck. This job was probably going to be harder than she had anticipated. She had done bounty hunting before, of course, but never in a time of crisis like this. Just a few smugglers, the occasional escapee from prison. Never murderers and low-lifes like those who had sprung up recently.

Mysaren shook away any thoughts of the crimes nearby, however. Not a good idea to get angry right before a job interview. She stepped into the police station, watching as several hand-cuffed beings were lead off to another room. “Excuse me?” A hissing voice said, and Mysaren turned. Ah, the police chief. The lower half of his body was nothing more than a mass of scales, a crude imitation of a Terran snake. Well, not what she was expecting, but she’d take it.

“Ah, yes, I’m here for the job interview? I’m Captain Mysaren Aesean, formerly of the HMS Helios. Now of the Transport Craft #303490, Terra to Sol.”

“Captain Aesean, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m assuming you’re here because of the job offer?” The man slithered to her, extending a scaly arm. Mysaren shook it, because, well, there’s no reason to be impolite.

“Yes, sir. I have done some bounty hunting in the past, and I kinda need a job. Flying transport craft ain’t exactly a high paying job.” The man, judging by the name tag Ja’ket Merid, let out a harsh laugh before beckoning her to follow. They ended up in a small meeting room, with only about ten chairs. Mysaren slipped into her seat, leaning back. “

“You will be ordering a crew, you are aware of that, yes, Captain Aesean? The ship and all of the weapons will be provided for you. We just need to wait for your allies to get here.”

And that is precisely what Mysaren did. Wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Derberus had greeted Deidra forty-eight hours before with grit and stink. It was far from visually pleasing, and in many parts was downright offensive to the nose, but she'd reminded herself repeatedly: It's only a couple days I'm staying on this dump of a cosmic rock. Then I'll be free again, sailing the stars in pursuit of some real jackass. This frame of mind may have been the only thing to get her through her short stay on Derberus, which she'd decided the moment she'd stepped on its surface that she hated.

Now, anxious to get to the police station and hobbling just a little from the heavy set of tools she'd lugged along, she hurried along a grimy street and ignored the various scenes of violence sprinkled around. Seeing this type of stuff was probably the most important factor that made Derberus what she thought of as the "dirty rock" of this star system. For the millionth time she checked her map at the same time she walked, and nearly tripped into a slug-like tail.

"Watch where you're going," chirped a cheerful-sounding eight-legged beast, "or I'll salt you."

"Mhm," muttered Deidra in a tone that wasn't exactly apologetic, and kept walking until the police station came into view. Her pacemaker moved more slowly, and her whole chest felt looser than before as a sigh of relief came out. She paused at the door, scraped a small hunk of dirt from between her neck plates, and entered. Her enhanced eye sensed infrared signatures in what she assumed to be a meeting room and cautiously she made her way in that direction.

She waited at the doorway to be let in, because although she was fairly sure that this was where she was supposed to be, she didn't want to barge in, especially if she happened to be mistaken.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The shuttle bounced as it descended to the planet's surface, bobbing through the events of entering the atmosphere. The shuttle had five Zenohunt marines inside, as well as one girl that looked entirely out of place in her civilian clothes. Every so often, the girl would see a marine take a glance at her, and then go on whispering to the marine next to him. They were all wondering why such a girl was on board a military shuttle, however they did not question it, especially not with the annoyed glare of their sergeant which shot their way every time they decided to speak about her.

The admiral had overdone it a little. While there had been normal cabins free, it had appeared that she was assigned the VIP cabin on the way to this planet, Derberus. Instead of most of her clients, when Cyan had been contacted by a Zenohunt fleet admiral and offered money for taking out a target, she had worked for a few favours, which she knew would come in a lot more handy than some cash. Being able to ask a Zenohunt admiral for a few things (within reason, of course), that was much more of a prize than a few jumps of the decimal point in Cyan's bank account.

So, when Cyan had contacted the admiral, asking for transport to the planet Derberus, he had sent an encrypted message back, stating that she could board the UZF Moonquester, that had happened to be passing the planet that she had been on at the time. It had been a stroke of luck, as waiting for a ship could mean that she would be terribly late for... What she was supposed to attend.

"Thank you for flying with Moonquester airlines. Please take all thermonuclear devices with you. All such devices left behind will be taken and transferred to the next bomber flight, who will deposit of them. Thank you."

Cyan couldn't help but giggle a little at the pilot's announcement, making a few of the marines glance at her and smile. Even their sergeant couldn't help but give a little smile at her cute giggle. As the tail ramp eased open, Cyan exited the shuttle and made her way at a light jog into the building awaiting her, waving goodbye to the marines as they went their own way. Outside of the building, she found a terminal, and quickly memorized a map of the local area before heading to her destination; The police building.

The Zenohunt girl began jogging again, the building not that far away. As she made her way toward it, she couldn't help but notice how horrible the place was. Hoodlums on every street corner, a man with a purse running away from someone, and she even saw someone at knifepoint in an alleyway: She quickly ran past, not wanting to be included in such matters.

Finally, after around half an hour, plus leaving someone covered in scratches, and someone else with a fair few bruises (thanks to her snapstick), Cyan had arrived at her destination. She stared up at the building, before looking back down. Perhaps the reason she had almost (well, almost was a complete overstatement) been mugged twice, probably raped if they had gotten the better of her, was the fact that she looked like a nice, innocent, cute cat girl in her cute clothing. Strangely enough, that was the way she liked it. If she looked all cute and innocent, she would be underestimated by her foes.

A smile on her face, the Zenohunt strolled toward the entrance of the police station, walking in and glancing around, trying to figure out where to go. Probably the meeting room, as she had been informed in the message she had received what felt like forever ago. She began her stroll by walking toward a completely randomly chosen door, and opening it, walking in. Apparently, it appeared to be the right way, as there were weren't any civilians in here, by the look of it. She continued walking, searching all the doors, looking for a meeting room.

It seemed that being innocent had it's disadvantage, as a police officer walked toward her, looked her up and down before asking, "Miss, are you meant to be here?" Cyan looked up and stared at him for a few moments, before nodding. "Yes. I am here for a meeting. Or have I gotten the wrong time." The police officer looked her up and down once again, his face looking grim. Clearly, he knew about the meeting, but was wondering why such an innocent lady was going to it. "The meeting room is this way," the officer finally says, turning and walking toward a doorway, which had a lady who looked half-metal beside it. He opened the door, and held it open as she stepped in. "Thank you," She says to the officer, before taking a seat. She now went silent, eyeing the woman sitting down and the snake-like other in the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I apologize sir, that was not my intention!" His words bounced of the alleyway walls in their reliably metallic, electrical tone. His back against the wall with a forearm pressing on his throat, this wasn't the introduction to Derberus Tin Man had hoped for.
"MY intentions are tha ones yous gotta worry 'bout" The brutish voice of his assailant matched his colossal frame and bald head. Tin Man realized that not many inhabitants of this planet would understand the notion of a good Samaritan. Only moments earlier had he witnessed a curious item fall from his attackers backpack. He picked it up, fully intending to return it, but he was not going to convince this Goliath of that now.
"I ask you to step back sir, otherwise I will be forced into action"
"Ha! Whats a scrawny metalface like you gonna do?" With the most appalled expression solid metal could muster, tin man grabbed his foes head, with a thunderous thud it whipped backwards throwing the brute to the floor. Seemingly not moving anymore, Tin man nervously looked around,
"Apologies sir, but I do not take kindly to discrimination!"

Hurrying from the alleyway, Tin Man quickly gathered his bearings. Dark characters skulked around the backstreets, hoods up and faces covered, this wasn't a friendly place. As he approached the police station he paused. He needed better than an assumption that this was where he needed to be, but out of all the buildings he had passed thus far, this was most likely it.

Making his way through the door and beyond, Tin Man faced as many brigands and criminals inside the police station as outside. Races of all shapes and sizes were being processed and questioned.
Eventually after checking almost every face he could see, Tin Man recognized his captain. Raising his hand and shouting across the room like a child in a class waving down his friend, Tin Man hurried over to reunite with someone he wasn't nervous to be around.
"Horrible place this captain" He immediately gestured a shy apology to a rather nasty looking gentlemen who happened to be in earshot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Monotonous
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Monotonous Sock

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Can you guys just"—the runner paused to catch his breath—"fuck off?" Hunched over with sweat-soaked clothes, Volker twisted his upper body backwards, before his eyes darted around looking for his pursuers. The weary man let out a sigh of relief and grinned, for the thugs who were chasing him seemed to have stopped. They were an intimidating bunch, with their large builds, bald heads, and features that were eerily similar to a group running towards him. Oh. The pursued drew his throwing knives prior to frantically throwing them at the muggers to no avail. The knife-thrower didn't have time to decide the reason for him missing—whether it was due to his hand trembling or him just being a shit-shot— as he ran away.

Volker's hunters gave up as he entered the vicinity of the station. Resting right outside the building, he took out one of many small bags of candy he had; Stargrazer loved these star-shaped candies as much as he hated this shitty-smelling planet. After wolfing down a few bags, the bounty hunter entered the station. The faces inside were as homely as the ones outside. Time to find the leader of his new ship.
"Uh... Are you the captain?" The man's question was met with an unneeded hostile stare and eye roll.
After many more careful analyzations, guesses, and attempts, the candy-lover eyed the tall pink-haired human before speaking.

"You the Captain?"

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