Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hackers For a Better Tomorrow

- - - See Beyond the Wires

Accepting CS Till: August 14'th

Co-GM: Accepting Offers

RP Genre: Sci-fi, Action, Cyberpunk, Mystery and Slice of Life. Room for Time Travel and Post-Apoc down the line.

RP Group Size: 4-5 RPers

RP Post Frequency: Once a week.

RP Post Amount: Around 4-6 paragraphs.

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Summary: Set in the near year of 2022, our technology has drastically changed. Now no one gets by without a cell phone. It is their link to everything in their life. Everything is digital and writing by hand has been outdated. Everyone not only has a cell phone, but it's also linked to world wide wi-fi. People use their cell phones to pick outfits, purchase clothes, food, and the like. And with a touch of a button, they have anything they want. They also use their cell phones to communicate with friends, listen to music and find an escape. Those are things we're familiar with right now in 2015. The big difference between now and then is that without a cell phone, a person will die.

Think of the cell phone as a containment for your soul. It's charged by your own life force.

Another thing that is different about the cell phones of 2022 is that they play music but this music is different, it can take people into a digital realm called the DgtWld. (Short for Digital World) You can travel across the world and go shopping, or be taken to a sunset overlooking the Caribbean. The way this is done, is by extracting your mental awareness and relocating it elsewhere while still keeping your body bound to your current relation. Music plays a big part in everyone's life and almost everyone is immersed in it when not working or going to school.

Now with such technological advances, hackers have more opportunities to attack people aince everyone on one massive network. Because of this, the government has passed a secret underground project and has developed an application downloadable to certain people. This application allows the user to go completely into the DgtWld: mind, body and soul. These people are called Correctors who fend off the hackers and viruses that plague the DgtWld and threaten people's lives and well being. Correctors are hand selected by the government in their region, of course each country has only a select amount of Correctors who all fight for one cause and work together when necessary. The Gvn (Government) keeps everything tightly woven together so the public don't worry, so the Correctors are of course kept secret and only exist online.

While Correctors are hired because of their morals, they are also hired because of their lack of coding and computer knowledge. If the Gvn hired people who could do their own work on the side, it would only create more problems. Hackers on the other hand, are very skilled in making viruses and other malicious digital entities. Hackers are in it for themselves, they go after people for their money, health and even lives. Many hackers keep tabs on Correctors and work together to make sure the pesky Gvn watchdogs stay out of their affairs. And yet another strain of hackers have emerged known as New Age Hackers. These computer savvy people are on a mission to bring society back from the future and remind it of the past.

After Unification Day in 2015, the world has begin a bright new era of sleek harmony. Buildings are built in old national parks and other natural habitats. The homeless need places to live so of course places like China, Egypt, Africa and America were targeted and landmarks were destroyed to make room for companies, apartments, schools and other necessary structures to ensure that humanity's focus was on moving forward for the future. While this was happening, certain people took it upon themselves to buy up land in order to conserve the beauty and richness of the planet while everyone else excitedly looked forward to the innovation of MChips and other scientific advances.

Taking place in London, our story will depict the lives of NHax who have formed their own underground group of New Age Hackers who are determined to fight against both hackers and correctors alike to prove to them that they're on the wrong side, that the world wide Gvn that supposedly saved the world from itself, is really evil and selfish and plans to profit from the rapid urbanization it's worked hard to propel. Our characters will be people who can physically entered the DgtWld (unlike normal people and Correctors) with the help of their own technology they've made. Our characters will be active online as well as offline with protests and sneaky attacks to infiltrate the LND Gvn which has been helped by Japan and America, ever since Unification Day back in 2015, when behind the scenes genocide and buyouts began.

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RP Timeline:

2015 - Japanese scientists unveil a new model of cell phones which link to the user's life force via microchip implanted in the back of their neck. This begins the boom in new cell phone design and soon a world wide wi-fi network is put in place.

2016 - Over 50% of the entire population now are using the new cell phone models which are very affordable. New applications are being released and sold through Apple and other major companies around the world. The general public is beginning to move over to a sleeker, more timely lifestyle of instant gratification.

2017 - The US and the Japanese Governments are the first to pass a secret bill that would allow the country to hire select people to help defend people from the onslaught of recent cyber crimes. Now 75% of the population is linked to the global network which is now giving people in rural areas new job opportunities.

2018 - Now everyone in the world is linked to the DgtWld and every major country is using secret Correctors to help protect their citizens.

2020 - Worldwide utopia seemed to have been reached. Life now centers around one's cell phone and music and most jobs cater to computers and security even though just years ago the world was in chaos with war and economic strife. With the entire world prospering, there is no little to no reported crime, hunger and famine are abolished and everyone seems happy with the progress made with technology for science and medicine.

2022 - Currently there are no signs of unrest, however in the DgtWld, a new era of terrorism is starting to rage against the Correctors and their scrutiny.

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RP Starting Point and Closing Comments:

If you are interested, you are making a commitment to being active and communicative in the OOC, not just the IC.

If you'd like a bit more information, you can look at the general interest check I made where I decided to go through with this, which is located: [url=roleplayerguild.com/topics/83912-three..

I am seeking a co-GM, though they don't have to have been with the old crew, they just need to be able to talk offline through Facebook, G+ or possibly Twitter if need be. A co-GM will have a bit more freedom when they make their character, to give some kind of thanks for keeping things in order, should I become busy or go MIA due to school.

We will start with our characters already knowing one another, as well as preparing for a mission to scope out the newest addition to the London Headquarters where our NHax know that Correctors report to. There, NHax hope to find new information on the mysterious events that happened back in 2015. Our characters will need to have a thirst for justice, protecting nature, and for doing whatever it takes to prove to people that being tricked into comfort, is no way to live. I am not looking for paranoid techie loners with parental issues and other crap. Our characters will be in their mid 20s to 30s, so they should have a good grasp on life with your typical career or family. These aren't starry eyed teens who probably don't remember life before Unification Day, these are people with goals and passion and skills to see things through until the end.

If you're interested, let me know here and we can discuss possible character ideas, expectations and other stuff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MenageAUne
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MenageAUne Queen Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hooler dooler, this looks really good, bro

I'd be game to co-GM, cause I'll only really be busy on T/Th.

I don't have really any posts on here, but I used to be on oldguild way back when and now I have a lot more time to put into RP

EDIT: I can talk through G+ maybe, Kik, or Skype, PM me if any of those are good and I'll send you my contact info
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hello there, @MenageAUne and thanks for your interest. :)

I'll be busy Mon, Tue, Thur myself but it would still be good to have a co-GM who can prod people when I'm busy, so I'd love to take you up on your offer and talk more so we're on the same page and you're comfortable with everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

One last bump before this is set aside for winter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

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