Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

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The lore section is now finished in the extent I consider it relevant for the scope of the game. If there is anything anyone feels that I should open up, unravel or explain in regard to the lore of Idumea, just make a sound and I will look into it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This isn't really about the lore, but I'm just wondering if anyone else is gonna show up. I assume some are making their sheets as I type, but can't hurt to ask for some presence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

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@Lord Santa Patience is a virtue ;) Not everyone makes it to be here every day. Even for me it is unlikely that I make it everyday. Now I've been lucky that I don't have that much happening at work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Lord Santa Patience is a virtue ;) Not everyone makes it to be here every day. Even for me it is unlikely that I make it everyday. Now I've been lucky that I don't have that much happening at work.

Weeell, I guess since I'm on holidays now, I have too much free time on my hands or something :\

I can wait, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

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@Lord Santa Yah, wait is all we can :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jozarin


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Also, folks, I won't be able to post until friday night at earliest, or monday morning at latest, due to a camping trip and subsequent visiting of a hermit friend of mine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Shteivel / "Lyra" Leevva
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Race: Pure Mountain Elf
Shteivel is the child of two artificers of enchantments, who were both exiled and later assassinated for making enchantments that would steal the magic potential from Mountain Elves specifically.

Nature: Lyra is quite a motherly individual, to the point where she almost coddles her comrades. She brings stricture and order to any sort of lodging, but is extremely susceptible to fall for seemingly vulnerable things. She's rather easy to trust (as she easily trusts just about anyone), provided no one's taking advantage of her kindness...

Looks: Lyra would be, by the hedonistic standards of lords and ladies with the time to spare, a beautiful creature to pry apart at with one's eyes. She stands at a comfortable 5'6, which isn't too terribly tall nor short, except for the fact that people usually think she'd be a half-elf. She weighs 125 lb., which explains her rather average (but again, comfortable!) curves. Despite her given age, her face seems devoid of wrinkles and blemishes - a sign that the beginning of her near-eternal clock has begun to tick.

She is slightly bow-legged, which slightly causes her hips to naturally spread a little wider, and like all elves, she has tipped ears. Her hair, like most Mountain Elves, is a flaxen hue so devoid of color it may be likened to the unpicked grains of wheat in the winter. Her hair is usually tied in a skewered bun or a loose bun, whichever works better. Her eyes are quite beautiful and gentle, as her irises are an incredibly soft and matte powder blue. They are so matte that they refuse to shine sunlight, but instead leave only an ever-soft color to lose one's self in. Her skin is deathly pale with a soft pink twist, as her rigorous mountain-side lifestyle has breathed at least a small burst of life into her cheeks (which are, most times, quite thin). She has slim lips and a cute button nose to boot.

Her only adornment is a brilliantly blue earring on her left ear. A tattoo of what appears to be half of a gear fans out from her tailbone, though what purpose it serves is unknown.

Class: Necromancy
Lyra is a genius at necromancy, especially in the art of manipulating corpses to do her bidding. However, she isn't a terribly skilled spiritualist, which means it's harder for her to talk to spirits and clearly make out their requests and contracts. That's why she refuses to sign any, and instead relies on her own power, which includes death rays alongside her manipulation of corpses.

Shteivel was once part of the highest of the Mountain Elves, via her family. Most of the people who lived up on the peaks were master artificers; the Leevvas were no exception. Their trade was the enchantment of various objects, and so they were renowned even among the Mountain Elves as among the most precise enchanters of their time. Clocks, compasses, and other instruments of measurement gain unparalleled accuracy. Industrial saws were strengthened to outlast even the most well-maintained of swords. It become a point of controversy, then that the Leevvas began to dabble in innovations, not improvements. Strange tools, though far inferior to that of the magic-imbued instruments, were produced and made cheaply, as they were powered by the sun. For a time, the Mountain Elves enjoyed this dubious technology...only to realize that an entire generation of their children were talentless - stripped of magic.

The one thing the Mountain Elves could call their strength was briefly taken away : magic. These tools did not capture the sun's light for power - they ripped the futures from the wombs of children unborn. Thus, borne in a time of uncertainty and fear was the Vile generation. The weak ones were tossed and disposed of; the stronger ones, however, were exiled and sold into slavery.

Shteivel, the first of the Viles, was kidnapped and processed into this system as her parents became utterly destroyed. She was 10 then. There, she was picked up by no less a half-breed wizard, and became his test subject, apprentice, liason, and eventually confidant. Her final labor, which happened 6 years into her servitude of the wizard, was one last experiment, one that would scar her forever. She was to bind a spirit into her womb, so as to lock it inside the fetus. Only, this attempt was futile.

Although she did learn how to perform magic to an uncannily powerful extent, there was something inside her, a void that originated from her stolen power. The spirit rejected and fled Shteivel, and tore her from the inside out.

She awoke, weeks later, a barren girl. As part of the contract, she was christened "Lyra" as a free woman, though without a future, all things considered...except for what she was taught : necromancy.

Motive: Will PM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Jozarin Thank you for heads up! Then we can look into starting a game latest by the beginning of the coming week. I want to give space for real life too. Since - seriously speaking - it is the more important one ;)

@BytheSpleen A good character you have coming there. Thank you for the entry!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@taistelusopuli She only steals things that are worth stealing, no point in stealing something if it is worthless or has no use. She's a thief not a klepto :p.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

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@Shikaru Good! =D Just to be sure ;) Do you have any questions regarding lore that you could consider relevant for your character?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@taistelusopuli I'll have to read it first :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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I'll be working on my CS tomorrow. I'd like to finish reading all the character sheets that have been submitted so far... just to make sure we have a good mix.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

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@Baklava Take your time. A good character is half of a good game ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nrtashi
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nrtashi homuhomu

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Is there still a chance to join in? Here's the character I wrote:

I presumed the Guardian is a deity similar to Abrahamic God.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@nrtashi There's probably spots available so don't worry. Your character looks pretty good, but I'm not the guy who accepts them :P

At any rate, there's only really 3 of us and the gm, so it should be fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

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@nrtashi You could say so, not as brutal though :) and yes, there is a spot!

actually! Since we have a good number of player who have come or are coming so I am going to close the application now. Instead of having to go through the trouble of dropping some one, we play among us.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

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@BytheSpleen, @Lord Santa, @Shikaru, @Jozarin, @Baklava, @nrtashi

You have been seen worthy to enter the world of Idumea. If you have not already posted your character to the Characters section, do that by Monday the 28th of the current month. I will post the first IC post about 12:00 (GMT +1). Only the characters that are in there at that time will be part of the game.

You have time to polish your characters until then if there is something you wish to tune or change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 22 days ago

Gonna have to withdraw this I suppose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Then.. I think it would be good to take care of the boring part. Rules and form!

- Regular Guild rules apply, behave, play fair, no god mode, no playing other's characters and so on...
- All off-topic discussion should be colored gray

- The game goes in rounds where I begin by playing the setting of a round and the rest of you have one turn. I will give direction at the OOC of exceptions and play the environment/NPC turns as the game goes on.
- Once the game begins, don't use hiders in OOC discussion. I will use them to give information to characters that is not openly known.

- Two (2) paragraphs is the bare minimum of a turn. A paragraph to me is three (3) good phat sentences. Three (3) paragraphs is good and more the merrier.
- Watch your grammar! From reading you guys' input so far, I am not worried

- When the characters speak, use the individual assigned color. It makes things a whole lot clearer. Colors are
GM | gold
@BytheSpleen | salmon
@Lord Santa | coral
@Shikaru | khaki
@Jozarin | palegreen
@Baklava | bisque
@nrtashi | lavender
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by taistelusopuli
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taistelusopuli It is me

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@Zombehs Will do! ;)
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