Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh dear, where to begin? Okay, I'm a bit rusty so bear with me! I'm a fan of many things, so we've got a lot of option!

- Harry Potter: Witches! Wizards! Spells! DOBBY! Harry Potter is brilliant and I'm willing to dabble in all the things! Want to start as first years and work our way through to seventh year? Beyond? We can go post-Hogwarts if you like! But who needs Hogwarts? We can do Durmstrang! Or Beauxbatons! Or some random non-canon school. I'm willing to bend and break the canon if that's what you want.

- Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit: I love Lord of the Rings, it's a great setting and there's a lot of fun we can have with it! Again, I'm willing to break canon if you like!

- Animorphs: Am I the only one who adored these books as a kid? How cool would it be to turn into an animal!? That's hella rad you guys! And an alien invasion conspiracy?! Oh my god! That said I never read all the books and it's been some years... I can brush up though!

- Avatar the Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra: Um, yes? This universe is insane! I want it all!

- X-Men: Oh I love a good mutant story! Living in fear, hiding away in secret, terrified of being caught out as a mutant! Captured, placed in a mutant research lab or holding prison! Jailbreak! FIGHT THE POWER! Revolution! GLORIOUS UPRISING! BOW PUNY HUMANS BEFORE MY MIGHT! MUAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, um, I mean peace and tolerance yay!

- Dragon Age: Darkspawn, Mage War, Inquisition! Things are a happenin' and we should definitely get stuck in!

- Mass Effect: Okay, I do like this universe, but I haven't got the slightest idea what to do with it. Maybe something post-Reapers? Eh, hit me up with suggestions!

- Elder Scrolls: So I didn't play Oblivion or Morrowind or the Online game, but I did play like half of Skyrim, does that count? :P Either way it's great and fun and many possibilities!

- World of Warcraft: I don't really play anymore, but I used to be the biggest lore nerd and I loved it! So it's a little crazy, maybe a lot, but I'm totally willing to wreak even more havoc and devastation across Azeroth than it's already had. Or, you know, save it. :)

- Fallout: All about that wasteland! Let's go bring order to these idiots! Who worships a bomb? Nutjobs.

- Star Wars: This universe gets very complicated very quickly, try not to make my brain explode! Still, it's very interesting, lots to meddle with, lots to see, potentially very fun!

- Avatar: Not exploding with ideas for this one, but it could be cool. Having two bodies? One of them an alien? Neat! Fancy science gizmo and oh my god this horse is my friend and I know 'cause WE HAVE MADE THE BOND! I want a bond, someone bond me!

- Stargate: Potential. Lot of potential. Definitely going to need someone who knows more about this universe than I do though.

- Teen Wolf: My latest obsession and binge! Nothing I love more than the supernatural! And horror! Bodies EVERYWHERE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Let's get our dramatic angst on!

- Walking Dead: Very quickly getting tired of this series' characters. They are not very nice human beings anymore. Well, I say that but I only watched like two episodes of season five. Up until then they were alright. Ish. Emphasis on that ish. Would be fun though, who doesn't like a zombie apocalypse?

- The 100: This show is kind of my baby? They are my children and I am very upset so many are dead! Stupid Grounders! Stupid Mount Weather! Stupid Ark! How dare they kill my babies!

- The 4400: Getting an x-men vibe? Me too, but this is also good! Yay superpowers! And creepiness! Yaaaaaay!

[EDIT - 11/6/2015]


- Terra Nova: Future tech in a prehistoric setting? YES! Dinos are fab!

- Arrowverse: I haven't finished Arrow, haven't seen Constantine, or the other associated shows I can't even think of right now, but I've seen all of the Flash and I enjoy the universe a lot! I'd be willing to do something here.

- Sense8: Fantastic show! Would love to play around there with fancy linked brains and all. Sounds like an exciting world.

- Star-Crossed: Human-ish aliens? Not too realistic, but super cool nonetheless! I want glowy water tattoos!

- Glee: Normal human high school has never been so exciting! Song! Dance! DRAMA EVERYWHERE!

Alright, that's the fandoms out of the way, and I'd be willing to do more than what's listed if you come to me with a good idea in a fandom I know, but for now we move on to other settings!

- Apocalypse: As in the world is ending right now due to something. Could be zombies, could be war, could be unforeseen tectonic shifting, alien invasion maybe? Whatever the case I love a good survivor story!

- Post-Apocalypse: Rebuilding the world from ruins? Uh, yes please? Sounds fantastic!

- Fantasy: Elves and Dwarves and MAGIC! YAAAAAS BABY!

- Supernatural: If any of my preferences could be described as a fetish, it would be this. Vampires? Yes. Werewhatevers? YES. Witches? Warlocks? YAS! Ghosts? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!

- Colonial: Yes to both types, the settling the New World one and the settling a literal other planet in the Space Age.

Umm... anything else? Oh! Characters!

I usually play guys, but I can do girls as needed. My characters are usually bisexual, allowing for MxF, MxM, and FxF. I should also mention I don't think I'm very good at writing canon characters? I just always feel like I can't do them justice since I didn't create them, so I prefer to just fill the world with OCs, but that doesn't mean I can't have a good go if you like! Oh, and no erotica, sorry but I'm just not into it. Romance is fine, but it isn't my focus.

OH! WAIT WAIT! BEFORE I FINISH! Crossovers! TOTALLY COOL! We can do those, yes that sounds fantastic! AND ALTERNATE UNIVERSES! Yas baby, we can jack that timeline right up!

Well, that was a lot of fun to write, hopefully it isn't too nonsensical and you guys can understand it. Thanks for reading! This is pretty much a permanent interest check, I'm pretty much always up for these, and if I'm not I'll be sure to let you know!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hi there. You're a casual writer, I'm more advanced. What is a typical post from you going to look like? Two paragraphs? One? I can work with two paragraphs as long as they're meaty and filled with content and progress but anything less is going to do nothing for my motivation to post and keep things rolling. Generally I offer three to four paragraphs but as I said, I could work with two if our plot is solid and we're quicker with posts.

I'd be interested in Dragon Age (played most of Origins, will play Awakening and DA2 later this year) if we used OCs or canons. I'd be interest in Legend of Korra or ALTA if we used canons, and same goes for Harry Potter. Since you're less inclined to try canons I figure I'd see where you might feel comfortable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm still kind of new to this site, not to roleplaying mind, but that just means a lot of the distinctions and terms on this site go over my head. I stuck to casual because I avoid one liners, but I'm not writing entire chapters either so I avoided advanced. I write as much as I need to for my intent, but I don't like to write too much because I want to have time for other characters to react. That said, if there's a scene where I'm on my lonesome or I'm doing a flashback or anything that others won't want to reply to, I will write more until I get to a point where a reply would fit.

And I'm sorry, but my inbox has a good many pms and I can only juggle so many at a time. I'll pm you if a space opens and I'll pop a post here when I'm not so full. Terribly sorry! Until then feel free to keep messaging me, one of the roleplays might not stick and I'll already have your suggestions to look at if that happens! Thanks so much though!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I can take another! PM ME!
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