Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Ahhh... that's a good drink~” Calitha whistled satisfied as she took a big gulp from the mug of alcohol made out of a specific kind of herb that was growing near this village. Despite the end of the world, even after centuries underground, people still found a way to produce alcohol. This one in specifically was quite weak, but had a good taste. Not to mention when you are an exile from everywhere, you learn to enjoy and cherish the little things. The warrior looked outside the small window of the tavern, it was dark like everywhere else in this forsaken world. The streets were barely lit with a bunch of lamps running on the sides. This small walled town didn't even have a sunstone shipped in from the 'core' of the human kingdom. That proved how much they 'cared' for everyone. She was kind of glad about it though, that meant she didn't have to get used to the bright light the sunstones give out. Calitha smiled as she took another sip of the mug, remembering her entrance to this settlement. She was lucky the people here were in desperate need of money, because otherwise they weren't going to let her in like they did. All she had to do now was pay the tax for entering the town and a small tax cause she was 'dangerous'. She smirked at the thought. Sure she was dangerous, but not in the way those people thought she was. She barely knew any dark magic, the tattoos around her neck just meant she had started learning. Well didn't matter, they let her in to say for a 'night', but how was it possible to decide when it's night here? Simple it was always night! A night was simply the time it took her to get a good decent sleep before continuing on her journey. Thus here she was, in the tavern, drinking this tasty alcohol. With the edge of her hearing she heard a chattering, but only looked with the corner of her eye. There they were again. A bunch of the local youngsters, curious about the great unknown in the caves and the dangerous traveler that arrived for the night. Calitha only gave them a slight smile with a nod, before they ran away.” Heh... children~” She said amused, before returning to her drink. She managed to stock on supplies and prepare for the journey ahead in the unexplored tunnels. Her backpack was stocked with food for a good while, she had more than enough bread(made out of dried mushrooms grind into flour) and 2 waterskins full of water. She was also more than sure she can forage whatever else she needs from the darkness of the caves.

“*Sigh*” She couldn't help, but do it as she was alone on her small table. Everyone was staring at her and it felt uncomfortable, also she wanted to at least exchange a few words with someone before heading alone into the darkness. She placed her sword on the table, since one was going to use the extra space anyways, and ran a finger across it's handle. Her trusty old weapon, she never found out where it was made, but this weapon was perfect for her. It's long slender blade, the elegant engravings on the blade, it all spoke of the skill of the craftsman. The irony as she found it in the arms of a dead person in the the tunnels, it was old for only bones were left from the person who wielded it before. In all Calitha was actually quite well equipped for an exile. She had gathered enough money over the years so she could afford to be better equipped and to buy supplies for this expedition. She wore good sturdy leather pants, a sturdy gray long shirt, a leather singlet over it, a pair of high think leather boots, a pair of good leather gloves and a long warm cloak. Over all even from first glance it was clear she was not a novice at traveling the dangerous dark tunnels. Additionally she wore a bracelet made from the fangs of different dangerous beasts. On a chain around her neck and hidden inside her shirt was a small crystal amulet. Gave of light when one held it in hand, it wasn't a sunstone, but it was enough to substitute for torches. Still it was good to have a few of the old school burning light sources in case of need. They did wonder against certain enemies in the darkness.

As she finished her drink, she was wondering if to get to bed right away or to stay here a little more. Even if no one talked to her, it was still nice to be around so many people for a change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phaige
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Phaige Nomnomnom

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Alea? Could you bring these hides down to the tavern? But do be careful, it's already after midnight." Her mother appeared in the door-frame, holding at least 6 pairs of cowhide that were sewn into waterskins. Her mother, Freya, had aged quite a bit. Alea still remembered her bright eyes and soft silky hair which was now dull and dry. She wondered how much longer her mother would work for. At the age of 60, most of the females in this village settled down in the worn out chambers at the tavern and waited till Death was kind enough to take them. The lack of vitamin and antibiotics caused human kind to die earlier than intended. Though, Alea had not aged nor changed a bit ever since she hit the age of 16. It seemed as if something had stopped her from ageing thus making Alea look like a very young teenager in a woman's body.
"Please?" Her mother tried again, now placing the hides on the table where Alea sat at. Her hands were hidden underneath thin, frail fabric that people used to call 'lace'. It was made from the cotton-plant and was in need of very specific equipment to be produced. A very old but rich lady had given it to Alea to fix it and she was nearly done. "But ofcourse mother!" And with a smile she picked up the hides, threw them over her shoulder and got up to kiss her mother goodbye.

Once out the door, Alea noticed the street lights were barely lid giving the whole village a rather depressive look. Well, to be fairly honest, it always seemed sad but for some reason today was different. The small cottages build solely from big rocks and wood were scattered all over the village, not really in line or anything. Though this was how Alea thought every village was, as she had never seen any place else. Or not that she knew off.

She turned a corner towards the centre of the village and noticed a few men were gathered outside a few small bars. There looked intoxicated and as soon as Alea crossed them they came closer. "Héy, héy.." The man burped. "Pretty giiirl.." He had a very long beard that had bits and pieces of mushroom stuck in them. Alea friendly smiled and continued on her walk. She often got bothered on the streets, but most of the time they were too drunk to try anything funny. Though the second man had different thoughts:"You! Stop right th-" His fingers grabbed her right arm and gave it a good tug. Another man joined in and lightly padded her shoulder with a delusional look on his face. "Well aren't you a pretty one? I have never seen a girl as pretty as you.." The words he spoke were turbid and not pronounced very well. "Look at that white skin, not a speck of dirt.." The first man now lightly let his fingers brush over Alea's cheek. "Please, let me go. I will not say this twice!" Alea said firmly. Even though it seemed like she had everything under control, her heart was skipping a beat and she was terrified. A 4th man joined the circle and took a piece of her hair and sniffed at it. Alea felt her stomach turn and for a moment she closed her eyes to take a deep breath. "We've got a fierce one guys!" And then one of the men did what felt like the last drip: He placed his hand on the mal of her back and slowly let it slide downwards. "That's it." She hissed. Without hesitation she grabbed two men both by their hands and whispered: "Taraque Electrique." The dust beneath her feet suddenly caused an uprising cloud and the tips of her fingers turned bright blue. Both men received an electric shock throughout their entire body. There arms wiggled up and down and their eyeballs turned back into their sockets. "W-Witch!" The other men yelled and hastly ran away. Alea quickly turned around and lightly shook her head. "Did I just do that?" It was the first time she had ever used that spell on a human before, but it clearly worked. Both men were fine, she figured, as the intensity of the spell wasn't one of the worst. Luckily, the streets were abandoned and nobody had seen her little trick besides the drunks, which was fine.

With a sigh of relief Alea entered the tavern and waved at the bartender. "Hey Alex, I got you some hides my mother just stitched up."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Everything was depressing as the time went on. The people around the tavern slowly scattered as the 'night' advanced. Eventually even the tavern itself became almost void of life and any noise. The only reason keeping her from going to her bed and enjoying a last night of sleeping on a bed before heading out in the darkness vanished. She quickly drank the rest from her mug and headed towards the place where her room was. It was on the same level as the main area of the tavern, just behind a wall behind the bartender. It only had a single room for the guests, but with a bunch of beds within. It wasn't really a bad design, most of the time. Tonight she was alone in it as few travelers from the core cities really passed by here. She threw her backpack next to the shabby looking bed, and quickly laid on it. The feeling of something different from stone under her back was indeed a blissful one. She let out a pleased moan as she tried to move a little so she can position herself more comfortable.” This is one of the best feeling in the entire world~” She said to herself and reached into her right boot, taking the small dagger she kept in it and placing it under the blankets. As with most things in this underground world, most of the cloth was not made by the things it once was made of. The linen and silk and cotton had become quite the treasure to have and were unbelievably precious. These were made by a plant that grew almost like threads. Well just the next way the need brought new idea. It wasn't the most warm thing to use as blankets when sleeping, but it was still better than nothing. As she was taking off the cloak and the leather singlet, she suddenly realized something and quickly walked back to the main area of the tavern.

“Excuse me, innkeeper, but I need to ask of you to war any possible other clients that's dangerous to approach me while I slee...p...” She began saying before she even made the corner and then she saw the girl that was carrying the waterskins. Young beautiful, long blond hair, very elegant body and another trait that picked her attention... slightly pointed ears.” Ohhh... please excuse me if I interrupted your work somehow.” Calitha apologized with a smile to both of them and leaned on the wall.

“Excuse me, young miss, but are you by chance a half elf?” The warrior asked in pure curiosity. She had seen a few elves in her travels, but they usually kept to themselves. She did remember full well their very distinctive ears and incredible beauty though. That's why it wasn't hard to see the resemblance here. Now the other question was... what was someone with the blood of elves doing here? Quite the interesting thing she stumbled upon tonight. Thing was there was great possibility she wasn't going to receive an answer as the witchcraft tattoos on her neck was quite visible and most people tended to keep away from her. THe elves she met didn't, but they didn't really care actually, so there was a chance she might get to learn an interresting thing after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phaige
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Phaige Nomnomnom

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alea laid the hides onto the bar and one of the bartenders grabbed a small sachet that seemed to be filled with coins. It was quite the handful so Alea quickly stuffed it in between her rather large breasts. It only made them look even plumper, but Alea couldn't be bothered. Her long, plain white dress had no pockets and she did not carry any purse either. "My mother says thanks." She softly said, bowing and turning away from the bar. It was not until then someone seemed to be calling her. With a slight frown, hoping it wouldn't be another pervert hoping to steal her away, she stared upon a woman. She had pitch black hair and a few tattoo's decorated her neck and throat. It seemed as if they went further down her shirt. There was no doubt about it, this was a witch. Most of the people in the village would most likely grunt and ignore the woman, but Alea had always been the curious kind. Just like her mother.

"I beg your pardon? I am solely the daughter of my mother, Freya Cleyton, a human." She spoke softly and tugged a long piece of her golden hair behind her ear. "And whom are you if I may ask?" She tried to stay polite, as her question startled her a little bit. Nobody in this village has ever asked her such a question and not even her mother had confirmed wether she was a half elf or not. Alea knew she was not completely human, but even orcs and occasionally humans had magic blood. "You do not seem to be from this village." She added, lifting up her dress just slightly and bowed before her, trying to ease the tense mood inside the tavern. "Nice to meet you and welcome to Shezze."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Ohhh?” Calitha let out an intrigued reaction when the girl gave her the reply to her question. This little devil in front of her was playing ignorant, but that was fine. It wasn't like such thing was okey to be told to everyone who asked. That said, her reply gave her quite a bit of information by itself. This girl was raised probably here and by her human mother. Which actually made sense, if the elves knew about her, they would have came to get her by now. From what she had learned, they weren't going to let someone from their kind be it even a half blood in a dangerous place such as this.

“Ahh, where are my manners.” The warrior said and stopped leaning on the wall. She quickly did an elegant bow like a gentleman. Which was oddly suiting with her rather rugged look and her well trained for combat body.” My name is Calitha Shura, you could think of me as an explorer.” She introduced herself and quickly gave a friendly smile.” Ohh yes, you are right. I'm not from here, I've come from the core cities. Or to be precise, I've been exploring the caverns and tunnels between them so called known towns. I've come here, because this is the safe and known exit from the 'human kingdom'.” She said and pointed in the direction of the cave she was going to soon be heading at. There was a stone wall with a huge armored door on the opening. She had convinced the guards to open it for a little so she can pass tomorrow.

“It is nice to meet someone with such good manners and brave enough to talk to someone wearing the witchcraft markings.” The warrior smiled at the girl.” I see that you are heading home. Is it safe for you to walk out there alone? I can escort you if you want. You can consider it a thank you gift, for actually talking to me. I've been wanting to exchange a word with someone for weeks, but no one really talks to me. Besides a beautiful young girl like you, should walk around alone in these hours. There are many dangers out there. ” She friendly said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phaige
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Phaige Nomnomnom

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Calitha bowed in front of her, Alea noticed how buff she was compared to herself. She'd probably fit twice into a body like that. Alea had no muscles at all and was quite skinny, though she was quite the tall girl, probably thanks to her elf genes. When the traveler told her about going into the tunnels Alea's eyes widened. She did not had any intention of ever going into the dark, but as always, it did peek her interest. "You go into the darkness? That seems like something very dangerous." Alea leaned forward for a moment as she inspected Calitha's face. She took a few steps forward and pointed towards the scar. "Did you get this scar from something hidden in those tunnels?" Her voice squeaked a little, showing how excited she suddenly was. With a smile she then politely took a few steps back and straightened her dress with a cough.

"Well, for some reason I can sense you aren't so dangerous as people think you are. Most people look at how a certain person looks, but I know better. My mother taught me so." Little did Alea know her mother once faced the same dilemma: ignore and avoid the elves or embrace their uniqueness. If she hadn't, Alea would've probably never been born in the first place.

When Calitha offered to walk her home Alea quickly shook her head in the hope her cheeks wouldn't get blushed. The strangers voice was soothing enough to make her feel comfortable and Alea found that extremely weird. "There is no need for such thing traveler! It's already late and I bet you have a long journey ahead." Alea's eyes suddenly caught a tear in the woman's leather boot and pointed at it. "But it would please you, I can patch up those boots before you leave in the morning." She suddenly kneeled in front of the woman and let her finger slide up the loose fabric attached to the boot. "Seems like an easy job." And she quickly stood up again. "How about I come by in the morning, same place?" Alea then laughed, hiding her smile behind her hand as she looked away. "Unless you're afraid of mé!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“I live in the darkness.” The warrior replied with a smile and waved the bartender to get her another drink, throwing him the needed coins. All her sleepiness went away now, so might as well drink another one.” I traveled between the known towns, living outside of them mostly. As for that scar...” She began, reaching with her arm, her fingers tracing the old wound from from it's beginning on her forehead down to her jaw.” That one was made by a human... A complete joke of a man, bloated and dressed in fine clothes.” She said, her voice almost distant for a moment, before she tore herself away from the past. She didn't like remembering her past, it was mostly full of pain and humiliation.

“I see.” Calitha replied with a smile as the girl stated how she was raised by her mother.” She sounds like a good woman indeed. In that case, I suppose she is lucky to have such a well thought and mannered daughter. Sometimes even if the parents try to teach their children well, the children themselves refuse to learn. In this case, it's clear you are certainly a blessing to her.” The warrior said with a smile, leaning on the bar so she can drink her drink.

“It's not really a problem. We are underground and there is no sun over our heads to show the passing of the day. A few more hours shouldn't be a problem for me to stay up. I'm used to running on little sleep. It's almost a requirement for traveling the darkness.” She laughed, but nodded at the girls desire.” Very well, I hope you arrive safely and swiftly as the winds so you mother doesn't worry.” Calitha wished the girl a good luck and nodded again as the half-elf pointed the tear in Calitha's leather boot. She herself hadn't noticed that one, maybe it was from that kick she gave that stone lizard before she reached Shezze.

“ I suppose, I should get that fixed before I leave. I don't want water to get into my booths, I would be glad if you can patch that up.” She replied with a node.” Sure, I will be here tomorrow too. I shouldn't be leaving before afternoon. I still have a few things I need to do before I leave. It's decided then. I will be waiting for you here in the tavern. I may be in the sleeping room at the back if I'm not at the bar here.” She said before taking a sip from her mug.” Don't let me wait too long, you big scariness~” The warrior whistled as a joke.

Afterwards she waited for the girl to leave the tavern before she turned to the bartender.” Keep a watch on my stuff. She said it's fine to not escort her, but I prefer to be sure than something to happen. I'm not taking a weapon.” She said, throwing the bartender a few extra coins for her request just now. Being a veteran in surviving in the darkness, she was more than adept in hiding her presence and scouting. She just wanted to make sure this girl returns home safely, so she followed her from afar. She planned to return to the inn the moment the girl steps through the door of a house as it probably will be her own home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phaige
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Phaige Nomnomnom

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After a brief goodbye, Alea went for the door. She took one last glance at the traveler and continued on her way. There was something about the woman that made Alea shiver but feel euphoric at the same time. As if she had something to hide and she had to know what. With a shrug Alea took the same way back home, as it was the shortest path. She had already grew tired from the long working day and longed for her bed. There was nothing she loved more than cocooning in the most softest blanket ever: fleece. Alea got it on her 10th birthday from het mother. She never asked where she got it from, but it was one of the most dearest items she had. Fleece was still from when people lived on the surface, it provided loads of warmth and heat, even during the coldest winter nights.

When Alea passed by the bars she previously had 'attacked' the drunk men, they were already closed. The lights were out and the small wooden tables outside were locked together with a thick chain to prevent anyone from stealing them. It was true an occasional plunder happened once in a while, but never from the staying villagers. As Shezze merely was a passing through village to get to more unknown tunnels, alot of travellers took whatever they could and disappeared into the maze again.

Suddenly, out of a small alley in between the bars, a cloaked man appeared. The cloak was covering his entire body and he was wearing a hood. The only visible thing were his hands. In his hands, he was carrying a large rod with at the end of it a huge red gem. It was shining bright red as he held it up, and mumbled a few words. Alea, just a few meters away from the man frowned for a moment, until she understood what was going on. Her arms and legs began to weigh through and she suddenly couldn't carry herself anymore. Before she could even attempt to get away, Alea fell onto the dusty ground in just a few seconds. The man took a few steps towards Lea and brushed her hair out of her eyes, revealing her pointy ears. "You know, the woman in the tavern wasn't half mad when she called you an elf.." The man cupped his hand underneath her stomach and lifted her onto his shoulder without a problem. He returned to the unlit darkness of Shezze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Calitha was almost convinced this half elf girl will get home without problem, but her instincts were right on the target after all. While walking through the empty streets a shadow approached the young beautiful girl. The warrior could see even from the distance she was at that the person with the hood and cloak had magic to use. That wand he was wielding in his arm was for magic users and it wasn't really a cheap thing to have. She quickly moved into action as the man proved his bad intentions by using some sort of paralyzing magic on the girl who quickly succumbed and fell to the ground.

Calitha was quietly running through the darkness, making no sound as she did. The man had already picked the girl, but she wasn't far already. As he tried to return to the darkness, she was already just a few feet away from him and the cute girl. Calitha also felt a little bad about the fact she may have been the cause of this. If this man was a slave dealer he may have heard what she asked in the tavern. It wasn't really out of the question and she wasn't going to let this girl get dragged to the darkness and madness of the core cities, where she was going to be sold probably to some rich perverted man. This guy here had another thing coming for him, if he thought he will just escape with the half elf like nothing happened.

Finally a step away from him, Calitha dashed forward with all her strength, colliding into him, before he can have the time to react to her presence. She was a big and strong woman, so it was pretty easy to keep herself from falling as the man did. She even managed to pull the girl away from his shoulder before hit the ground. The warrior was holding the girl in her arms, her eyes locked on the man she just hit. A whisper appeared from her mouth as she quickly threw a dispelling spell on the girl.” The woman in the tavern also wasn't stupid enough to let her walk home on her own... Now I give you one chance to walk away from this, before I tear your heart out and feed it to the cave spiders...” Calitha said to the man, her right eye changed color for a moment as she weaved a protection spell on herself. “ You alright?” She asked the girl in her arms as the man's spell should have began wearing out because of her own dispell one.

"You a slaver? Answer truly because I can sense when people lie to me..." She asked the man quickly, Calitha knew she threatened him to get away, but she also needed an answer to this question, for if he was, then this girl wasn't safe here anymore.
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