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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Rose River Vineyard(Coach House)
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“Amazing!” Was Kosara’s reaction to V’s impressive display of wine knowledge as she was deducing the contents of the bottle. For the pale tiefling, such displays weren’t really something she had experienced before. Sure they had wine at the Caravan stop, but nobody was doing impressive displays like V and she certainly didn’t know there were THAT many things to know about wine. All that the white haired woman knew about it was that it was rather tasty, had alcohol, went with meats and was apparently useful for dealing with certain substances in the adventuring business as some traveling adventurers when she was young who only drank the wine repeatedly told her it saved their lives. Mind you, she didn’t know HOW it saved their lives, but apparently wine was very important aspect of adventuring. And apparently of appreciators in the north.” You can tell all that just from tasting it? How!?” She asked in obvious awe at the purple clad bard. Who in Kosara’s opinion was rather fabulous.

She turned to Kathryn and blinked at her before looking back at V, pondering the possibility that maybe V was actually a noble lady in disguise who similarly to Kathryn had reasons to not be at her noble mansion. Maybe there was a story there worthy of a dramatic stage performance that had a romantic plot, tragedy, plot twists and some very pretty dresses? Now it had to be mentioned, Kosara had NOT actually seen any dramatic stage performances… only traveling troupes that stopped by the Caravan stop and those didn’t count. Mostly cause it was mainly things to entertain the masses with, more acrobats and the like, but they too were very entertaining! Like that one woman who swallowed swords! Or the long bearded old man who somehow put his beard on fire without it burning out! Or the guys dancing on embers! She always did wonder what became of those guys after they left the caravan stop.

Kosara then listened very intently at Kathryn’s retelling of the reasons behind the failed ‘crush’. She had a curious and focused expression. She did! When The warrior woman finished her retelling, Kosara nodded sagely in understanding.” I see.” She muttered and then looked at Kathryn with her big white eyes.” What does losing your name to obscurity mean? Your name is your name, how do you lose your name? Does somebody like removes your memory…?” She then asked in confusion. Alright, maybe she wasn’t as understanding as her initial reaction showed. The concepts of nobility outside her home and everything was already new to her, not like she could actually understand the intricacy of the rather convoluted plots and schemes of the foreign nobility right away.” So to put it short: you couldn’t like another woman until you had a child with a man first? So weird… and I thought noble folk from my homelands were weird.” She concluded.” Well you are an adventurer now, the most noble vocation, you get to travel, help people along the way, find treasure, meet new friends and write legends!” She exclaimed in a very cheerful and reassuring manner.

She turned to Berry who tried to tell her that the topic wasn’t proper for a table.” Why though? All that patrons back home at their tables were talking about bedroom topics all the time! So it means it should be perfectly normal topic for a dinner table!” The tiefling objected with her winning argument because of course whatever drunk and roudy adventurers were talking about during their evening escapeds in a tavern was obviously perfectly normal behavior. Well… if you were raised in said taverns or equivalents to taverns… it was normal for you.

When even Liz asked what a camel is, Kosara looked at everybody in confusion.” You really haven’t seen camels? They are everywhere back home, more so than horses. Horses are usually for the most rich or those who don’t need to venture far from the water spots. Let me show you, I've got a few pictures drawn.” She quipped and rummaged through her bag, carefully pulling out her first journal and opening it on one of the first pages, showing them a roughly drawn picture of a camel. It wasn’t perfect, but it showed it well enough.” It’s like a horse for the desert. They have these humps on their backs and they can go a long time without water so they are good when traveling the sands. They also can eat cacti! Without removing the pointy bits! This is a cactus!” She showed another drawing, this time for a cactus.” They have nice water inside them, taste rather good, well some of them do, and they have all this spikes on them. Anyhow, I traveled the desert on a camel to reach the port city where I took a ship to arrive in these lands. Camels are fun!”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Rose River Vineyard(Coach House)
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“Wow! This place's huge! Like it feels bigger than the entire oasis back home!” Kosara exclaimed on the way o the Coach House. It had to be said, the white excitable tiefling was quite well shocked by the Vineyard of the L'Roses. Aside the towns they've been at, it seemed like this place was a village of it's own right or at least it felt like one. Back south she very rarely visited such places, well she had been to one huge estate or manor or whatever they wanted to call it. A nobleman had hired a bunch of dancers from all over for some grand celebration and she had went with her sisters. They had fun, danced a lot, got paid and got good food. All in all? GOOD TIMES! Though she did get forbidden from going to similar job visits afterwards from both Gramps and Grandpa Horny. A thing she never quite understood the reasons for.

She wasn't going to look at Cecily and Liz differently though. They were the same nice people who the party met on the way and helped as much as they were able to anyways.” Ohh that does look like a tavern!” She quipped in agreement when Cecily introduced their temporary place of residence. It was a nice building with walled yard that gave reasonable feeling of security and homey-ness.” I like it!” Kosara proclaimed finally her opinion of their future residence.

“I have no problem with Liz staying with us! More the merrier!” The tiefling exclaimed when the topic was brought up and gave the girl a huge grin, before suddenly she remembered something and almost jumped in place as she began rummaging through her now rather full travel bag.” Wait, I got gifts for everybody! Here this one is for you, Liz.” She handed the girl one of the flower engraved bracelets from Southmoor.” And this if for you, Cecily.” She moved over to the older woman with the bracelet's twin. Then she hopped over to Kathryn to give the Hammer shaped necklace with the interesting designs.” This one's for Kathryn ahh and this one is for you V!” She went to hand the bird motive bracelet to the bard before she grinned at Berry.” And of course I got one for you too! Here!” She grinned and handed him the necklace that had all the fishes engraved with their lil scales on it. Was that one especially male fitting? Not really, but good luck explaining to her the concept of gender appropriate decorations. She was after all, raised by a giant golden dragon horse and a caravan stop with all the people there.

Following Liz inside where the girl began plating food. The white haired tiefling was grinning widely and she looked at Kathryn who began trying to have a nice friendly chatter.” MMmm?” She made herself comfortable near Kathryn, listening to her past crush with big expecting eyes and a grin.” Ohh, so you had a crush a girl?” She asked from beside the tall warrior woman when she finished her story.” Having a crush, that's like really liking somebody, right? Like liking them enough for kissing? That's nice, my sisters had a lot of crushes on them then. I wasn't allowed to have crushes on and do that thing they do at the bedrooms that adults do. Everybody said they were wrestling back when I was young, I know better now though. They are just imitating what the camels do! Did they forbid that relationship because you were too young for the bedroom thing?” She asked Kathryn with tilted head and very curious expression of expectation.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Road to Southmoor -> Southmoor
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


The journey following their ankheg escapades was a pretty calm one all things considered, a huge pile of bug meat being brought along for the ride not withstanding. Though saying goodbye to the Mosswaters got Kosara all emotional with lots of arm waving. All in all? It was a fine adventuring day! Almost made her forget the paranoid little niggling feeling at the corner of her senses that everything and everybody could be out to get you for one reason or another. Maybe it was just the way the various pebbles or sticks crackled whenever somebody stepped on something on the road? Or maybe it was the groaning of the wagon’s wheels as they moved that reminded her of some vast beast waiting to jump you when you are least aware. Yeah… paranoia was the name of the game. Well it should be, for some reason after having the chance to fight it off with the bugs for the time being at least she felt better.

By the time they reached the town of Southmoor, Kosara had mostly cleaned herself of bug goo. She was no longer covered in it at least. She was though looking forward to a chance to get a proper bath to wash it all off, especially out of her hair. Who knew if it was good for the skin or hair anyways. Everybody seemed to have things they wanted to buy in town.

“It is rather pretty in it’s own way.” Kosara agreed with the general opinion that Southmoor looked like a good settlement.” I will go buy a few things!” She called out and jumped off the wagon with nary a care in the world and dashed merrily off down one way of what she presumed was a main street. Or maybe a street leading to a main street? She moved on her own tune and her tune told her to buy spices for food. She needed to prove the true nature of a sandwich to Kathryn and for that she required spices of varying kind… That or she just wanted to prepare some interesting food, but getting the victory to the Sandwich debate would be a nice thing to happen.

Hurrying down marketstalls that are about to close and stores that were rather annoyed that she was getting there that late, Kosara was merrily ignoring any negative opinions that might arise, hurriedly picking thing things left right and center. After having decided on her budget more or less, she was quickly filling her bag with varying spices. By the end of her rushed shopping spree, she had spend 5 gold coins on the varying spices. Rosemary, basil, marjoram, tarragon, herb mixtures, thyme and bayleaves, mint and dried red peppers that had been ground to some extra spicy powder. Ohh her family would have loved that last one. In addition to the varying spices she had also grabbed some smokeleaf. Nothing too special, but looked of decent enough quality. She supposed anyways. Was never an expert on smokeleaves and had only ever smoked them with a nargile and she wasn’t sure these ones could be used with one, nor she had a nargile on hand. Didn’t mean she couldn’t try making one. In any case, she figured she could use it for something or other.

The last thing she grabbed for another 2 gold, were a bunch of random trinkets that caught her fancy as gifts for everybody. It wasn’t anything overly special. No golds or precious stones, but it was all different kinds of hand crafted bracelets, necklaces or rings. Mostly wooden carvings, but some nice thread weaves too. She had bought something for everybody in her party and for the L’Roses. A pretty wodden carved hammer necklace with interesting designs and woven thread for Kathryn, A bracelet with carvings of birds and animals for V. A necklace decorated with carved fishies for Berry and a pair of bracelets with floral rose motives for the L’Roses. All in all, a good haul, so now Kosara was skipping back in search of the wagons, her bags heavier with spices and trinkets!!! A good adventuring day indeed!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: covered in bug goop
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle
Action: Prestidigitation
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Kosara’s merry experimentation based butchering attempt on unfamiliar species of giant bugs was interrupted briefly when Lizbet came with a bottle of wine.” Ohh thank you!” She grinned widely and cast a brief Prestidigitation to set it for the idea drinking temperature before returning to her butchering now energized and with the taste of ankheg goop out of her mouth after wrinsing it a few times with the watered down alcohol and spitting it. Now that her mouth wasn’t covered with the stuff, she could also taste the drink properly. It was nice, reminded her of some of the stuff they would serve back home in the Caravan Stop. It would certainly go well with some types of cheese and meats.

‘Mhhhmmm… yes.’ She wistfully imagined it, being back home with everybody. Having fun, dancing with her sisters, listening to tales of adventure from patrons. In the end she shook her head and scattered those thoughts. She was on her own adventure right now.’ And I need to butcher this thing up for food! Survival and all that!’ So she resumed her merry undertaking.

Well she would have resumed it, but she was interrupted by a loud shout of indignation or maybe it was affront to her attempts.” No idea!” Kosara cheerfully replied, looking at Mr. Mosswater, dagger raised on one hand while the other held onto one of the chitin plates.” We didn’t hunt things like these back home… Honestly not sure we had them, we used to hunt scorpions, but their chitin arrangement is entirely different.”

“Teach me your butchering ways!” Kosara exclaimed when the man began explaining to her how to get better yield from the ankheg and to get the best parts of the meat. Yep, this was turning into one of the better days on her adventures as she listened to his lessons and ankheg preparation and how to grab the tasty bits.” You know, you remind me of my Gramps back home, the one that looked after us in the Caravan Stop. He also seemed to know how to prepare every critter that lived back home.” The gruff angry man was not something that cheery Kosara had an issue with surprisingly enough. Sure he was angry and gruff, but he was helping so the tiefling figured he was like that most of the time anyways. Gramps, not to be confused with Grandpa Horny, was a gruff aging man with arms probably as big if not bigger than Kathryn and with a gruff demeanor, but he also took great care off all the people who lived in the Caravan Stop he owned. This guy at least seemed somewhat similar.

Something else caught her attention on the side, Kathryn who was agreeing to help Lizbet with training with a weapon.” Don’t do it unsupervised and used properly sized weapon!” The tiefling chimed in her two coppers.” I mean, I tried playing with dual swords when I was a kid and nobody was looking, ended up cutting off my tail! Better be safe than sorry!”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: covered in bug goop
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle
Action: Survival(17) Butchering Ankhegs
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“Not that I know of.” Kosara replied to V’s inquiry about the nature of the sudden fear in the ankheg.” I mean, it’s a bit loose of a memory, but it picked me up on the go heading to the road then suddenly just went into panic, dropped me and moved away. It wasn’t me.” She confirmed again, still focusing on her chop chopping into the giant bug. Her attempts were surprisingly decent actually. The white tiefling that was covered in ankheg goop was happily pulling bits off it. It wasn’t that different from working with smaller bugs all things considered.” NO, it wasn’t me. Also it got feared while it was munching on me with it’s mandibles when it picked me on the go! I got on top after it was feared.” She repeated to everybody’s assurance it was her. Why was everybody so keen to think she did it!? Something was out there!

“Maybe…” Was Kosara reply to Berry’s assurance. There was going to be a certain degree of vigilance to the tiefling’s mind. Well she had it since everything went down in Avonshire. People could call it paranoia, but as what just happened proved, it’s not paranoia if they are out to get you. Giant bugs apparently out of season was very suspicious. She knew how unpleasant the cold was personally. So different and uncomfortable when compared to the constant warmth of the desert. Bugs weren’t going to like it true and now there was an unseen force capable of inciting such overpowering fear in said giant bugs? Yeah something was weird here and she had no idea what.

Paying attention to Kathryn on the side while pulling bits of chitin from the bug and securing the tasty goodness( and gooyness) inside, she blinked now having the name of their meal – Ankhegs. Sounded weird, but thatwas bugs in brief.” It should be edible! Doesn’t appear that different form what I’ve seen back home in the south. We usually hunted smaller critters though. Also if a scorpion’s edible, this should be too!” She quipped chiming in to Kathryn. That said...” This is going to be a loooooot of meat and chitin.” She finally quipped after chopping for a bit and realizing exactly how much they would be able to pull from this if given an hour or two. It would be… at least 250 maybe closer to 270 lbs of ankheg meat.

“Anyone have tarps or blankets or something to bundle the meat up with?” Kosara called out suddenly having realized an issue. The chitin was fine, but the meat wouldn’t be.” We can probably make do by bundling some up in cloaks or bedrolls for the time being and later clean them?” All things considered this was going to be step one of the problem that concerned the ankheg meat goodness. Transport being first… processing being second. They were going to have to process fast and she had… ideas.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: covered in bug goop
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle
Action: Investigation-FAILL!!
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Battle, death, glory… heroism(?)… and riding giant bugs! Kosara’s rather fun and wild time at wrangling critters was pulled a bit short when her unwilling mount was put into the unfortunate mercies of the rest of her party. The crunches of shattered chitin was like music to hear ears especially after it earned her original ire at the onset of hostilities. All things considered though as (totally not a giant) Kathryn delivered her finishing blows, the sheer impact and the reaction from the Ankheg caused the pale tiefling to loose her footing as she slipped on it’s chitin. She tumbled off it’s carcass as it fell down, falling right next to it with a strong almost childish yelp, followed by the distinct splatting sound of the goop that went everywhere including on top of the white tiefling, covering her in bug guts and very neatly pulling her out of her rather wild case of barbarian rage that had overtaken her a while back. She blinked as she pulled herself up from the puddle of bug goop(blood?) on the ground and wiped her face and mostly her eyes off the stuff.

She then burst out in happy melodous almost childish giggle that quickly descended into a laughter as she swung her arms around, sending bits of monster goop everywhere.” TADADATAAA VICTORY!” She proclaimed striking a pose. She was grinning almost from ear to ear.” Also… DINNER SECURED!” She proclaimed and pointed at the ankhegs.” Quick, we gotta collect parts of them. I’m sure they will taste great once prepared right! They appear almost the same as the scorpions we cook back home and those are great!” She very seriously stated and point at the ankheg. She then proceeded to try to pry bits of the chitin to reveal the underneaths and see if there’s better part to cut off, but midpoint to doing so, her head snapped up to the wagons, studying something for a moment.(investigation)

“Anybody saw what scared this thing from approaching the wagons? It had barely gotten to the fence when it got terrified and doubled back down.” She innocently asked, before resuming her chop choping at the ankheg.” Also… anyone know which are the best parts of this things to cook? You live around these parts right? You probably know it better than me cause despite the meat looking similar to a scorpion it’s not shaped the same…” And she gleefully resumed her attempts to pry the meat out of the chitin. They ahd 3 samples to pick from, she could use this one to study it, she supposed... unless the others decided to help her.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: RAAAAAAAGE
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle, M10->M12
Action: Grapple(athletics) -SUCCESS!
Bonus Action: Healing Light
Reaction: N/a


The angry little tiefling’s charge was interrupted by the very big and hungry bug as it scooped her up with it’s mandibles in clear intent to get a snack on her while it was moving on to the carriage. Maybe it wanted the horses? Not that she cared much for it as the mandibles snapped up at her sides as she was brought along for the ride, it’s sharp implements of munching digging into her taught flesh, the mage armor flashing as it struggled to resist the damage also. Primal beastial anger bubbled up in her as her muscles flexed and pulled as she struggled against it’s grip, being surprisingly effective in mitigating a lot of the possible harm the thing could have inflected her. The only real thing that did well even if not much was the acid it was dripping everywere though she lucked out of most of that.

Her mind kept bare minimum attention to the events outside of her own fight though by instinct she did note enemy position and friendlies positions and of course the fact the beast got afraid when it went to the carriage even if she wasn’t in the state of mind to act on it right now. Maybe when her current target to overcome was dealt with? Or maybe it was going to be when she snaps out of her rage… One could never be certain especially about something she stopped focusing about just as fast as she had noted it.

Suddenly it more or less dropped her and even her rageful mind picked up on it’s sudden display of fear. Maybe it was because she was in primal and almost beastial rage that she realize what was happening and acted on it within a moment on pure instinct.”DAAAAAAAAAANARTH!” She roared and pounced from her posture in an almost beast like fashion, her lithe pale form seemingly propelling itself as the beast and then she went vertical instead.

In a instinctual rapid flurry of motion as her pale body moved over the frightened beast, it tried to react to her antics, but she was faster and surprisingly more effective as it’s attempted failed at tossing her off until the pale woman finally found herself up on top of the beast.”AAAAAARAH!” She roared now on top of the distinctly bigger creature, standing on top of it’s nominal head, holding herself there with one hand and roaring and hissing like a beast herself, eyes bloodshot, the reed bleeding into the usual snow white.”HEEERRRRRRRRRRRAAAAGAAAAAAAAAH!” She let out a final roar of victory at her apparently success because yes she had gotten up there… for some reason.

Though even in her barbaric rage that had consumed her unstable mind she did one thing that for the initiated would have been a clear sign it was still Kosara. While roaring in victory she raised her hand holding the dagger up and above aimed at the skies while she appeared like she was almost riding the ankheg… because… riding a great beast was heroic… probably. Especially since all the while that was happening, the golden sparkles of her celestial magics were covering her injuries rapidly making many of the grotesque injuries on her sides vanish.

@Sigil X1 next
@Sigil sorry sig forgot to tag you in the ic post, X1's turn is next!!!!!!!!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle, N10->N13
Action: Celestial(eldrich) Blast X2!!
Bonus Action: RAAAAAGE
Reaction: N/a


Kosara didn’t even have time to reply to the tasty Berry pie named draconoid adventurer that she suspected they had tasty lunchables hiding underneath them of some kind of bug-like variety when said lunchables burst forth in an overly dramatic manner. The remains of a carcass were flung up, then they fell down and big green insectoids were there for all to see.” DINNER!” Was Kosara’s very on point reaction scream to seeing them as she contemplated their resemblance to giant scorpions and if they were edible or not. Chances were… that these things were very edible indeed! She can make it work she just needed one or at least enough parts of one that were of reasonable condition to try to prepare to her tastes later!

Then both Kathryn and Berry burst forth into action, the monk speeding up ahead of the curve over everybody as he unleashed his attacks on the leftmost giant bug that if the sounds and reactions were to go by, did a good number on it. Then Kathryn did it also, getting huge much to Kosara’s delight and possible future uses of such a conveniently useful ability. There was going to be much ranged attacks that involved tossing an angry theifling at the enemies indeed! Also for dramatic entrances and good perching point to keep track of the surroundings, she could see it as invaluable especially in something like the busy market streets of the far southern lands of her birth where it was so packed with people it was hard to keep track of everybody around. Naturally that caused the buggy to appear tastefully crunchy from the impacts. Good idea actually, would make pulling out useful chunks easier from damaged carapace.

Finally there was the third of the ankhegs that appeared and it was to the far right where there was only Kosara in nearest reasonable distance so she was going to fight it and bog it down too! Maybe blast it in chunks… OR RIP AND TEAR it to pieces. Especially as a weirdly gleeful and bloodthirsty mood took her as she craved to rip it’s mandibles and whack it with them.” CEEELESSTIAAAAAL BLAAAAAAST!” She screamed and cast the spell as a golden streak of blasting light flew out at the target and did… absolutely nothing. Kosara’s monochrome eyes and even her white irises contracted at the sight in shock before a surge of anger overtook her and she assumed a crouch dash ready position, horns blazing into golden light again, mouth twisted into a furious snarl.” CELESTIAAAL BLAST!” The second beam was fired and did exactly the same as the first one… nothing. It was hard to describe the feeling that Kosara felt at that moment, the sensation as if she was useless, the knowledge she was lesser and that she lacked the strength of her peers to help and protect… and the simple fact that this damn bug was… not… HURTING.

[Kosara has become… ENRAGED!!!]

Something inside her snapped and she saw red. Loud and piercing roar escaped her mouth.” GRAAAAARH!” The mage armor she had on constantly was crackling and sizzling trying to maintain it’s cohesion. Becoming visually distinct to it’s usual practically transparent and not very noticeable state. It luckily didn’t fizzle out though, just adapted itself to Kosara’s current state. Her muscles then flexed and she dashed at the ankheg arriving face to mandible with it, roar still going on and only one thought in her mind - CRUSH HER PREY.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Scene of the Crime(just north of the bundles by the rocks at the fence)
Action: Investigation, THUMATURGY TREMORS!!!
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


All things considered the summoning of the very helpful rant Chauncy was a great idea in Kosara’s mind. Sure enough the lil guy helpfully proved that yes it was still dangerous by quickly rushing back to her asap once she let him to go find clues. That told her the simple fact that – IT WAS DANGEROUS HERE. Which meant whatever was being mean and dangerous to the sheep was lurking very very close by. That gave her the immediate reason to stare at the tall fields that any number of wheat goblins might be hiding in and for some reason she pondered the benefits of burning it all down just to be sure and then dancing merrily on the ashes. Kosara blinked and scattered the random weird thought aside. She had to find them and break all their bones first before dancing on the ashes. That was better… probably.

“Not that I spotted really, but… think whatever did it is still around. Chauncy’s very afraid and returned right away in fear so… yeah. We aren’t alone.” She confirmed to Berry who inquired on her state of investigation. So she had to be ready for a fight! Well she was always ready for a fight more or less. She never really let her mage armor fade for that reason. It was just so convenient to have it up all time all the time. Except when she didn’t want it.

Now that the danger was established, she looked back to her friends and very good friend and spotted Kathryn’s sudden interest in the ground that turned out to be a mound. Which V was helpfully insistent on not being disturbed. Now that she looked around she spotted a few possible mounds.” Ohh...” She stated and looked at the others, noting that Cecily was making movements to secure her and Liz’s escape. Good idea!” Well… it reminds me of the sand critters back home… we used to hunt them by flushing em out...” She mused and looked around with a very wild gleam in her eyes and a huge almost savage grin on her face. A grin that looked so out of place on the usually happy bubbly Kosara. If these were critters and they were anything like those aka underground ambush predators… well…

“Shake and Tremble!” She proclaimed in wild manner as the magic forces inside her rushed into action and the cantrip spell was triggered. Well one variation off the cantrip Thaumaturgy to be specific as the usually rather harmless but notable tremors spread out and she drew out one of her daggers. If it was a creature she was so trying to cook it and see if it tasted like a scorpion.
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