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why do I see profile visits I don't got nothing
1 day ago
@Letter Bee you just need to believe but in Oogway voice
2 days ago
There is no weebshittery in Ba Sing Se
3 days ago
yes, but at the same time, your possessions will be taken away


I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

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The time before the training started passed by in an eventless manner- other than the one soldier having a moment of panic (which was resolved rather quickly). Once the situation was resolved, David shrugged and turned around to check out his assigned quarters. When combat was telegraphed, there were a few things he could do to spend the desolate countdown. Many, when he was quite the new face around here, but an hour was so little to do so much. A budget cut was inevitable. His decision was quick prep.


Once dismissed, David's first destination was his quarters. With just enough effort put to call his actions "unpacking", David took a small sip from his water bottle as he looked at the small bags and some of its contents sprawled over his bed. 'Maybe this time we have a fighting chance. He traced his memory back to the crew. Looks couldn't deceive if he couldn't find a consistent image in the sum of the group. But maybe that's what the ones in charge saw hope in.
The sip was to control his "rhythm." He didn't want to be too thirsty, nor too hydrated at the start of the fight. Either was a distraction. Using the time to do his homework, David pulled out his personal device to go through the information on the facility, especially the one to be used in training.


Ten minutes before the estimated time.
"They put some effort into this, huh."
David muttered under his breath as he entered the virtual training room. One person, one pod, to be filled with fluids to encase them in a simulated reality. He found that he wasn't the first- getting too absorbed in the reading material had taken some time away from him. Already a handful of pods had been taken. Impressive, There was no reason to take his time, then. David made his way to a pod himself. As the fluids encased him, he only hoped that they got his cockpit right. After all the time he spent in there, it'd suck to find some niche details represented wrong. The distraction of a thought helped him dive comfortably into the simulation, as the sensation of floating in the midst of the compound changing to that of a more familiar, solid feeling. David spread his shoulders and reached around for the handles. Just where he usually kept them, perfect. His eyes opened to a beautifully copied sight of the inside of the Flag Bearer. A hulking machine that never forgot to announce itself. Even in simulation, he could feel the weight from just holding the handles.

"Testing comms. Do you read?"
David reached for the comms control, and let out a test mutter into the team's channel. With the other hand, he began to flick the switches on his dashboard. With each function online, the machine began to hum with life. A screen in the middle of the dashboard lit up, showing a wireframe shape of the Flag Bearer, and its attachments. The wireframe was an empty collection of contours, slowly lighting up as switches were flicked on. First, the heart of the machine. Then, the light spread around in a spiderweb of power lines. Additional reactors powered up on the back, boosting the bootup in a noticable pace. The power lines flooded in to the wing-like artillery mortars, then to the rest of its body.
"All systems green to green, Flag Bearer is ready for deployment."
He announced to the command channel.
The Galactic Federation had really outdone themselves, making a hulking mass of a spacecraft that cut through the vacuum of space with such vigor. It felt like a defining message that the Federation was sending to their enemy, if the Cruxi could even see the ship- a declaration of a glorious comeback, a counter punch to the face. No more Weybridges will be made. Or so, Byrne would say lived to this day. David could only borrow the commander's voice as he could not muster any proper words himself. Like a man stuck in rural towns having his first visit to a forest of skyscrapers, David was looking at a scale he's never seen before, too grand to find a decent description for. As a result, the trip to Solaire was a silent one on his side. His eyes darted between the view of the ship and the (suspected) fellow pilots that were crammed into the small space with him.
The uniqueness of the collective was as special as the project itself. While David expected them to look like "typical" veteran pilots who went through a handful of Cruxi encounters, the reality was a more colorful bunch. Most of them looked young, perhaps too young to be any kind of a Cruxi fighting veteran. They wouldn't have been called to be cannon fodders, surely. Then he would have to look forward to witnessing some impressive young talents. 'And of course, bust your ass keeping them alive out there.'

Deciding that he didn't want to make a strong impression so he could get one of his teammates, David decided to make little to no noise as they boarded the Solaire and was briefed of their position. Half his reasons was the concern of going too "himself" in a thrown comment, and the other was that he didn't feel the need to cozy up with any of them. Brushing past the Executive Officer's comment, David put more interest in the comments made by the lieutenant. It was a shame (or maybe a relief, with his choice of quiet approach) that David himself didn't get mentioned, but he was able to deduce one information about the bunch. Graduates of a prestigious academy, the two who got a smile from the Lt. The rest was a mystery, to be unveiled as it turned out that they would be thrown into an abrupt training match.


Once the professor left, the pilots appeared to be more eased. It was either that, or David had been too careless about the people next to him as he focused to the ones in front of him. That was, except for the one poor soul literally scared shitless among the young ones. David decided to postpone a quick strategy talk for the squad to have a heartwarming moment of calming down the terrified girl. 'But hey, she's not as bad. The first time I had to crawl into my machine out of the blue I attempted to run out of camp.' Thankfully for her, people gathered around her to provide emotional support. Three men, and a Rosnian, each with increasingly friendly and supportive comments.
"The professor promised safety measures. 'Alive' is a strong word, but I look forward to seeing your set of skills."
He turned to the scared one.
"I doubt things will go perfectly in the first run, so there's no need to be too scared about it."
He decided to chime in, with a rather inappropriate choice of words, in the millisecond hindsight.

<Snipped quote by AlternateMan>

The Turtle Drone can be equipped to utilize one of the Energy Wings that come with the System and deployed at a farther range thanks to the drone. However, this comes at the cost of reducing the effectiveness of the Energy Wings if the drone is destroyed/incapacitated. Also, the drone can't be re-equipped to perform other roles in other events.

Good sheet, with nice references for the Framework. Once you add the Framework type bonus (enhanced armor, speed or weapon damage), the sheet is accepted.

I have made the choice
Turtle will have Energy Wings, I chose enhanced armor (edited in to the post)
Status Report coming in

the dice lead me to a restless supporter build and I shall live by it
I ran into this at 5 am, got interested, rolled some dice, and now I feel obligsted to flesh out this gigachad of a pilot
I'll get to work, for now here's what I got in an unorganized manner (let me know if I did anything wrong)

Ayyy lmaooo

Is there room for more?

also take this cut animal vid yall

may the light be with you and something
Is it too late to say i never played any FF games and just know the memes
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