Avatar of Lexisheeps


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1 day ago
Current "Will you marry me?" marriage proposal "Will, You, Mary, Me." foursome proposal "Will, you marry me." Doctor Who "Will you, Mary me." a cavewoman and Will has amnesia
2 days ago
It's okay to want attention sometimes, but spam is gross.
5 days ago
I drink tea when I wanna pretend British people are real.
6 days ago
A backrooms themed rp interest check? Yes please!!! roleplayerguild.com/posts/5…
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9 days ago
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Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
The Dark Beyond
The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads.
I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered~

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

k, bye bye bye !

Most Recent Posts

@Xandrya It's a good post! Straight to the point at telling the stuffies to stfu xD Enjoy your vacation!
@Squirrel98 It was a good post! And that's just fine. <3
A planned Halloween event that a parent failed to realize was going on, was an interesting pov to make!
Yaaaaas!!! I'm so excited about this! LET'S GO > o <'




There it was again. That smell. The smelly smell that smelled... of putrid human scent. It reeked, and pierced through his tiny nostrils. Causing his already grumpy demeanor to sour even further. His own scent trails being dampened much to his annoyance.

Little ear holes underneath his prickly rainbow fur, listened, intently... Silence was not broken by spoken verse. Perhaps I will be quiet. Mr. Squiggles thought to himself, in a rather hopeful monotone. And perhaps they'll make a good snack! The cupcake I had was stale. The fluff worm considered, as a slight rumble danced about his mid area.

The little worm wondered which direction the human would take. Left? Up? Well, in his case, the humans were always up. After a moment of all his pondering and grumbling, Mr. Squiggles uncurled himself from his resting spot under the stairs. The illuminated exit sign cast his shadow along the lower wall, as he inched slowly along the floor.

So the hunt had begun again, and so did a new game.

Meanwhile, a not so vicious entity was considering a few hiding spots. And there certainly were a few good spots to choose from! Under the table? Next to a discarded food tray? A high squeak of a voice might have caught Amanda's attention, Wait wait, I know! But no such luck. Zuzu kept all thoughts silent, then positioned quickly.

Once settled, Zuzu didn't squeak, Let's be friends! The little voice would have been eerie in every sense of the word, being the only vocalized noise beyond the clumsy movement of Mr. Squiggles and buzzing of broken lights. A cute little, Forever and ever and ever! was not verbally uttered.

Upon entering the Cafeteria, if Amanda chose to play, she'd notice the little stuffed unicorn sitting suspiciously out in the open. Directly in front of the employees only exit. Not a sound would be made upon physical inspection, but once placed down and human back turned, Zuzu had every intent of finding a new spot to hide.

Can we be friends? I like making new friends! The unicorn lay quietly waiting, obvious to Amanda's doomed situation... and thought up ways to exploit the woman's fears.



Upon Lucas' arrival into the poolroom, a childish tune and chaotic splashing of water abruptly stopped. That smell...

Human?!? Mr. Squiggles' temper flared as he started squiggling his way to a cold spot in the pool. The little guy just wanted his bath time to be unbothered, and so he hissed happily, "Daddy, come play!"

A cute little melody rang out as a particular rainbow stuffed animal sang a merry little melody, "Splashy splash! Splash! Splashy splash like a fishy fish fishy! Fishy fish! I swim swim swim like a fish! La la splash!"

But the voice Wormy had used, was merely mimicking Maria's, Lucas' daughter.

The ever mischievous Wormy the Squiggles wasn't the only one enjoying a nice bath. Angelica's voice cracked against the hummed silence, "The water feels great! Won't you join me, Lucas? I'm over in the deep end."

The voice the bear was using? Carried a beautifully thick Spanish accent.

The comment had been sincere, about the water being nice. The delightful water the backrooms had provided, deserved praise. It helped keep the place clean after all. But where exactly in the pool was the talkative teddy bear? A warm spot down at the end of a slide. Somewhere between two vibrant shining windows. Rather deep water as well.

"Be wary of the cold spots, my dear." Angelica added after a silent moment, "They litter the pool like little polka dots."

But could the friendly voice be trusted? No, not really. Would Lucas avoid the water altogether? It'd be in his best interest. If the water was ignored, Angelica couldn't be bothered, nor Wormy. The bear felt they would be too wet on land to attack. And Wormy? Well, the worm just wanted a bath.



"Oh hello, my dear!" A deeply dapper squeaked voice rang out, "How are you today?" It was Angelica, and the teddy was incredibly happy to get some new company. The bear was currently mimicking Michelle's husband. But what would she think of the room? "It's a lovely shade of pink, isn't it?"

The question was sincere, and so was Angelica's tone of voice, despite it's stolen human charm. The bear sat directly on the back of a swan, but the voice echoed evenly above room. "Though, I admit the black paint is a bit off setting." The bear continued to falsely comfort the human, "Still though, it really is just a marvelous hue! Glistens gently under the water, floats high within the ceiling."

But Angelica wasn't the only entity in the room.

"I think it's an awful shade." Came a bit of a grumpy tone that mimicked Michelle's youngest brother.

And the response made? "You think everything's awful." While mimicking Michelle's oldest brother.

Bickering. Perhaps from a couple who've lost their child to the backrooms. The argumentative voices seemed to be coming from somewhere near the ceiling. Wilbur and Winston was part of a skyline of sorts. Being a cloud and rainbow stuffed children's toy.

Angelica didn't bother to break up the bickering, but did offer, "How about some lunch, my dear." While still using the husband's voice.

"We have some gum!" Came a cheerful rainbow's sing-songy tone... but character had been changed. This time, the voice was Leila's. A replica. A pirated copy of a little girl's voice.

"But it's stale, mommy..." Just like you'll be.
Everybody's characters look great so far! I can't wait to see them all in IC! <3
To everyone filling out a CS; please avoid anime art for your images. Irl face claims and realistic art is preferred. Thanks, you guys! <3 And of course, if you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask either myself or @Estylwen!

Happy character creation!
@Days That doesn't sound very fun! D: But at least you don't need your voice for IC dialog!???.? 8'D

No, but seriously, being sick is a big pile of ugh.
I don't mind waiting a little longer. :p
Hope you get to feeling better soon, @Days!!

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