Eve "Grayscale"
"Aaaagh! G-get it off me!" The crewmate hollered in a mixture of agony and panic, flailing with wide-eyed terror at the shark-like Blight Beast chomping its jaws on his left shoulder, and then, at the corner of his eye, a flash of light... followed by a bolt of lightning striking the rabid piscine creature, precisely sized to only affect the vermin and not its victim. The monster instantly perished as it ceased moving, its jaws slackening, allowing it to fall off the man's shoulder, off the railings, and into the watery depths below.
However, the problem wasn't over yet, the offender might be gone, but it left a nasty open wound.
"S-... shite..." The pirate gritted his teeth, falling onto his rump with his right hand clutching over the bleeding injury,
"Danube blesses ye, but... can ye do somethin' 'bout this?" He rasped at his savior, knowing that he now was on borrowed time.
"I'm sorry, but my skills lie elsewhere," Said savior, the Kirin's very own black mage and Valheim's renegade living weapon, curled a subtle frown, urgency accompanying her calm tone,
"But I'll find someone who can help." With a reassuring nod, she took off.
"A-aye, but hurry...!"Eventually, either through fate or sheer luck, Eve stumbled upon a certain blue-eyed blonde Sollan. Was she...? Right, the White Mage, a returnee of Team Kirin, one who had separated from the group before Eve and the others joined Izayoi and co. at Atsu. She'd be... absolutely perfect for the situation.
"Neve," The Faux Eidolon firmly called out the actually-younger woman's name,
"Please follow me. Someone urgently needs your help."Neve didn’t know what to expect during her time onboard the sea vessel, but it definitely wasn’t hearing someone scream bloody murder so early in the excursion. She had been busy mending a tear in her dress when her body spurred her into action, seeking out the source of the distressful sound before she was suddenly approached by a petite girl.
”W-wait, someone’s hurt?” she asked, paleing slightly at the thought. What could have happened to cause such a hurt that they needed
her to tend to the wound? Panic steadily built up within the pits of her chest, but she grit her teeth and nodded towards the small girl.
”Take me to them,” she said, her voice much more stern than before. Whatever it was that caused such a pained scream, and the loud sound that cut through the air afterwards… there was no time to waste.
"Yes," Eve answered curtly,
"Right this way." Pleasantries could be exchanged later, once each second ceased to mean the difference between a man's life and death.
Thus, it didn't take long for the pair to arrive at the scene of the crime. It was... not pretty, it wouldn't take a White Mage to see that the crewmate had lost an unhealthy amount of blood, not to mention the risk of other complications from being bitten by a blight-infested creature. As it stood, he was too out of it to properly greet Neve, but from the way he was grimacing, he couldn't have said anything other than 'help me'.
Neve followed the girl, each long stride of hers carrying a sense of urgency. Her hands scrambled for her staff, her heart racing as she caught the smell of blood wafting on the air. They came across the grievous scene faster than she could think. Crimson ichor spread from beneath the fingers that tightly held the wound, and Neve could see that the sailor was clearly in a daze. Thank Etro he wasn’t too far gone.
The mage lifted her staff, holding it close to the gushing, Blight-tainted wound. A whisper came from her lips as she uttered a spell to cure the hurt, although there was some resistance when the wound healed and all that was left were the remnants of the Blight. Neve furrowed her brow, concentrating harder upon the spell, until the wound was mended, sealed, and purged of the taint.
”The Blight was a little difficult to dispel, but…” Neve murmured, wiping some of the sweat that trailed down her brow.
”You’ll be fine, friend.”Neve might be many things, but being incompetent wasn't one of them as proven by her deft actions upon witnessing the man's conditions. Though Eve was no healer, she could recognize the conduct of someone who had done this many times before. A lesser healer might not be able to save the sailor, but not Neve. After she was done, it was as if nothing had happened to the man's shoulder at all.
The pirate heaved a huge sigh of relief as he shakily stood up,
"My thanks, Danube blesses ye both..." Now, he'd love to stay and chat, especially with the pretty blonde lady, but right now he wanted nothing more than to rest his head a little. To be fair, having a near-death experience tended to take the winds out of one's sail. Thus, with a grateful nod, the crewmate departed.
"..." The Pseudolon made a small return nod then watched until the healed victim disappeared into the lower decks before she shifted her crimson gaze at the other mage, the person who had a similar name as her yet couldn't be anymore different in looks and skills,
"That was... remarkable," Eve murmured,
"To be able to undo afflictions to such a degree, to nurture life, while as I can only bring death and destruction." A keen ear could notice the tell-tale hints of envy beneath the chimera's otherwise impassive tone. Sure, there was the odd non-destructive mundane utility Eve could do with her elemental magic here and there, but they paled in comparison to Neve's divine blessings.
"I wish I was born with talents like yours, Neve."Neve smiled faintly as the sailor gave her his thanks before scurrying off to attend his duties. Just like that, she was left alone with the girl. An awkward silence flickered between them before Eve’s crimson gaze fell upon her and praised her for her abilities. Such blatant words of gratitude caused the mage to straighten her back in surprise, and she blushed in her flustered state.
”O-oh, it was nothing! Really!” the blonde shook her head rapidly.
”I had to go through years and years and years of training to be able to do that…””Besides, e-everyone has their own talent! You’re better at fighting than me, most likely!” Neve added at the end of her spiel, smiling weakly at the girl.
"Hm." The shorter girl hummed once, noticing the sheer humbleness displayed by the caster of benevolent magicks; was humility one of the aspects that fueled such selfless powers? Wouldn't surprise her if it was. Meanwhile, anger, aggression, and enmity emboldened their sibling, Eve’s black to Neve's white.
"I believe that as modest as you are, you're at least able to conclude that without your presence, that man would have perished, no?" She thrust the inquiry at the blonde Sollan, perhaps with a bit more interrogating tone than necessary.
Did she envy this young woman's life-preserving ability that much?
If I only I could heal, then mother wouldn't have-......perhaps.
"I suppose, but as our mutual comrade, Galahad, said to me, if burning everything that opposes us is all that we do, then there might not be much of a world left to save..." The black mage sighed, pausing as she gazed up at her counterpart, the other side of the arcane coin,
"So, even though we've just met, I can confidently say that you're an invaluable ally, Neve." Eve concluded with a small, subtle smile.
"Perhaps even more than myself..."… This girl was
persistent. Neve’s shoulders slumped in defeat, pouting at the gray-haired individual before her as she spoke. She was… right. But it still made her feel
bad. For most of her life, she was said to be special, different from the others. With Eve displaying some envy over her abilities, she couldn’t help but feel pity for the girl, even if she was correct with her sentiments.
”I… suppose you’re right. But your abilities are strong, much stronger than mine,” she told her, attempting to force some curtness to her voice after her stammering and spluttering.
”I can hardly fell a Blightbeast by myself. If it weren’t for you, then it would have caused much more damage before someone else would come to help!”A long sigh came from her lips. She rubbed her arms, looking up at the sky as she thought.
”We both have different strengths, yes, but we also have our weaknesses. There’s a reason Etro put us on the same team, yes? To reinforce the areas where we pale in comparison to the other. One person cannot be expected to carry so much responsibility on their shoulders. It is the death of the self.”"..." It'd seem Neve's power to mend and bolster others extended to her words as well, such an immediate and natural response to make others see their own values even if they themselves couldn't. It was said that all teams needed one who could act as the heart, who could connect even a group of misfits from all walks of life.
Was she musing about a leader? ...no, Izayoi or Galahad was a leader, the brave general standing at the front, rallying their troops and executing difficult decisions without hesitation. No, the heart was the band’s beloved, the admired, one whose presence alone could remind the men and women that staying together was worth it, that their goal was worth it.
Neve was this heart, and seeing her from this perspective made Eve realize how heavy her burdens must be, even if she might not realize it herself. However, the fact that not a single Kirin - old and new - even so much as disapproved of her return might clue her in... or not, Eve barely knew anything about the White Mage, but perhaps it'd be for the better if she remained blissfully ignorant. After all, she said it herself, one person can't be expected to carry so much responsibility on their shoulders...
For now though, the Faux Eidolon was powerless in the face of such sincerity, one that was reinforced by pragmatic logic at that, truly only the mentally deranged would refute her. As such, Eve exhaled a quiet "defeated" sigh,
"Thank you, comrade."Eve’s last response was unexpected. Neve was taken aback, her eyes fluttering slightly as if she were a deer caught in a hunter’s sights. She was… thanking her? What a sudden twist. It almost made her laugh.
”No… no worries!” she piped up, a crooked smile lacing across her lips.
”That’s what I’m here for, to help others out. … S-speaking of which, I… forgot to eat breakfast. Want to join me? I’m starving!”