He stood tall amongst his comrades all cloaked in a fine steel and other fine metals the sprinted quickly to the northern wall of the city to witness it shatter amongst a large trunk which men crashed into with great speed... the wall with moments was broke in from the outside and as men poured in Garis had his blade clutched in his hand ready for combat.

With elegant swings while forcing himself to the enemy knights with blade pierced their mail, rendering their flesh with crimson colors spraying the ground. His eyes filled with devotion his battle only ended as in hours later he fell from his muscles tiring causing his knees to buckle sending him to earth. His armor cloaked in red while several holes existed in it. Tears flooded his eyes as despite his effort the man failed to muster any more strength sending him to sleep which wouldn't end until the battle was over and awoke later in a cage under a sun blazing above.

He coughed for the first time as awoke lost upset and oblivious of what happened. At that moment reality grasped him cruel as he heard the surroundings filled with life and trade. Garis's eyes peeled open wide as he realised his position... a slave to be bartered... much to his own dismay his Vow as a paladin prevented harming of civilians so he was left for time to pass.

The present, several months later.

Garis just sat criss crossed with the refines of his cage. He wasn't easily sold as his seller already had problems with Garis running towards the woods. It would have worked but sadly he was cut off swiftly. His eyes spoke more words then he was willing to say. Meanwhile His seller screamed out." YOUNG MALE QUIET, GOOD HEALTH, HE IS MANNERED TO SOME EXTENT."

Garis snapped out hearing mannered." Your quite desperate now..." his eyes and face became cold as on his skin gleamed several lush pale white scars from his disobedience from even the smallest. His face wore a sick glare like tone while sweat ran down his neck as the sun pounded on his flesh which already had burned.

He looked down as he breathed heaving his chest as with every passing moment he felt as if he was to betrayed by his goddess but didn't lose any faith as he kept the vow. He stood up for a moment and looked at the crowds of people seeing women and men smiling, chatting while looking at slaves. He was going to lean back against the cage but as he did so the metal sizzled leaving a mark on his back which made him sit up sharply.

Garis a groan escape him as he began to grow tired of sitting up and his body was forced to lean against the metal leaving burns which oozed gently. As he did coughed up a single dry sentence."Son of a bitch why I am left to the fates..." He swallowed uncomfortably as his mouth was dry and sweat drenched his body leaving him to listen to the surroundings soon causing his head to feel pounded on.