Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Flash speeded after the thief. He ended up zooming in front of him, "Just give me the purse, and you won't get your ass kicked, that simple." Flash said. Flash looked at the thief, the guy was scrawny, he was pale and had black hair. He seemed like he was sweating. "Oh you don't get it...you're not the only person that has powers!" then the thief blasted Flash back with, air! "WHOOOAAA!!" Flash flew across the alleyway, and hit the dumpster. Did this guy just use the force on him?! Flash backflipped and slammed his fist up the thief's face. The thief stumbled and fell on the ground, the thief then slammed Flash with the wind, he went tumbling. "Son of a...!" the thief ran off, as Flash speeded into him, making him fly foward, knocking him out. He then speeded the thief into the CCPD, hands tied behind his back. The officers only saw a red blur.

Flash speeded out across the city, the feeling of running so fast felt great. The feeling of air going past him, a nice breeze. He passed Jitters, then Mercury Labs. He then made it to S.T.A.R. Labs, he stopped for a second to stare at the building, then zoomed in.

S.T.A.R. Labs

Barry speeded into S.T.A.R. Labs, panting, he pulled his cowl off. "What were you thinking?!" Felicity looked pissed, Barry wasn't sure if he was afraid to die or afraid to be scolded by her. "I had it handled..." Barry said, "That was awesome, dude!" Cisco said, high-fiving Barry. "Congratulations, Mr. Allen, but what if you didn't have it handled." Dr. Thawne said, getting up from his chair in the other room. Felicity gave Barry and Cisco a look. S.T.A.R. Labs used to be filled with scientists, but now after the incident, only these three have been inside the building. The room looked basically like any other lab, white. The place was still shape, the computers were high tech than the ones you see at Best Buy, or places like that. A computer was hooked up to a treadmill, a Cosmic Treadmill, it's basically like training for Barry. "You can't just go in blind like that." Dr. Thawne said, looking at a computer screen on the wall, rubbing his chin. "Look, I have to go to work." Barry said, running in a circle as his scarlet suit disappeared and a sweater, jacket, jeans and black and white sneakers. Classic Barry Allen style. "Barry, before you-" Dr. Thawne started, Barry speeded out of the building, sheets of paper flying everywhere, "Go..." He finished. "He's the most stubborn man alive..." Felicity said, sighing. Cisco laughed.

Central City Police Department

Barry walked into the CCPD, rubbing his arm. Joe was talking to another officer about a man with a gun that could freeze people, Barry walked up to them both. Joe looked at Barry, "Where have you been?" he asked. Barry was thinking of a lie that he could use, something that's Barry-like. "Sorry, I woke up late.." Joe shook his head, smiling, "Barry Allen, the man that's never on time. Come on." Joe walked and Barry followed him. They both got into the car, and drove to a crime scene.

"...I know you like dealing with the impossible, so I thought you'd want to work on this case." Joe said, the corpse was charred, like something electrocuted him to death, the face was unrecognizable. Barry assumed the man was a security guard, because of the half-melted badge. "Do you know what could of have done this?" Joe asked, Barry looked at the body, "Not what, who..Look, you see the burnt o placesn the body around the injuries on the face and chest? This man was electrocuted to death, by someone..", Joe looked at the body, then back up at Barry, "Last time I checked, people couldn't fire electricity out of their hands." Barry looked at Joe, then Joe's face showed that he just figured it out, "Metahumans." Barry gave him a thumbs up, "Bingo." Joe looked at the body again, "I'll get the Metahuman Task Force on the case." he then walked off, Barry crouched to the body to see footprints. The crime scene was in a warehouse, police tape everywhere, and police cars were outside, the warehouse is owned by Mercury Labs, Barry got up and looked at the destroyed door. "The culprit came through the door...and killed the guard...." Barry said, the culprit must've come for something else, not just to kill a guard. Barry then looked at a broken glass case at the end of the room, he walked over to it, Barry thinks he know what the culprit exactly stole, power gloves..

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ChildHoodRuined
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ChildHoodRuined Son Goku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wally could feel the smooth wind around him, he observed it very intently. Every wind was like Flash running around the city, somewhere, someway. It was like Flash was somehow, everywhere! It was amazing to know that Flash could run speeds that no normal human could, and that's what reminded Wally why Flash was his favourite hero.
Speed. Flash had all the time on his hands and Wally? Wally had no time. Wally had to wait until Barry, Aunt Iris's 'friend' came. Wally had analyzed enough of the two, Barry was boring, plain boring, all mixed up in science, why would Aunt Iris want to be friends with him anyways? Maybe Wally was mistaken that Barry was boring, after all, he did find science fun. Wally lingered around the room long enough to dose off somewhere else again, about Flash.

. . . "WALLY!"

After a bunch of packing and moving around, he and Aunt Iris we're already packed and ready to make their way to Central City. Wally couldn't wait.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChildHoodRuined
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ChildHoodRuined Son Goku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Mom, can you keep the lights on?" Barry asked, scared. His mom tucked him into to bed, and smiled at him. "Don't let the dark scare you, nothing can you hurt you here." She said in her sweet voice, then walked out of the bedroom, turning the lights off. Barry closed his eyes, nothing could hurt him, nothing could hurt him, nothing could hurt him, he thought. He looked around his room, for something to keep him from being afraid. He looked at his fish tank, to see the water rising out of it... A loud crash was heard in the living room, "Mom!? Dad!?" He yelled, scared. He got out of bed and ran to the living room!

Red and yellow lightning sparked everywhere, across the room. Pictures fell off the wall, everything was rotating around the yellow blur. In between the yellow blur, was Barry's mother. "Barry, get back!" His dad yelled. "MOOOM!!??" Barry yelled, the yellow lightning got faster and faster. Barry's mother was in tears, "GET BACK!!! GET BAACCKK!!" She yelled, sobbing loudly. His father got closer, only to be thrown back. His father went unconscious. "Moom!" Barry was in tears, what was happening!? "I LOVE YOU, BARRY! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!" She yelled, sobbing. Barry was terrified, "MO-OM!". "GET BACK!!" She yelled, she held her head, bracing for impact from all the things that were falling around her. The red lightning started getting more violent!

West Residence

"HUH!?" Barry yelled, panting in his bed. It was just a nightmare, he grabbed his phone from the night stand. He got a call, "Hello...?" He asked. "Barry, get to S.T.A.R. Labs now. We have an serious problem." Felicity said. Barry got up and got dressed, he walked out to the living room. Joe was watching a football game. "Joe, can I borrow your car?" Joe turned his head around from the TV to face Barry, "Sure." He threw the keys to Barry. Time slowed down, and Barry concentrated, he caught them. "Whoahoahoa.." Joe laughed. "Nice reflexes." Joe said, turning around back to the TV.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Anonymous Investigations

The office of Anonymous Investigations could be found in an apartment building in downtown Central City. It wasn't an actual office at first, John and Dr. Erdel had to do a bit of renovating, and having a stained window with the office's title printed on it installed in the door. The apartment wasn't scrapped completely, however, it still had a small bedroom and kitchen area, as so John could live there and be able to work from home simultaneously. Within the office itself, a desk faced the front door, on it was some paperwork that had yet to be filed away, as well as what was left of John's lunch: outer crusts from slices of day-old pizza and a half-drank can of cola. Nothing gourmet about it, but John's profession sometimes demanded that he live on a budget.

John himself had been on this planet for about a year's time, and in that time he had managed to attract some of the more... stranger clientele. His first few cases were... not even real cases honestly. Missing pets, the occasional cheating spouse, but nothing especially significant. But it all started with a case he did a few months back involving, of all things, a dog who had somehow acquired a metahuman ability. Yes, seriously. The animal's power was to essentially generate amplified shockwaves in its barks. The case itself actually started out as a simple search for what the neighborhood initially assumed was a vandal that was knocking over mailboxes and denting car doors. Despite his own... secrets, John was still surprised when he discovered that the "vandal" was in fact a super-powered dog. John's clients insisted that the animal be put down, but John himself wouldn't allow it, and instead turned the animal over to S.T.A.R. Labs, since they were capturing metahumans anyway.

Ever since that case, John began receiving requests from clients under the impression that he specialized in metahumans and other cases with strange circumstances. These sorts of cases were dangerous, since there was always the risk of these things causing John to become exposed. Then again, the Flash was only one man and, fast as he is, he couldn't be everywhere at once and do everything. Perhaps John was somehow meant to contribute to the metahuman problems, albeit in his own way?

Which brings us to today. John was reading a file he put together about his current case. A bar a few blocks over was burned down in a fire a little over a week ago, naturally The Flash zipped by in time to save the bar's owner and the patrons who were inside when it happened. Police determined that the fire was an accident, but the owner, a young woman named Cynthia Reynolds, came to John and insisted that it was no accident. She claimed to see a figure among the flames, one that seemed to be spreading the flames with their hands. Of course, the police didn't believe her, and she never had a chance to talk to Flash about it. She'd heard about the incident with John and the meta dog and asked him to help. John normally treated cases of this nature with utmost scrutiny, sometimes they were fake after all. But this girl was different. From the moment John first saw her, he sensed something about her, and when a Martian sensed something, it was usually wise to trust those instincts. John accepted the request and promised to find the truth.

"Hmm..." he hummed to himself aloud, "...I don't believe there have been any Metahumans with fire-based powers... at least not yet. Still, something about this doesn't sit right." He'd be lying if John said he wasn't a little afraid. Martians were fairly powerful beings compared to humans... but they could be rendered helpless by fire. If there was a fire-wielding metahuman out there, then taking him on would be more than just dangerous... it could potentially be suicidal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

S.T.A.R. Labs

Barry walked into the main room of S.T.A.R. Labs. "What's up?" Barry asked. Felicity spinned her chair to face him, "The Metahuman with electric powers is at Mercury Labs, draining the power generator." Barry nodded, "Alright. I'm on it." Barry walked to the suit, "Wait!" Cisco said, "I have something for you. It's an insulated suit for you, and it also looks better than the one you have right now." Barry followed him, excited to see this new suit for him. "Meet, the Flash suit 2.0!" Cisco said, like it was a introduction for someone really important. Cisco opened the container, showing the suit. It was a lighter scarlet than the original, the ears had longer lightning bolts that went behind the cowl. They glistened gold. The belt and sleeves of the suit had a yellow line zigzagging to the middle of the belt. The emblem was a golden lightning bolt, with a white circle, and a golden circle outlining the white one. Barry smiled, "Awesome." Cisco looked at it, "I know right! This will help you against Blackout!" Barry looked at him, "For real?" He asked. "What it sounds totally cool." Cisco said, Barry speeded into the suit, he then sped in a circle lightning flying everywhere, the blur in the lightning started turning a scarlet red. Then the blur stopped, showing the Flash smiling. He then speeded out of the building.

Mercury Labs

Flash speeded to Mercury Labs, and ran to the generator. "Chew on something your own size!" Flash said, he vibrating his vocal cords to sound like a dozen of the same voices speaking at once. ]"More to feed on.." Blackout said, turning around. Blackout fired lightning at him, Flash speeded away from it, and then punched Blackout. "Awww, am I too fast for you?" Flash said, smirking. Blackout glared at Flash then the power generator's electricity went directly at Flash, making him fly back! Flash groaned. "I can smellll a lot of electricity from YOU!"Blackout yelled, sucking electricity out of Flash!? What was happening!? "Rrrrrrghhhhh!!!" Flash yelled. Flash then went unconscious! Blackout smiled wickedly, about to finish him off!


A still yellow blur phased his hand through Blackout's chest! Blackout gasped, then the blur pulled his hand out of him. Blackout dropped to the ground, dead. "I neeeeeddd yooouuuu alllliiivvveeee fooooorrrr noooooowwwww, Flllaaaaaasshhh..." The blur's red eyes glowed brightly. The blur than sped away, leaving Flash there.

"Barry?" Felicity asked.

Barry woke up in S.T.A.R. Labs, on a bed. Felicity looked at him. "What happened...?" Barry asked, Felicity then unexpectedly hugged him. "Thank God you aren't dead, I don't know what I would've done if I lost you....Wait, not like lost you as in my boyfriend lost you but like friend lost you-.."
"Please shut up.."
Barry slowly got out of the bed, he rubbed his side. "Where's Blackout?" He asked, looking at Cisco. Cisco turned towards him. "We found him, dead. With his heart stopped." Cisco said. Barry was shocked. "What could've done that?" Barry asked. "We don't know yet." Felicity said. Barry thought. He wasn't fast enough to save the guy. "Do not get broody on me, Barry. I know that face. It wasn't your fault." Barry looked her, "..." He got up. Felicity thought for a second, "I think I know what killed the Metahuman." She said. Barry looked at her, "What?" He asked. "His heart was crushed from the inside, when we took an autopsy." She said. "But there wasn't any marks or blood from the outside of him. We think that a hand moving so fast...phased through him.." Barry thought for a second, the only time that has ever happened was with his mom... "We need to tell Dr. Thawne about this.." Barry looked at Felicity. "Where is he?" She looked at him, concerned about what he's going to do about the killer. "I-I don't know.." She said honestly. Cisco shrugged, he didn't know either.

Thawne Residence

Eobard ran down the hall, panting. A yellow blur ran behind him, on the ceiling. Eobard slid on the ground, into a room. The room was filled with little gadgets that Eobard had been working on. The blur than ran in front of him, and grabbed him by the neck! He raised him up. "Gnn....gnn......gggnnnnn.....L-Let the...others go...and kill me..." The blur just stared at him with its red eyes..

"Meeeeeerrrryyyyyy Chhhrriiiisssstttmmmaaaaaasssss..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Ms. Reynolds' bar, or what was left of it, lay in ruin. The fire had long been extinguished, but the damage was done. Ash and soot were all over the floor, the walls covered in cracks and scorch marks. John stepped through the nonexistent door and passed his gaze over the ruined bar. Cynthia said she'd seen something, a person in the flames. How, though? The smoke and heat alone would have suffocated them even before the fire touched them. And why were there no other witnesses? Even the Flash showed up at the incident and he apparently saw no one. Something about this was not right, and now it was John's job to figure out why. His first action was to come here, get a feel for the scene of the incident before doing anything else, the sooner the better. The nature of psychic power wasn't an exact science, but it usually functioned better when there is no potential for bias to cloud the mind, hence why John came to the bar first and foremost.

He closed his eyes, attempting to see into the history of the establishment. The exact nature and effectiveness of a Martian's psychic power varied depending on the individual, and while John was typically more skilled at reading human thoughts he figured this was worth a try. He began walk slowly around the bar, going out of his way to touch the wall, a table, or the bar counter in the hopes of sensing something worthwhile. And John lucked out, hitting the jackpot as he stopped suddenly and saw a vision. The fire was blazing, patrons were trying to escape only to be rescued by Flash. Cynthia appeared to be the last one out and she looked directly at John just before Flash pulled her out of the place. Instinctively, John turned around to see what she saw, and came face to face with a pitch oxygen mask before finding himself back in the present again.

So there was someone... and he wore a mask to survive the smoke and lack of oxygen. Perhaps it wasn't a metahuman after all, but a normal human arsonist? John thought to himself as he hurriedly left. In any case, the bar fire was no accident, and until he could find a way to prove it with evidence, than the arson would remain free and at large. John's next stop? C.C.P.D.

Central City Police Department

When he arrived, John approached the front desk. When asked what he needed, John presented his identification as a private eye, "Is there any public information available for the fire that burned down a bar called Obsidian? My client needs it for an insurance claim." when he made the request, John also let the receptionist see the contract he made with Cynthia proving that she was indeed his client and John was here on her behalf.

"You'll have to request it from the lab tech who performed the investigation. Let me see... the assigned tech was Barry Allen. His lab is right here, so if you wish to wait he'll turn up soon." she said, monotone in her voice suggesting that she was bored, probably having dealt with this sort of thing all the time. John nodded and looked for a bench to wait in. Surely this Barry Allen would turn up sooner or later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Central City Police Department

Barry walked to the entrance of the CCPD. He had been to the Obsidian earlier as the Flash. It was burned down to almost ashes. But he doesn't know how. He would take this up with the team at S.T.A.R. Labs, but they're busy, apparently. Barry walked into the CCPD, with some evidence that he could hopefully use.

Barry walked into the main room, to see a black man. He looked odd, for some reason. Yet there was nothing wrong with him. "Allen!" Captain Singh called. Barry instinctively turned toward Singh. "Found anything about the fire in Obsidian?" Singh asked. "No sir, nothing yet, most of the evidence of anything has been burnt up. I have some glass from the crime scene, maybe it has something." Barry said. Singh nodded, and walked back to his office. Barry headed upstairs to his lab. There had to be something on that case. Maybe if he time traveled- No. Dr. Thawne said if you changed time, it'll have consequences. Maybe he'll find a way. Barry looked at the wall, with the pictures attached to it. They were about his mother's death. He hasn't gave up on the case yet. "....I'm going to find you." Barry said. He then pulled out a bag of evidence. It had glass in it, broken glass.

Obviously, whoever done this was probably an arsonist. Nothing can cause a fire that bad. But who could it be, and why would he or her attack Obsidian. He frowned. This case was harder than he expected. The glass had finger prints, but they were uunable to be scanned. Seriously, who ever did this was pretty clever. Or they got lucky. He pulled out his grabbed his telescope. He then messed with it until he was looking at the glass. Something was up. This case didn't make sense at all. As a forensic scientist, he's pretty stumped. Maybe there's something. If only those finger prints were actually traceable or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Central City Police Department

John didn't have to wait for long, it seemed. At first it seemed like there was no way the young man who walked in could have been Barry. He looked like he could still be in college, not a full-fledged Forensic Scientist. But his identity was confirmed when one of his superiors addressed him by name, and even asked about the investigation of the very fire John was currently working on. Interesting that the police were still investigating, whereas Cynthia had told him they already declared the fire an accident. Either there was a miscommunication somewhere or someone was hiding something.

As the young forensic scientist climbed the stairs that John presumed led to his lab, he reluctantly stood and followed, though only from a safe distance. He didn't wish disturb the young man's work, and intended to make sure he wasn't too busy before speaking with him. John looked through the window of a door that led to the lab, and saw Allen staring at one could only be described as a conspiracy theory board. Newspaper clippings and photos with lines drawn about the white board to connect them in various ways. It certainly didn't look official. John shrugged, however, deciding that whatever Mr. Allen did in his spare time was his own business and knocked gently on the door before entering.

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you... Mr. Allen isn't it?" said the Martian, recalling that handshakes were the customary greeting so he held out his hand, "John Jones, Anonymous Investigations. I'm here on behalf of Cynthia Reynolds, she owns the bar that was tragically burned down if you'll recall. She's asked me to collect whatever information I can on the official reports so she can make an insurance claim." John wasn't being completely honest, Cynthia's insurance had nothing to do with why she hired him, but Barry certainly wouldn't know that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Central City Police Department - CSI Lab

Barry looked at the man, and pushed his telescope to the side. "You weren't disturbing me at all." Barry said. Barry shook the man's hand, and had a brief smile. Something was up with this guy, it was like he wasn't human, but yet here he was. A human, Barry thought to himself. Is he racist, because he thinks a black man is someone odd? Wait, no! "What do you need, sir?" Barry smiled. And scratched his hair. "Insurance claim, oh about Obsidian?" Barry asked. Earlier at the Obsidian as the Flash, Barry saved a lady from the burning bar. It must have been her that he saved. Barry got up, and looked at the glass. "I was about to take a DNA scan on the glass, it has some marks and a little blood on it. I'm not sure if it'll be much help, but it's all I have right now." Barry said, he pulled on his gloves and picked up the glass, to make sure his DNA didn't get all over it. A sharp edge of one the shards stuck his hand. "Ow!" His glove was scratched. Then everything went in slow motion.

He catched the shards almost instantly. Man, he loved that slow-mo skill. He slipped the glass into a plastic bag. "Here you go.." Barry had an awkward smile. Does he have to look like a klutz to everybody? "Ehm, I'm done for today. I'll talk to you later, if needed." Barry said. He walked down the stairs. Then headed towards the entrance. Now, that that's over. He has to head to S.T.A.R. Labs, to check on Dr. Thawne and his friends.

S.T.A.R. Labs

Barry walked into the room, and saw Dr. Thawne had a stich on his face, and a cast on his arm. "Dr. Thawne, what happened?" Barry asked as he ran to him. Dr. Thawne looked at Barry, then looked at Felicity and Cisco. They all had serious faces. "What is it?" Barry asked. Felicity looked at Barry, "A yellow blur attacked him." She said. Barry eyes widened, another attack from the yellow blur. The man in yellow went after Dr. Thawne? Barry's shock turned into anger. He walked to the Flash suit. "I'm going to find him before he hurts anyone else." Barry said. "No, Mr. Allen." Dr. Thawne said. "Not out of rage, he'll kill you." Barry looked, at the others. They had worried faces. He looked back at the Flash suit. Justice is needed, and needed NOW.
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