Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Raph nodded, he drank some of his water. His target was gentle when she touched him, now that he gotten to know his target a little he knew she was innocent, but why would Ogden send him after someone like her? Now that he thought of it, he needed to find his answers. He wasn't going to confront Ogden about it he would need to find his answers here. Slowly he started to eat, he would go to the guard captains office tonight to see some details about the city, and a few other things one day he would tell her what he was, but today wasn't that day he would keep it from her for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Jackie brought her hands together. "May God watch and protect over the two of us." She blessed taking the utensils and cutting into her food eating it with a smile. She normally didn't eat this well unless around people she didn't know. Which is what he was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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It was getting late, Raph knew that he looked up at Jackie " you want me to walk you home Jackie?" Raph didn't normally ask to walk people home. He just felt like he needed to, since she was this nice to him wait till she finds out what you are he didn't like that thought he pushed that thought aside. It was a fine night to walk, so he didn't mind walking Jackie home before he had to go to the captains office and get the info he needed on this town.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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Jackie nods automatically. "Of course, I appreciate your getting me home." She said with a smile. She probably could get home but having some sort of protection.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Raph looked at her "you lead I'll follow, since he didn't know where she lived. It was an interesting day for him. Still none of the assassins would like his tactics really, but he really didn't care at night is was the night of the assassins it was always that way for Raph anaway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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"I thank you again for escorting me home. I probably could have gotten there safely enough, but still having protection brings a weight off my shoulders." Jackie said as she stood up regally being mindful that she was in a dress. You know, I could be the first woman in the kingdom to wear trousers. How much fun would that be to see the old ninnies having a fit because of my fashion tastes? She thought with a small laugh finding it amusing already imagining their faces and what they would say. She lead the way to her home seeing Jeremy outside the house. "You shouldn't have waited up for me Jeremy. I know you like your rest, and should have sent Henry out." She said rushing up the steps to place a worried hand onto Jeremy's face to make sure he wasn't pushing himself. "Thank you once more Raphael. May we meet again very soon." She said with a smile. She really hoped they would having enjoyed being around him pushing Jeremy inside. "And go to sleep. You wont do very well if you're exhausted tomorrow." She said with a no nonsense tone. She was a pretty laid back lady, but once she got worried over someone that she liked she got into her true role as lady of the household giving commands and expecting them to be followed. But she didn't often give orders liking to treat those that worked in her home as family.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Soon after a few hours passed Raph was in the guard captains office, with his assassin armor on. He looked through the files, finding one on Jackie he flipped through so she never killed anyone then why wool Ogden send me after her it was to late he heard the lock turning to late. The guards saw him, and soon the word assassin was yelled out. Raph jumped through a window, landing on the roof of the next building. Well that's what he gets for going deep into his thoughts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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Hours later, Jackie was curled around her Siberian puppy, Killian slowly falling asleep reading the book she read when she heard guards shouting in the streets. She groans not wanting to move from her comfortable spot so ignored the noise falling asleep on her bed, the soft cool wind blowing in from her open window for it had become too warm in her bed and she had wanted some fresh air her hand over the puppy just barely awake, her mind shutting down as she marked her place in her book and placed it on the desk bringing the covers to her chin and snuggling into them having changed into a night dress.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Raph sees an open window, god forgive him for this. He jumped he landed lightly on his feet, pushing himself against the wall as he watched the guards run by. He let out a breath of relief, now that he looked around he noticed Jackie his eyes widening he was in Jackie room. He tried to not make a sound to get out, not till the puppy started barking man this wasn't his night.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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Killian started barking noticing the strange person in his mistress's room, Jackie herself shifting placing a hand on his head opening her eyes, them still filled with her need for sleep. "What is it boy? Hush now, I'm awake." She said softly rubbing her eyes as they scanned the dark room but stopped as she noticed a strange person in the shadows blending in perfectly so she couldn't even really make out what or who this person was, guards yelling about an assassin reaching her and she froze. An assassin? She'd never been so afraid not certain what she should do. She had never been in this life threatening situation. She very much doubted that she would be able to move much less make a sound. Her heart raced forgetting about sleep. "W-what a-are y-you d-doing h-here?" She stuttered out not sure if she wanted that answer. Or even if she'd get one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Raph heard her question, "at first I was sent to kill you but you are an innocent person, part outbthe creed assassins can't kill innocents my leader sent me here to kill you hoping I would do it with as little info I had I endedcup checking your file. You haven't killed a person so I won't kill you, now I need to figure out why my leader wanted you dead." He explained, he might need her help to figure out why Ogden wanted her dead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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Hearing the assassin had been sent to kill her sent her heart racing even more. Jackie scrunched her nose. Despite the fact that her life might still very well be in danger, she found she recognized the voice. "Maybe it's because my father is nicknamed the Midas and brought wealth to this kingdom. Or he fired someone he shouldn't have....but besides that...I know you." She said softly getting up despite her state of dress and walked close to the window trying to peer into the shadows to see who was there. "Please...won't you show me your face?" She asked softly not sure what he would do. Since he found out that she was innocent, which anyone around the town could have easily have told him she figured that he wouldn't hurt her despite his orders to do the opposite.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Raph looked at her, then sighed pulling down the hood. "Plus no I'm only sent to kill people guilty of killing innocent people your not one neither is your father he's a good man." Raph said softly, he didn't know what Jackie reaction would be with him being an assassin, that's the only part of his story he left out. The day he got off the streets he was training to be an assassin, he swallowed he only killed people who were guilty he looked down at his hands. Blood even though it wasn't there was staining his hands, he wasn't no tool, but he always acted like a tool instead of a person really.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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Jackie was a little surprised that Raphael was an assassin, not really sure what to make of it. She supposed that he had to have gotten off the streets somehow. But an assassin took him in? She hadn't really heard of assassins beyond rumors and had been certain they were just hired killers looking out for only number one and killing who they must in order to get paid. But she also knew she had felt safe around him the entire time she had been around him, besides from then when she hadn't known who he was. She carefully reached out and placed a hand on top of his gloved one looking up at him with trust in her eyes. "You only kill the guilty right? So what you do in a roundabout way is protect those like me from those people. It's rather noble if you don't mind my saying so." She said softly being certain not to bring attention to those in the household.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Raph was surprised, when she said that to him. He looked up at her, he really didn't know what to say to her. In his mind it had been drilled into him show your facebook someone and they would fear you, this was the complete opposite. "Now I need to figure out why I was sent here to kill you," he needed answers he was so lost and confused right now showed on his face. Most of the things he had been taught except fighting were not true he was confused and lost he needed something to answer all the questions in his head he needed someone to help him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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"I'm not sure what to tell you. You could ask who took you in. But beyond that I'm not sure you should go back to your employer with your hands empty since you're already out here and whatnot." Jackie said thoughtfully. She was telling the truth when she said she had no idea what he should do beyond asking the one that took him in for the questions he needed to learn. "But for now you need somewhere to hide as the guards are still out there looking for you. You can stay in a guest bedroom as long as no one finds you there if you want." She suggested not minding using her house as his hideaway if he needed it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raph nodded, his thanks "I was going to give you this tomorrow but since I have a few complications on my hands right now here." He placed a book in her hands it was about an assassin falling in love with some one he wasn't supposed to. Raph pulled up the hood and went to the guest bedroom pulling off his assassin gear, and changing into regular clothes. He didn't mind sleeping in regular clothes for the night.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Jackie took the book in curiosity. She yawns placing it by the one she bought last morning being too tired to figure out what it was right then her head hitting the pillows and instantly being transported to the land of dreams. Even if they very seldom made sense.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Raph got some sleep, but he left the place before dawn the room looking exactly like it was when he first went into it. The guards hadn't found him last night which was good, but by the looks of it they now had guards posted on the rooftops. That was going to make getting around the city at night a little harder for him, slowly the sun rose, Raph quickly dropped off his assassin gear at his place then made his way to the weapon smith.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Jackie stirred as she slowly woke up stretching lazily in her comfortable bed and looked over to the book that Raphael had given her coming downstairs to get her breakfast.
"I heard Killian barking late at night. Was all alright miss?" Henry asked her and she looks at him and nods.
"Yeah I'm fine. He heard the guards calling about the assassin and I closed the door. He calmed down after a while. Thank you for worrying about me." She said as she opened the book and began to read.
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