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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Starting today you are Shinobi, the future of our village." The tall lanky man in front of the room said. Beside him on the table were twenty-seven identical forehead protectors sewn onto black strips of cloth; nearly all of the class had made it past the exams, and those that didn't were noticeably absent. The tall man spoke again, "I will call you up according to name, and you may leave after you receive your headband and go to the meeting location of your new team."

One by one they were called up. One small girl near the end of the line sat quietly with her hands folded neatly in her lap. She watched her classmates, well former classmates, as they were called up to receive their headbands before they bolted out of the classroom door. Two of them were going to be her teammates until they all moved up in rank, and possibly even beyond that. Her parents, both Shinobi, often told her that they still met up with their surviving teammates whenever possible. They said that the bond shared by a team was hard to break and any team becomes friends for life. There was something about having her teammates be friend for life that made the girl nervous. They wouldn't understand her, no one in the village save for Akaya Moriya.

"Koharu Wakahisa."

At the sound of her last name, the small girl stood up and walked towards the tall man. He held out one of the headbands to her. "Good job." He gave her a smile, which she returned albeit it was smaller. Once she was outside of her former classroom she made her way towards the room where her team was going to meet. Koharu walked slowly through the quiet halls with one hand rested lazily at her side and the other holding onto her headband tightly. Her parents would be proud of her. They always were; it was her adoptive father that never seemed to be proud of anything to Koharu did. It wasn't the best relationship that they had but her adoptive father Osamu wasn't a very expressive man and by some extension she was not a very expressive girl, and both adored swords and practiced together more times than Koharu had ever practiced with her real parents.

It took the girl a while to actually find the room. None of her teammates appeared to be in the room when she slid the door open. There was a tall man with long dark hair sitting at the desk. Her teammates should have been here before her, unless they all were called after her or something was wrong. "Where are the others?"

The dark haired man looked up with a kind smile. "No clue."

Koharu's eyes narrowed a little as she observed him. He didn't seem like a clone, she could see his shadow. "Either they're still finding their way here or you've split us into different rooms."

The man stood to his full height and approached Koharu. He placed a gentle hand on her head and ruffled her hair slightly. "You're too much like Osamu. Lighten up. Your teammates should be finding their way here any minute now. I did give them different room numbers, each with a clone of myself there that would lead them on a chase. Think of this as the first test."

"Why didn't one of them get the real you then, it would have been easier than having you stay in this room." Koharu wasn't in the mood for his antics. She wanted to go home and show her parents and Osamu.

The man gave a hearty laugh, tossing his head back as one hand rested over his abdomen. "Your name was the last to get called on our team and I had prior arrangements at a tea shop...so it was pretty easy to send a close instead." The man observed his new student. She was definitely quiet and he was a little curious about her. Osamu Wakahisa was a cruel teacher and yet this girl was average in her classes; nothing stood out about her beyond the fact that she had the Aisumāku. "I was looking through your files, along with those of your teammates. You're an average student..."

"Kenjutsu is something that our previous sensei glossed over."

"Ah! So Osamu taught you his sword skills?"

Koharu nodded. She was trying to find a place for her headband. She didn't want to wear it around her forehead because she didn't know if it would mess her hair up; the decorative pin wasn't exactly the most forgiving thing on the planet. Soon she had settled on her left arm.
"And they wouldn't let your bring anything with you?"

Minoru was grinning widely. He enjoyed getting to know his student; hopefully the others would arrive soon so he could get to know them a little bit better as well. Just on the outside of the door were two poof sounds. "Your teammates are here." He said before sliding the door open quickly.

"Hello! I am Minoru Kawaguchi, your sensei from here on out!"

To say that he was excited to see the other two was an understatement. From behind him, Koharu poked her head out of the door. She didn't have the worst team in the world, they were both people that she could work well with, plus it helped that Akaya was on her team as well.

"Now let's head off to the tea shop since everyone is here now!" Minoru practically bellowed before sliding his way past his students. In no time at all the man was gone.

"He seems a bit excited." Koharu commented quietly as she looked at her two teammates, "And he never said which tea shop."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Akaya blinked and the gesture was mirrored by her other teammate, crimson eyes rolling the silver-haired genin turned on her booted-heel and began to make her way towards the main doors.

"I have a guess. Shall we go?" Her tone was soft but the hidden excitement could be heard to those who knew her. The tense set of her muscles relaxing as Koharu and Kasumi -he'd offered his name quietly as they'd made their way down the hall- followed her. She'd been nervous since the moment she woke up, her stomach to unsettled to even allow her to eat something before heading to get her results. To say that the moment her name had been called, Ayaka had been so beside herself with excitement she'd almost forgotten that she had a clan to represent. The moment she'd stepped out of the room with her headband and teammate, Ayaka allowed a grin to spread across her features. She glanced down at the headband that was secure around her right arm, a smile pulling her lips up slightly, she couldn't wait to show her grandmother.

To say that Kasumi had been surprised to find that both his teammates would be girls would be an understatement. He'd been expecting to be paired with two boys if he was honest, most girls didn't pass the exam due to one reason or another. He had no issues with who his team, he just wanted to learn and grow his knowledge, missions and teamwork just came along with being in a squad. When he'd met the first of his two female teammates, his attention had been drawn to the mark on her forehead, even if hee bangs covered it the faint blue color was still visible.

That's a form of marking jutsu...wonder what kind... He remained silent and allowed the girl to guidehim forward, his newly attained headband securely tied around his neck.

"I'm sure you've heard my name, I missed yours though. Hello my name is Ayaka Moriya." Kasumi noticed her lips twitch into a smile and felt his own mirror the move, he accepted and shook the hand offered to him before responding.

"Pleased to meet you. My name is Kasumi Narumi." Ayaka nodded and turned to face forward again, Kasumi stuffed his hands into the pockets of his cloak and remained silent. He was nervous as well as excited, his brother would be proud that he'd passed, his aunt as well, the symbol that decorated Ayaka's cloak drew his attention once more.

Why did the last name Moriya and Wakahisa seem so familiar? Rolling his eyeshe followed the thee down the hall and paused before a room. Cerulean-blue eyes narrowing slightly at the two chakra signatures that he could feel from the outside of the door, he reached forward to open the door but paused when Ayaka pulled it open before him.

"Now let's head off to the tea shop since everyone is here now!" The words filled his ears and before he knew it, their new sensei was gone. Noticing the other girl, Kasumi offered her a small nod and smile before turning follow their odd teacher. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he'd been fearing it would be. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Out of habit the girl went to rest her hand on the end of her sword, only to have her hand swoop a little lower and catch nothing but air. Maybe she could make a short stop home and retrieve her sword, would her teammates allow that? Probably not. They did have to find their sensei, who honestly seemed a little odd to her. Koharu was used to strict, all business and no play kinds of teachers. As the trio walked together in a quiet group, Koharu spoke up to break the silence. "What do you think our first mission would be?" If they were going to be a team then they needed to start getting used to hearing each other's opinions and ideas. Teams were never successful unless there was some common ground and often conflicting opinions were the worst thing to tear a team apart. Koharu didn't want that for the team, she wanted to be able to prove herself as a worthy part of the team and to prove to those in her clan that she was going to be a capable head of the clan when she got old enough.

The first tea shop in the middle of the village was closed and there were only two more to check after this. One was on the very end of the village while the other was closer to the gates of the village. Koharu sighed softly and turned to her teammates, "Should we split up or stay together?" They'd be able to cross more ground if they split up but the possibility of being tricked again was high. Who knew if the dark haired man had even went to a tea shop like he had claimed?

Passing them on the side walk was a tall man with long purple hair tied into a high ponytail. His clothes were simple traditional robes in a shade of purple that could pass for black and on the back of his white coat was the Wakahisa clan symbol. He stopped just short of the group, Koharu turned and gave a polite bow before standing to her unimpressive full height. Osamu Wakahisa was not a man who liked to make small talk; he stayed quiet for a few moments before speaking to his heir. "We will continue your training at home. I will be speaking with your squad leader soon." There were no congratulations, not that she expected any from him, and overall he seemed like a cold man. He was, there was no denying it and Koharu wouldn't defend him either. With a brief glance at the other two, his attention lingering on Akaya a little longer, well on her mark anyways, he turned and continued on his way without a good bye. Once Osamu was far enough away Koharu gave her teammates a small apology.

Minoru was getting impatient with his team, they still hadn't shown up and he wondered for a moment if something had happened. He still needed to talk to the heads of the Moriya and Wakahisa clans, and admittedly it was something that he was not looking forward to. He had taken a table close to the windows so his team could see him when they arrived, if they arrived anyways. Minoru didn't doubt that they would show - he knew the Wakahisa heir would - but he didn't know what was taking them so long. His thoughts drifted to every possibility from a fight amongst the three, to running into someone of importance, and to a confrontation with another team (as Minoru's rival was also leading a squad this year, he wouldn't put it past the woman to have her team rough his up a bit.)

A dark haired lady in the standard uniform for the tea shop set a small steaming cup of green tea in front of the man and offered a gentle smile. His cheeks heated slightly as he thanked her before grabbing the cup.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ayaka silently wondered about the question her friend asked, Kasumi was the one to voice his opinion.

"Well since we just began a squad, we'll most likely be given the easiest of missions. D-rank are what we'll be assigned to until we gain more experience." His voice was soft and Ayaka watched out of the corner of her eye as his pale fingers absently rubbed the front of his cloak.

"As for your next question...splitting up might be better, however I'd rather not get tricked again. I'd say we check the farthest one before heading to the last, I want to do something beside train." At the sight of the man, Ayaka's expression shuttered close and her eyes hardened as his gaze fell on her. She knew what he was looking at, her body relaxed as the man moved on and they neared the shop, the sight of their sensei enjoying a cup of tea had her nose wrinkling. "Do we have to go inside?" She didn't like heat, or the thought of sitting down, she hadn't been able to sleep the night before from excitement.

"We do need to speak with him about our missions..." Kasumi was not entertaining the thought for being in a warm place. His hands dug into his pockets as he waited for his teammates to decide what to do.

She was going to break something.

Silver brow twitching in silent irritation, Kazue glanced up from the scroll she was reading to face the person that refused to listen.

"They graduated like everyone else, I will not hold them back due your 'distrust' in them. They both come from well-known families and are capable of-" The person before her made a noise of irritation and slave their hand through the air.

"Aisukage-sama, I just think that they don't understand the power they have at their fingertips-" Kazue rose from her seat and slashed her own hand through the air, the male yelped and staggered a step back as a blade of ice formed along Kazue's arm.

"Their sensei sill meet with the head of each clan and discuss what must be done to ensure noting goes amiss. Will that be enough?" The elder male straightened his robes and narrowed his gaze, after a moment he offered a nod and fibally left Kazue's room. Falling into her swear and dispersing the blade of ice, she rubbed her thumb and index finger against her temple and sighed. She hated dealing with the Elders, both were driving her mad, hopefully Minoru would bring back good news so both would leave her alone already. The sad thing was that both current heads of each clan didn't get along in the least, the only reason they acted as such was because both Ayaka and Koharu were such good friends. Straightening and shaking her head, Kazue focused on the stack of papers an scrolls that needed her attention, the rest she'd deal with when it came. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Minoru watched his students from inside the tea shop. A wide smile was plastered over his features and it fell to allow him to take another drink from his cup. He was glad that they seemed to be getting along. There was an underlying fear that the girls’ home life and the relationship between their clans would bleed into their team life. The waitress came back to bring more tea and he smiled softly at her.

Koharu was the first to enter the tea shop. She was uncomfortable with the warmth but it was a welcomed change to the bitter cold outside. Her hand flew up to rake her fingers through her long bangs, satisfied that the mark hidden under them was fully covered. Koharu motioned for her teammates to come inside as well, she decided to let them sit as close to the cold window as possible while she took the seat closest to the small walkway between their table and the next. "Glad to see that you all made it. I was getting worried." Minoru commented before gesturing to the three steaming cups of tea that the waitress placed in front of them. "Please take one."

The violet haired girl thanked him before reaching for her own cup. It rested in front of her as she directed her attention to the man sitting across from them.

"You must be wondering about your first mission. Relax Koharu you don't need to burn holes in my skull." Minoru joked as he placed his now empty tea cup back onto the table. The small girl was almost too much like her adoptive father, Minoru's senior and former mentor. Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked down. "Anyways," he changed the subject to more important matters, "You three will be finding two lost dogs for your first mission." Minoru slid a scroll to them from across the table, pointing out important things like where the dogs were last seen, what they looked like and who they belonged to.

"Any questions?" He asked as his cup was refilled once again.

Off to the side of the silver haired woman stood a fairly short man dressed in a simple white robe under a longer black and gold robe made of lighter material. Around his neck was a simple necklace of sorts made of a simple gold band with red string. His shaggy straw colored hair was held out of the way temporarily by a clip so he could write down a few notes. "It would be wise if you don't scare the elders, Aisukage-sama." His serious tone was punctuated with a wicked smirk that twisted his features.

He was called Souma Hisakawa, the right hand of the Aisukage, and according to some rumors he did some of her dirty work for her. Well those were just rumors started by those who felt that the current Aisukage wasn't the right choice for their village. Souma sighed and placed the files he had been working on, onto the desk in front of the woman. They were files on Minoru's team and once again they were going over them. "Perhaps it would be wise to also meet with the whole team rather than just the two girls. It is good for their teammate, Kasumi, to know about them and what they are capable of." Souma said as a suggestion.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Will we work together or split up?" Ayaka a questioned after scanning the information, she accepted the cup of tea with a polite nod, though made no move to drink from it. Kasumi silently agreed with the question and left his cup where it was placed. Fingers absently twisting the fabric of her cloak, Ayaka waited for a response to her question while her crimson gaze committed the information to memory. Kasumi crossed his and leaned his back against the cool glass and shifted his gaze to the darkening sky, his aunt's warning for a storm echoing in his ears. It might make things difficult, though it wasn't as if any of them weren't used to snow-storms.

"Oh hush, Souna. They deserve it for bothering me when I'm busy, now since you've stated it, that was my goal. Would you mind finding Minoru's team and brining them here? I'll have a message for both clan heads as well." Kazue stated absently, focus on signing the scrolls before her. Finishing the current one and leaning back, her fingers formed the necessary hand-signs before she slammed both palms against her desk. Two hawks made of ice flapped their wings and screeched softly, lwaning forward and writing messages out to both clans, she gives one to each and rises from her chair. They both rise into the air and follow, opening the window, they both screech before taking off. It was better to settle this before anything arose, clowing the window and moving back to her seat, Kazue took the moment to stretch her back. Today was going to be one of those days, she could just tell. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The dark haired man gave his three students a smile. "I will leave that up to you. Since this is technically a mission I'm required to go with you, even though it's only around the village. I will not interfere nor will I dictate your moves. You must decide things as a team and I want to see that you're all capable of doing so." Minoru gathered the file before closing it and setting it back onto the table just shy of his cup.

"You will be required to meet with the Aisukage soon, all of you. Kasumi there are things about your teammates that you must know." Minoru wanted to rip the bandaid off right now. Better now than later, which could lead to a chance that the boy would loose trust in his teammates. Koharu's serious face cracked and Minoru could see the nervousness that pushed it's way to the top. The other patrons paid them no attention as Minoru spoke. He lowered his voice as an extra precaution; who knows what someone would do if they happened to catch wind but would fail to understand the importance of what he was saying. "Their clans, the Moriya and Wakahisa have been in this village since the beginning...and the beginning is where we shall start.

The clan heads of the Moriya and Wakahisa found Kouri, a beast that has given protection in times of need. Every few generations one member from each of their clans is born with a link to Kouri."

Koharu was staring down at the table. Her hands were wrapped around the small beige colored tea cup and Minoru could see the way that her knuckles were beginning to turn white.

Souma gave the woman a nod before disappearing from hsr office. Minoru wasn't hardto find, the man was a creature of habit after all. Souma was surprised that he was telling the odd man out, Kasumi, about the history of the Moriya ans Wakahisa. "Couldn't wait for Aisukage-sama to tell him?" Souma teased lightly. He had been a classmate of Minoru's and the two had been on the same team for a while before moving to the next rank together and taking different paths. They rarely spoke nowadays, and even when they did it was minimal.

"I didn't know if she would tell him or not. I assume that she's called for them?" Minoru said as he stood up.

Koharu turned to watch the blond man before turning her attention to her teammates. "Are you okay Kasumi? Akaya?" Nit many people outside of their clans knew about Kouri or their links to him. She didn't want Kasumi to think they were freaks.

Souma smiled softly. There was a great deal ofthe typical Wakahusa coldness in the girl but he could see that she was a bit worried that her teammate would have an unsavory opinion about them. Souma explained that they needed to head to the Aisukage's office while he asked Minoru a few questions. Before Minoru could protestthat his team needed him there, Souma sent them away.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ayaka was tense and with the few details Minoru-sensei offered had the girl twitching slightly. Very few people knew about their clan's deal of Kouri, those who did know either distrusted them or accepted it. Rising from her chair and moving around Kasumi as he too rose, Ayaka paused beside her friend and looked down at the hardwood flooring of the tea shop.

"Best not keep her waiting then." She offered softly, gaze lowered and fingers gripping the inside fabric of her cloak. She knew bits of the story, how both heads of the Moriya and Wakahisa asked Kouri to aid them if they released him for a seal. The specifics were kept secret, moving towards the door and opening it, Ayaka felt some of the tension leave her body as a frigid gust of air blew around her.

Blinking her eyes when the mark on her forehead pulsed once, Ayaka scanned the quiet streets on instinct. White hair billowing around her armed to blend with the slow that had started to fall during their 'meeting'. When another pulse came and warmth traveled through her body, Ayaka half-turned and focused her crimson gaze on her friend. Her body had relaxed and the meeting with the Aisukage didn't seem so bad, her lips thinned in puzzlement but she was grateful for the comfort the warm pulses brought.

Kasumi nodded and stood, paying no mind to the wsystem Ayaka avoided him as she moved to the door. Her body was tense and her eyes had darkened with the few words Minoru-sensei offered in explanation. Stuffing his fingerless-gloved hands into the pockets of his cloak, Kasumi slowly followed her to the door, when it was opened he gladly stepped out into the frigid air.

"Who will be attending this meeting?" He asked after a few moments, curiosity wining with the natural urge to remain quiet and impassive. While it's true he's seen both girls around the Academy, he's never really interacted with them until just awhile ago. The whispers of the other students were something he paid no mind to, though right now he wanted to hear the story that had both his teammates tense and expressionless.

He blinked when a particularly strong gust of wind brought snow mixed in. Glancing up and rolling his shoulders absently, cobalt-blue eyes met dark-gray clouds. Lips twitching, Kasumi glanced down and blinked his eyes once more, something had happened. Ayaka wasn't as tense as before, her head was tilted slightly and her brows were furrowed slightly in confusion.

"I'm not sure...shall we go then?" Her words were soft, through distracted. Kasumi watched as Ayaka turned to face forward -she'd half-turned and had been focused on Koharu- and began to move, hood up and hands in her pockets. Kasumi turned to follow, his fingers twitching within his pockets as his mind began to ponder. This meeting seemed important, gaze lifting and focusing on the sound of two distant screeches, Kasumi slowed his pace when he spotted a white hawk followed by a gray hawk. They were tofar away to see clearly, but they seemed larger than the normal hawks and other birds that live within the forest. Shaking his head, Kasumi resumes his brisk pace, Ayaka had paused a few feet away.

He might get answers if they hurried. These two girls were his teammates, they'd be on missions whether they be within the village or not. Trust was necessary if their teamwork was to improve, his curiosity was a fueling factor but easy to ignore. He'd know soon enough.

Wrinkled, pale fingers closed the scroll once more. Crimson eyes focused on the massive, beautiful white hawk as a warm smile, legs protesting slightly as weight is distributed evenly in order to stand.

"I will be there shortly. Please let Aisukage-sama know that her guest will arrive as well." The hawk's wings flutter before expanding, flapping only once to lift into the air, a sigh escaped her lips as she moved to the door of her room. Sliding it open and making her way den the hall, she paused beside the bathroom and opened the door, a note caught her eye as she steps inside and closed the door.

Remember to take your tablets. I'll know if you don't, please do. I'll see you after Graduation, wish me luck.


Smiling fondly and opening the top drawer, pale fingers tug out the three bottles she'd need. Taking the cup that sat beside the faucet, she filled it before uncaping all three bottles. Swallowing the pills and proceeding to brush her teeh, she exits her granddaughters bathroom and heads down the flight of stairs to the main room.

"Heading out, Mother?" Crimson eyes focus on the voice, a sigh escapes her lips as she move past him and towards the main doors. She didn't have time for him, grabbing her cloak and slipping on her boots, she made sure her Kimono was set before exiting her home. Slipping on her cloak and clasping the hood into place, Chie takes off and heads for her first destination.

She had one more place to go to before heading to the Aisukage's office. Their guest needed to come along of course, hopefully he'd be in a good mood, lately the hunts for 'the beast' had increased with the new graduates. Lips thinning and eyes narrowing, Chie picked up her speed and silently hoped the beautiful creature would come along without struggle, it was time for Ayaka and Koharu to meet with him after all. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Minoru and Smouna joined the three students nearly a block and a half away from the Aisukge's office. Souma explained that the meeting was just to ensure that everyone was on the same page and to explain a few things to the girls. The Aisukage's office was located within the tallest and largest building in the village. It not only housed her office but it also housed other offices for other village officials, a simple barracks for the shinobi to come and go to if they couldn't go home, this included for visiting shinobi as well, and the academy. Souma led them up a small flight of stairs that connected to a small corridor. "It's the very last door in the hallway." He said before turning back down the stairs in order to get a few things.

Minoru greeted the Aisukage before introducing his team. Koharu bowed to the woman and gave a polite smile before looking down to the floor. Souma had explained that Osamu would be attending the meeting as well. He'd yet to arrive and Koharu was feeling a little nervous about it.

Not long after the door opened again and the man from earlier walked in followed by Souma. "Wakahisa-san." Minoru said with a bow to Osamu. In their younger years he'd mentored both Minoru and Souma, although Minoru had stayed under his wings longer than Souma had. Osamu gave a polite greeting before taking a spot closest to the windows. Koharu moved to stand a little closer to him.

"Aw would you look at that. Like father like daughter." Souma teased. After the loss of his own sons a year and a half ago, Osamu had become colder than before but he'd always been a little distant and cold. Osamu shot him a glare before Souma hid behind the white haired woman. Minoru chuckled and shook his head.

"Some things never change."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ayaka and Kasumi stood quietly side by side, Ayaka's gaze focusing on the male by the window before shouting to the Aisukage. The woman was seated and even then she could feel the power radiating from her. Ayaka bowed her head and out of the corner of her eye, saw Kasumi mirroring her motion.

"All were missing is our last two guests and we'll begin. A pleasure as always to have you Osamu." Kazue offered quietly, gaze shifting between all three students, the sound of two distinct caws had Kazue, Ayaka and Kasumi focusing on the window.

Two large hawks saw on the windowsill, heads turned and wings folding against their bodies. One was white with ice-blue markings running along its beak to it's stomach, the second was gray with white markings mirroring the others. Kazue smiled and with a wave, both vanished in a puff of smoke. The door opening a few moments later broke the silence, Ayaka half-turned and blinked in surprise when she spotted the new figure that entered the room.

"Grandmother?" She asks and turns fully away from the Aisukage to face her smiling grandmother. Chie smiles and places her hand atop her granddaughters head before stepping away and bowing to the Aisukage.

"Sorry for being late. This one refused to be found." She offered in explanation, Ayaka and Kasumi tilting their heads in unison as The head of the Moriya clan moved forward and plce the bag she'd been carrying on the wooden desk with care.

The bag shifted and after a few minutes the flap was pushed open and a black twitching nose poked out into the air. A huff followed and then a small white creature was sitting atop the desk. Head tilted to the side and tail swaying lazily, Ayaka unconsciously raised her fingers to her mark. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

They were joined by Minoru and Souma a block and a half before the Aisukage's office. It was the tallest building in the village, housing other official offices, and the academy. Souma was talking a mile a minute about something or another, Koharu wasn't paying much attention. Their sensei looked about ready to just knock the blond man out when they finally reached the top of the stairs that connected to a short corridor. At the end of the small hallway was the Aisukage's office.

Souma knocked on the door and entered before they did, instructing the two girls to stand by their respective clan heads. The purple haired man from earlier was there, standing closest to the window. With one quick glance at her teammates, Koharu took up a spot next to the man but still close enough to her team in order to not seem so distant.
"Lighten up Osamu. You've turned the girl into your clone!" Souma chuckled, poking fun at the Wakahisa leader and his heir. They both wore similar thin-lipped expressions.
"You need to learn to speak to your elders with respect." Osamu said, folding his hand over the sword strapped to his hip. He was their senior by twelve years, not much but enough to make a difference in his mind. Back when they were younger both Souma and Minoru had been mentored by Osamu for some time, Minoru a few years longer than Souma. He'd been nicer then, less reserved but still just as serious. Minoru assumed the loss of his sons nearly a year and a half ago changed him.

"Father." Koharu said softly, turning to look at the man, "Can you please not look at my friend that way?" Osamu had been practically glaring at Akaya (even though that was his normal look and just how he looked at everyone.)

Osamu was caught off guard by her request; it was very rare for Koharu to speak to him without being spoken to first. He nodded, resting a hand on her hair in an uncommon display of affection. He was a distant man, one who rarely let his emotions show, but he was still capable of providing some form of affection - she was his heir after all and they did spend large amounts of time together training and furthering her education. The action even made Minoru and Souma send the older man questioning glances.

When the door opened Koharu's attention was drawn to the figure in the doorway. The moment the bag was placed on the table Osamu had returned her hand to Koharu's hair in a comforting gesture. He'd explained very little about the mark and what it meant, Koharu only knew that it was important for her to have. Osamu's own mother had been born with the mark. She passed just before his sons were born and it was a rather painful topic so he'd never told Koharu about her. When the little creature revealed itself the young heir mirrored Akaya's actions and brought her fingers to her forehead.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Thank you got coming everyone. You haven't met have you?" Kazue asked the two girls that had raised a hand to their marks, the small white-blue wolf rose to his paws and shook out hI'd body.

I wasn't aware I had nea desendants. It'd a pleasure to meet you. Kouri's voice was soft, Ayaka shifted closer to Koharu and her grandmother as another warm pulse from the mark had her instinctively wanting to be closer to the small wolf. Chie wrapped her arm around her grandaughter's shoulder and offered silent support.

"Kasumi, I'm sure you've heard the rumors some villagers like to spread?" Kasumi absently nodded his head as he gaze focused solely on the wolf as it swishes it's tails and sits on its haunches. "Will either Head like to explain this entegral part of your heirs teams? Ayaka and Koharu, is like you to meet Kouri. Your...well I'm not sure what to call him really, your protector perhaos fits the bill."

Kouri curiously watched as silence filled the rlm, his ears twitching as the seal in the center of his forehead gave a resonating pulse of recognition. He hadn't met his new desandents due to the fact that he hadn't been left alone in his woods. Ninjas had been entering it and had been searching for him, he lowered himself onto his belly and watch both girls as they blink in unison.

The Contract had to be made before be could freely leave his woods and explore the world. And before either Head would allow him near their heirs. Rules must be followed.@Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Osamu was the one to tell them about Kouri. His eyes remained focused on the small wolf and eventually he dropped the hand that had been on Koharu's had back down to his side. "Long ago, before this village was founded, this land and been nothing but hardships for our ancestors. They were attacked by outside forces, by monsters and men alike...and then they learned of the protector of this land. Back in those days our clans used to be fairly close," He glanced at the old woman next to Akaya.

"They found this protector and worked together to break the seal that was binding him to a prison and in return he was to help them protect the village."

Koharu was taking in Osamu's words. She looked down at the ground before glancing at the wolf. The animal felt safe, like she could trust him and the warm feeling that radiated from her mark helped greatly to soothe her. "Our clans have been tied to Kouri since then and every generation or so there is always a child born in each clan bearing the mark." Osamu asked Koharu to show Kasmui what he was talking about. She pushed her bangs out of the way, swallowing the lump in her throat before facing her teammate.

"As they are bound to Kouri and he to them, you are as well. Although you are a teammate you play an important part in helping them." The Wakahisa clan leader said to the boy. Koharu let her bangs fall over her forehead again and she glanced at Akaya, wondering if she felt nervous too. Her attention went to Kouri again.

Minoru placed a hand on Kasumi's shoulder. "As a teammate you must help them just like you would if they didn't have Kouri, alright? They're here for you too." He didn't want the boy to feel pressured because of their link to Kouri. Minoru wondered if Kasumi should know that he was picked specifically for this team. He assumed that it would be unwise to lay anything else onto the boy when this alone was a heavy enough burden.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazue watched quietly and curiously as Kasumi glanced from Ayaka to Koharu, his posture relaxed and confident. He turned to their sensei and raised his right hand, dropping the hood the normally hid his face, his gloved fingers seeking out and gripping the pendent that hung from his neck under his cloak.

"I've heard stories about a wolf that lived with the woods, silently guiding those who were innocent to safety and those who were not so nice of heart vanishing without a trace. I still wish to be a part of this team, if both my teammates still wish for me to be that is. Kouri-san being with us is no trouble or burden, I gladly accept him." Ayaka blinked and without realising it, she'd moved to tackle the boy into a hug. Chie smiled fondly and folded her arms across her chest as Kouri watched with a silent air of fondness, his tails stilling in their side to side motion at the words.

No need for formalities...Kasumi was it? Kouri lifted his head and focused his gaze on the Aisukage for confirmation.

"Kasumi Narumi. Now I don't wish to rush you two but in order for me and those present to relax and allow you to begin a higher ranked mission, the contract must be sealed. Normally recently graduated genin are given D-rank missions until they become chuunin, sadly we don't have the time. Souma." Her tone had dipped and her fingers had folded together as the situation came back to that.

Something was happening outside of their boarder that needed their attention, and most of their Jounin were away on other missions. Kazue had been putting off sending anyone for a few days and with the new scroll laying within the constructed pile of papers her assistant had, she realized that it was time to act. Whatever it was, it was strange and new.

Her gazw shifted to the windows lining her office, her shoulders tensing as the word she'd practically memorized formed in her mind. It might of seemed like an ordinary mission if it weren't for the journey they needed to take into the Land of Fire. She wondered of this new team could handle it even with Kouri and Minoru with them, they were still only kids who hadn't been out of the village once.

She wasn't sure if sending them out would be a good idea. Biting her lip, she began to mentally scan through other teams or Jounin that were to return within the next day or two. As back up in case she decided not to send this team out. @Sunflower
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