Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Great Hall: September 1st

Being a seventh-year meant that most of classes were finished, which meant more free time to do as he wished. Piling his plate absently as his other housemates quietly talked amongst themselves, Kieran couldn't help the small smile that tugged one side of his lips up.

"Kieran? Are you excited to see what classes you get?" The voice was soft and held a note of curiosity, glancing over his right, he finds a girl with ebony-black hair and hazel eyes watching him, he offers a nod. She allows a small smile to tug her lips up before her head lowers and she bites her bottom lip, frowing and reaching forward he taps his fingers against her cheek. She blinks and nods, giggling softly as she tilts her head and beams at him.[ color=c4df9b]"Sorry, just a bit nervous is all."[/color] If he remembered correctly, this girl was a fourth-year and had a love of Herbology and Charms, he offered her a smile as he pulled his hand back and set it in his lap. His house was different then the other three, lost saw them as 'The next Dark Wizards' in the making, when in reality they were normal kids with high expectations placed on them since birth.

Glancing around the table, Kieran noted the neutral expressions and quiet conversations, his brows furrowed in annoyance. Most of his housemates were smart and had sharp wit, instead of making friends with the other houses and bridging the gap like their Headmistress asked of them, they seemed content in staying silent. Turning back to his plate, Kieran rolled his shoulders and slowly began to eat, he'd need his strength. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Silas? You with us still?"

"Hm? Sorry." A light giggle pulled the tall teen fully away from his thoughts. Glancing over at the girl to his left, Silas Hayward couldn't imagine life without her. They were undoubtedly the best of friends, even though some frowned upon their friendship. Her dark red hair was pulled into a neat bun and her clothes were neat with not a wrinkle in sight. "Now what were you saying Adella?" Silas asked quietly.
Their table was quite loud and cheerful, and normally the two would have been just as loud, if not louder than their housemates, but at the moment they were content in being quiet.

"I was asking who you kept looking at." Her gaze wandered to where his had been and she shot him a curious glance. "Were you watching someone?"

Silas shook his head as he reached for another roll from the bread basket in the middle of the large table. "No. I was just thinking of writing a letter." Silas would often write to his mother and sister. Unfortunately his sister had never shown any magical abilities like he had. 'She's probably a late bloomer...' Their mother would say but as the years passed on and she showed no signs of magic it became apparent that she would never possess the same abilities as Silas and their father. The youngest in the family, Ezra was the same as their sister but he wasn't as bothered by it as she had been. Mary Margaret had badgered him to writer her letters about the world of magic, and the people and creatures in it. At first he had been reluctant because it was unfair but once she started going to a private school for girls in the muggle world he began to receive letters from his sister on the everyday life that she had.

Adella sighed softly, "Your sister is a squib, right?" She didn't know much about Silas's home life even though she held the status as his best friend.

The boy's jaw tightened at the word. Unlike most of the others, Silas had been raised as a muggle for the first eleven years of his life. His father never explained to his children just what he was nor did Silas have any clue until one day an owl had dropped a letter off in the yard when he had been playing on a particularly cold morning. "Please do not use that word..." Even though Silas had been thrust into this world with no understanding as to how it worked, he caught on to the derogatory words and slurs quick. Adella have a soft apology, her cheeks tinging pink before she turned to the girl on the other side of her. She knew that he would want to be left alone for a little while.

It wasn't long before Silas had finished up his breakfast and departed to the library.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Finishing the last of his food and rising to his feet, Kieran decided to head some place quiet until it was time for the to receive their timetables. The girl who spoke to him earlier arched a brow and Kieran gestured to the book that lay under her folded hands before giving a shrug.

"I'll let the Perfect know then. Want me to go with you?" The question was poised with the girl -Sara if he remembers correctly- rising from her seat. Kieran gave a nod and tapped his fingers atop the book, Sara smiled and offered a nod, sitting back down and engaging in quiet conversation.

Turing on his heel and moving towards the open doors, Kieran took a left and absently tugged the straps of his bag as he made his way down the corridor. He wasn't going far and truth be told, with the storm clouds thickening a they were, the excitement that filled the Hall would diminish with the first clap of thunder. Storms were common this time of year and Kieran adored them for it, it helped him fall asleep faster and kept the nightmares away. His pace slowed and his back straightened as the feeling of being followed drew his attention away from the sky, he had hoped it wouldn't start this early.

Wishful thinking it seems.

"Well hello Kieran, it's been a few months. How are you?" The tone was friendly but that hand that fell on his shoulder and squeezed was not. Half-turning and offering a narrowed look, Kieran watched as two more joined the first, the crimson-gold crests on their robes giving their house away. The first tsks softly and squeezes his shoulder tighter, Kieran blinks and doesn't speak as the other two slowly move around to block his escape routes. Relaxing slightly when the familiar feel of his wand slipping into his hand and pulsing with magic, Kieran raised a brow and waited.

"Aren't you going to respond?" The second one sneered, his wand jabbing him in the side, Kieran remained silent.

"Oi, what are you going to do? Stand there? And I thought Slytherins were smar-" His words cut off into a yelp as a mild Stupefy was aimed at him. Eaaily forming a Protego between him as the three before him, Kieran watched as there wands rose and aimed at him.

Dueling practice it seems. Oh joy. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

On the way to the library he had been stopped by several passing students, some friends and others just younger housemates wanting answers to some of their questions. Silas was always willing to help the new students with their questions; he had been in their shoes at one point and it had been hell trying to learn things that most of his classmates had known for their entire lives, he didn't want other kids to go through the confusion that he did. It surprised Silas when a first year Slytherin student approached him. The boy was at that sort of awkward 'I'm too tall and haven't grown into it yet' stage and Silas couldn't help but think of his younger brother Ezra.

He normally associated only with his fellow Hufflepuffs, not out of house pride or anything but because most of the time the other houses kept to themselves. Hufflepuff was something of a joke it seemed - any witch or wizard 'unlucky' enough to get into Hufflepuff clearly wasn't worth the time of the other houses, since everyone was under the impression that Hufflepuff had no extraordinary qualities. Silas believed differently but he couldn't change the attitude of the entire school. "I'll show you where the library is. I was just on my way there actually." The Slytherin first year smiled and offered his name.

"My name is Michael, what is yours?"

"Silas Hayward. Nice to meet you."

Michael asked more questions about the school, well actually most were about Quidditch and when try outs were. "I honestly can't remember, I can always ask for you." Silas said as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his robes. During his second and third years at Hogwarts he had been on the Quidditch team; a nasty injury had effectively retired him midway through his third year. Michael loved Quiddtich and once Silas mentioned that he had once played, the boy had hounded him with more questions. The pair stopped when the sounds of a scuffle, well actually it was more like a one sided conversation, caught their attention. Michael was the first to round the corner and he stopped in his tracks with wide eyes. "Michael?" Silas questioned, coming to stop next to the boy before glancing at the scene before them.

The blue eyed teen gave Michael orders to stay put around the corner. The first year nodded and scurried to safety while the seventh year fished around for his wand. In a bout of frustration he ditched finding his wand in favor of just resorting to physical ways to stop the group of students. It was easy tackling the farthest of the three students. Given that Silas was not a small boy; the two came crashing down rather harshly onto the stone floor. The commotion caused a momentary panic in the other two students and they reeled on Silas, intending to take care of the annoyance before going back to their original prey. One of the students stopped and gripped his stomach as he laughed. "What's a stupid Hufflepuff going to do to us?" Silas wouldn't be able to get to his wand fast enough if they decided to use magic but he felt that he had the upper hand. Most relied on magic to do their fighting, he only knew a handful of people who liked to ditch magic every once in a while and use more 'muggle methods' of dealing with their problems.

He fumbled with his robes, rolling out of the way to avoid a few spells, before ripping his shoe off and throwing it at the closest offender with decent accuracy - it bounced off of the boy's shoulder. Unfortunately Silas wasn't able to dodge the sudden kick that was sent his way by the student he had tackled. He was a bit wobbly but had recovered from the sudden shock of being taken to the floor by the bigger Hufflepuff. On the ground Silas clutched his stomach and curled in on himself in an attempt to relieve the pain. Hopefully their former prey could escape while he could. Silas wasn't a brave man by any means. He didn't want to be a hero, he just didn't want to see an innocent student get beat up and bullied.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Taking the destruction for what it was worth -he was a Slytherin after all- he raised his wand and concentrated on his task. With a flick of his wand, two Confundus charms sailed through the air and hit the two Gryffindors in theit backs. Both stilled and shared a look between themselves, snapping his fingers and moving forward, Kieran flickered his wand once more. The last was lifted into the air and a happy giggle drew Kieran's attention away from the squaking Hufflepuff boy.

"Kieran! I wondered where you'd gone off to, need some help?" The familiar voice was laced with curiosity and a hint of mischief. Kieran frowned and with his free hand, he folded all his fingers but his index and middle. Snorting softly he watched from the corner of his eye as she moved forward and turned her attention to the two bullies that still stood there. "Are you leaving?" She asked sweetly, both paled and bolted down the corridor, rolling his eyes and flicking his wand, the Hufflepuff was sent flying a few feet away before Kieran ended the spell. The boy took off just as his feet touched the cobblestone.

I didn't need your help Rina His fingers signed, Rina huffed and rolled her eyes as she neared him and placed both hands on her hips.

"Right, and might I remind you that I will protect you from those who see fit to tease you? Merlin, Kieran, you can't do everything on your own." Her lips were thinned and her eyes had narrowed, Kieran knew the signs of his cousin'a anger, but right now he didn't need to be babied.

I can as long as I- His fingers stilled as Rina moved forward and placed her hand again his chest, he stiffened as a faint flare of pain filled him.

"No. Now, shall we thank your helper? Professor Denier told me to find you. It's time to receive our timetables." With that she turned and paused when she spotted a new face, Kieran turning to far the boy still on the ground. "Ah, Michael, come on then, best not keep everyone waiting." Rina gestured the first-year with a flick of her wrist, Kieran crouched down and offered a sheepish smile. Lifting his wand and waving it, blue mist began to form in the aor between them. Most people didn't know sign-language so Kieran with help from his uncle, created a spell that formed words from a bluish-mist. Are you alright? I'm sorry you got involved. The words formed and remained in the air, he shifted on his feet and the gaze he could feel on his back. Rina wasn't a patient girl, the fact that she'd been chosen as Perfect was odd, though she was smart and dependable when needed so he could understand how she'd gotten the title. She was a month older and loved to brag about it whenever she could, Kieran endured it with a smile, beside she and their uncle was the only family he had left now. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Michael gave a sheepish grin to the older Slytherin. "I'm fine! I'm just going to go..." He said before turning around and hurrying to the last location that he had seen the Hufflepuff in. Michael had a few questions that he wanted answered. "Why'd you help two Slytherins?" The shaggy haired boy asked Silas, who looked up with an amused smirk.

"Houses don't matter to me." The older boy stated. He didn't see a point in segregating the houses and feeding the stereotypes that went with them. He tied his shoe and dusted his robes before standing up and ruffling Michael's hair in an affectionate manner. "You better get going. Your timetables are very important and you don't want to be late, trust me." Silas directed the boy to the general area where he could pick his timetable up. The young Slytherin was grinning widely as he said his goodbyes to Silas; the older boy reminded Michael of his older brother, even though they didn't have a very strong bond due to the eight year age gap between them.

Silas, having said his goodbyes to the first year, made his way to his usual meeting spot to wait for Adella and their other friends. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his robes as he walked through the semi-crowded corridors; students were hurrying to receive their timetables or trying to find their classes or friends. Adella's bright red hair came into view and Silas grinned widely. "Hello Adella."

The red head smiled warmly as she turned to face him, their group of friends momentarily forgotten. "We've been waiting for you. What took you so long?"

"I helped a first year," Silas said, leaving the part out about his rather pitiful attempt at helping the older Slytherin. "He needed help in finding something." Adella nodded and made room for him in the small circle of their friends. Soon Silas had fallen into a pleasant conversation with the group. He had always been a friendly boy, a little quiet but always willing to talk or listen to others. They received their timetables and he scanned over Adella's list. "We've got a few classes together again." He commented almost too quietly for Adella to hear. Sadly their first few classes were to be spent apart but for the rest of the day they'd be in the same class.

"I'll walk you to your class." Silas offered once their little friend group broke up so everyone could go to their class. Adella accepted his offer and they walked side by side quietly. Adella was shyer and quieter than Silas; she was content to listen to him talk.

"Who was the first year that you helped?" She questioned.

"A Slytherin named Michael." Adella's lips pursed into a thin line and she stopped in her tracks.

"Why are you associating with them?" She was only worried about her friend. He didn't need to get bullied for going outside of the houses. Her petite hands nervously worked at the edge of her timetable as she waited for her answer. Adella knew it would always be the same answer no matter how many times she asked - he didn't care for what others thought of the different houses.

"He wanted help in finding the Library. I see no issue in talking to a Slytherin....and besides, he reminded me of my younger brother." The topic was dropped as soon as they came to Adella's first class. She quickly entered the room to get a prime seat and Silas made his way to his first class.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Now, this is your list, will you follow it?" Kieran's eyes focused on his cousin as she waved a familiar sheet in front of his eyes. Snatching it and ignoring the swatt and huff for his action, he scans his class list and rolls his eyes.

I don't need you there all the time, Rina. These classes won't help you with what you have in mind. His fingers signed easily, Rina's eyes rolled as she links their arms and proceeds to guide him forward.

"Extra courses d4nt hurt Kie, besides one class on your list is new and I couldn't get placed in it. Here we are, where do you want to sit?" Kieran scanned the room and raised his left hand, pointing to a pair of seats in the middle of the room. Rina squeezes his arm and guides him forward, Kieran allows it and takes his seat, the quiet of the room easing the headache he could feel beginning the form. Placing his head on the cool wood of the table, Kieran took a few moments to relax, he grunted softly when cool fingers tapped on his cheek.

Hm? He sighed lazily with his left hand, Rina tugged on his cheek and with reluctance, Kieran's eye open and focus on her. Her brows are furrowed and her lips are thin, blinking he lifts his head and taps his index and middle finger against the tabletop. What is it? is the quiet gesture, Rina bends and tugs her book and quill out, followed by a clean sheet of paechmen before answering.

"Your magic is...did you take it before breakfast?" Her voice is soft but tense, Kieran sits up straightener in his stool and gives her a firm nod. He'd taken the potion the Healers had given him, his brows furrowed when the mention of his magic though. Rina must of read him because she huffed and raised both hands to sign. She didn't mind doing it, she just didn't seem able to find the words to describe what she meant when she signed, she sometimes did it half in sign and half out loud. Their uncle alway found it amusing, Kieran watched as her fingers began to form the words she seemed reluctant to voice.

I ask because your magic is- "-shifting?-" -and your cheeks are getting flushed. Are you okay? Kieran blinked once more and lifted his right hand to his cheek, he winced and dropped it back to his side. The Healers had warned him, he would be prone to sickness and that he needed to take the potion they gave him without fail, after breakfast and dinner. He lifted his gaze and found narrowed topaz eyes focused on him, his own shift away as a sigh escaped his lips.

I feel a headache forming, however I don't think it's that much of a problem yet. Being here and not at hone might be the cause, let me see how this class goes and I'll let you know. Potions isn't so hard. He offers Rina a small smile, she narrows her eyes further before leaning back on her stool and facing forward. A silent gesture of acceptance, doing the same, Kieran felt a pulse race through his skull as a strange pain begins in his chest. His fingers of his left hand absently curl into the fabric of his robes and grip tightly.

Tired golden eyes scan the sheets filling the entire surface of the mohogany desk, pale fingers tap a tuneless rhythm across the closest sheet. A huff escaped petal-pink lips as a soft hoot fills the air, golden eyes shifting from their current scrutiny of the sheet that had the name of patients, the owl hooted once more and ruffled its black-brown feathers.

"A storm is brewing Eros, do you really wish to hunt?" The owl hooted and rolled it's head, sighing and rising from the cushioned wing-backed chair. A flick of the wand held loosely in her free hand, had the windows opening anda blast of rain-heavy smelling air filing her office. Eros hooted happily and took off into the morning air, flicking her wand once more, the window closed and locked once more. She didn't get it, the facts don't add up, the children that had lost their voices suddenly loosing the ability to breathe?

Turning back to her desk and aiming to sit back and review the information, the sound of her office door opening had her pausing.

"Healer Astana, we have another that just lost the ability to breathe. We've manged to stabilize her, please come immediately." The Mediwizard rushed to explain, his eyes wide with a mixture of emotion she couldn't deal with right now. Abandoning the files, she grabbed her green robes and rushed to follow the MediwIzard. Something disn't sit right, lips thinning and pace picking up, golden eyes flashed as sparks hovered at the tip of her wand.

They were starting once more. The attacks on the victims of the first 'infection', teeth gritting and robes billowing behind her, she mentally went through the damned list for patients that weren't within St. Mungos and cursed silently.

"I need someone to find the list on my desk that holds the out-patients and track down the ones marked with red. Get them here promptly, move people!" Her voice was harsh and curt, the closest Mediwitches moved into action. Things are going to get bad and fast, and to think a few were at Hogwarts, what a great way to start the term. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ugh potions.
It wasn't that Silas hated the class. He got average grades and did his best...it was the people he was usually paired with that made him dislike the class. He'd admit that he was quite the pushover, doing as they said because he couldn't afford to get expelled for fighting. Silas honestly didn't know if he'd get expelled or not but he didn't want to find out. Once he entered the class he took a seat near the front and waited for the professor to arrive.

Beside him was a fellow Hufflepuff, one that he rarely talked to anymore. Once they used to be friends, they had been on the Quiddtch team together and Silas felt like they had a good bond. After his accident that ended his venture into the sport, they drifted apart and just stopped talking all together. The light haired male next to him gave Silas a brief glance before looking back to the front of the room. When the professor, a small woman with graying hair tied into a neat bun that seemed a little too tight, entered the room Silas was among a few students who greeted her. She was a wonderful professor, a bit funny and unconventional but she was willing to be patient and listen to Silas when he wanted to complain about his partners. The woman grinned widely and returned the warm hellos before having the students line up to get their books.
Silas and his partner walked quietly to the small closet that held the books; Silas grunted when his partner none-too-kindly shoved his potions book into his hand.

Oh this was going to be a fun year indeed.
He was sure that his sister would cry if he wrote about this, so he' probably leave it out of his letter to her later. Back at their shared table, Silas took out a sheet of parchment and his quill before beginning to write his sister's name in neat script along the top of the parchment. She had always loved his handwriting. The professor was simply going over a few things like the general rules of the class and safety instructions so most of the students seemed to drift into daydreams and a few seemed to totally skip daydreaming and went straight to dreamland. His partner was among some of the few to pay total attention to the teacher. Silas was listening to her, every once in a while he'd drift into his thoughts for a few moments before coming back to reality at the sound of her voice.

He only looked up when she began asking about the various ingredients that they had learned about over the past six, well now seven years that they had been attending Hogwarts. Silas was silently praying that she'd skip over him once she began calling on students. When his name was called, the blue eyed teen wondered how hard he'd have to hit his desk with his face to go to the Healing wing.

"Mister Hayward, please tell the class what this is." The professor held up a small clear jar with dried roots in it.

Silas stood up, as had the other students before him, she was stickler for such things, "Valerian root. It's used in the Draught of Living Death." His fingers nervously tugged at the end of his sleeve until she allowed him to sit down, then she called on the boy next to him.

What a hell of a way to start school. A mediwitch with curly black hair cut to just below her ears ran into Astana's office and rummaged around for the list of out-patients. There were dark rings under her eyes and she seemed ready to drop over within the next few minutes. One of her own children had fallen victim and she'd be damned if she let another child die of this...whatever it was.


A soft hand on her arm stopped her for a moment. "You need to rest, let us handle it." The woman shook her head and continued leafing through the papers until she came across the correct one. A total of eight students were at Hogwarts and she passed the list onto another mediwitch before rushing to aid the remaining patients. Owls were sent out to the school and the families of the patients. It would be cruel to not notify them.
Victoria sighed softly and did her round with the more stable patients.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

By the middle of class, Kieran could no longer keep his focus solely on the potion they were brewing. The lack of participation on his end, had drawn Rina's attention, Kieran ignored her questioning gaze and focused on his current problem. He'd noticed it at the beginning of class, the tightness of his chest, he just hadn't known it was get worse as time passed.

"Kie? Are you okay?" Rina's voice drew his attention for a moment, his eyes blink slowly as he realizes the fingers of his right hand were rubbing circles against his chest. He tries to move his fingers, his right refusing, his left barely twitching. He swallows and slowly lifts his head, Rina's topaz eyes were scanning his face, her right hand stirring the contents of their potion with practiced ease.

Something felt very off.

Kieran tried again to lift his left hand and sign what he was feeling, but his body felt suddenly heavy and his chest constricted painfully. His mouth opened and his chest expanded with his next inhale--

--his vision faded to black and he felt suddenly weightless.

Lorraine pitches forward and catches Kieran before he hits the ground. Her fingers gripping his shoulders as his body goes limp, she swallows and glances up to find several pairs of eyes on them.

"Professor Dilantin- he-" She suddenly can't find the words she needs, her attention snaps back to Kieran when a wheeze escapees into the silent room, his lips are slowly turning blue.

"What's happening?" Lorraine shakes her head and as the question asked by someone within the classroom, and shifts so Kieran's head is resting in her lap. Her fingers shake as they press into his neck, she exhales a breath and tries to calm down, she needed to focus and remain in control. Shaking her sleeve and relaxing when the warmth of her wand settles into the palm of her hand, Rina flicks it and casts a Levitation Charm on her cousin. Once on er feet, Rina blinks when she notices several of the other older Slytherin's are watching them, only those within their house knowing of Kieran's illness.

"I need someone to go and get Madam Heathrow. We need to leave now Professor, forgive us." Rina collects both their bags and when another fellow Slytherin reaches her side, allows the girl to aid with Levitating Kieran. The two she'd sent out, finding those they were told to find, something was happening and she didn't like it.

"I understand that it's the first day of term Headmistress, however this is a matter of great importance. Eight children are in danger of losing the ability to breathe, I've had to stabilize the other eight we have under care at St. Mungo's within the last twenty-four hours. I need to take then with me before-" Healer Sophronia Astana was cut off by the sound of the Headmistress office door slamming open. Golden eyes widen as the school's Healer came barreling into the room with her eyes wide and mouth open with gasping breathes. Behind her followed a pale faced student with waist-length blonde hair and tooaz eyes, her wand raised and jaw clenched.

"Headmistress we have-" The healer began, only to pause when the girl moved forward and flicked her wand, Sophronia's eyes widen when a boy is levitated into the room.

"My cousin collapsed during Potions- he needs-" Sophronia moves forward and comes to a stop beside the male, her lips thinning as she notices the same symptoms as the other patients.

"I need the other seven immediately. This is not up for debate." Her voice is soft, neutral but the other Healer stiffens and inhales a gasp as if she'd shouted.

"I can get them, I still have the list." Sophronia nods and watches as a fellow Healer rushes from the room, her jaw tenses when she notices the girl that brought in the boy, her face expressionless but her eyes were filled eth worry.

"I'm a Healer at St. Mungo's, my name is Sophronia Astana. I'll be taking over the care of your...cousin you said?" The girl tilts her head up and Sophronia smiles softly at the curt nod she receives. Turning to face the boy, she notices that he appears faintly familiar to her, she flicks her wand and begins to take vital signs and the necessary information before lowering her wand and waiting.

Time wasn't on their side now, the boys lips were already blue, his heart was beating much to fast and his breaths were shallow and labored. The others would be the same or worse if she had to guess. The sound of the door opening once more drew her from her musings, the Healer came with seven others students looking exactly like the first. Sophronia gritts her teeth and flicks her wand, all eight Levitating into a circle around her. With a last glance at the girl and Headmistress, Sophronia waves her wand and side-along Aparates all of them into the main lobby of St. Mungo's.

"I need assistance here now people! Scans of vitals are needed, match each person to their chart and keep a close eye on them. Let's move!" Slipping her wand back into her pocket and taking a deep breath, Sophronia turns on her heel and heads to check in with the stabilized patients first. If it was like last time then the poor children would have lost all function of their lungs, and will need assistance to breathe for the unseen future.

These bastards will pay for this. Mark my words. She silently swore as she entered the first room of the sixteen in total she had to check up on. Today was going to be a long day. @Sunflower
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The following day when the students were in the Great Hall eating breakfast when the Headmaster made the announcement that some of the students had fallen ill and had been taken to St. Mungos for treatment. Some rumors were swirling around that the sick students were being used in experiments, being sold as slaves or had died. The Headmaster also asked for the students to keep an eye on each other and anyone exhibiting symptoms must report to the Healer immediately. There had been a seventh year and a fourth year in Hufflepuff who'd been taken for treatment. It hit Silas a little close to home as they were both students that he'd see daily and he talked to them a few times. Adella was taking it a bit harder as the fourth year Hufflepuff was someone that she tutored in Charms.

Adella was quiet and said very little when she did manage to speak. She was feeling so guilty even though none of it was her fault. Silas was sitting next to her and unlike the others who kept trying to get her to talk; he just left her alone unless it was to ask for her to pass something from the middle of the table. They had a mutual understanding that if they didn't want to talk then the other wouldn't press them.

Eventually Adella turned to him and gave a soft sigh. "We should get going to our classes." She wanted to get away from everyone. Silas nodded and helped her up; ever since the news broke she'd been shaking.

They walked to the library rather than their classes. Adella was explaining a few things about the fourth year that she'd been tutoring and how she wanted to go see her.

Silas nodded, remaining quiet so she could talk as much as she wanted to.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lorraine blinked her heavy eyes as her fingers absently scanned the pages of the Potions book she'd randomly plucked from the shelves. She was dazed and in no mood to go to classes, Kieran was being monitored and her mind couldn't focus on her work. They'd always been together, he was like the brother she never had and after the first incident, she'd become protective of him. The fact that she nor her father could do anything but sit and wait, Rina decided it'd be better to be somewhere quiet.

The sound of soft footsteps drew her attention from the list of ingredients needed for a pain-reliving poison. Her fingers stilled in their absent tapping, Rina wrinkled her nose as she mentally went through who else might be within the library. She relaxed when she remembered it was just her and Madam Denise -and of course the two new additions. She sighed softly and else to her feet, her bag absently slinging over her shoulder as she turns to head back to the front desk.

The Potions book sliding back into place with a flick of her wand. She'd check in and see if books were needed to be put back into their shelves before heading back to the Slytherin Common Room. Her steps were silent as she drew closer to her destination, thankfully the opposite direction the newcomers were headed.

She was in no mood to confront whoever it was, even though her Perfect title allowed her to hand out detentions to students skipping class. She was waiting for a letter informing her of her cousin's condition. Everything else be damned. @Sunflower
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