Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ajax Winston

The rain and hail pattered on the window, the strong winds turning the droplets into ice. The bus trundled on a dirt road, ploughing through the mud with a mechanical roar, slowly but surely heading for their destination. The driver was an old fellow, late sixties with a scraggly beard and crazed eyes. Ajax knew that he could take him down and escape with ease but was there any point? In the middle of nowhere, in the strongest torrential rain this country had ever witnessed, in a time when aliens are invading?! He knew himself that he was a dead man. They wouldn't come and fetch him, they had other people like him. Degenerates, outlaws and psychos waiting in the overcrowded prison cells.

'At least now, I mean something.' Ajax didn't know what he was in for. The world's gone to shit, the government was down, the president declaring martial law. The army ruled now and they were all about efficiency. All he knew was that he missed his execution by hanging. They couldn't afford to waste electricity nor bullets any more. He knew he was here for a reason other than his life being "a waste of resources" as the Warden aptly put it.

Mr. Winston sighed, resigned to his fate. There was no point in fighting it now, he's made too many deals with the Devil. Another one would dig him further into the depths of hell. He solemnly looked out into the distance, with an old bus driver for company in the long road.

"So, what did ya do ta get here?" Ajax whipped his head towards the bus driver, raising an eyebrow. He suspected that the man didn't care where he was from. He probably shipped dozens of prisoners already. He relaxed into his chair, recalling the days of old with as much hate and wisdom he could muster. There was a brief bout of silence between the two of them before he responded. "I went too far." he said softly, the rain getting louder and louder.

There was another brief silence before the bus driver grumbled something under his breath before saying "My name's Steve. I ferry people like you, too and from that there facility." He gestured to the looming shape in the distance, a dark building with harsh red lights shining on its grounds. "Usually, your type'll go crazy, bunch a good for nothing psychos." Steve snorted, as if recalling one of his prisoners with great spite.

"One bastard tried to kill me with a damn toothpick, he was the first one I ever got to ferry. Shot him right in the gut, five times. Crazy little asshole, thinking he was an adult or some shit. That's why I demanded to put these bars here." The bus driver gestured to the metal bars separating the driver from it's passengers. Ajax's eyes widened into surprise before his face turned into disgust. Killing wasn't something that was to be taken lightly, though he'd done it several times before, killing a child when you had the chance to knock him out was unfathomable to him. This is what the apocalypse did to you.

"If I had to rate you in how sane you are, you're probably a solid nine outta ten. Those tattoos look nasty but ya haven't tried ta kill me yet." Ajax made no comment, opting to silently look out of the window. Soon enough, the bus came to a halt in front of a huge facility. Dark looming buildings, flashing red lights, guards, attack dogs and sniper towers. Barbed wire fences and high walls made the perimeter, a thick metal gate seemingly the only entrance. There stood a welcoming party.

Leading the group was a lab coat, some high and mighty scientist. Guarding her were two US Marines dressed in black and red camouflage. Not that it really helped hiding them from sight. Ajax stood with a resigned sigh and walked towards the entrance. Before stepping down onto the wet, muddy ground, he heard Steve grumble. "Hope ya survive." He then snickered as Mr. Winston's feet touched the wet and muddy ground. He drove back from where they came.

Now in the pouring rain, standing in front of the woman that would almost kill him, he said one word. "Hello."

Pathetic Ajax.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by amyy
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amyy The one your mother warned you about.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Maria Lancaster stood straight as the hail pelted against her rain jacket, watching the muddied vehicle enter the facility with eyes narrowed against the wind. They were green, and tired despite the determined spark to them. This was the first time she'd been above ground in days. It took certain things out of a person, trying to make something which would save humanity out of men who wanted to see the world burn.

She watched a lone figure step out of the bus. Then the door closed, and it drove off.

"Where are the rest?" Maria questioned into the rain. Her hands balled into fists at her sides. The two men at her side either did not hear or chose not to.

"No, no. Where are the others!? I was promised thirty, twenty at the least!" She shouted at the guard to her left, half out of anger and half to be heard over the rain. One man wasn't enough. The lives of so many already weighed upon her shoulders and she was still far from creating anything of use. How was she supposed to get anywhere with one man? The guard finally shifted his gaze to look at her, and then glanced back into the distance straight ahead without a word. Maria tightened her jaw. If the end of the world didn't shake him, she doubted anything she did could. They did not have time to waste here.

"Come. You will be referred to as Z415." Maria refused to meet the prisoner's eyes. She turned to go back inside, and the two guards grabbed an arm each, securing the prisoner between them back to the facility.

It was a vast space, inside. Machines whirled amongst tanks and helicopters and men shouting orders at one another. Maria lead the three of them to an elevator which dropped down below the surface of the earth into a cold laboratory as vast as the space above it, if not more. Maria wasted no time in stepping out of the elevator and removing her rain jacket. The labcoat underneath had a nametag with LANCASTER printed in bold. She started to retrieve several items from the cubicles which greeted them.

"Do you have any medical conditions? Smoke? Drugs?"

The computer systems had been damaged and what was left of it was reserved for things more important than the medical histories of prisoners. The man could lie, of course. But soon there won't be anyone left to deceive. Maria turned to the prisoner and handed him a set of clean off-grey clothing, as well as a bar of soap and a toothbrush. This must be awfully familiar for the guy.

"You will take a shower and then we can begin. Have you eaten?"

Wouldn't it be tragic to have their only hope die from something so stupid.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ajax Winston

When the scientist threw a little fit about the number of prisoners on the bus, Ajax let himself let out a little smirk before erasing, returning to the cool facade he had earlier. Inwardly, he gave a little frown. 'Why am I the only one here?' "Come. You will be referred to as Z415." As the guards gripped on his arms, he let himself be carried away into the facility. He snorted, these people won't even give the time of the day. He was about as useful as a guinea pig to them, the fact that she didn't give him the time of day to look him in the eye told him everything. They'd just call him "prisoner" or "subject". One of the guards looked down at him before tightening their grip, a universal sign of 'behave'.

Ajax grumbled under his breath, mumbling about "shitty guards" before letting himself be immersed into the base. It was obviously military, uniformed men with firearms ran all over the place, helicopters launching and arriving. He saw a pair of helicopter pilots shout at each other, exchanging curses and insults. It took him a brief moment to see the two helicopters behind them, a bit too close for comfort and both without their rotor blades. As the group walked past the scene, he craned his neck to try and take another look but they were led down to a deeper level by elevator.

As they stepped into the vast laboratory, Ajax raised an eyebrow. It would've taken years of work and several billion dollars to even create a facility of this size. 'I guess that's what my prisoner fees are going.' Prisoner fees were daily taxes on the prisoners so the government could at least gain some of the money they had in their abandoned bank accounts. When your account turned zero, you were useless to them and were sent out to do 20 hour shifts in the Yard. Several families started to insert money into their relative's bank account to keep them in the prison.

As the scientist face him the usual run down of questions, Ajax was slightly impressed. She obviously knew how to handle a "dangerous" and "volatile" person such as himself. "Well, I don't smoke but are antidepressants and anti-convulsants mood stabilisers the drugs you talkin' about?" He was ignored and represented a pile of grey prisoner clothes and the usual "equipment" for daily prisoner life. He pushed the guards off him, gently so he wouldn't be shot by them. He grabbed the prisoner clothes and swiped the soap and toothbrush.

Ajax looked down at the prisoner clothes before grimacing, ignoring the scientist completely. These were Death Row clothes. He glanced at the guards, gripping their assault rifles tightly, slightly pointing it at him at an angle that was just enough for him to see. There was no escape. "A shower before my untimely death huh? How many body bags have you sent back ta families for yer experiments, doc? To save humanity, right? Well what if we lose our humanity? What are we then?" Even as he was silently being carried away by the guards towards the nearest shower, he was still chuckling darkly. The sound of a man doomed to his faith.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by amyy
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amyy The one your mother warned you about.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"We wouldn't send anyone back to their family." Maria answered quietly. "They have either died or fled, tracking them down would a useless and unnecessary mission. If any of us dies here, there's a pit that's waiting. There will be no body bags for us."

When the prisoner was out of sight, the woman allowed herself to look a little weary. It was always the same, at the end of the road - these men antagonize the world, the system, her. And where was her choice in all of this? Where was her say when she received the phone call to tell her her hometown had been compromised and this was the only thing she could do to help? We'd be the survivors. She thought, but left the answer to the second question unsaid.

As the guards escorted the man to the showers, Maria headed to the kitchenette. It wasn't much, since all of their meals were microwaveable. She pulled out a container with colours of brown and white and green from the fridge and set the timer. It looked like mush, but probably still an upgrade from prison food. In the time it took to heat up, Maria considered what the prisoner had told her. Not in the best of health, if he was on a bunch of meds just to function likes a normal human being, but these max security inmates rarely were - and compared to the ones that came before him he was in fairly good shape. Maria filled up a glass water as well and set it on what passed as a dining table with the plastic container. When Ajax comes back he would find Maria sat in the chair opposite, scribbling into a notebook she'd pulled out of her labcoat.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ajax Winston

Ajax had long since been rid of his shame and stripped nude in the presence of the guards. Years and years of prison life and abuse would do that to you. As he stepped into the shower, ('Of course it's a bloody cold shower.') he thought about how long he would survive these so called "experiments". Counting the time between each prisoner being taken away, he averaged it on about three days or so. Three days of living wasn't the best statistic but it gave him enough time to escape.

Mr. Winston could try to escape now but he was interested in knowing what the sacrifice of all those men and women were for before he escaped or got killed. Death was no longer problem, if anything it was welcomed by him. The cold embrace of the void would end all of his problems. Existence was pain for him. But being free seemed like a good idea, the scientist herself said that they wouldn't even bother to catch him. As he hummed the tune to "I Will Survive", he vanished all thoughts from his mind. This was how he relaxed, in the silence with only the sound of water pattering off tile and skin for accompaniment.

The man turned the shower off before grabbing his towel. As he stepped out of the shower with his towel wrapped around his waist, he frowned. His clothes were gone. The clothes he wore in the bus as well as the clothes that were given him were gone. He looked up at the two guards and a tense silence was held between them. "Your clothes were sent to quarantine to be cleansed, Z415." The crackle of their voice comms. hid any emotion in the soldier's voice.

'So this is a joke. Huh. I guess I should be angry but this is kind of funny.' Ajax shook his head before letting himself be escorted back to the scientist. He was dripping wet, the towel was coming off and the floor was ice cold but he didn't mind. He knew a good prank when he saw one, even if it was hidden under layers of professionalism. As he was presented before the table of food, he casually sat down on the table. Not even bothering with the fact that his towel came off the instance he sat down ('They changed the size of the towel too. The bastards!'), he dug into the food. When he wiped the plate clean, he crossed his arms across his dripping chest.

"So when do we begin doc?" He swore he heard one of the guards snicker.
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