Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Eyes locked and shoulders squared, young Wanda Maximoff took in a deep breath before nodding her head. She looked up from the overly polished floor of the training room to the observers room, to where the elite stood watching, waiting. She could see them all clearly, arms folded as they waited. At her sides her fingers flexed, the red energy flowing from her in a curling motion. Wanda peeled her blue eyes away from the experienced Avengers and back to the heavily padded agent who stood ready to strike. She watched, waiting, knowing her reactions were being put to the test and ready to not fail. Lifting her head, the messy bun of her hair fell back a little. And just as she blinked the agent made his move, and smashed the black-out bomb onto the floor.

Immediately darkness took over, thick black smoke which stole away any light. Wanda would have panicked, but she forced her mind to concentrate and her arms stretched out wide. From her fingers the red energy poured, her eyes burning a brilliant red as the energy moved to the corners of the room. As powerful as a crashing wave the redness spread, encasing the walls of black smoke, forcing it inwards, compacting it. Her jaw was clenched and her eyes stern as she moved, her body urging the redness to squash down the wall. She could feel the power of her spell inside of her, the test spreading beneath her skin, testing her resolve. But she did not falter, her power gathering all of the smoke in its grasp.

Leaning back and moving into a lunge position, she put all her weight onto her back leg as her body curved. Her arms rose, with it her hands guided the matter before her from the floor and up towards the waiting extraction fan. Though far from exhausted she could feel the power surging through her, teetering on that edge once more. Her powers had been described as potentially dangerous, and it took a great deal of control for it not to overcome her. But she did not fail today and with a final grunt she expelled the matter from her grasp and watched as it was sent up through the extractor, and watched the seal close.

Wanda sighed as she straightened up, pulling the camisole vest back down over her exposed midriff. From the corner of her eye she saw the nods of approval and from the end of the room the agent gave her thumbs up. Wanda nodded once more and she turned to leave the training room, when those who had been watching filtered through. Though she stilled her journey, she had a strong desire to retreat to her room.

It had been a month since she had lain Pietro to rest, and though outwardly she looked to be doing fine, inside she remained a wreck. All of the Avengers had been incredible in their support, and had helped her into the routine of training to help with her powers; she felt no real connection with anyone, aside from one. Most here was naturally equipped, through training and protocol. Of course Steve was enhanced, but as it was his task to train the new recruits, he was always far too busy, or appeared so to be bothered by her. The only one she could ally with was Vision or Vis as she affectionately called him. But even so, he was now 34 days old, and though magnificent he was incredibly removed from the burden of human emotions. There was only one she could really talk too, one who she had become increasingly more fond of, and that was the mighty Thor.


Clint stood behind the glass, looking down to Wanda as she readied herself to take on another task. This far she had taken on everything they had thrown at her, and though remarkable in her talents, the team remained somewhat concerned about her withdrawal. Clint carried a burden there too, almost feeling guilty for her solitude. Once all she had had was her brother Pietro, and it had been for Clint that her brother had sacrificed himself. She held no hate for him because of this, but Clint remained heavy of conscious.

“What are they throwing at her this time?” He asked as he leaned forwards, his hands resting on the barrier.

“Smoke bomb” Replied Steve from his seat.

Clint nodded and looked back round, straightening up and crossing muscled arms across his broad chest, watching. And it was with an impressed whistle he smiled as the Witch completed the task, sending the smoke through the ceiling and away. It had taken her less than a minute to act and without hesitation, and almost like a proud father Clint looked back to Steve. “She’s ready” which was met with a nod.

Following the soldier down to the training room, Clint nodded once to her but his blue eyes were alive with contentment as Steve clasped her on the shoulder. “Well, that was your final” Clint joked to the young woman.

“And?” Wanda replied, not entirely hiding that hope in her eyes.

“You’re officially an Avenger” Steve said with a smile, which was followed with a laugh as Wanda almost squealed in delight.

Steve was called aside by someone, and excused himself leaving Clint alone with Wanda. The pair wasted no time in getting out of the training room, and Clint pulled out his phone checking the screen, and scowled a little when he saw nothing on display. “Have you not asked her for a date yet?” Wanda asked with a smirk, causing Clint to startle.

“Huh? Who?” He asked a quick attempt to look completely dumbfounded. But this was met with another giggle from Wanda as her index finger tapped at her temple.

“Do you forget I can read your mind?” Wanda replied, as they made their way towards the housing part of the vast Avengers building. Here Clint looked affronted, though it lacked any real form of anger as he opened and closed his mouth, before shaking his head. When he gave no reply Wanda walked off, but was shouted after by Clint.

“You know it’s rude to enter someone’s mind without permission” but he was met by a simple wave of her hand as she vanished from sight, leaving Clint with serious food for thought.

He had kept his true feelings a secret, never letting their relationship develop beyond that of best friends for as long as they had been employed. But it was getting harder and harder for Clint to deny how he really felt about Natasha. It was beyond the limits of affection, and he loved her dearly. People had made comments and jokes, and they would always laugh it off, but nothing had ever come of it. Hawkeye was no timid nor shy, but he was hesitant to act for fear of ruining anything.

Clint sighed and made his way into the communal dining area and poured himself out a more than generous serving of scotch, mind fully consumed by Natasha.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by infinite
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infinite angry gay

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


    It was rare to see Natasha wandering the Avengers facility. She tended to steer clear of the place, and even if she did intend on staying there for an elongated period of time, which in itself was highly unlikely to ever occur, she had too much on her agenda to stay grounded in one place in particular for more than a couple of days at a time. She was always busy, always cleaning up somebody else's mess in order to wipe just that little bit more red from her ledger. If the boys needed her they could find her, but up until now her personal work hadn't interfered with anything the team had planned to do. Nevertheless, the place was always crowded and the Russian was one whom enjoyed her personal space, perhaps a little more than most, so it was probably best for them all that she kept her distance.

    Upon arriving she had thrown what few belongings, which for the most part consisted of clothes, in to the cold, empty, white-washed room that had been designated hers quite a while ago. Natasha had just returned from what had been a somewhat uneventful job with a well-known client. She had worked for the bald, wizened old man several times in the past and returned unscathed, however this time the extraction had gotten somewhat complicated due to her own incompetence. She had let herself grow distracted and had received a nasty looking scratch on the side of her face upon doing so. Of course she would never admit that it was her best friend whom had been the cause of this slip up - the way in which he consumed every inch of her thoughts when she wasn't forcibly shutting him out was both comforting and frustrating for the woman whom was used to being so detached from everyone and everything.

    Instead of texting the archer to inform him of her arrival as she would have usually done after a mission she headed towards the kitchen - if there was food in, which was unlikely given the people that shared the housing facilities here, then it was the place she was most likely to find him. Food, dogs and archery; they were the three most important things in Clint's life and after first meeting her best friend they were three things that she would never forget about him.

    As she spotted the muscular man before her she allowed herself a quick grin before quickly straightening her face to that familiar, ice-cold expression once again. She couldn't let herself be seen doing so however. Emotion was weakness, and right now she was weak enough - allowing a man to cloud her judgement and consequently affect her performance in the job which she was best at. She had a reputation to live up to and she couldn't let that slip in the slightest. She was the notorious Black Widow, not a mere woman.

    "Isn't it a bit early to be starting on the drink, Barton?" She asked, slender frame lingering in the doorway as she offered him nothing more than a one sided smile in greeting.

    She had never been one for words but rather actions - yet even then there was very little any more than capable spy could read from Natasha's body language if she didn't want them to. It was involuntary that she hid how she felt, a reflex action after everything the Red Room had caused her to become, yet she always found she could be herself with the agent who had made a different call.


    He had been watching the petite, scarlet girl from a quite a distance since she had begun her daily training. Observing every fluent movement that she made with her fragile hands with his piercing blue eyes. It was his duty as the son of the King of Asgard to watch over the people of Midgard - or as the people here referred to it, Earth - as well as the other eight realms, but he found himself focusing on one girl in one realm in particular. The power that she possessed was mightier than she was, mightier than they would probably ever know, but she had to learn to get to grips with it otherwise she could endanger the people around her rather than save them. Luckily, she was in just the right place to do so.

    Along with himself there was also Vision. He had also grown particularly close to Wanda in the month that he had been around the Avengers, but the Asgardian didn't trust the man - or whatever he was supposed to be. He had been created by Tony Stark, a man that since Thor had known him had created more trouble with his inventions than anything else. It was not that he saw Vision as a danger quite yet, but with powers as destructive as the ones that he possessed one wrong move could cause the death of the Midguardians that this outsider had grown so fond of.

    Yet upon passing he always greeted him kindly - that was just how he had been raised. Courtesy was one of the most valuble gifts one could possess after all. "Ah, Vision! I trust you are doing well? Have you seen Lady Wanda? I wish to speak to her about her gift."

    Nodding to the large man before him, Vision held out his hand and motioned in the direction of the young woman's room. "I believe Wanda has returned to her room following training."

    Not wanting to linger any longer than was necessary the Asgardian made his way towards the accommodation which held the Avengers when they were present in the facility. To his knowledge Wanda spent the majority of her time in this building, and when she wasn't here she was accompanied by at least another Avenger just to ensure the safety of everyone. She wasn't a dangerous woman and she had no intentions to harm anyone, and that was just one reason Thor wanted to assist her in learning to control her powers.

    Raising his mighty fist to the meager wooden door which separated her room from the empty hallway Thor knocked, taking care to be especially gentle - there had been a couple of incidents in the past in which he had knocked on a door and consequently sent his fist straight through it.

    "Lady Wanda?" He bellowed, deep voice ringing throughout the walls as he did. "It is I, Thor."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Seclusion, the lifestyle seemed to suit her so well. It wasn’t one she’d have chosen for herself, she remembered a time when she had dreams of happiness and adventure, as with any youngster. Wanda wanted so much to smile and be the charming girl she once was, but she was constantly plagued by the hardships of her past. It was something else those within the Avengers helped her with. Every one of them had a past, they all came with their own demons, but they worked towards putting them to rest. Wanda had been able to move on and focus all the while she had Pietro, but the loss of him was still too recent in her grief to be moved on from. She was sick of living in the cycle of misery and wanted so much for it to end.

There was one, he who liberated her spirits from that cavern of darkness, who brought warmth to her heart and a smile to her face. He who understood more than any what she battled, who seemed to be able to look upon it all with a wise head. Perhaps it was his longevity that blessed him with such an outlook. His love of earth was not unknown, and his title as defender of the nine realms. Wanda was fascinated by everything to do with Thor, and often succumbed to giddiness when in his company.

After the dealings with Sokovia, Thor had left on his quest for knowledge of the Infinity Stones. He had returned to the facility a few weeks later with Dr Banner, and whilst most had questioned Bruce on his vanishing act, Thor had come to her. From then it had been almost daily that they took time out to speak, Wanda questioning him all about the worlds beyond this one. It was a nice break from the gruelling training. But beyond the almost fantastical stories there was the man himself, and what a man she had discovered him to be. Though mighty and proud, there was a goodness within him, one which sought out her own gentility, and one that comforted her. Thor had done what the others persistently failed at. Everyone treated her like a bomb ready to explode, carefully monitoring her and afraid that she would destruct. But Thor had treated her like a normal woman, looked beyond the infinite power within and to Wanda the person. Though she shared a common status with Vis, in that she was as new to this life as him, it was with Thor that she truly allied.

Trying to eradicate thoughts of him from her mind, Wanda headed into her room to change from the training clothes she had worn. Pulling her hair free from the scruffy top knot and tossing the training Lycra into the washing bin, the blonde pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and vest. Pausing by the mirror on the vanity desk, her eyes lingered on the picture of her and Pietro, and a knot formed inside of her. Her jaw tightened again as she looked to her late brother, and she sucked in her bottom lip, swallowing back that rising ache.

But a knock from the door sounded and pulled her from her silent lament, and the voice that followed once more sent butterflies through her body. She smiled, pulling open the bedroom door and looking up to the deliciously handsome Asgardian. “Hello, Thor” she replied with a most sincere smile as she stepped back and welcomed him in, working hard to keep her knees from failing her.


Swirling the iced drink around the tumbler, Clint was so absent of reality he failed to notice the newcomer, something much frowned upon in his line of work. His reactions were fast, his sight infallible, yet there remained one who could cloud his mind. That one was she who disturbed his daydreaming’s, who leaned with such ease against the kitchen, the ever enigmatic Natasha. Clint looked up as she spoke, offering a brief and cheeky smirk of his own before lifting the tumbler up. “It’s medicinal” he quipped, before taking yet another generous mouthful of the drink, emptying it off all its contents.

“So, whose ass did you kick today?” Clint asked as he placed the glass into the sink and looked back. But the jovial air was quickly lost as he looked back to Natasha, concerned eyes quick to take into view the injury down the side of her face. He wasn’t foolish enough to rush concerned to her side and treat her like a wounded child; she’d likely punch him for the insult. But concern was quick to settle in; it was only in the most dangerous of fights that Natasha picked up injury. “Or rather who kicked your ass?” He replied instead with a playful flick of the eyebrows, and walked to her side.

Holding her chin in his hand he turned her face, studying the red welt on her cheek, the skin around it already taking on a nasty pink rawness to it. “Well, you’re a goner” he said with a shrug, walking past her towards the phone. “Any last requests?” He added as he clicked in two numbers and waited for the answer. He had a brief conversation with Helen Cho, keeping any tone of real concern from his voice before he hung up the phone. “Well, time for me to save your life again” He said guiding the female away from the kitchen, heading out from the private wing of the grand establishment. It was all of Stark’s design and funding, and it was ultra-modern in its display. Parts of it almost felt clinical, especially where the Agents were headed now. Clint and no doubt in Cho’s expertise, it was thanks to her that his side was now without marking and the wound completely healed.

There was one downside to the science labs here, and that had been the return of Bruce. Clint had nothing against the Doctor, other than a boyish rivalry. It was easy to see the way Bruce looked at Natasha, and the fact that she remained the only one who could calm the Hulk down and bring a sense of humanity to the beast. He would never admit he was jealous of their bond, but couldn’t help the territorial growl rumble through him. Clint had found himself unable to bear the man’s company alone of late. Something he was glad only Wanda was aware of.

"Think Tony is throwing one of his parties tonight... Since Pepper left I don't think I've seen him sober" Clint replied, trying to distract himself from the tight cut of her clothes, and the image of the goddess like curves that lay beneath.

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