Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Crixus remained silent as Ceres comes out of the car, the feeling had subsided mostly but his embarrassment made him all the more messed up. She knelt down in front of him asking if he was all right, he didn't really have much of an answer at that moment he was hovering between being all right and being in a bad place. However he nodded his head to her speaking:

"I am all right now."

As Ceres petted Basil she apologized to him about the dementors attack on him, she produced what appeared to be a form of chocolate, Crixus had never seen it before but he took it without hesitation and popped it in his mouth letting the milky substance melt in his mouth.

"I appreciate your concern for myself, but it is hardly your fault this happened. I walked into this expecting the worst to happen for that is the only smart way to approach these situations. I am in this pitiful state because of my own inability to let go of things that hurt me the most. Dementors will always go for the one with some of the most painful memories and I made myself and easy target for them. An those were no normal Dementors... I don't know how but they were... different from others of their kind. They were incredibly nasty and their abilities seemed almost enhanced to the point of levels I never imagined possible for them."

Crixus stood himself up dusting himself off a little bit. Moving his body around there was several cracks and pops, relief hit his tensed body with each pop and crack.

"Try to understand that there have been terrible things in my past, horrible memories and pains, and no amount of positive energy can take that away or even for a moment dull it. However I will be better prepared mentally next time, I won't allow myself to be caught off guard by them again. I never imagined they would have the ability or the guts to come onto the train itself none the less with Dementors at their side, and that was also my fault. We should probably get dressed, not to shorten this conversation but the sky is becoming darkened outside so we must be close to Hogsmeade by now. Also... Thank you for sending them away, you may get tired of me saying this eventually but you truly are braver then most."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ceres listened with all her attention to him, as he spoke of his painfull memories. As always he stayed a mystery, letting her walk in the darkness about his past, not even lifting a tip of the veil to give her an indecation of what might have happened to him.

She smiled her typical smile as he called her brave again. Her ego got a bit od a boost, wich was good for her. ‘’You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it. Just like now, I saved the one who is supposed to save me. I will tease you with this for the rest of the year you know. ‘’Ceres grinned as she stood up looking at the darkening sky. Inside the cabin Minthe was bouncing around the place, her nervousness was kicking in though as her insecurity hit the ceiling.

‘’Sis.. Stop flirting and come here. What if I get sorted into slytherin, or any house that is not Ravenclaw’’ Minthe stated her concern. She really wanted to stay with her sister for the only year the two of them could spend on Hogwards. Ceres rolled her eye’s and ignored the flirting part as she entered the cabin.

‘’Who is flirting whith who he!’’ She said grabbin her sister and ruffeld through her blond hair ‘’And you will be fine, no matter where you end up. Now be silent and hurry up, change into your uniform. For you the magic is only beginning’’

Ceres watched her sister as she looked around herself. Hogmeade was a funny little place from wich the students traveled towards Hogwards.
‘’ Alright, First year students shall come with me. Onto the boats with ye all’’ A big rough looking bearded man said. ‘’Hagrid!’’ Ceres and some other studens called , Hagrid waved back happy to see some familliar faces. Minthe on the other hand was stunned, like most first years, by the appearance of the half giant.
‘’who is he?’’ Minthe wispered into her sisters ear and Ceres grinned. ‘’That is Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys, Game and Grounds. He will lead you through a special route for the first years. Here we need to sepparate, but I will see you at the sorting ceremony. Have fun!’’ Ceres said and she pushed her sister towards the group of first years. Laughing at her sisters nervous look Ceres remembered her own first arrival. The boats in the darkness, the lights. The first impression of the migthy castle that stood at the banks of the lake, illuminated by moonlight. ‘’It seems like she will do just fine already’’ Ceres laughd as she saw her sister stepping into the boat with a boy and a girl already sitting in the boat. They chatted for a bit and soon a handshake followed. Making friends was always fun.

Now finnaly being able to let her sister go, Ceres pulled the sleeve of Crixus and walked towards the Carriages that got pulled by Thestrals. Ceres had never seen them, because she had never been embraced by death. Slowly she climbed into the carriage and waited for Crixus.

‘’Say Crixus, I was wondering. Can you, well….. see the Thestrals? How do they look?’’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
Avatar of Ryker Rohrer

Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Even the strongest Wizards or Witches can be the difference between life and death Ceres, most undersell themselves believing they are unable to do something. You do not seem to have this problem, but if there is one thing I will tell you, I ask you to remember these words because one day a time WILL come when they mean the most to you."

Crixus turned himself around as he looked Ceres in the eye's, he had a mysterious look upon his face which would be hard for anyone to really figure out and spoke:

"Fear will be your vice, and sadness your weapon, and in that moment you will decide if you choose to give one life for another. It will be that choice made that will in the end determine who you really are. For one can not truly know themselves until they have faced the doubt in their heart. Remember these words Ceres and hold them."

Crixus was serious for just a moment before he heard Minthe tell her sister to stop flirting and get into the compartment, she was excited about getting near Hogwarts, it was quite obvious from her bouncing around. Crixus grinned a small grin and entered the compartment with Ceres, soon enough he found himself on the platform in Hogsmeade. The students were exiting the train quickly chattering happily as Hagrid made his way onto the platform bading the new years to follow him. Crixus looked at the lovable half giant, time seemed to slow down as the platform swirled like a vortex and a huge open field came into view. Hagrid was in the field slowly walking forward, in his arms Crixus saw himself battered and broken and bloody. Nearby there was four large mountain trolls, they lay motionless upon the ground near three other students whom were all motionless themselves, their faces pressed to the ground. Crixus watched Hagrid pass him by silently a sad look upon his face, walking forward Crixus slowly came to one of the students who lay upon the ground. Bending down his hand seemed to pass through her as if he was a ghost, her face was hidden from him in long brown hair that draped the ground.

The sudden tug on his arm quickly broke him out of the vivid memory which had taken him so suddenly, Hagrid was already a ways a way now with the new years inside of the boats. Turning Ceres was beside him, she motioned towards the carriages drawn by the Thestrals, she climbed in silently, he made his way beside the carriages, Ceres asked him hesitantly if he could see the Thestrals, walking forward he reached out his hand which to other students would look like he was touching air however he lay his hand on the snout of the Thestral and petted down its nose, the horse slowly bent its head down as he caressed his hand down. Turning his climbed into the carriage as it started to move, he looked at Ceres speaking to her:

"Yes I can see them... it is hard to describe to you how they appear, they are almost like they are dead but they are not. I hope you never have to see one, but most who do are often frightened by their appearance but they are like any other animal. Unfortunately most are afraid of the things they don't really understand, but much is the way of life for humans muggle or not."

Crixus became silent as he watch the trees slowly pass by on the side of the carriage another memory seemed to pop into his head as the world swirled around him again. This time he saw himself as a younger boy, he was in a wooded area like the one the carriages went through he was sitting alone by a tree with his knee's in front of him his face buried in them. He was crying silently to himself, watching the memory play out a young girl suddenly walked across him, her hair was brown, hey eye's a brilliant shade of blue. Walking over to him she sat down beside him.

"Why are you crying?"

Crixus looked up startled as he saw the girl sitting beside him, he quickly wiped his eye's to try and erase the evidence of his having been crying.

"I wasn't crying I just had some dust in my eye's is all. Do you always sneak up on people?"

Crixus had sounded meaner then usual but the girl didn't seem to notice or did not seem to care about his tone of voice, she just sort of smiled at him.

"Sometimes I do but I came across you by accident, I figured you could use some company is all, you do seem to be a bit sad being out here all alone. Why are you out here instead of in the common room with the others?"

"I just wanted to be alone I guess, besides the other kids don't really like me anyways, so I guess it doesn't make any difference if I was there or not."

"Your just being too hard on yourself I am sure someone likes you, no one is disliked that much. I am sure if you think about it there is a person whom already wants to be your friend and do crazy things with you and get in trouble."

The girl stuck her tongue out in a joking way as she gave him a happy look, Crixus just looked away from her and placed his face back in his knee's intent upon her just leaving, however when he felt the smack across his head he looked up again surprised she had hit him in the head.

"What was that for!?"

"For trying to ignore me, I am not going to go away that easy you know. If your so intent on everyone disliking then I am here to prove you wrong and tell you that I don't dislike you, in fact I do like you so now you have no excuses."

Crixus looked at the girl like she was crazy but at the same time he kinds of felt a little happy as well, her words were rather comforting to him in more ways then one.

"Your a bit weird you know that?"

"Maybe but thats what makes me, me. My name is Katie, how bout you sour puss, whats your name?"

"Um Crixus, my name is Crixus."

Crixus smiled to himself remembering the memory, the world swirled back to the carriage as he looked over at Ceres. He couldn't help but wonder if she was sent here to drive him crazy in a good way too. Aside from the Dark Wizards and the Dementors, his time with her has been better then the past few years of his life.

"Hey Ceres do you believe that there is reason for all of this? Do you think that in this... situation that there is something else that is meant to happen? I was never much for fate or destiny, but I have come to believe that some things truly are meant to happen for one reason or another if it be and end to something or a beginning for something else. What do you think?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Her clear blue orbs focussed on Crixus as he got pulled into a memory of his past. Ceres was unsure what happened to him, there were so many mysteries she had only caught a glimps of, with this man. His eye's, why he had no last name and what the weight was that he seemed to carry with him all the time. All of the sudden the most rare thing ever happened as Crixus gave a smile. It was a sincere smile, though not directed at her. It must have been a pleasing memorie for the auror who seemed to carry so much darkness and sadness within his being. Ceres blushed slighty as she saw his smile, and it only got worse when he asked her if maybe they were fated to meet.

‘’You know Crix sometimes fate or life or whatever you want to call it, leaves a door a little open and you walk through it. But sometimes it locks the door and you have to find the key, or pick the lock, or knock the damn thing down. And sometimes, it doesn't even show you the door, and you have to build it yourself. But if you keep waiting for the doors to be opened for you... I think you'll have a hard time finding single happiness, let alone that double portion. I can see you struggle with something, but I do not wish to stick my nose in your buisness unless you tell me otherwise. Further I do not have the slightes idea what fate migth have intended for the both of us, but I do know that if I wish to stay alive for the next year I need you.” Ceres blushed a bit more after she spoke this.

Their conversation got interuted by a pair of loudmouths who were trying to get Ceres attention.

‘’Prepare for trouble’’ A girl yelled and Ceres grinned looking at the carriage. ‘’Oh no here they come, the Popel twins’’ Ceres said to Crix as she waved.
‘’Now make that the double’’ A boy yelled fom the same carriage. The two almost looked the same. Darkblond hair with brown eye’s. though the girl had long hair and the boy did not. ‘’Go away with your muggle quotes Eline, Eren’’ A other boy shouted from the same carriage. He was clearly japanese, long black hair and black eye’s all the students wore a ravenclaw uniform.

‘’Kotaro!’’ Ceres yelled as the carriage pulled besides them. More than one eyebrow rose on foreheads as they saw Crixus sitting in the carriage besides Ceres. They all had expected for the figure to be Levi. Ofcourse questions were asked about this particular subject.

‘’So, you got yourself another guy over the summer or what?’’ Eline asked and Ceres smiled akward. ‘’No, but Levi and I did break up’’ A collective awww could be heard as Eren’s eye’s glinted. ‘’So maybe I get a shot not’’ He said and his twin sister gave him a firm smack on the head. ‘’The only thing you should give a shot is the Bludgers, Maybe we can actually win this year if you do. Well if you feel well enough after your little adventure with the werewolf this summer’’ Eline said anry, she was clearly the more mature one from the two twins. Eren smiled akward as he scratched his head ‘’Sorry sis’’

Ceres looked questionably at Eren and then to Eline.’’What did he do this time?’’ Asking it like this was not the first time he did something stupid. Eline sighed frustrated ‘’ Will you believe it, my foolish little brother heard rumors about a werewolf snooping around the forest near our house and he decided to check it out. Ofcourse throuble found him like always and he got slashed on the chest’’ And as if he was very proud of it Eren lifted his shirt showing his scarred chest, a single slash wound scar was visable. ‘’My battle scar, I fought with a werewolf lady’s and lady’s’’

‘’But we are going off trac with our topic at hand, we were asking questions about who the man sitting besides you is?’’ Kotaro said calm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
Avatar of Ryker Rohrer

Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Well I suppose it is nice to be needed if it only be for a year, its a fair bit better then other things i find myself doing everyday of my life. Also did you know that your cheeks get flushed a lot?

Crixus took a for fun jab at Ceres, she had blushed more times within the past day then he had ever seen anyone blush before and he would be a rotten lier if he said he didn't find it cute to see. He looked up just as another carriage pulled aside them, it was filled with students that Ceres knew it seemed. They all played cheerfully as everyone started to chime in, Crixus just remained silent as the students all conversed happily with each other. He did feel a bit out of his element given he was not an actual student here so he would just keep silent and hope no one asked too many questions about him. That however did not exactly last long before the other students whom were in Ravenclaw finally noticed his appearance and questioned his being there. Crixus shook his head silently with a small grin as he turned his head in the other direction as once again the question of them being together came up, it really did seem to be a high topic so far.

Crixus however did turn his attention back when he heard Werewolf and attack mentioned, he silently listened to the story and saw the claw mark down the boys chest. That did not bode well at all... Crixus wondered if the boy even knew that he could possibly become a Werewolf. Werewolf attacks were very important topics, most wounds from a werewolf were harmless on the exceptions of bites which were almost always enough to cause transformation. But any wound from one, there was a small chance that the transformation could occur, it all depended on the circumstances. Crixus might have to inform the Ministry about the boy upon his check in with them, however for now it was just banter between classmates. Eventually to his dismay the conversation shifted back to him being there and who he was. Turning his attention to the other carriage he spoke to them with a fake enthusiasm that would throw Ceres off, he knew that for certain.

"Hey there! My name is Balthazar but most just call me Balth or Crix if you like, the second of those nicknames is a long story for another time but feel free to use either. I am a student from a smaller Wizarding School, I am part of an inter school exchange program, I am spending my final school year here at Hogwarts, it is a pleasure to meet you all. I will be sharing the Ravenclaw Guest room this year so I am sure we will get to know each other."

Crixus cursed himself, god did he sound overly cheerful, he was too damn cheerful, what did he expect though its not like he was the most enthusiastic person in the world. An that name, he hated the name too but then again he did not like using code names in the first place. Looking up the castle came into view they were no more then a stones throw away now and soon they would be at the sorting ceremony, an then the opening feast, Crixus had not realized it until now but he had eaten nothing but that bloody apple from earlier and he was damn near starving by now. Hopefully the Ravenclaw students bought his story without too much snooping because if they didn't this was going to be a long year indeed for him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Embarressed by Crix’s comment about her flushed cheeks made her head take on a even deeper shade of red. She knew she blushed rather quickly, Levi had teased her more than once with the fact. It was this very trait of Ceres that made Levi approach her in the first place. He had admitted that his inner slytherin loved to tease the little ravenclaw and see her blush. He continued to tease her ever since the first year until the final fo their fifth year, when Ceres was tired of his teasing and kissed him on the quidditch field infront of his whole team. Ever since they had become a famed couple within Hogwards ‘’The seeker from slythering found a raven’’ is what their friends teased them with.

‘’So that explains why we saw Levi together with miss unnatural blond earlier, we were already asking eachother questions’’ Eren said as he tucked his shirt back in his pants, making himself a bit more presentable than before. Though his wild brown hair needed a good brush and that is exactly what his sister was planning, seeing as she already had the thing in her hand.
‘’Why did you not tell us, aren’t we your friends, your squat, your team, you can tel lus everything. Besides we did not even see eachother during the summer. Normally you always visit’’

Ceres’s smile darkened for a second, her summer had not been as much fun as it should have been. Her eyes trailed to Crix, who had just given the most cheefull introduction ever. She had not expected that and her mouth had litteraly dropped open. A laughter was supressed from Ceres and the others had looked a bit suprised as well, seeing as he ahd been keeping himself on the background for a bit.
‘’So you are and excange student. Strange year, not only we have Crix coming into our dorm, Miss Selena Ira will also join the school this year. I heard she is a tranfer student from the Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons. It is a mystery as to why she has decided to join us at Hogwards for her final year’’ Kotaro spoke calm. He had always been the cool headed one, wich was a pleasent change from the other tree he usually hung around with.
‘’Ah, apparently she is his fianceé. At least that is what she has told me’’ Ceres spoke, her hand under her chin and her elbow rested at her knee. She looked at the nightsky and the first towers of Hogwards who were already appearing.

‘’But Crix seems like a nice and strong fella. Hey I am a beater in the Ravenclaw quidditch team. Wanna join us in a game sometime? I bet the other guys would love to play a match with you, tranfer student’’ Eren offered and Ceres smiled. She could already see Crix playing, or at least attempting to play quidditch.
‘’That is something I would pay for to watch’’Ceres laughed, beeing cheered up for a bit.

The gate of Hogwards came closer and Eline took her last change to put a brush in her younger twin brother’s hair. She brushed it nice and proper and Eren was moping. He hated this side of his sister.

‘’Finnaly, our final year’’ Eline mumbled and Eren beamed. ‘’One year left to make history within these walls. Lets see if I can surpass the Weasly twins’’

‘’On year before I need to return to Japan. I won’t be able to see you as much as I used to do’’ Kotaro said.

Ceres smiled, looking at the gate. ‘One year to stay alive’ she tought.

‘’One year left to become the best witch I can be’’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Crixus listened silently to the conversation continue, so long as he was not talked to directly he would just feign amazement being at Hogwarts and that would keep him from talking too much. He did not need to give these Ravenclaws the impression he was a hyper talkative person on the first meeting, otherwise he would have to play it that way all year and that did not excite the Auror at all. Crixus listened to the banter about Levi and his new girlfriend, what drew his attention was the information that she would also be coming to Hogwarts this year like him. Now that in itself was odd, or at least to him it was. His first impression of the girl was not exactly the most forthcoming. He remembered her comment about Ceres being a mudblood and that she deserved what she got, he didn't know what but that comment had bothered him since that night, and now all of a sudden she was coming to Hogwarts as a transfer student too. Crixus raised his eye brow as the other Ravenclaw students mentioned being on the quidditch team, and they offered for Crixus to possibly play a game with them.

"Careful what you wish for there, I am no stranger to Quidditch my friends, I might very well teach you all something you have never seen before."

Crixus said it as jokingly as possible, he would rather keep the fact that he had played Quidditch when he attended Hogwarts, at least up until the night of the incident which changed him forever. He had not been on a broomstick for a long time now, but once upon a time he had aspirations to play the game professionally, and he was quite good at it when he was younger. He was thankful that there was no one currently present who would remember he was part of the Slytherin team when he was back at school here.

"Crix... is that short for Crixus? I feel like I know you. I believe I read your name somewhere in the school before. Is there a relation?"

Crixus became deathly still as one of the Ravenclaw students sitting in front of him chimed into the conversation, he was taken aback at the question. Was there something at Hogwarts pertaining to him having gone here? There was only one thing he could think of, but he hoped to god that it wasn't the case. Swallowing a bit hard he feigned with another smile speaking:

"No just Crix, I wonder did a Crixus go to Hogwarts? That would be an ironic turn of events. You know what they say, everyone has some kind of twin, perhaps I just found my own name wise."

Crixus laughed it off, but he was now feeling the dread inside. He was not as concerned about his identify being exposed, after all if that happened he had a plan either way. But he did not want Ceres to possibly find something on him pertaining to his past. He saw the way she looked at him, she wanted to know about him, it was not some big secret upon her face. But she was better off not knowing about him or what he came from, everyone was better off just not knowing about the things that had transpired within Hogwarts. He would have to ensure that any material about him was removed later on, for now he was saved by their approach to the castle of Hogwarts. The Carriages pulled outside the main entrance with a subtle halt, the castle lay before them its great doors open to them, as if ready to receive them. Crixus got out of the carriage as he offered a hand to Ceres, the final years made their way inside as Crixus kept an eye on the surrounding area, but he felt that an attacker would not dare use this time to attack Ceres, there was bold and then there was stupid.

They all soon found themselves sitting at the tables assigned to each house, Crixus sat silently by Ceres as he looked upon the podium in which the teachers sat. Soon enough the headmaster made her way to the podium, the eagle in front of it moved it wings up signifying the students to be silent. The first years stood nervously in the center isle as the room became silent at Headmaster Mcgonangal spoke.

"Welcome back all of you to a new year at Hogwarts, and a grand Welcome to our newest witchs and wizards this year. Before we start the sorting ceremony this year I have a couple announcements to make. First and foremost I would like to welcome two new students whom have transferred here from our brother and sister academies from across the world. Mr. Balthazar from Durmstrang and Miss Selena from Beauxbâtons, please help me welcome them into our school and show them the hospitality of Hogwarts."

The students all gave a new clap as Crixus put his hand up with a smile and waved, Selena on the other hand stood up and acted like she had just become the most important person alive blowing a couple fake kissed to the students.

"Secondly this year we will be hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament, as you know we have not hosted one for many years and we are excited to once again open our doors to our brother and sister schools as we choose this years tournament champions. I am sure all of you will give them a grand welcome when they arrive in just two short days. Now to all the first years and returning years as always, the Forbidden forest is off limits too all, anyone caught within without supervision from a teacher will be in serious trouble, our caretaker has requested that I remind you to follow all curfews and to not wander the halls at night. With that said let the sorting ceremony begin!"

The color had drained from Crixus's face completely as he heard the words Tri-Wizard Tournament, at that exact moment he was throw into an instant memory, the world swirled for several seconds as his mind was plagued by images going at fast paces before his eyes. He saw a field, and hard rain, a lightening strike to the ground illuminating huge creatures before him, bodies lay shewn across the grass. He stood defiant, his body wrecked, blood dripping down his chin and through the rips and tears in his clothing. Crixus clutched at his chest, he felt a phantom pain that seemed to real as the images quickly dispersed and he was once again within the hall, looking up the list of new years was in the hands of one of the teachers. Crixus looked down at his hand, it was shaking, he removed it from the table as he allowed the vivid images to pass. Beyond his memories this did not bode well for Ceres, he had not realized the Tournament would be held at Hogwarts, he knew of what happened to Harry Potter his name being added to the cup. He had to contact Harry Potter as soon as possible, he had to make sure Ceres would not end up replaying the same scenario Harry found himself in as a teenager.. Crixus was there before in that tournament and he knew better then anyone just how dangerous it truly could be..
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

''Alright, that is settled then. You will train with us at one point. But first Ravenclaw has to beat Hufflepuff, guys the first match will be in two days. I heard they are rushing it a bit this year so the other two schools can be impressed by our quidditch talent'' Eren laughed, speaking about his captain.

The group grinned and Kotaro sighed. ''Great I have been out of practice the whole summer and now I have to jump infront of the goal again. You are torturing your keeper to much. The captain is going to kill me’’

‘’Certanly’’ Eren grinned.

Ceres did not paid any attention to the conversation at this point. She was searching for Minthe in the crowd of first years. After a short while Ceres found her sister, talking with the boy and girl she had stepped into the boat with. Minthe chatted happily and probably felt her sister looking at her. She turned around and waved shy. Ceres laughed, the ever energetic Minthe was shy at this moment.

‘’Well, will you look at that. Minthe is not jumping around anymore. It seems the nerves finnaly kicked in’’ Ceres spoke as her friends looked at the first years.

‘’Hmm so that is your sister, I inmagined she would look a bit more like you. But you two are not alike at all’’ Eren spoke a bit to honest again, wich got him a smack on his head again.
‘’hey, I will turn bald if you continue to do that’’ He complained, but Eline whould have nothing of it and folded her arms. ‘’You have no delecacy, you rambo’’

Ceres only laughed at the comment of Eren. ‘’Haha, I think the same. Sometimes I wonder if I am not adopted, I am just glad we manage to get along’’ Ceres joked, unaware of how close she was to the truth.

‘’Shh shhh, the sorting cremony is going to start’’ Eline wispered. Ceres came back into realitly, they had been talking dunring the headmasters speech, how rude.

Like always the sorting hat sang a song, desribing each of the houses. This time it was a long song and the waiting first years did not seem to appreaciate more time with nerve wrecing seconds passing away. After he had sang his song the first student . Belle Alles the girl Minthe had been talking to, was called forwards. She took place on the chair with pride, being the first one to be sorted.

‘’Gryffindor!’’ The hat called out and the Gryffindoor table cheered.

Next followed some more students until the boy with whom Minthe had been talking to as well was called forwards.
‘’Caspian Benson’’ The boy had a twinkle in his brown eye’s as he ran to the chair. The hat got placed ontop of him and the sorting hat thought.

‘’Ravenclaw!’’ And this time the Ravenclaw table cheered, welcoming their newest member. After that the long wait for the Solar name came. Minthe seemed a bit sick from the nerves and she constandly looked at her sister for help.

‘’Minthe Solar’’

Finnaly, Minthe heard her name and relieved she stepped forwards. On the ravenclaw table you could hear some wispers. ‘’so that is Ceres’s sister’’
‘’sister of..’’

At the slytherin table Levi looked at Minthe as well. He had always liked the girl, she was as cheerfull as her sister. He had already started to see her as a sister of his own, seeing as he was an only child it was very welcomed.

The sorting hat was placed ontop of Minthe’s head and she closed her eye’s. Her hands were on her knees as the hat thought. He wispered to Minthe, they seemed to talk for a bit.

‘’so, hufflepuff or ravenclaw I am in doubt’’ He spoke as Minthe spoke back.

‘’Ravenclaw, please Ravenclaw’’ She said almost like a sutra.

‘’Ravenclaw!’’ the hat spoke and Minthe jumped upwards, almost trowing the sorting hat of her head.

‘’Sorry’’ Minthe said as she put the hat on the chair before rushing to her sister. Ceres had stood up as Minthe jumped into her arms. The whole table cheered as Minthe came rushing in, they seemed to have gained a bright and energetic new member.

‘’Welcom to Ravenclaw Minthe’’ Ceres spoke, hugging her sister.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Congratulations Minthe on Ravenclaw, you will make a fine edition I am sure!"

The remark was sincere even if the enthusiasm was a bit embellished, that did not take away that he was happy she had got put in the house she had wanted. The last of the students were quickly sorted into their houses and before long The Headmaster stood and spoke of letting the feast begin. The long rows of table instantly filled with foods and drinks of all sorts and kinds. Crixus immediately went for what appeared to be a pastry filled with a seasoned meat, taking a huge bite he chowed down hungrily, he had been starving all day so he could lose his calm demeanor for just a little bit at least until his stomach was full anyways. The food tasted great as it always did, picking up a nearby goblet he took a drink of pumpkin juice, looking over he saw the sorting hat sitting on the teachers table, it seemed to be talking to them or maybe he was just imagining it. Now that he thought about it the hat had a conversation with him once, it had been on the very same night he had been sorted as a first year, it seemed so long ago. The world around him seemed to swirl again as he fell into a Pensieve like account. He sat at the same table silently and saw his younger self in the middle of the filled up Great Hall, his hair was long, shoulder length, he couldn't have been more then four feet tall, but who knew back then. Almost like magic Crixus could feel what his younger self was feeling and thinking.

Crixus looked around silently at the other students in the Great Hall, they all seemed to be staring intently at him and the other new years. He kept his face hidden from view, he didn't like to be the center of attention and hoped this would be over soon and he could sit down. Looking up the Headmaster finished her speech, something about some dark woods and adhering to curfew or something like that he had not payed all that much attention. Pulling out a large piece of parchment the headmaster let it roll down too her feet and she called the first name. A young girl stepped forward silently and shyly as she sat on the stool, a hat was placed on her head, it didn't take long before the hat suddenly spoke yelling Hufflepuff! There was a loud cheer from one of the tables in the Great Hall the girl made her way happily to the table. Another name was called and the sorting continued as Crixus dreaded his having to go up there and be stared at even more.

Like clockwork Crixus heard his name called out, swallowing alittle hard he stepped forward through the crowd of first years and climbed the stairs up to the stool. Sitting down quietly the hat was soon placed on his head, the voice that seemed to echo through his brain came out of nowhere, it was raspy and seemed old, it took him a moment to realize that hat was talking to him from within his own head.

Ah much turmoil I see young wizard, a fine mind you have but conflicted... by things of the past in which you have seen... through a gift I gather? Ah yes you have a gift of seeing, that is quite interesting, tell me what house would you believe would suit you best? For in your mind I see a great many things that could prove to make you a great wizard in many of the houses.

"I don't know, I never thought about it. I just want to be sorted so I can go sit away from prying eye's. You can choose sorting hat, or whatever your name might be."

Crixus felt his head turn against its will left and right as he thought the remarks in response, there was a silence before the old hat started talking to him again.

"You are quite peculiar young wizard, quite peculiar indeed. Your mind is like a labyrinth, a maze filled with doors and dark passages, almost as if you are trying to hide your memories even from yourself. Tell me is there something you fear in your own head?"

"I don't know what your talking about, truthfully I have not a clue what your pondering. Please just sort me so I can be done with this."

Crixus was getting antsy knowing this was taking way too much time, he was aware everyone was looking at him wondering why it was taking so much longer to sort him.

"Ah such a shame I can not probe your mind longer but if your sure you want my decision then it better be... Slytherin!"

The last part was spoken outloud, the Slytherin table went up in a loud cheer as Crixus sighed and air of relief and made his way to the cheering table. He took a seat as a couple older students patted him on the back welcoming him. Crixus watched silently as his younger self took his seat at the table, however Crixus suddenly noticed something he had not noticed before, turning his head sideways Ceres was sitting next to him. Crixus suddenly stood up wondering how she was here at all, wondering what she had seen, if she could hear his thoughts like he did, how long had she been here. The world seemed to swirl all over again and the hall returned to the present day.

Crixus looked down as he realized his hand was on top of Ceres's hand, he quickly removed it realizing she must have joined him in the memory when he touched her hand. Crixus looked at Ceres knowing there was no explaining this, or what had just happened, or why he was holding his hand on hers or how the hell he had put his hand on hers, or how she entered his memory with just a mere touch!

"Um sorry I must have moved my hand onto your without noticing, butter fingers as the muggles would say."

Crixus tried to play it off like nothing had happened, but the feeling in his gut said that Ceres had traveled into that memory with him at some point and he did not know if she thought it a freak occurrence of not. Crixus quickly grabbed at his food to try and change the topic without saying anything. He acted as normal as he could trying desperate not to make eye contact anymore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ceres laughed as Minthe took place besides the other new arrivals at the Ravenclaw table. She was sitting together with the boy from before, Caspian and was waving to Belle, who sat on the other table. The cheery girl waved back, a tad dissapointed that Minthe had not been placed in Griffendor.

As the feast began, Ceres took some roasted potato’s and beef and ate it with much pleasure. She really enjoyed the meals at Hogwards, though her mom’s homemade meals were also pretty good. A laughter escaped her lips as she saw Crixus eat like he had no eaten a thing throughout the day, wich was true as she had only seen him eat the apple she had given him this morning.

This morning………

Ceres shudderd as she rememberd how the cloaked man had approached her boldly, infront of others non the less. Her head turned to the Slytherin table, searching for Levi’s raven black hair. He had witnissed the while ordeal and was probably asking himself what kind of trouble she had brought herself into. If he was even thinking about her at all. As if Ceres had called his name Levi turned his head, his light brown, almost orange eye’s met her hazel orbs. Their gaze was unbroken, noise was cancelled out of the surrounding as a high pitched sound resonded through her head. Ceres gripped her head as she seemd to go dizzy for a second. The mark on her left shoulder started to hurt and shocked she looked around her, searching for any black cloaks around her. Yet the only black she could see was the black of his hair.

Then a warm big hand embraced her hand and Levi lowerd his eye’s, looking at the two hands that were holding eachother. Shocked again Ceres looked t her side to see Crixus, he had placed his hand ontop of hers. Again her head shifted to the slytherin table as Levi’s eye’s held a emotion she could not place, was that anger she saw?

She did not get to long to look at Levi as her surroundings seemed to blur, like smoke that gets blown away. The inmages got sharp again and Ceres looked around her, she was still in Hogwards. However the room seemed to have changed, and to her suprise she seemdd to have moved to the slytherin table. The faces were not familliar to here, and she knew some Slytherin, so why?

Ceres was confused as the Headmaster stepped forwards again with a name list and called out a name. A girl ran forwards and the sorting ceremoni started all over again.

‘how weird, what happend. Did someone used a time turner?’ Ceres thought to herself when a name got called. Suprised to hear the name she saw a young boy step forwards, hesitant and not wanting to be in the center of attention he sat down, letting the sorting hat be placed upon his head.

A discussion went on for a bit and the word, hatstall got mentioned sometimes. Luckely id did not seemed like that was going to happen as Crixus got placed in Slytherin before the five minute mark was over. He walked over to the table and took place besides her. He placed his hand on hers, but it went straight through her. No timeturner had been used, i fit had been, he would have been able to touch her. In here she was a astral being, a outsider who was at a place she should not be. Then he turned his head and looked at her with shocked eye’s while standing up.

The surrounding changed again as it blurred, the fog of whatever spell she was in, dispelled infront of her eye’s.

Ceres was silent as he akwardly apologized to her. She clutched her own hand and pressed it against her chest, not knowing what to do or what to say.

‘’So…you were a Slytherin?’’ Ceres wisperd in his ear so that no one would hear it. ‘’What in heavens name whas that, was that a memory’’ Again she wisperd. She had gotten curious now, and if Ceres Solar gets curious about something she will dig until she has found everything she want to know. Her gazes was glued to his, trying to pull an awnser out of him. That was until her cup of lemonade exploded, splashing the sticky juice to spill on her skirt. With a venemous look she looked behind her, only to see Levi hide his wand back in his sleeve, looking at the ceiling.

‘’That bloody….arg.. why can’t he leave me alone’’ Ceres cursed as Eren looked behind him and made a ‘come at me bru’ pose at Levi. He rolled his eye’s and pulled his attention back at Selene who had ofcourse joined the slytherin table. Ceres wiped the lemonade of her skirt and sleeves and Eline helped her. ‘’Boys are so childish. They trow away their woman, but the moment another one touches her ,it is war’’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"What are you talking about Ceres? I was never in Slytherin? Memory?"

Crixus spoke through tattered lies as he gave a rather convincing look of pure surprise as to what she was talking about, but that look in her eye's was troubling. That was a look of someone who had seen something and now they were going to figure out what the hell it was they had just seen. Why had he put his hand on hers while he was in a memory? There was usually no way of moving when he went into a memory, it was almost like he became a shell while he was replaying the scenes in his head. Crixus cursed himself not knowing what to truly tell her, what did she want to know really? That he was capable of looking into his own mind as if he was looking into a Pensieve? That he could replay any memory as long as he was there to witness it in some form if it be sight sound or touch? It was better if she didn't know anything at all, it was just better that he be silent lest she forget what had happened and things finally move on towards other things.

Crixus was about to speak again but a cup of lemonade suddenly splashed itself from the table hitting Ceres with the juice, Turning she had venom in her eye's as Levi was feigning stupidity, his wand still up his sleeve. Crixus was grateful for the change in direction but he felt just a bit angered at what Levi had just done and for no reason at that.

"Here let me, I can clean it right up, my father taught me a nifty spell."

Crixus lied through his teeth about a father he never had as he pulled out his wand, raising his other hand he turned his wand so it was horizontal in his hand and waved it down Ceres's clothing, the juice that had spilled on her immediately disappeared leaving the cloths good as new. Drawing his attention to Levi there was a subtle fire in his eye's, Crixus could not raise his wand to another student unless provoked that was a dead set rule given to him by Mr. Potter, however there was something he could do...When Crixus was sure attention was not drawn to him by Ceres or her school mates he Placed his wand under the table where it was shielded by other Ravenclaws he closed his eye's and spoke under his breath wordlessly. With a subtle flip up of his wand a plate of mashed potatoes flung up from the Slytherin table and hit Selene dead in the chest spilling the potatoes and the gravy on top of them right onto her clothing. Crixus opened his eye's as he slowly slid his wand back up his sleeve and safely into the holder as he grabbed at a piece of food on the table. Selene went ape shit like Crixus could have guessed she would, some of the other students laughed thinking it was an accident and not by purpose. Crixus made no indication at all that he knew what was going on as he chewed on a fresh green apple.

"Looks like someone at the Slytherin table had butterfingers as well, I almost feel pity for Selene but alas I think it is already passing by."

Crixus smiled briefly to himself as the juices of the apple tasted really good, if there was actually one food he thoroughly enjoyed it was a fresh chilled green apple fresh for the picking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

‘’Haha, serves her right’’ Eren laughed as the rest of the ravenclaw table grinned as well. Selene went nuts as she was trying to get the potatoes off her cloathing. Levi smirked as well, though he tried to hide it. Ceres looked at them bicker about how to get the mess off her brand new uniform. Then Selene looked up and the girls eye’s shot fire. She stood up from the table and marched to Ceres.

‘’You Mud-blood, how dare you disgrace me like that’’ She yelled, getting the attention of the whole room. ‘’Do you have any idea what disgracing me means, me the daughter and heiress of the Ira wizard family. You will pay fort his insult’’ Selene yelled ontop of her lounges and Ceres blinked, leaning a bit backwards as if she was trying to dodge the soundwaves being fired at her.

‘’I have no idea what you are talking about Selene, didn’t you spill the mess on your own? I was just enjoying my meal.’’ Ceres said, feiging ignorance. Ofcourse she had seen Crixus fire whatever spell he used on the platter filled with potatoes.

‘’You…you…just you wait, La mort nous tous, mais vous trouvez d'abord’’ Selene shouted in her native language and marched back to the slytherin table, sitting besides Levi. Levi spoke to her, grabbed her wrist and pulled her besides him. Selene looked like a scolded child as she let her head hang.

Ceres looked at Crixus and grinned.
‘’Thank you for cleaning my clothes and…that…. mr butterfingers’’ She wisperd with a solf giggle ‘’But you won’t get away with denying everything, you were a slytherin once’’ She wisperd again before she started to engage in happy chatter again. Ceres noted how some of the teached were watching either her or Selene, ready to stop another confrontation. Headmaster Mcgonangal gave Ceres a well knowing look, oh oh, was she in trouble.

‘’Great, first evening back at school and now miss unnatural blond has gotten me into trouble’’ Ceres sighed and Kotaro together with Eren looked at one another. This pair meant trouble together, both in quidditch and school. Kotaro is a very good keeper now but was once a Beater, and a pair together with Eren. Kotaro never missed a bal land that is why the captain had decided to move him to the keepers position. He was a smart fella, the brain of the team together with the captain. However, when combined with Eren, the well educated Japanese young man could turn into a tease as well.

The evening flew past and soon the feast was over. The new years were leaded towards their dorm by the dorm leaders so Minthe would be kept bussy for a while. Ceres walked to her room together with Crix. Her roommate Eline would join them later. She stopped infront of the painting of the grey lady. The grey lady came flying out and the house ghost asked her riddle. They needed to awnser it if they wanted to awnser.

‘’What asks but never awnsers?” The grey lady asked and Ceres thought. This one was hard, yeti t had to be so simple. Her eye’s lighted up as she knew the awnser.

‘’an owl’’ She grinned and the grey lady dissapeared, the door to the ravenclaw commen room opening.
‘’Well Crix, welcome to ravenclaw as well’’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Crixus walked silently into the Ravenclaw common room and took a subtle look around, this would be home for the year so no point in rushing anything. It has changed a lot since he last visited it, probably something to do with the war, then again maybe all the houses got a bit of a sprucing up after the attack on the school. Crixus would just leave that to small minds to ponder in any case, looking towards the tower that lead to the dormitories where the students slept Crixus was anxious to get some rest, he was sleeping in a room by himself as it was, it was located off of the stairs which lead into the girls dormitories, god knows that was going to seem weird to some of the female persuasion in Ravenclaw but in terms of staying close to Ceres that was the room he was given. Looking at Ceres he removed the black robe from his shoulders and took a seat on the couch before the roaring fire in the ancient fireplace. Moving his neck and arms around a bit he cracked them letting the tension slip away.

"That was a.. interesting first night meal there I have to admit. I don't really remember my own going so.. how do you say violent and name calling filled."

Crixus looked around the Ravenclaw room once more, it was fairly empty for the most part, the new years and returning students alike were all getting ready for bed and settling into their new home for the next year. Taking his attention back to Ceres he spoke bluntly:

"What happened at dinner, it would be better if you forgot about it. You know what I am talking about I am sure, it was a.. accident to say the very least. But being around you for even the short time I have I know that your not going to let it go even if its better to do so. I also know your curious about me, that too is something you should curve Ceres, somethings are just best left unsaid and unknown by anyone. You have enough to worry about considering and adding my life story to that will only complicate it."

Crixus stood back up and walked to the front of the fireplace, waving his hand the flames seemed to dance around the wood that was placed inside, kind of like a miniature light show. Crixus almost appeared transfixed with the flames but he brought his attention back to Ceres, removing the sunglasses he gave her a look his eyes to hers. Ceres would see Crixus's eye's glimmering as if there was some kind of spiral going in swirls around the green orbs. Crixus approached Ceres closer her entire body was no longer apparent to him, all he could see was a pure glowing outline filled with millions of moving orbs of light making up the physical aspects of her appearance.

"My life is one such darkness, and it is all consuming to the unwary. Let this be an example of what I see and I hope it will open your eye's to what I am trying to say."

Crixus reached out his hand and placed it on Ceres's shoulder, in that moment of contact Ceres would see Crixus's features fade and there would be but an outline of his body the world around him would become gray and lifeless. She would see millions of orbs flowing through his body, some would be light golden light and many others would be dark black or red, they almost seemed to swirl around mixing together forming different colors endlessly. Crixus removed his hand so her vision would return to normal, replacing the sunglasses on his face the lens gave over a quick gleam again like the multiple times before when he placed them back on his face.

"I am going to retire if that is okay with you, my room is directly below the girls dormitory so if anything were to happen I am nearby. You should be safe here, these dormitories are quite protected. Think on what I have said."

Crixus grabbed the black robe from the couch and retired to the room which would serve as his home for the next year. It was medium sized with a cupboard, a desk, a chair, and a large bed across from a body length mirror and a small fireplace for warmth on colder nights. The bed looked so comfortable to him it was ridiculous, it was only the first day and more had happened in this day then the rest combine so far, Crixus slowly removed the black shirt and tie from his body and tossed them bodily aside onto the desk, looking in the mirror he saw himself looking back. Looking upon his body the scars were numerous, a lifetime of battle combined into not even twenty three years of life. The nastiest of these scars took the form as what appeared to be a nasty slash mark that went from his chest and down to his stomach where it rested above his belly button. The most noticeable thing however was not the scars themselves but the marking which covered his entire stomach, it was black in nature and crude in its appearance. The mark glistened, electrical like pulses emanated around all the markings themselves as if it was alive. Turning from the mirror Crixus approached the bed sitting on the soft cushion of feathers, with a flick of his wand the fireplace roared to life cloaking the room in a low yet soothing shadowy light.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ceres looked at Crixus, her eye’s never left his figure as he spoke about not getting to curious. That was next to impossible for her. She was a Ravenclaw, renowned fort heir intellect and their need to know. She wanted to know, but she felt like she had gone to far. Was she not allowed to step over the line of bodyguard and the one in need of protection?

Mesmaried by his eye’s Ceres looked at him, this time they were green. A whirpool could be seen within it, and it was sucking Ceres into the depts, wanting to explore even more. What was it with his eye’s.

‘’Crix, your eye’s they are beau…’’ Ceres could not even finish her sentance as Crixus laid his hand on her shoulder and inmediatly it seemed like she was sucked into another dimension. The world turned grey and boring, but not with Crixus. It seemed like he had become the center of the world as ligth orbs danced round within the outlines of his body. Then her world turned normal, as the weigth of his hand dissapeared from her shoulder. She gasphed silently, now she was really curious, yet for the night she would not push the matter anymore.

Silently she watched him leave, wanting to retire for the night. She gave him rigth as she saw the time. Hastly she rushed to the stairs passing Crixus his room. She stopped in her tracks and looked at the door. Before she knew it she had placed a soft knock on the door.
‘’Good night Crix, I….I do not know about the darkness you speak of, but there was still light within you. I…I personally T..think that your eye’s are pretty beautifull that way, so mysterious’’ Ceres said. ‘’So again, good night, don’t let the nigthmare’s bite’’

Not waiting for his reply Ceres rushed to her own room, and closed the door quickly. Both Eline, Nura and Jo-Di, Eline’s owl, looked at her as she enterd the room.

‘’So, you brought Crixus to his room, is it true he has the peekroom down the stairs’’ Eline grinned, placing some cloths in her closet. ‘’it is no peek room, I don’t think he would peek anyway, he doesn’t strike me as that type’’ Ceres said as she opened her own suitcase as well. She took out her nightgown, she would unpack the rest later. ‘’True, He is way to serious and silent. He only speaks when someone speaks to him first, what an odball’’ Eline complained, slipping in her PJ’s as well.
‘’He is a bit odd yes, but so is Eren’’ Ceres teased and trew a pillow to her roommate. ‘’I inherited the brains, he the muscle’’ She grinned as the pillow came flying back again. Ceres caught it and placed it back on her bed. She looked at her best friend, hating it that she had to lie to her for a whole year. But if Eline knew, she could be in danger as well.

‘’Eline…’’ Ceres spoke but nodded her head in a no motion the next second ‘’Hnn never mind, I guess or final year has finnaly began, good and well’’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Crixus listened silently as Ceres said good night to him she spoke of darkness and things in which she truly did not understand, if she truly knew what she had seen when he showed her what he saw day an night then she would not be so quick to dismiss the darkness in his own soul. Then again who's fault was it that she was not aware of what the colors represented, or what he was truly talking about, or even what he was trying to say? Why was it so hard to just open the gates of his own life for people? Why was it that he couldn't even bare to tell even the most smallest thing to anyone? Why did he find it so hard to trust people, especially the ones who trusted him with their lives, he was not capable of giving the same back. Why... why does the past haunt me so and why can't I let it go? Crixus reached over into his black bag and removed Basil laying him on the bed, with a couple gentle strokes he realized that this serpent miniature knew more about him then any human alive and that was in it self a horrible realization and then again it wasn't at the same time.

Reaching back into the bag Crixus removed a large parchment of paper and lay it upon the bed, with another reach into the seemingly endless bottomed bag he pulled out a wand, it was quite different from the one that lay attached still to his forearm. Taking it in the opposite hand he flicked his wrist, the wand on his forearm freed from the holster and slid into his outstretched hand. Letting the handle of the wand rest against his palm the center went through his fingers and rested between his middle and pointer finger. Taking the second wand he placed it in similar fashion in his other hand. Raising them both up he swished them at the same time, both wands lite up at the tips with a brilliant white light which covered the room intensely. Raising both wands out fully extended to the sides Crixus tensed his arms and brought the wands back to his body breath slowly then extending his arms back out the orbs of light at the bottom of each wand flew into the air as bright white orbs, bringing his arms back in the balls of light flew to him and stopped just a few feet in front of him. He stared at them intensively his eye's visible against the black enchanted glass which was illuminated through the light.

Crixus sat silently for almost an hour as he concentrated on the two orbs of light, he almost seemed in a transfixed state as he sat on the edge of the bed. Turning his attention to the parchment on the bed next to him he lowered one of the wand and swished it, thinking a certain phrase as he did so the parchment came to life and formed a map of the entire school. Looking down at it he viewed the tower he was in and quickly located Ceres, she was unmoving in one location, she must have been asleep by now. Crixus brought his wands down as the glowing orbs dissipated cloaking the room back into the firery shadows. Picking up a black shirt layed out on the bed he slowly pulled it over his head and went to the door. Placing one wand in the hem of his pants he his it under the shirt and replaced the other in its holster. Opening the door he peaked out there was not a sound, it seemed everyone was out for the night, exiting the room he made his way down the stairs quietly and slipped out soon enough through the entrance to the common room and into the night beyond the castle.


Crixus yawned to himself as he sat layed out on the couch in the common room, the sun had already risen high in the sky and he could hear the rest of the Ravenclaw students hustling a bustling. With another even longer yawn he got up and returned to his room, taking off the black shirt from before he silently got back into the Ravenclaw robes he had been given. Today was his first official day of going back to class and learning, oh that was going to be so much bloody fun. Crixus was sarcastic to himself, knowing there was still time before breakfast he silently fell back into the bed and propped his foot up on the edge and closed his eye's. Almost immediately he had drifted off into a rather deep sleep. When he next came too Crixus jumped up looking around, one of the other students was poking their head through his door.

"Its time for breakfast sleepyhead!"

Crixus smiled and nodded as the cheerfulness was enough to drive him into a coma this early in the day. Placing his feet back onm the ground he gave Basil another couple quick rubs on the head and walked to the door.

"Keep the place safe Basil and try not to hunt anyones pets, I don't want to explain how someones pet cat ended up disappearing Basil."

Basil flicked his tongue out and lowered his head almost like he was sarcastically bowing to Crixus upon his command. Crixus merely rolled his eye's behind the sunglasses and walked down the stairs. Waiting for Ceres he was starving again, he hoped breakfast would be a bit less violent then the opening dinner. Then again... spreading mash potatoes over that pure blood snob was rather fun, maybe there would be biscuit and gravy this time to knock on her. Crixus chuckled to himself at the thought, Ceres would get a hell of a laugh out of that and he liked to see her laugh and smile.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ceres yawned as she turned herself around in her bed one more time before she violently awoke. Her alarm clock started to ring again and like always she slammed the dammed thing of her night cabinet.
‘’hmmmmmmm, one more minute’’ She mumbled as she pulled the blankets over her head. However soon the warmth of her blankets dissapeared as Eline had pulled them of her.
‘’Get up or you will be late, remember that we have your favorite subject to start the year with, Alchemy’’

‘’I am up, I am up’’ Ceres giggles as she jumped out of her bed. How lucky, she would start the year with her favorite subject, Alchemy. She excelled in it, she loved to study the four elements as well as transmutating substances. The only problem being that the teacher that gave Alchemy kind of disliked her, and Ceres had no idea why.

Slipping into her cloack Ceres walked down the stairs chatting with Eline about the element water. ‘’So basicly water is the strongest one of the four elements, it can take away air, swallow land and put out fire, and if water dissapears than all life will dissapear as well’’ Ceres said and Eline nodded, ‘’So a new powerfull spell should be water based right? Maybe we can think of something that makes one control the water within the human body’’
Ceres looked at her friend and blinked ‘’That would be creepy, inmagine, if you control the water in one’s body you can control that very person’s movements. Almost like you are a puppeteer……That is dark and I find it interesting, lets make that our new project for the first period’’

Then she looked down the stairs and saw Crix standing, waiting for her. With a sleepy smile she approached him, trying her best not to stare to much at his hidden by the sunglasses eye’s. What was the deal with those sunglasses anyway.
‘’Good morning Crix, ready for your first day at Hogwards’’ Ceres cheered as the three walked to the breakfast table. Eren and Kotaro were already sitting at the table together with another boy and girl. The boy had dark blond hair and green eye’s, he had a tough build and was having a grand conversation about the coming up quidditch match together with Eren. The girl had brown hair and brown eye’s and was currenty reading a book. They were cleary a few years younger but sat with the last years anyway.
‘’Sasha! Alon!’’ Ceres shouted as she gave a hug to Sasha.
‘’Hey Ceres! Ready for the new and final year?’’ Alon grinned as he ruffed through her hair.
‘’ofcourse I am, and are you ready for quidditch again, almost the whole team is here we only miss Ned and Melle? Where are those two?’’ Ceres asked looking around her.

Again the eye’s of the newly introduced friend went to Crix.
‘’So who is the gentleman over here?’’ Sasha asked with a soft voice
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That was a loaded question but hell perhaps he was ready for his first day at Hogwarts again, it had been so long since he sat in a class and just simply learned. The countless days of chasing down dark wizards was a job and a passion, but he did yearn for something more simple some days and this seemed like the ticket.

"It should be an experience Ceres."

As Crixus feigned a smile one of the other students spoke softly of him wondering who he was. He walked up casually as he smiled and spoke to her.

"My name is Crixus, but you can just call me Crix, I am a new transfer student here from a smaller academy. Its a pleasure to meet you..."

Crixus cut himself off not really knowing the younger girls name, she spoke softly towards him again saying that her name was Sasha. He nodded with another brilliant smile that was probably giving Ceres more ammo to fire at him later on.

"Its a pleasure Sasha, if it is not too rude I am smelling some rather delicious food and if I have but one thing its an appetite."

Crixus spoke less enthusiastically but still with a hint of excitement as he stole away and sat down at the table, Ceres continued to talk to other students, she sure did know a lot of people at Hogwarts. She was a lot like Katie in a lot of respects, friends, smiles, happiness, cheerful deposition even in darkest of times. It was almost ridiculous how she rather mirrored her in so many ways and yet was so different in other ways, good ways. Crixus picked up a nearby cup of juice and downed it thirstily, his throat was drier then a desert, he immediately poured himself another glass and drank it down. Looking down the table he saw a bowl of fresh green apples, looking around silently everyone was busy chatting and having breakfast, with a flick of his arm an apple flew from the bowl and smacked his hand, taking a large bite out of it he savored the juices. Rolling his eye's under the sunglasses he chastised himself yet again about his impeccable verbal skills. If I have one thing its an appetite, who the hell just says that to someone they just meant, maybe he should have just played the silent silent new year students instead of the talkative one.

He had also sort of brushed her off a little too, that was a tad rude too, he should have been more accommodating, but he wasn't used to talking to so many new people all the time, especially younger people, hell he didn't even do that when he was an actual student at Hogwarts. It wasn't long before Crixus happened to look sideways out of curiosity of Ceres's location when he realized Sasha was sort of looking at him. Crixus raised his hand and waved silently looking away trying not to look back, his cheeks were slightly red, he hoped to god she was just curious about who he was, she wasn't looking at him for any other reason right? It was ridiculous to think she was looking at him for any other reason, right? Why the hell am I asking myself so many bloody questions? Jesus. Your a bloody Auror, you can take someone looking at you. Crixus reached forward to grab another cup of juice and ended up missing the glass when he diverted his eye's back to Sasha knocking the cup over.

"Bloody hell and all."

Crixus cursed lightly to himself under his breath thankful the spot across from him was empty, smacking himself in the forehead lightly he shook his head to himself. Good game Crixus, good game your really beating them back now. Crixus sighed to himself as he went to take a bite of his apple to realize he had lost the damn thing. Looking around the table he tried to find his apple but it was gone, he diverted his attention to the floor but alas it was too late, a Slytherin student hit the apple and went down on their butt spilling their drink all over them. Crixus must have knocked the damn thing off when he spilled his drink, turning his attention away from the spill he acted like he had no idea what was going on as a chorus of laughs went off from the other tables. When he felt the finger on his shoulder he turned silently to see a rather tall butch looking Slytherin holding an apple towards him.

"This yours transfer boy..."

That was the voice of a pissed of person, Crixus raised his eye brows at the boy beyond his sunglasses and shook his head without the slightest hint he was lieing.

"Can't say it is, probably got dropped by a student somewhere it is breakfast after all. Might as well toss it, footprints don't mix with apples."

Crixus turned back around as he resumed going for the other breakfast items but sneers certainly do seem to speak louder then words, turning the larger boy now had two larger students one either side of him and they were all looking at him.

"Your new here so consider this a break, but next time you lose an apple you better make sure its not where Alan Hornboggle is walking or else."

Crixus snorted uncontrollably as the last name was spoken he quickly tried to pass it off as something else, he realized that this was someone he actually knew, his father worked at the Ministry, his father always talked about his son like he was a rising jewel and to see him now was almost too funny for words.

"My name funny transfer boy?"

Crixus shook his head and turned back towards the table, he was not afraid of some two bit Slytherin bully, reaching forward he went to grab something else to eat when a large hand reached down and grabbed what he was going to get and crushed it. Then the same hand dropped it in front of him in little pieces. Was this like a threat or something he wondered, Crixus turned again sighing with rolling eye's as this wasn't going to end anytime soon.

"As much as I just love company, I am afraid I like to eat alone so you should move along now."

The would be bully opened his mouth to speak but Crixus had already turned around, with just the slightest flick of his arm as he turned the Slytherin boys pants fell to his ankles revealing the muggle like underwear beneath. The entire room broke out in a fit of laughter as the boy quickly bent down to pull his pants up, with another subtle arm movement there was a tearing noise indicating the boys under wear had split in the back when he bent. The Slytherin boy quickly pulled up his pants red in the face.

"This isn't over transfer boy! Mark my words!"

The Slytherin boy quickly high tailed it out of the main hall, Crixus buried his face in his hands and started to shake like he was crying but he was merely trying to stifle the laughing fit he had put himself into.

"Oh hell this is going to be a fun first day after all."

Crixus spoke to himself as he chuckled and quickly reposed himself, reaching over this time he grabbed another green apple and took a bite out of it.

"Ah nothing like a crisp green apple on a cool morning."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ceres grinned as Crixus put the slytherin boy on his place. She hid her smile behind her hand and she saw the rest of the group having trouble keeping their composure as well. Another thing she noticed was the slight blush on Sasha's cheeks and the very jealos look of Alon. With a mischevios glint in her eye's Ceres stood up and gave Crix a soft pat on his back to gain his attention. As she walked away from him with a apple in her one hand she motioned to Sasha with her other and gave Crix a thumbs up. Sasha's face flared up even more now that the place besides her was empty and quickly buried her nose back in her book.

''Mister Melle is in the house, together with Neddy boy!'' A energetic fella shouted as he trew his arms around Sasha, almost pulling her off the bench.
''M...M..Melle, Ned, Good morning'' She mutterd, closing her book. The cover revealed what she was reading,

The world of magical beasts, by Luna Lovegood

''Yush, al three chasers of the ravenclaw team are here, the two beaters and the keeper as well, hey Kota!'' Melle raised his hand and Kota raised his hand as well, though he did it a lot calmer since it was still early. ''So did anyone spot the captain yet?'' Ned spoke also a lot calmer, trying to calm his nephew

''Seek the seeker, shouldn't be that hard'' Eren joked and jumped ontop of Melle, ruffing his hair rough while his arm was locked around his neck. ''Yes the cap has been spotted, cap said we need to train soon-ish. We gotta beat Hufflepuff!'' Melle spoke louder, and in response to that someone at the Hufflepuff table stood up and raised his fist before waving.

''We will win, my team is in top shape'' It turned out to be the captain of the Hufflepuff team, Willem Huigel.

''See you on the field!'' Melle cheered, there was a healty rivalty between them already.

''Alright Mr, to much Sugar, calm down and eath healthy will ya. Otherwise you will not last even the first day before a teacher already sends you out of the classroom'' Ned said pushing Melle to the breakfast table.

Ceres marched through the halls with a small sting in her heart, Why did she disliked it when Sasha looked at Crix like that. Well she would be happy for Sasha if Crix could love her back, but something within Ceres told her that Crix would not like her back. Not in the way Sasha wanted.

heartbreak, it was such a painfull thing. Ceres made a mental note to tell Crix later not to make Sasha fall to deep for him.

''Good morning Ceres'' The voice of Levi said and Ceres turned around. When she saw that his arm was empty for a change she looked around you.

''Where's your shadow?'' She said a bit to venemous. Levi only raised his eyebrow as he looked straight into Ceres's eye's.
''She is eating on her room. That little trick your new boyfriend pulled on her last night got her aggitated''
''He is not my boyfriend'' Ceres said surly.
''Then who is he, it seems like he is always with you. It was him right? the one who saved you yesterday morning'' Ceres widened her eye's. How did he knew that.
''Who knows, at least he doen't trow me away like a piece of trash. In that regard he already scores more points than you''

Levi balded his fist and grabbed the collar of Ceres uniform. The hall was empty and no one saw them as he pushed her against the wall.
''Do not test my patience Ceres, tell me the truth. Who is he?''
''Just a transfer student who I became friends with. But what is it to you anyway? You and I have nothing to do with one another. So why do you keep searching for me? ''

Levi kept silent as his eye's trailed to the floor. Ceres put her nails in his hand and with yelp he released her collar.

''Oh I see, you are jealos aren't you? No okay, you can trow me away and date a little spoilt princess, but I am not allowed to date someone new. So what if I date Crix, I would much prefer him over you''
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
Avatar of Ryker Rohrer

Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Crixus was chewing delightfully on his apple when Ceres passed him by, she patted him gently on the back, he looked up silently as she seemed to smile at him grabbing and apple. She motioned towards Sasha the girl he was desperately trying not to look at and gave him a thumbs up sign. Crixus went to say something but she was already reaching out of ear shot, looking back Sasha seemed to bury her face in the book she was reading, it was clear she was furiously blushing now. It was exactly what he thought then wasn't it, Sasha was eyeing him for reasons other then an interest in who he was. Crixus looked down with a sigh realizing that truth all too quickly, he had known he just didn't want to know, maybe because he didn't want to deal with the fact that he could never infatuate himself with another Hogwarts student. But in all honesty he didn't want to either way, not because he it might get him in trouble but because something else seemed to gnaw on the edge of his mind, something that deterred him, although he was unsure what that might be. Ever since he had arrived at Hogwarts it had been there, in fact it had been there long before he got to Hogwarts. It didn't matter, none of it, Crixus was an Auror, Sasha, Ceres, they were both Hogwarts students and his job was as it always was and would continue to be regardless.

Crixus sighed a breath of relief none the less when another Ravenclaw entered the conversation all hyped up about Quidditch, it gave Crixus the chance to slip away without anyone really noticing his departure. While he felt Ceres was safe within the walls of Hogwarts he still had a bad feeling in his gut that something evil was in the castle, it was unquestionable, Crixus knew better then anyone at the Office how far this group would go to claim Ceres's life. Crixus made his way down the hallway silently, looking at the parchment in his hand Ceres was just a hall over, however Crixus's eye's turned to the other name that was now with her, Levi. Crixus speed up his steps as he came to the corner where Levi and Ceres were. He had arrived just in time to see Levi push her into a wall questioning her about him none the less. Crixus placed the parchment back in his robes as Ceres confronted Levi, Crixus let it play out listening before he acted, feeling his hand ball into a fist he wanted to punch Levi in his smug little face for placing his hands on Ceres, but if Levi was part of the group that is after Ceres then he needed to know more then his feelings wanted him to beat Levi into the ground. Crixus listened to the last words spoken by Ceres about taking him over Levi, it made his heart flutter a bit hearing those words, but he ignored it for it was time to intervene before Levi got the idea to try and hurt Ceres for defying him.

"I think perhaps Levi you should learn to keep your nose out of business that is not yours."

Crixus made his way down the hallway, he approached both of them but kept a subtle distance between himself and Levi, more then enough space to counter any attack the man might try to throw at him.

"I am not very good at repeating myself so listen and listen well. Who I am is none of your concern, and who Ceres chooses to hang around with is none of your concern. If memory recalls and memory is one thing that I have that is extraordinary, you decided to rid yourself of Ceres for the prissy little rich girl named Selene. The same little rich girl whom I spilled a tray of food on yesterday, which was hilarious by the way. But that little fond memory aside I am warning you now, stay away from Ceres or you will be dealing with me, because if you ever lay a hand on her again if it be a finger even, I will break it, and trust me, not even a proficient healer will be able to mend it."

Crixus was very cold towards Levi, the harsh tone of his voice was apparent as his eye's were filled with extreme distaste for the man in front of him. Crixus flexed both of his hands as they lay dormant by his sides, he wanted Levi to attack him, because if Levi did raise his wand towards him, Crixus was no longer bound by his job to not raise his own in self defense.

"With that said you have two choices. Levi. You turn around and walk away down that hallway and don't come back or I will make you fly down the hallway. Choice is yours. Decide."

The last word sounded like a scary threat as Crixus cracked his fingers, he waited for Levi to remove his wand and be stupid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Levi stood silent as he listened to Crix talking. His eye’s held anger and….sadness as he looked from Ceres and then back to Crix, narrowing his eye’s. He soflty bit his lip, a habit Ceres recognized, he did that when his brain was working over houres.

‘’You talk as if you would be able to defeat me, transfer student. Me, Levian Mercury, Son of Jacob Mercury?’’ Levi spoke proud using his fathers name. If Crix had a bit of knowledge about the Wizengamot he woud have heard about the name. Jacob Mercuy was a interriagor for the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. He was a tall man, with long ravenblack hair and the same amber colord eye’s as his son. He was always seen with a silver snake ring and a red ruby for its eye, it gave a chill to most of those who passed him. Some dared to call him the next generation of death eaters, for his stern judgment for mudblood was legendary, but seening as he had a huge backing from some pretty powerfull family’s in the wizarding world the ministery had trouble with reminding him, that mud bloods were as much a wizzard as pure bloods.

Levi smirked and his eye’s glinted. Mentioning his fathers name was sure to install some sort of fear in anyone that irritated him, and oh boy did Crixus irritated Levi.

‘’I am the best dualist of my year, and I will soon follow in my fathers footsteps. I suggest you won’t stick out your head to much, the longest straints of grass will be cut of first, And what I do with Ceres is none of your buisness as well. You are not her boyfriend, just a friend. I know her better than anyone at this school. I will always be in her heart whereter you like it or not. She is m….’’

‘’STOP IT!’’ Ceres shouted as Levi continued to talk. ‘’Just stop it Levi. Please, it may not look like it but you hurt me. Even if you wanted me back I won’t have any of it. You broke my heart, so just trample over those pieces and walk away. That way, I will feel better as well’’
Ceres trembled slightly as Levi looked at her, stunned by her outburst. He brushed his hand through her hair. Levi’s face held a mix of emotions as he walked towards Crix laying his hand on his shoulder before walking away, almost as if he was pushing him towards Ceres.

‘’You stick out’’ Levi mumbled as he rushed down the hallway.

Meanwhile Ceres was fighting her tears.

‘’Dammed first day ever, why does he keep hanging around me?’’ Ceres sniffed, pushing back her tears.
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