Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: 8 AM - 3 PM

“Ugh. My head. Owwwiee.”

Her ears rang for the first few seconds, causing Raven to wince as her eyes slowly blinked before they opened wide and gazed up at the unrecognizable ceiling. Is this a kidnapping? Is that what this is? Oh god, like, they could totally get money from my parents and all. Like, I’m a really good target! Idiotic accusations swirled around her head before she finally looked to her right, seeing a stranger that didn’t feel like a stranger. Staring at her for a few seconds before her eyes trailed down to her laced bra all the way down to the bright pink underwear she had on. Oh god. Did I? I didn’t. But alas, lifting the covers and taking a glimpse of the beauties underwear said otherwise.

"I did." Raven groaned, her hands covering her face. I try to stay in the closet but what’s the point if I keep poking my head out of it?

Raven soon sprung out of the bed before a reporter could ask the question “Are you gay?”. She’d done this before. The whole “one night stand” thing and it never turned out well. Sometimes the chick wanted her money in exchange for staying quiet about the whole thing. Other times the guy was just stalker-level creepy as hell. But this girl actually looked pretty normal. She was finally recalling meeting in the club she went to last night. Hopefully this girl didn't know that she was the Raven Yuline. The Raven Yuline that could get her hands on a million bucks whenever she needed to and was on the list of “Top 10 actress that any guy would bang”. No matter how offensive some feminists might think that list was, it was a complete honor to be on it. The part where it says “any guy” was the main focus. Raven’s been trying to keep that status as a normal, straight actress. And as any person could tell, she was doing great.

She fished for her clothes through the pretty nice apartment the woman lived in and finally found her last clothing item under a bed sheet that had fallen off of the bed. Don’t I have work today? I did this the day before I had work? How stupid could I be! She was going through the file in her mind that held information about her jobs and right on cue, a text from Rose came. The chime could be heard faintly from the inside of her black bag and she seized it as fast as she could.

From: Needs to get laid/Rosey
You do know that you have a job today right?
A job you should have been here for 10 minutes ago?
A job that could open up some great opportunities for you?
Not to mention that you being late is always on my ass.
Get here now.

Rose was tough as hell. A rough exterior and an interior that probably wasn’t that mushy either. But in all truth, she was 50x ruder in texts rather than her awkward and fast paced self in real life. But she was almost always right and that meant right now.

”God, I have a modeling gig for the Angela Rinoe and I’m going to be late?!”

Raven gritted her teeth in frustration while she hopped on her left foot and put on her heels. For a second she looked back over at the girl with her chocolate brown hair falling over her face as she slept adorably. If she went out of the closet, she could wake up to her own girlfriend sleeping beside her. She could go on dates and all that! Honestly, she called herself bisexual but she's only fell for 2 guys in her life and those relationships ended horrendously. Quickly, Raven snapped out of it and turned her head, walking over to the exit. She actually considered leaving a note but it didn’t matter, they would never see each other again. The door shut silently and so began the walk of shame.

All the way to the shoot she was feeling sick. No idea what the reason was but that aching feeling wouldn't go away. Of course, as a professional, she was able to look like the had her full 8 hours of sleep, wasn't hungover, and feeling great. The shoot went off rocky at first, though, what everyone looking at her with a bit of annoyance. But the end results of the shoot were so great they didn't even remember it. And Angela Rinoe still seemed impressed. Rose? Rose still held onto her grudge and pestered Raven about how important time was and that maintaining her schedule wasn't only her job and so on so forth.

But the pain didn't go away even when she was back at home. Soon, she realized it was just hunger. "If only I had like a pizza right now." Raven got out some cereal and downed that in less than 5 seconds, afterward searching the house for more food. Some fruit were laid out on the counter, neatly inside of a cute basket. She attempted to take a big juicy bite out of the pear before realizing it was a fake.

"Who decided fake fruit was a food idea." She said before shoving it aside and throwing away the hollow pear. Raven was too hungry to have even realized that it was as light as a feather. After she went on a freny, eating whatever she could find, the refrigerator looked empty with only some cheese and a few other foods that she didn't even know why she had. And the pain was still lingering.

"Why am I this hungry?!"

Time: 3 PM

The tapping of her 4-inch heels probably made the table next to her want to pull their hair out but Aline wasn't stopping. She checked her Instagram feed, making sure that her most recent posts had at least 4,000 likes and probably more. The brunette model looked out of place with her bright red lipstick, perfect eyeliner, and an outfit that looked no less than a hundred dollars. After all, it was up to Aline to make sure that she had a specific role in the fashion industry. To set a statement everyday.

Her mother, a well-respected lawyer and her father an actor. Father. Aline still hated that name and wondered everyday why they decided to change her last name. Aline Yuline. It sounded like a joke! A terrible joke you make fun of. But well, with the way Aline was, you didn't make fun of her. And don't even get her started on the idiotic blonde she had as a sister. A girl she had yet to watch the demise of.

Since work was finally over, Aline was sitting at her usual booth at La Varelle, waiting for her dear and probably her only friend she had. Well, unless you counted him. Aline was honestly a loner at her high school. By choice but at the same time not by choice. Walking near her already made most feel intimidated with the way she did a full up and down check of whoever dared to pass by her so close that she could feel the cold air blowing against her legs. The reason for this was terrible social skills and a pretty rotten personality. Aline's been known to...well...ruin model's careers. She's called the venomous cobra behind her back. Though it's not much of a secret.

"Where the hell is she?"

Aline looked around the diner. At the retro booths and the people that occupied them. Humans always gave off that sense of being more of a plaything (and food) than the actual competition in the contest to see who could gain the most popularity and make the most money. They betrayed you for no reason, used you, and some had egos so large it could inflate a balloon. After a while, she just learned to get used to it. To be 10 steps ahead of them so she could be the one obliterating them. That was until she met Elizabeth and a few others with personalities that contrasted hers so much it seemed as if it was fate. Aline always put on an innocent smile for Elizabeth, showing her other side and making sure she didn't get too close to her. After all, if Liz knew what type of person she really was, getting hated was a given. And that wasn't happening.

La Varelle was a place that she frequented solely for the fries she barely touched. Some people called her anorexic but she always just says she's on a diet. Gaining 2 pounds in this industry was looked at as if you were binge-watching Netflix all night and ended up eating 3 tubs of ice cream. So yes, Aline is actually anorexic. But no one knows about that. Then again, what super model isn't anorexic? Maybe she was delusional but food was pretty overrated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The night before was amazing as Cassandra not only ran the club but she also always would go out onto the dancefloor as well and joined the people around her in dancing. Despite being two hundred years old since she had been turned by her sire all those years ago Cassandra at first was scared of what she was, but as the years went on Cassandra learned to live with what she has become now. Living through two world wars as well and experiencing the world change around her was interesting to her. She eventually bought the building fifty years ago, and The Nightlife became very popular with all kinds of people. Cassandra also used her club as her own feeding ground, she of course was always careful when she fed and making sure she didn't kill or turn anyone. She however met Raven at her club, remembering every detail that they had done Cassandra eventually took Raven home with her.

Cassandra eventually fell asleep after their night of fun, she slept peacefully after the whole thing, as the morning came Cassandra slowly opened her eyes watching the lovely woman slowly getting up with a confused look on her eyes as she realized what had happened. But she remained very quiet and continued to pretend that she was still sleeping, eventually Raven left her apartment and quickly went to wherever the woman needed to go. Cassandra eventually got herself out of bed letting out a slight yawn as she remembered the taste of Raven from before and smiled hoping to see her again.

Cass slowly went towards her walk in closet wearing nothing as she started to slowly put her clothes on picking a simple tshirt as well as a pair of blue jeans. Cassandra had to go back to The Nightlife, during the day Cassandra worked doing all the money and inventory stuff she needed to do for the night to come.


Lizzy sat at the back of the bus she looked occasionally at her watch seeing the time she was getting really late to visit her best friend Aline, they were certainly a different pair of friends, Lizzy's family weren't rich or famous she lived with her parents still. She couldn't remember why they became friends but she felt like they actually got along really well together. Sadly Lizzy didn't have enough money to buy herself a car just yet mainly because her parents were to busy and were always out of the house with their jobs and all her expenses were mainly on food. Eventually her bus came to a stop as Lizzy quickly got out of her bus and made her way towards La Varelle where she worked. Luckily it was actually her day off today and she promised that she meet her friend Aline there while she had the day off, Lizzy was actually a little bit jealous of Aline being a model and everything.

As Lizzy made her way inside she looked around and saw that Maria was there working the counter pouring a few customers their coffee for the day. She then spotted Aline in their usual spot and quickly made her way towards Aline and sat down across from her and smiled softly. "Sorry i'm late, LA traffic as you know is always really bad around this time of the day." Lizzy said brushing a stray strand of her redish orange hair out of her face and looked towards her and smiled brightly as she quickly reached over and snatched a French fry. "So whats up?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: 3 PM

Aline felt like just getting up and leaving the diner due to the impatience that she had, calling her friend later during the day. After all, she only had so much time on her hands. But she already knew that she wouldn’t do that so she took a sip out of her ice tea and continued to scan her phone, every so often making sure to check the parking lot and the entrance. And soon, Elizabeth was finally there.

She smiled lightly and waited for Elizabeth to get over to their spot. “About time.” The words came out of Aline’s mouth just as she took her seat. A sweet and with a playful tone that she accompanied with a kind smile. If it was anyone other than Elizabeth that she was subjected to waiting more than 20 minutes past their meeting set time, you could guarantee that she would have given a menacing look that spoke more than the words that would soon follow. But Aline was used to putting up this angel act. After all, she was an aspiring actor. Aspiring because of the fact that she was currently shooting for a new drama and it was her first. The first but it felt like she had been acting forever. After all, Aline was a natural. But with the recognition she already had by being on the covers of fashion magazines, it was easy to get spotted by a director.

“Yeah, it’s fine.” The mention of traffic wasn’t one that Aline could actually relate to. After all, she drove around in limos and from time to time there was a driver waiting for her. Today, however, she actually drove herself and got to the place 10 minutes earlier. The risk was getting caught for speeding mph in a brand new red Lamborghini. But well, she was fine.

“You look cute today. Well, you always do but you know what I mean~”

Someone once said that flattery got you nowhere. That was a lie. Aline often complimented Elizabeth since she was adorable. Aline herself honestly hated receiving compliments to her face. It may have been strange but it made her feel even more insecure than she already was and had a reverse effect than the compliment-giver probably intended.

Thoughts were running through Aline’s head before she finally remembered what she was going to say to her 5 minutes ago. “Oh, someone wanted to meet you. Just because. They said they wanted to meet a friend of mine and I said alright. Is that OK? Sorry for just telling you now.” The so-called friend was a man named Wolfred. One of her only 2 friends that she had. He was an older man. 24 years old to be exact. The reason they knew each other was that her mother and his mother had been great friends in the past and Aline grew to love him. Elizabeth might have been surprised about the fact that she had friends besides her. The only person she had even seen her with was for work or her stepsister. Wolfred was a guy that she had gotten used to over the years and honestly, there’s no way you can’t like him. At least in Aline’s eyes.

Time: 3:05

Oh, what a splendid, marvelous, exceptional day! The positivity was oozing out of Wolfred as he walked down the street to his hotel. He was greeted with ever so sweet-sounding "Hello"'s and he responded with a slight bow and a good afternoon right back to them. The reason for his happiness may have been for no reason at all but it was likely because he was going to meet a dear friend he hadn't seen in months. They were both quite busy and though he implied that they hadn't actually seen each other, they of course had. After all, they lived in the same building so it was unavoidable that they would run into each other but most of the times Aline was rushing right past him with a hello and a black coffee in her hands, most likely off to a shoot. She was admirable really. Though her little competition with her sister was unfortunate. He was sure they could have been great....no no, they clash far too much to be actual friends.

What time was it? Did he already work today? Of course, he had. He had been working until 3 am last night! Unlike most people, Wolfred was a man that went out to work at 6 or sometimes 7 pm and left in the morning. Sometimes he did make a normal schedule, going off on his way to work at 10 am. Last night be got off at 2 am and woke up at 1 pm so he was as chipper as usual.

His morning was occupied by a mystery novel by the name of "And Then There Were None." It was a story that he had recently started and was not disappointed. Besides that, he went to a coffee shop at around 1 PM and he's now back home. Just to get some work done at home and finish up a project he was working on. The time flew as he was working and when he put his glasses on to check the time, he realized that it was already 2:40 PM. "Oh god. She hates it when people are late." He mutters, grabbing his wallet and keys and shoving them down the pockets of his pants. His outfits were never too casual and already made it seem like he had money. This wasn't on purpose, it was just his expensive clothing taste.

The drive was a smooth one in his car that valued comfort as its top priority. He had dramatic classical music booming in the car as he hummed along to the notes. It took him about 25 minutes to get to the diner and it would have been sooner if there wasn't any traffic. But at least he was there with his lovely Aline sitting at the table with a cutie.

"Aline! Hey, sorry I'm a bit late."

He entered the diner and automatically a few women had their eyes on him. After all, he had a certain charm to his appearance. He kissed Aline's head before looking over at Elizabeth. "And this must be exquisite Liz. And she is quite the looker I see. Wonderful to meet you, Elizabeth. My name is Wolfred Octane." Looking straight at her with his piercing emerald green eyes. Wolfred took a seat beside Aline and smiled kindly at the new face. Ever since he was young, his parents made sure that he knew of perfect manners and that was evident daily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Elizabeth blushed slightly as she brushed a few strands of her red hair out of her face and smiled at Aline meeting her friends eyes for a moment. "I sometimes think that my bestfriend here is always trying to hit on me." Liz said jokingly as she watched one of the waitresses came over Elizabeth had never had a boyfriend or dated anyone before, or even kissed anyone before yet. "What can I get you to eat and drink miss?" The waitress asked Elizabeth assumed that the girl was new she hadn't seen her before and thought that she had just started today Elizabeth thought for a moment she was craving for a salad. "I'll just have a salad, some fries and a coke please." Liz then turned her attention back towards Aline for a moment looking at her, she didn't know many of Aline's friends since Aline was more busier then she was. "So are you trying to hook me up with one of your celeb buddies or something? And i'm totally fine with that the more the better right?" Elizabeth always loved to joke around with Aline.

She looked towards the window overlooking the parking lot and saw a fancy looking car coming up and parking itself in one of the open spots, the man was certainly attractive and young as well. He came in and then looked around and then started to approach Aline and her she gave him a bright smile. Elizabeth smiled blushing once more at the compliment she always liked being complimented, but she never saw herself as trying to get famous anywhere. "It's nice to meet you Wolfred, and you can just call me Liz like everyone else does or Lizzy whichever you prefer. So whats the plan for today?"

Cassandra walked into her club, it was very quiet during the day usually only a few people were in the building that were all busy cleaning up the mess from last nights events. Cassandra smiled to herself remembering the girl that she had brought home with her the night before which was a lot of fun. "Good morning everyone." Cassandra said and waved to all of her employees who were restocking and cleaning up the dance floor and bar areas. She made her way towards the offices that overlooked the whole entire club as she made her way towards the steps.

Cassandra sat down on her seat and leaned forward as she started to go through work emails as well as bank statements and all of that stuff. She did remember slipping the girl that she had slept with the night before her phone number and started to play around with her hair, Cassandra did hope that the girl would end up calling her at some point during the day or swing by the Nightlife.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh but of course not~" Aline purred sweetly before resting her head on the backs of her hands. Aline looked up at the waitress that handed her the small plate full of fries and thanked her quickly. She took 2 nibbles out of the fries and looked back up. "A celeb but not an actor. You'd know him if you were a tech geek. Either way, he's got money. Oooh he might be your type if you like punctual, sweet, and totally harmless. But he can be a little too polite. And he's older. Oh. And hot." Aline squealed and as much as it sounded like Aline was flattering him more than necessary and bordering on "I'm completely into him," She really wasn't. Wolfen was like a brother and you don't date your brother unless you're into weird incest.

"Anyways, he should be here so- Oh, that's him!"Aline smiled while he kissed the top of her head and unconsciously flirted with Liz. Wolfen took a seat and ordered a burger for himself. "The plan? Well, Aline you know nightlife right? Doesn't your sister go there?" Aline lifted an eyebrow and nodded "Step sister but yeah, she does. She loves it there." She wasn't too fond of running into Raven in public just for the reason that she saw her enough already. Her friends didn't need to know her and besides, what would she do if Elizabeth ended up liking her more? They hadn't met each other yet but she was already extremely well known and sweet as hell.

"Well, why not go? An associate mentioned the place and said it was all the rave right my. We might as well check it out! I haven't seen Raven in a while so that'd be good too! What do you think Elizabeth?" What about what I think? Aline felt like tugging on the colar of that shirt and telling him NO sternly. But as much as she'd like to hate the entire idea, Aline was interested in checking the club out herself so she didn't protest and simply took another nibble of her french fry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Elizabeth blushed slightly when Wolfen flirted with her slightly and rubbed the back of her neck as Aline and Wolfen spoke about the club The Nightlife, though she personally hasn't been there it was a very popular night spot for both the young and celebrities in the area. But she wasn't really sure it was something that she would feel comfortable going to, but she really didn't want to let her friend Aline down and she did want to get to know Wolfen a little bit more. "Uhm, sure I don't mind going with you guys to the Nightlife tonight." Elizabeth gave a soft smile as she looked towards Wolfen and smiled softly. "Just call me Liz I always hated being called by my full name growing up." Liz said with a soft smile as she ran a hand through her hair.

Her food came over and she started to quickly dig into it she was rather hungry as she looked between Wolfen as well as Aline she didn't see the two of them together before. "So how did the two of you meet anyway?" Elizabeth asked as she ate her food softly and then she remembered seeing Raven's face on a lot of photos lately and looked towards Aline she wasn't sure why her friend actually hated her step sister. But she wasn't willing to piss off her best friend at all about it. "So since it will be awhile until night starts and i'm sure that the Nightlife isn't open right now, what should we do in the mean time?" Elizabeth finally asked.
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