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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

forgive me for the huge cs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Full Name: Jack Smythe
Alias: Sawyer
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Homeland: St. Petersburg, Missouri.
Languages: English.
Height/Weight: 5’8’’ 160 Lbs
Outfit/Armor: Jack commonly wears a white button up shirt with a black vest over top of that, alongside of a black tie. Accompanying this formal get up is a pair of black dress pants which are held up by a belt holster. He is often seen carrying around a pair of black leather gloves and is most noted for his black leather shoes. He enjoys dressing nice and enjoys looking like the man that he wants to be, not the man that he is inside.
Hunting Gear: Brass Knuckles and Leather Gloves- Jack uses these as his primary self defense when in extremely close quarters, as he is quite adept at hand to hand combat and can knock out most men in a few punches.
- Jack’s weapon of choice when trying to take down targets from a great distance, as it is faster than most other rifles due to its bolt-action, magazine-fed repeating fire capabilities. It fires a .303 caliber round, making it the deadliest weapon in Jacks arsenal. It has a long barrel and he has nick-named this rifle “Freebird”.
- Jack carries two of these revolvers on his belt holster in case he runs out of ammunition for his rifle or he’s in a jam and needs to take down his mark faster than it would take for him to beat them silly with his Brass Knuckles. They fire a .31 caliber and are fairly potent in midrange combat. Jack chose this revolver over many other because he just prefers the look and feel of them, he’s a pretty simple guy. He just likes pretty guns… and ladies.
Likes/Dislikes: Jack enjoys his tricks, and not the magic kind. He enjoys being a con-man, tricking people into doing things for him, or giving him what he wants by tempting them with a lie, a really damn good lie. On top of that he loves his guns, not more than he loves women and the pursuit of them, but he loves his guns nonetheless. If he’s not polishing and fixing the sights on “Freebird” or making sure his craftily acquired revolvers are in good and working order, Jack is likely found at a bar somewhere in the city or town that he has a job in. At said bar, he’s more likely to get slapped in the face or have a drink thrown in it for his lewd comments and gestures, but who could blame the man for trying.
Jack is not known, however, for having a fine taste for the arcane and mystical. He finds the whole thing eerie and unholy, not that he’s incredibly religious (He did manage to make a whole church believe he was a pastor), but regardless, he disagrees with anyone who tells him magic is real even though he has seen it first hand on many occasions. Not fond of magic and not much fond of horses, Jack will do anything in his power to avoid riding horseback, even horse drawn buggies, carts and carriages are pushing it for him. He would much rather travel by steam engine or boat to get to where he’s going. And of course, lastly, Jack hates… absolutely hates losing a bet, or anything to the like. He loves making wagers, but absolutely hates it when he loses those wagers, mostly because he loves to apply his cunning tricks to win, and feels like a moron when he’s outsmarted, as he tends to think of himself as quite a smart fellow.
Occupation: Jack was a con-man, running around from town to town working out his little schemes until he and a couple of his buddies were picked up by an American agency to beat criminals at their own game. He became something of a spy for several years, infiltrating crime syndicates and learning their secrets before reporting them to his higher ups. His talent for being cunning and tricky earned him the right to move up in the force to become some sort of backwards lawman. The police didn’t trust him, course no one trusted him, He was a bit of a liar and the Guild seemed to think that would come in handy for their purposes, whatever it was.
Skill Set: Theft, Marksmanship, Boxing, Talking his way out of poor situations, Infiltration, Sneaking around to get information.
Magic Abilities: Jack was gifted with an ability to have no cars in the world for magic whatsoever. He has no powers and doesn’t care to have any. If you were to ask him what his power was, he would likely answer “My power is the ability to not shove my foot up your ass when you ask me a stupid question.”
Pets/Companions: Jack arrived with two friends; Harry “Huck Finn” Thompson and Rebecxa Thatcher. Harry and Jack had been friends for what seemed like forever, they've known each other since childhood, and Rebecca had been a friend of his since he joined the American Secret Service, and left with him when the Guild picked him up. Harry and Jack we notoriously great together when pulling off Jacks schemes to trick criminals into giving up their plans and identities, these plans were what caught Becky’s attention and drew her to learn more about the dynamic duo.
Personality: Jack can be a bit of a rough and tumble kind of guy. Always looking for a good scrap when man to man with a bad guy, but if the odds don’t favor him, he’s more likely to be reasonable than to throw a right hook. Jack is rather crafty and smart, willing to use his intelligence to get the better of his opponents and use whatever tricks he can come up with to outsmart them, even if it means getting down and dirty with some unsavory people. He holds himself in high regard for his ability to acquire information and items vital to his assignment and has a bit of an ego when it comes to wooing women (though this ego is totally undeserved). Jack outside of work is the same man, fairly confident and lacks decent judgment about situations concerning women and the arcane. He’s not known for being able to take the right course of action, but when he sets his mind to a task, he will complete it in his own way and do it to his own liking… kind of a solo act if you were to ask him when Harry’s not around.
Background: Jack grew up in an orphanage, with Harry, which is where he learned his tricks. They were self taught, but he had to learn to trick the nuns that watched over him and the rest of the children in the orphanage. He grew up hearing talk about family and what it was supposed to mean, but he never cared for any of that, what kind of family just dumps a little kid off at an orphanage and doesn’t look back? He felt abandoned for many years and felt like family was just a big waste of time and energy, so because of this, he never did get adopted. Once he was old enough, Jack hit the streets, conning people out of money, food, you name it. He had his faithful friend Harry running point for him when he was breaking and entering, leaving with whatever he could carry to keep his life going. A few years into this criminal behavior, authorities started to take notice, noticing that this young man had manage to evade the law and trick nearly every person he met. Luck soon ran out and Jack and Harry found themselves on the wrong end of a bad deal, finding that Jack himself had been tricked by a group of bank robbers. These robbers left him and his pal looking red handed at the scene of a crime that these robbers had committed, allowing them, for the first time, ever, to be arrested. This opened his eyes and gave him a new perspective, what if he could use his talent for lying, cheating and stealing to catch bad guys like those robbers? Him and Harry started doing freelance work, catching these criminals all over the country until their work became noticed by several agencies wanting to use his unique tactics to bust large crime operations safely and with minimal casualties. Jack gladly accepted a job with the American Secret Service, traveling the whole globe in search of baddies. Little did he know that there were bigger plans for him. The secret service had him tracking down groups of monsters in crime organizations and had him bringing them to justice, but this had eventually caught the eye of the Guild, and they quickly took him from the Secret Service and started paying him handsomely for his ability to trick anyone or anything into giving him what he wanted, so long as the end result was that target either dead or behind bars. Jack enjoyed this new life, even though he had a great disdain for magic, he enjoyed the idea of ridding the world of these evil things and being called a hero, heroes get the ladies… that’s what he thought at least. When he joined the Guild, his partner in the service as well as his best friend joined him in the Guild, giving Jack the freedom to operate fairly freely without the help of others unless the job required more brute force, or more finesse in certain areas that he couldn’t really handle with his small team of close friends.
Unique Abilities: Jack is smarter than the average human, and he can outsmart nearly anyone he comes up against, save for that crafty Merlin. He was always able to see though Jack’s tricks. He has a knack for accomplishing a nearly impossible task with the most ridiculous of plans, as he utilizes ingenious ploys and tricks to be able to outwit and dunderhead willing to try and test his mind. Jack is very adept at shooting as well. His time in the Secret Service allowed him to learn how to fire a rifle at long range and gave him the confidence to be able to take out primary targets from a good distance without being detected.
Other: Jack and his friends recently came to the guild hall and have spent more time perusing their own endeavors than they have trying to get any jobs in the Guild, mostly due to the fact that Harry and Jack were nigh inseparable until recently, when Harry started to want to take the Guild seriously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valeric


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hahah, it appears as though our entire party aside from Ellie primarily uses ranged weaponry. I guess it does make a lot of sense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

yea, i'm hoping to post later tonight, i managed to type this up during my kids nap
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Course my personal favorite part is in his magical abilities
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollywolfe


Member Offline since relaunch

What year are we set in? I had thought it was 1859, but I'm not seeing it anywhere in IC or OOC.
Also Val, apparently Red doesn't have her cloak yet. She's just wearing a maid's dress at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

All I know is this is victorian era and all of that
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valeric


Member Seen 1 mo ago

My bad. I seem to be constantly screwing things up. I'll edit it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollywolfe


Member Offline since relaunch

Is okay, I put Woody out in the Brothel instead of the Guild tavern, and I just realized I never edited that. Going to do it now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hurry people like me that are human and make mistakes!!! Mine while likely be grammatical or using weird words in weird places. But still likely that ill be like you guys and put people where they clearly are not supposed to be. Im supergood at the putting people in odd places
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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Azena Drunken Storyteller

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Leo, just a few notes. The Guild is only known to few. It makes sense that the Secret Service would know about them, but just to be clear your average citizen does not know about them or the monsters that lurk in the shadows. Also, I can allow Harry and Rebecca to have joined the guild since they are from Sawyer's lore, but you'd only interact with them in the Guild. You'll be assigned to the same team as the rest of the players, so you'll be split from your former trio. Finally, how long have you been in the guild or are you a new recruit?

@Jolly, around that time. However, we're going to play more to the fantasy elements on here so details won't be as important. It's mostly to set the period for appearance sake. I'll be working in some steampunk elements and making plenty of historical errors along the way so just go with them :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ill put a few notes about that in the case. Thanks for reminding me of that part with the new recruit
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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Azena Drunken Storyteller

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay. Just don't edit your post. I've all ready worked it into my next one and am just tweaking details right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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Azena Drunken Storyteller

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Wonder, hope you don't mind, but I'm taking some GM privelage and saying you don't have the family grimoire yet. You'll be getting it in just a second, as well as the rest of you getting useful items. Like Red's cloak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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Azena Drunken Storyteller

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay new post is up. Few notes: You may notice I split up the posts. If you haven't figured out why, I'm centering the section around certain party members. If I don't blatantly state it, context clues should let you know who I'm talking about. Refer to your last post if you're not sure. That said, you should still read the others so you know what is going on and make sure I didn't slide a reference in about you. The last part will often bring some if not the whole of the group together.

About your items...Jolly, we've discussed Red's cloak and that all still applies. Wonder, Eulalie's book has about 50 pages, but most of it is blank except for the three spells you have in your CS. Val, the quiver has silver-tipped arrows. Pretty basic, but invaluable on most hunts. Leo, the scope can be mounted on Jack's rifle. It is enchanted and the dial on it can be turned to switch from a thermal vision, to a Libra vision that can show some information about the target, one that shows vital areas like the heart, and finally a standard zoom function. I'd prefer you let me know when you want to use it so i can reveal the appropriate information, especially when using the Libra and vital functions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have one word about the scope

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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Azena Drunken Storyteller

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ya I developed a new policy for this game (I'm also running two table-top groups with it) last night that everyone, not just a few will have a magical item as a gift from Merlin. Since there isn't anything unusual about Jack, I decided a unique scope would be useful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yea. He's pretty normal as far as people in a magic guild go
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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Azena Drunken Storyteller

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yep, but not alone. Devin is a regular hunter and their are others. Just many members have unique talents or magic that plays to their lore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

updated my cs and added a part under other to explain his joining of the guild
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