Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

Write your name legibly:
Rhea Heimlich. Is that enough for you? I'm certain that I can add more if you feel that's too unbefitting.

Hmm... isn't this a too personal thing to ask of people, especially ladies that come seeking membership? That said, I guess it won't harm to tell you I'm at least of legal age, fufufu~

Home Address (or where you might often be found):
Have you ever heard the term stranger danger? Because I'm thinking this form is a bit too personal for a job application. Either way, you can usually find me in Comet-by-the-Sea, at a lovely book café called Cybele. Of my own ownership, nonetheless. Ara, this does not count as self advertisement, does it?

Why are you filling out this application?
For fun. Is that an acceptable answer?

What do you know about the Tin Dragon Detective Agency?
"Tin Dragon, in the old days, was an alchemists' guild known for its adventurous members and historic discoveries of new plants, minerals, and mythical creatures. Eventually they expanded their specialization into trailblazing and field research, until the archaic pursuit of alchemy was all but forgotten. Members today wear a tin badge etched with an ouroboros to honor the agency's origin." — Excerpt of the History of the Kingdoms.

You're investigating the death of a young nobleman at his mansion. His wife tells you he had fallen down drunk after coming home from the pub. The butler tells you he'd never gone out, and simply dropped dead after his tea. The postman tells you he'd seen the young nobleman in an argument with a fairy earlier that day. What do you do next? Why? There is no wrong answer.
Dissect the corpse, of course. If there's alcohol on his stomach, the wife is saying the truth. It it's tea, then the butler is right. Either way both are likely to contain the poison that came in postman's latest delivery. If you can find who sent it, the answer shall be obvious.

The officer's son you're sworn to protect and your mother are both hanging from a cliff. You have time to save one before they fall. Which do you save?
The kid. After all, his father would arrest me if I let it die, right?

What is your favorite tea?
I'm more of a coffee person, if you ask me. If you want to know about that, I like a freshly brewed steaming latte better than anything else.

Please fold this application into an envelope and drop into your city's Tin Dragon tip box before midnight. You will receive our response within the week.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

Lance Corporal Eris Reinhardt

Height: 167 cm Weight: 56 kg Age: 24 years

Eris Reinhardt.


Being a young woman of average height and build, with a well-endowed figure, a fine and fair complexion as well as neither excess, nor lack of musculature, one one can say that Eris is an example of what most have in mind when they think of the expression "fair lady".

That said, while her constitution is certainly not an unattractive one, the aspects that distinguish Eris from any number of other fair young maidens are her silvery hair and reddish, veering on crimson, eyes. Those shades may not be unheard of, but certainly they are a rare sight, making her appearance very distinctive.

Lance Corporal.


Weapons and Equipment:
Galian S1 Rifle, Engineer Tools, Ragnaid, B Type M-1 Grenades, Viper E-1 Pistol, Multipurpose Knife.

There was a time on Eris' life when she was adept of a far less healthy vision of the world than the one she has now. While her younger self was much more of a nihilist and social Darwinist, the current Eris has matured into a caring yet strong-willed young woman, thanks to the magic called life experience.

Even so, she can come across as brash and impulsive but it doesn't take much for Eris to mellow out and show her true colors toward most people. Other than this much, it's only worthy mention that Eris is very susceptible to being teased. It's not very hard to make her embarrassed if you choose your words the right way. Her reddened face and stammering voice can be quite amusing if you are into this kind of thing.

Eris' family is originally from the Northern reaches of the Empire. They moved to Galia a generation ago when the Empire began to show signs of the unrest that would lead to the current war, hoping that a notorious neutral nation would be a safer place to live. They couldn't have been any wronger.

Eris along with her older twin sister Enyo, better know by nickname Eins, grew in a small city between the Kloden Wildwoods and Randgriz, fertile highlands where life was supposed to be easy and stress free.

Upon reaching college age, both sisters went to study on the capital. While her sister chose to pursue a degree on Journalism, but actually make a living as a writer, Eris first attempted Mathematics, but when she found out that her passion for Geometry far surpassed that for Calculus and Arithmetic, Eris changed her choices and majored in Design, while keeping her former studies with a minor degree.

When it comes to military training, Eris first tried to enlist as a Lancer, but found that it didn't suit her very well, thus being reassigned as an Engineer with more focus put on medical training. On college, as is commonplace for any non-Darcsen, she was offered an Officer's Training Course, including tank operation. For a number of reasons, mainly being that she never believed a real war would break on Gallian soil, Eris declined the promotion upon the course's completion. Instead, she kept a rank of Lance Corporal, judging that this would be as much as she would ever need to climb on the militia's rank.

On the last days before the onset of the War Eris had returned back home and (given her eclectic skill set) found her primary employment in being a teacher at the local school. When she wasn't busy with her primary job, Eris would be working on her other talents or spending her time reading.

Sadly, such a busy life had at least one non desirable impact on Eris' life. She never had the time to think about a family of her own, which is not good for a woman in the flower of her youth. It's not like she hates it, but the fact that Eris was conscripted because a war broke out while she's on the prime age to have children, elevated her self-consciousness levels quite considerably.

RP Sample:
"Sis, I hope that you are reading this letter from home, instead of a barracks. What I'm writing in this letter will make it to the news in a few days, but will likely be censored by the government as soon as it leaves the press. The war has intensified considerably and our forces are taking heavy losses one after the other. Do what you must, but avoid the North, the Military High Command is throwing the Militia at the imperials like without any regard for their well being, or strategy. Furthermore, there are reports of both sides breaking the Wartime Laws in more ways than one, don't assume you'll be well if you are conscripted.

Please, I know that you want to have a family more than anything else so, stay safe.

With love, from your sister,


"I'm sorry, Eins, I can't really do as you asked," Eris said to herself as she burned the letter from her sister, just before arriving at her new home for the time being. That was a dangerous document to posses, for both siblings, thus Eris could trust its destruction to any halfhearted method.

The fact that Eins had mentioned Eris' desire to have a family kind of pulled the young engineer's mind (which was avoiding the issue of the war with a number of distracting thoughts) back to reality with full force. The sudden surge of self-consciousness made Eris take a hand to her stomach as she stifled the urge to retch.

A passing duo of fellow conscripts offered their help to Eris, but she dismissed them with a wry smile, saying that she was alright. On their way out, Eris was sure that she heard them commenting if she had been conscripted despite being pregnant. If only... if only they knew how much she wished those words to be true as she stopped to wash away the taste of the leftover bile, in a fountain by the entrance of the camp's main building. Taking this chance to recompose herself, before joining the newest draft of conscripted militiamen, Eris let her expression return to a neutral smile once again as she finally thought of a fitting reply she would write for her sister as soon as she had the time to:

"I'm sorry, Eins. I don't know yet, but I may be unable to do as you asked. Look at it from the bright side, though. At east you won't have anyone calling you 'Auntie' within a short order, I suppose that's good too, right?

I love you as well, please stay safe,


It might be a bit of a morbid joke, but at least it was fitting. "I just want to prove it, if I can," Eris thought as she finally entered the briefing room where her fate would be decided.

"Isara-san, may you rest in peace."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

Chiya ⛨ Mame
Height: 167 cm. Weight: 59 kg. Age: 17 years. Hair Color: Chestnut. Eye Color: Hazel.

Name: Chiya Mame.
Age: 17 years.
Race: Human.
DOB: August 27th, 1999.
Zodiac: Virgo.
Occupation: Student. Also works part-time at an antique bookstore.

Chiya's backstory isn't that complex, to say the truth. Her family never had a tradition of producing magic users of any sort. In fact, they were pretty much generic humans until the day when Chiya (still a young child, at that time) found some old books and notes stached on an old trunk, at their attic. It turned old that those were good her greatgranfather bought from a foreign sailor, while he was still alive and ran a pawn shop at the docks.

No one in Chiya's family could ever sell or make use of the notes. They were written mainly in Greek and Arabic and dealt with what looked like Mathematics and Astrology, after all. It turned out that one of the journals had translation notes to the key points of the notes, but given that t was written in English, Chiya was the first member of her family to ever be able to read it. Chiya learned what she could of the ancient manuscripts on classic Western esoterism, but as it turned out, she needed a bit of a push in her studies.

The invitation to a legitimate magic school came at a perfect time. There was no way Chiya could turn it down.

Chiya's magic is based on a far less supernatural, but no less wonderful, concept than most others. To put it simply, her magic gives her a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, especially those related to Geometry and Trigonometry. While it may seem bland at first sight, it's a knowledge that can be used in an endless number of different fields.

Magical Equipment
While the only tool required for Chiya's magic tends to be her brain, she usually carries a journal and a mechanical pencil, since it can prove hard for other people to understand what she's trying to say without drawing it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

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