Duncan Moran
Gender Male
Age 22 (almost 23)
Date of Birth: Sept 25, 2000

Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’7”
Build: Rugged (extremely strong for his size)
Other Features:
Duncan had a limited sense of fashion. In older pictures, his hair was normally either cut off like he was in Basic Training, or a bowl haircut that made him look like Moe from the Three Stooges. (He opted for the former if he had a choice.) Now, after two years, his hair has grown to a length he finds annoying. He hacks it off enough that it won’t interfere with his sight, but he hates it.

His clothing usually consisted of jeans, a T shirt (preferably some dark color, usually black), and tennis shoes. There was a time when much of what he had - which wasn’t much - were hand me downs, flea market or yard sale specials or worse (if you can imagine worse. Trust me; there is if you have ever heard of dumpster diving. Most of his clothes were of that origin). But after the loss of his family and his emancipation, his clothing began to improve. Unfortunately, old habits die hard. He had boxes of jeans and black T shirts when he took off for his world tour.

He wore a glove on his left hand (carries the right glove). This once earned him a few Michael Jackson jokes. He would take the glove off to play guitar, wash dishes, cut steak, etc. His hand was nearly sliced in half when he was 15. Now it is almost completely healed.

A first impression of Duncan - if you discount the signs of a fight - is that he is NOT a troublemaker, but rather a decent, honest guy. No tattoos, piercings or jewelry.

He had scars from old wounds from multiple gunshot wounds (left shoulder, right and left upper leg - left side got far worse), knife wounds (left stomach, left hand), broken ribs (worst is on lower left rib cage), and more (back covered with whip marks). He had a reduced lung capacity and walked with a limp in his left leg. All this, too, had healed.

Duncan is a prodigy. He completed his GED at age 13 and began studying at a college level, advancing his education through CLEP testing. By age 15 he had two Bachelor’s degrees - Physics and Chemistry and a teaching certificate. He was literally certified to teach high school. He jumped into his graduate studies, finding it impossible to take mainstream school and work on a PhD at the same time. And it was partly his idea to continue in mainstream school until he was an adult - for no other reason than to round out his education and develop socially.

Sports: He loves Soccer and ALWAYS has a soccer ball either with him or in his locker. He also loves swimming and rock climbing. He’s a natural at football and will play, but has no real passion for the sport. The team is the only reason he plays. He HATES baseball - even though he is great at it. While he has played some of the other sports, soccer is the only one he can be easily tempted to play - but the events a year ago reduced his lung capacity making running harder.

Outdoors: Duncan loves climbing in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains. He used to live within a short bicycle ride.

He didn’t DO social media. No Facebook. No Twitter. No … what are some others?
Hated texting. My god. You have a phone in your hand. Use it maybe?
Despite multiple awards for computer science, he sucks at all things computer. Oh he can use office software, CAD, math programs. But build a website? BBCodes? Download an App?
Hates being told he can’t do something (that noone could - permission is another thing altogether). It just makes him want to try. You may as well have dared him.
Bluntly honest. His friends know better than to ask him anything if they don’t want honesty. (He does try to be constructive usually. He can manage tact.)
Enjoys debating and taking the unpopular side if noone else will. (He once defended slavery in a class where caucasian was the minority as part of an exercise. He even used his southern accent that was usually absent. He won the debate.)
Movies? He’s seen a few. But he’s missed out on a lot when he was younger.

Likes helping people
Natural leader - whether he wants to be or not.
Athletic (despite all the injuries)

Hates people. He hates having friends. They are such a royal pain, always needing maintenance and attention. Go away!
OCD (not extremely so. He’s not Sheldon from TBBT. But his books are arranged on his shelves by subject, alphabetized. When he buys groceries he organizes everything in neat rows and in set number - like 4 of everything. If bored he’ll start organizing everyone else’s stuff.)
Can’t sit still for long.
Remembering things he’s told. Photographic memory has nothing to do with ears.
Generous to a fault ...

Science and Technology
Science Fiction
Looking for new things to like
Food (international, new, etc)
Cooking (His mother taught him a little so he wouldn’t starve to death.)
Teaching, tutoring, etc. Few things give him more pleasure than seeing the light come on in someone’s eyes when they finally understand a new concept.

Gangs, drugs, alcohol

Demophobia (fear of crowds. He can speak to an audience. He can teach. He can play for a band. But through him into the middle of a dance floor and he will be on the verge of a panic attack. He will hover on the edge of the room.)
Arachnophobia (yes, if a tarantula dropped on his arm he will scream like a little girl)
He is otherwise fearless.

Duncan biological father was US Navy. So he was born into the military from the start. As an infant he was sickly, and at age 3 and a half he was dying in the hospital when his biological father, an alcoholic, abandoned them.

At Age 5 his mother met his Stepfather, at the time a USAF Staff Sergeant (E-5) in military transportation and they were shortly married. Overnight he went from being an only child to having an older brother and sister to pick on him. His whole step family resented him. If his older brother did something wrong, guess who got blamed. They were Deep South Southern Baptists preaching hellfire and damnation and he was the spawn of Satan - as his mother was Catholic.

He soon learned that his stepfather had other flaws. He was prejudiced and abusive. Hardly a day went by that Duncan didn’t get beaten. So he blessed the days when his father was away on TDY’s. Of course, there was always a list of chores. Things finally reached a boiling point. His brother was killed by a gang. His sister left to go to a foster family. His brother’s gang tried to recruit him. His stepfather didn’t believe he had refused to join the gang and nearly killed him with a beating intended to mimic a hazing ritual - and went to prison for child abuse. His brother’s rival gang broke into the house, shot and killed his mother.

Duncan went into foster care for about a month before his maternal grandparents pulled him out. Duncan had written and published science fiction books. His grandparents managed to get permission for him to stay in a college dorm. Soon he arranged for his emancipation and relieved them of responsibility.

Other Stuff
Photographic memory (not eidetic)
Speed Reading
Foreign Languages - Turkish, German, Russian, Cherokee, Japanese, and a fair bit of Italian.
Desert and Mountain survival, basic
Stone Age skills (fire starting, making adobe)
Boy Scouting skills (Yes, he was a boy scout.)
MMA (mixed martial arts, mixed because of moving around. He’s hardly some Bruce Lee, but he’s never lost a fight … yet. Never started one either.)
Published author (sci fi). Just finished his 5th book. This is how much of his college and gear are paid for.
Plays guitar and keyboard

He also has a violin. His running joke is that he tried to learn how to play it, but every time he practiced PETA showed up at his house with every stray cat and gave them signs that read, “STOP THE TORTURE!”

Personal Gear
Several high end gaming laptops, souped up
Smartphone (his first) and he still hasn’t figured out how to answer it
Guitars (Martin and Gibson)