Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Vivienne felt offended at his words, but she didn't let the words deter her. And she covered that with a charming smile. She was a natural at concealing the most powerful of her emotions, and almost like every pirate captain, it wasn't proper for a pirate to get seasick, become sad, or even show a bit of anger. It just wasn't right. She stayed quiet, and watched the blacksmith quickly leave. Well, I tried to help, she thought with a shrug before quickly going back to picking the lock upon the door, praying that at any moment, it would click and she would be home-free!

"Come on...come on", the brunette mumbled, trying to concentrate on getting the lock to release itself. Just a little more and.... there was that opening of the prison entrance again. She, once again, laid on the ground, acting unconcerned. Hearing that very naive man come back to her again, a question began to bug her. "Before I answer that, answer this: why so desperate to retrieve that girl?", she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Who is she to you?", it was a curious question, and all she needed was a reason. Plus, she needed to know. "What's your name?", she then asked, finding herself staring.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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The nerve. Seriously? Here he is offering to break her out of jail - something that would get him hanged as well - and she wants to ask questions. She should just be grateful he's saving her from the noose. As it was, this was NOT something he usually did. He refrained from snapping at her. That wouldn't help. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he needed her. He needed someone. The governor would not help without the commodore. And Norrington wasn't going to spend resources. Will silently cursed the man. Personally, he never manned a boat before so he couldn't do something. He needed this pirate - crazy or not. He sighed. "She's a friend. We played together when were younger." Well she was part of their play so it works. Really he was more fixated on Elizabeth and Abigail tagged along but this was honest enough and all that the woman really needed to know.

Don't show weakness. Don't show hesitation. She was a pirate. If she saw that he needed her badly she would use that against him. He needed to act as if her willingness to help wasn't his only option. Though, she wasn't stupid. They both knew he was fairly desperate if he was coming to her. No doubt that would hurt him. If he was honest with himself he would admit that he would probably do most anything she asked to help free Abigail. But no need to let her know that.

Wheb she asked his name he didn't waste time. "Will. Will Turner. So will you help or not?" He stood nonchalant though his heart raced. Every second they delayed here was another second Abigail was abused and mistreated. Every moment the woman asked stupid questions decreased the chance of Abigail being alive when they find her. "I'll get her back, Elizabeth. He vowed silently. "I swear it." Not that Elizabeth could hear him. He pushed that aside.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Vivienne's blue eyes never left him, even while she began to sit up. Hearing him recite his name as "Will Turner", the brunette found herself repeating the name in her head.

Will Turner. Will Turner. Will Turner.

The name was slowly coming to her, and somehow, she felt as if she heard it before. The brunette found herself making a half-smirk. "Short for William, is it not?", she asked, becoming a little impressed. "A good, strong name for a young man", she nodded at the thought before making a frown. He will take that as a compliment, no doubt. But she will most definitely wonder on why he came so persistent on rescuing this damsel. "Uh huh", the pirate mumbled to herself, in a small tone of annoyance. "Well then, Mister Turner, just how do you plan on releasing me?", Vivienne then wondered if he had a plan, giving herself leverage on standing, though she made the same wince to the injury from yesterday. If she considered, this young man would be useful on the contrary, and he might even be worth sparing.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Will straightened, almost instinctively at her comment about it being a strong name. He was named after his father. William Turner Senior had been a great man. A sailor. A merchantman. He was an honest man, not like these pirates. Turning his thoughts away from that, Will looked at the pirate woman. "Very easy actually. But you have yet to agree." He pointed out. He wasn't going to tell her the weakness in the jail bars - bars he himself had made. It wasn't really a weakness per say. Just certain points that if you knew about you could easily take the bars apart. Thankfully, you could only do it from the outside and it wasn't obvious - only a blacksmith would catch it. And even then, it could depend. Still...he wasn't going to tell her what it was. She was cleaver. Undoubtedly she'd figure something out. "I can guarantee I can get you out of these cells." He crossed his arms. "But first you need to swear you'll help. And it better be on something good." Not that he could hold her to it.

He looked at the woman waiting for her to promise. He realized that he still didn't really know her name. Politeness would have been to ask right away but he hadn't bothered when they first met. Of course, her being a pirate and the little sword bout hadn't helped much. But now, it probably would be helpful to know the name of the person he was risking his life for. "Also, do you have a name?" Of course she had a name. What a stupid way to phrase that. Oh well, to late to rephrase that. That would just make it worse.

He glanced toward the hole in the cell, looking out toward the bay. They had to hurry. It won't be long before the soldiers made their way here. They were currently still helping clear everything up but they'd undoubtedly come to check the prisoner. Not to mention, this time wasting was making it all the more difficult for Abigail. He couldn't think about the horrors that she was enduring at this moment.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Now she was amused; that he had the same amount of charm that she would mostly speak, at normal standards. Tilting her head up at his directness, Vivienne perched an eyebrow at his words; not in an annoyed fashion, but with a bit of curiousity. What else can this 'William' say? She was somehow eager to find out how far his determination can go, and with this 'promise', the pirate was just on the right track to find out.

With this deal, she finally made eye contact with him, after a moment of thought. What she really was worried about, was Vane. His current reputation as a captain was dropping, while currently staying in the taverns of Nassau, drinking away and having 'company'. She could only roll her eyes at the thought. Would Vane accept new crew mates at this time? Maybe he won't know by the time this rescue was completed; it could work. "William, my name is Vivienne Black", she introduced herself in a soft yet respectful manner, feeling comfortable with calling him by his first name. "This task will not be easy, therefore you will listen to me at all times. In return, you, and Miss Abigail, will walk away safely, with Captain Low's head on a sword. Deal?", the brunette reached out her hand through the bars, waiting patiently for him to seal it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Vivienne Black. Very interesting name for a pirate. He had half expected some more masculine name or something. Some pirates changed their name when they went that way and Vivienne....well though it sought her, it seemed almost too...delicate for her line of work. He pushed the thoughts aside and looked at her. Listen to her at all times huh? Well, that didn't mean he had to obey. He didn't trust her. Oh she would help him - or he hoped. He was a bit desperate there. But even if she did, she'd have her own agenda and would probably try to stab him in the back in the end. The thought crossed his mind that she might only be agreeing to capture Abigail for herself and rub it into Captain Low. But he had no choice but to work with her. Maybe she and Low would kill each other and make this easier. The concept of wishing her dying hit him and he pushed away the regret.

"As long as it seems reasonable." He took her hand and shook. Her hand was a bit rough from swordplay but at the same time smooth. She was still a woman and it was obvious. He let her hand go and went over to the candle holder. Breaking it he headed to the bars. "There's a weakness in the bars. If you pry them at a certain angle they'll give." He paused at her inquisitive look. "I helped make them. The final design wasn't my idea and couldn't be helped." His master had done some of the work. The idiot. Will had done the best he could but the flaw was still there.

He broke the bars open, using the candlestick as leverage. He eyed the pirate - Vivienne - a bit suspiciously but stepped aside letting her out. "We need to get out of here safely, find a ship, and get Abigail. I'd prefer we leave now." He didn't leave much room for arguing.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Vivienne looked upon the blacksmith, and waited for his concluding answer. As long as it seemed reasonable? Oh, she had a few reasons as to why she even agreed. One, she saved the girl; two, Low now possesses the richest of metals, and three, she wanted this 'Will' to know what the image of piracy is really about. After all, he did sound like a confident know-it-all, and Black used this opportunity to prove that he was getting mad at the wrong people. It was Low he should really be angry with. Plus, his bleakness annoyed her, and it won't do him much good if he kept going at it.

The brunette found herself staring, until she felt him take her hand. With that, Vivienne nodded, glad that he was finally able to agree to her offer. Then, that's when she just watched him show the weakness to these cells. What an impressive yet a clever technique. Guess he's just as good, but how good exactly? Mister Turner already showed her his skill in swordplay, and now here he was, showing off the secret to breaking out of prison. The pirate woman may learn a thing or two from this young man. "Well, I must admit, you've done a very fine job", she complimented him while stepping back, impressed by this sneaky manuever, with that smile of hers again. With the bars breaking, Vivienne made no hesitation to get out, stepping over the rubble, and approaching her effects nearby. "That won't be necessary, I've come prepared", she grabbed her stuff, and they were on their way, out of the prison, and towards the harbor.


Vivienne was stepping through the shallows of harbor water, along with Will close by. She quietly led themselves underneath a bridge, at a good view of the Interceptor and, if young William could see it, the hidden camouflaged vessel, between the two rock formations, a few yards away.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Sneaking through town wasn't as hard as Will thought. It was fairly easy dashing between buildings, ducking aside as soldiers with their gleaming redcoats walked by. Will followed Vivienne as she seemed to know what she was doing. That's right. She had to have gotten on the island some how. He doubted she just arrived on one of the merchant ships. But then again, he wouldn't put it past her. Though she had a look about her, she didn't scream pirate. Well...mostly.

Reaching the harbor Will paused. So they would be taking the Interceptor. Nice. It was the fastest ship in the fleet. But could they really man the whole thing? There was no way two people could get the sails up and prep everything for launch. Oh they probably could sail it once everything was ready but preparation - no way. He started to look at Vivienne when his eye caught something. Turning back he studied the ground. Was that a.... it was. There was a little boat cleverly hidden. He had practically missed it. But how did one get to it? It was out on the water, with no visible way to walk there.

He turned to Vivienne. "Is that your boat?" He asked
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Vivienne had her blue eyes scanning the surroundings about the harbor, the dock, and the currently-anchored Interceptor. No doubt that the Commodore Norrington would be there, possibly to monitor the activity of the shipment being transferred from the boat to the dock. Wait, off the dock? So, he wasn't going out to sea to rescue the governor's niece? How callous...and inattentive. Unless William tried to briefly with him earlier, the pirate was still dumbfounded.

Her eyes then traveled to the hidden ship in the rocks. Hearing Mister Turner recall his observation, she corrected him, not taking her eyes off of it. "Ship, Mister Turner, it's called a ship", never call the Ranger a boat, by any means. 'Boat' just made it sound small and powerless. Vane wouldn't appreciate the term, no sir. "It's not really mine, per say; it's a borrowing", she only hoped that Jim Hawkins was able to disable the rudder of the anchored ships earlier yesterday. It would only make their escape more sufficient, if they were ever spotted.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Will bristled slightly at her correction. Ship. Boat. Did it really matter with Abigail's life on the line? He sighed. "Ship then." He raised an eyebrow slightly at her comment. "Borrowing?" That meant she stole it from someone. She and a crew probably commandeered it. But she was undoubtedly one of those pirates who used fancy talk to avoid calling it as it was. Why? Maybe it was to help their guilty consciences. He didn't know. He didn't understand pirates nor wanted to. They were scum. The British and the East India Company had a good idea when it came down to it: first offense - branding. Second, hanging. Assuming of course they just didn't hang you. Most of the time they skipped the first and just went to the second.

Enough people in the world had been hurt by pirates. And considering all the damage they did to his own life, Will had no sympathy for them. The only reason he was even working with this woman was because he had no choice. She would lead him to Abigail, rescue the girl, and help him get his revenge. After that, he would be glad to never see her again.

"So, how do we get out there? Swim? You do know that if the Dauntless and Interceptor see us, they'll be after us immediately. And I don't care how fast your ship," he purposely put emphasis on the word, "is but nothing can outrun the Interceptor. I hope you have a plan."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Just by Will's observation, and opinion, it only made the pirate narrow her eyes, and form a smirk on her lips. She had a plan; which would either be madness, or brilliance.


Upon the hidden ship, the quartermaster John Silver, once again, had the spyglass, scanning across the already-damaged town, searching for their temporary captain. Come on...come on.., for the umpteenth time, this was being said from him this morning. Vivienne has been there all night, no doubt getting caught, or perhaps seducing someone for a successful pardon. He held no doubts on Black, although he did, at times, worry. He will never admit it, though. He may be charming, but this doesn't make him a womanizer. Not at all. It was all for self-need, and satisfying the crew. Nonetheless, Silver confided in Black...


Waiting for a group of red coats to march by, Vivienne led William to an upside down rowboat upon the beach, and hid underneath it, until another group trotted by. With herself in the front of the upside down boat, she led the way into the ocean.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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"You're mad!" Will said as they pulled the heavy boat under the water. The air pocket provided allowed them to breath even as they walked on the base floor. Still, it took a lot of effort to keep the boat pulled underwater. Boats were not made to go underwater and Will was a bit surprised that Vivienne was able to hold her part down. Grudgingly that gave her another notch of respect. "Either that or a genius."

The sand floor wasn't that deep. It got deeper as they went further away. He guessed Vivienne knew the way, which was good. It was a bit difficult to tell directions under the water and with the current pulling at them, one could be turned around. "So, I assume we hitch a ride on your 'borrowed' ship and head after Low?" He wasn't so sure he liked that idea but he would go with it. A pirate crew would come in handy taking on the other crew. He had been thinking more of a sneak in and out but apparently not.

But at least she was working with him. Will's mouth tightened at the thought of Commodore Norrington. The fact that him and Governor Swan didn't care to even see if Abigail was safe annoyed him. Once he rescued her, he'd let her father know. That would undoubtedly bring some recompense on Norrington. Will didn't know much about Abigail's father but he was a powerful lord. The fact that a British Navel officer refused to even see if his daughter was alive or extract vengeance on her death and possible lost virtue would no doubt make the lord extremely angry.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Vivienne didn't say anything the whole time she led Mister Turner into the water within the upside down boat. Even after he accused her of doing something so crazy, she didn't say anything. Though being called a genius had a good ring to it as well. "An underwater air-bubble. You should try it sometime", she simply advised him while giving the capsized boat a mighty push as they walked upon the ocean floor.

Unlike William, her thoughts were elsewhere, only trying to figure out how she will explain this to Vane when they get to Nassau without being scolded. Maybe Mister Silver will talk upon her behalf? This points to the fact that she wasn't truly the one in charge, nor was the Ranger even her ship to begin with. The pirate pushed her thoughts aside, once they managed to get below the hidden ship. "Mister Turner, take a breath", she advised before pushing the boat away, letting all the water come rushing in, and releasing themselves into the open ocean. Swimming herself to the surface, she and Will were spotted by Silver's spyglass. "Throw down a rope!", he ordered the men, until they threw a rope over the side, allowing them to climb up.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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He was trying it. Now. However, Will did have to admit it was a cleaver idea. He was going to have to remember it. Though, you would need a strong partner to keep the boat down. With the current and the boat itself, it was very difficult as it was to keep it down. Boats were meant to float. Holding it under water as well as trying to keep yourself below wasn't as easy as everyone made it out to be.

Nodding, he took a deep breath and let go as well. Having grown up on an island surrounded by water, he was an excellent swimmer. He didn't even get disoriented as he swam back toward the surface, breathing out slightly, the air bubbles going up ahead of him. Breaking the surface beside the boat, he inhaled and looked for Vivienne. The men on the boat above had spotted them and were shouting out orders. A rope came down. Catching it, Will gave it to Vivienne. Let her go first. Not only was it the polite thing to do but no doubt if he went up first, there would be a slight awkwardness until Vivienne came up and explained he was with her.

Brushing the wet hair out of his eyes, he followed up after her. His eyes took in her bare legs before he glanced away. He steeled himself and climbed up on deck.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Vivienne was a swimmer, pretty much on an athletic scale. It's true what they say that women on such a ship were considered as a 'bad omen', but when was the last time she ever brought on such luck. Taking a few strokes of her form to the surface, she was met with Will at the side of the Ranger. With her dark-brown, black hair slicked back due to the weight of water, she pulled herself up with an amount of effort upon the rope. Using her boots to give her better leverage upon the wooden surface of the vessel, the brunette gave a grunt with each pull, climbing. With her tailing bustle drenched, Vivienne used full strength at best.

Reaching the board of the deck, she gave William the time to catch up with her. "Miss Black", called a male voice from the helm; a male figure approaching down the stairs. "I was afraid you wouldn't make the assault late last night", there was a youthful quickness to his voice, almost in a smooth "as-a-matter-of-fact" way. If anybody compared his physique to the rest of the men being near, he was almost between a slender-athletic scale. Maybe both. A little shorter than William in height, though, at least a 5' 9" or 8", which would be one or two inches taller than Vivienne. He had short, brown-black hair that curled in the ends, to his shoulders, with a few waves here and there, and tan skin that had a sheen of sweat from the sun, hard work, or equal measures of both; not to mention a faint stubble of a mustache below his nose. He had on a brown shirt that seemed to be loose with rolled-up sleeves at the elbow, while being tucked into the pair of tight black pants, complete with a pair of black boots, and a glimpse of an old-string necklace being shaped like a metal cross, or some other intersecting pattern. His eyes were blue, but in a shade of a light blue; more like the sky than sea, whether it was a trick of the light setting them off or not.

"We thought the invaders robbed you", this was John Silver, quartermaster of the Ranger. There was a boyish look about him, almost crossing the line as being devious or someone to cause trouble, but overall, looks were deceiving. "Mister Silver, I assume you took notice of the said-invaders?", the female asked. "More or less, yes", there was a certain element of charm to him. "He took full advantage of the town last night, we've assumed that it was Low. The Fancy used a full-enough load like no other ship", he explained before crossing his arms, and leaning against the mast.

Vivienne turned away from her second-in-command, and towards the town of Port Royal in the distance. "Did you disable them?", the brunette asked, while looking at the Interceptor and the Dauntless. "Right after you left", Silver answered, almost in a smooth way of deviousness, while also looking at the ships. "Get us underway", Vivienne simply told him, still looking out to the anchored ships. They won't get far if they happen to notice... she inwardly thought.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Aboard the Ranger, Jim Hawkins fiddled with a switchblade, causing it to open and then close again and again. He had watched the attack last night with a bit of worry. Not only could it go bad for them if the Fancy had spotted them - Low and his men were not allies in any of the least - but the bombardment of the town also meant danger for their captain. There was no way Jim and the Captain would ever be an item. Ever. Not that he seriously thought about it that way. Did he have a slight infatuation with her? Yes; Not that he'd admit anything more than the usual admiration that the crew had in general. He was young and she was beautiful. Breathtaking really. But she'd never look at him like that. But that was ok. He would live and die for her, more so than most of the crew. So the few who knew she was in the town, he had stayed up roughly most of the night waiting and hoping.

He actually thought about swimming into town to verify her safety but orders were orders. But when the quartermaster spotted her, Jim felt so much relief flood through him. Grabbing a rope he tossed it down for them. Staying back as most of the crew now were on deck, he watched as she climbed aboard. Her wet hair still raining a few drops of water off, her clothes covering her body. He glanced away not wanting to accidently give something away. The quartermaster probably knew but thankfully Silvers was nice enough not to rub it in. Anyone else on the crew and he'd never hear the end of it. Not to mention, the Cap'n would find out.

When the Captain inquired about the disabling of the Dauntless and Interceptor, he smiled. That had been part of his job. Though one of the youngest members of the crew, he was a powerful swimmer and probably one of the best the crew had - due of course to his background of swimming since he was a child.

He frowned as he noted the young man climb up behind the woman. Who was he? He took in his appearance. The hair, the clothes. The look he had for them. The man apparently did not like them but why was he here? What had he to do with the Captain? The switchblade in his right hand flicked up and closed. Open and closed. He didn't like this upstart. As the Captain and the man walked away, he leaned toward Silvers. "Who's 'hat?" He inquired.

Will didn't like this one bit. The men were rough and what you'd imagine from pirates. Well...actually some of them didn't look as fierce or 'piratey' as he'd imagined. Still, they were murders, thieves, and pillagers. He wouldn't put it past any of them to try to kill him in his sleep. That right there made him wonder if Vivienne would have them do that. The fact that she was Captain was both surprising and not so much. Surprising for the fact she was a woman and it seemed strange she was Captain. But again not so surprising considering what he knew of her so far. He could actually see her leading - not because she was a good leader - but because she just came off as someone who would demand the obedience of others.

"How fast can the ship go?" He demanded following her. "How soon until we catch up with Low?" He didn't bother to keep his voice to a whisper. He didn't care what others thought.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Silver was one of those individuals who can be a bit staunch at times; especially when he and the Captain on the same page. Before he got hired on the ship, he was an individual who only served himself, but after he was seduced by the beauty of the sea, he found himself diving into opportunities; in this case, piracy. With Black, he found a familiarity within her that he can relate to himself: cunning and clever, not to mention being semi-manipulative. On his part, John Silver had the tongue that can be emphasized to his name: silver-tongue, a trait that Vivienne sometimes lacked, so he volunteered to be the back-up voice of influence, on-and-off the Ranger.

Unlike Jim Hawkins, their recent albeit youngest member, Silver admired the Captain as a partner; sometimes as a friend, he liked her way of thinking, and her quality of improvisation, giving him a clear reason to join as her quartermaster. They were equals in this life, just like the rest of the crew. Leaned up against the mast, with his arms crossed, he raised an eyebrow at Mister Hawkins' observation. He liked Jim for his talents too, mainly his talent to pickpocket, swipe, and get-away manuevers. He was another one who was clever on the crew, but for him to be the youngest, he had the weakness of influence, making him very easy to actually direct. Not that Silver and Vivienne would ever think of doing so, but Jim was only a kid, there was pity at the thought.

"I don't know", John answered the young lad in his usual 'matter-of-fact' tone. "A new member, perhaps? Miss Black was quick to bring him along, yet we don't know who he really is. Keep an eye on him for right now, and we'll just find out in a matter of time", he suggested before taking his leave, and pass the word of Black's recent order.

Vivienne was walking back to the helm of the Ranger, until she heard, once again, Mister Turner demand answers of her. 'That's right, he doesn't know this kind of life', she inwardly thought to herself while coming up with answers to his questions. "Fast enough, Mister Turner. Never underestimate the speed of the Ranger. All hands, gentlemen, we're going home!", the brunette answered the blacksmith before calling out where their next destination was: Nassau. If she was being honest with William, that is precisely where Low was heading, like every bucaneer in the Caribbean. Not to mention that the port was 'Pirates Only'; a paradise where one would spend in every way they can.

And so, the ship was moving; slowly out from the cover of the rocks, and towards the open ocean. At the moment, there was triumph...that there was no possible way of getting caught if anybody noticed them drifting in the distance.
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Jim nodded. He didn't like the man. He didn't know why. There was something about him that seemed...different. "Aye Sir." He watched the quartermaster leave before turning his attention back to the rookie. Bah. The man probably wouldn't last long at sea. But the Cap'n didn't make mistakes. She was excellent on who she picked and seemed to see someone's attributes. She had picked him up, offering him a life at sea, away from Tortuga where he had been born and raised. In a way, that had been a blessing. He had lasted a long time there but his luck wouldn't last forever. Despite being a place of lawlessness, a thief like him - cleaver or not - eventually was either forced into a gang or killed. He had been lucky that Vivienne had picked him up. A small smile toyed on his lips. He remembered that like yesterday.

Focusing his attention back to the newcomer, he hoped this young man wouldn't be trouble. But if he was, if he tried anything with the Cap'n, he'd find his throat slit quicker than anything. There might not be a lot of loyalty among a pirate crew - or some would think - but there were some extremely loyal to the lady captain, and Jim was one of them. He edged his way up closer pretending to work on some ropes as he eavesdropped.

"Home?" Will hissed. "You promised we'd go after Abigail." He glared down at the woman. "So now that I helped you escape, you're just going to back out now?" His eyes narrowed. He was technically on dangerous ground. She had her crew to back her up and he was by himself. His eyes took in those around them, the weapons, the size. Quickly analyzing each and every one, he ranked which ones would be the greatest threat provided they turned on him - something he assumed would happen. But not really until after finding Abigail.

There was a threat in the man's word. Jim's grip tightened and his other hand flipped open and closed his knife. If the man moved against the Cap'n he wouldn't know what hit him. Very few thought of Jim as a threat. He didn't mind. It was what had kept him alive and what was his greatest advantage. He didn't even have a sword. He didn't need one. For his age, very few could come close to him in regards to a switchblade.

His eyes smoldered slightly under his hat. He looked at the Cap'n. She could take care of herself but she shouldn't have to. That was what the crew was for.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

John Silver had the face of a somewhat grim when he heard their youngest recruit agree to his suggestion. So young Jim was, he was the easiest to stir; be either by the Lady Black's word, or Mister Silver's own. It was one of John's greatest attributes: his word of influence and persuasion. Vivienne didn't have a thorough thought to get inside someone's head like him, but she surely knew how to manipulate one's feelings and/or desires. That was how she got easy pardons, and how she lived for so long in the pirate life; as a woman.

The quartermaster walked the deck, away from the controversy between the captain and the new arrival, but kept an eye on them nonetheless. No one was allowed to get around Black, particularly rookies. In truth, he only used Jim to eavesdrop and report; how gossip comes around. Popular enough, the spread of rumor was the reason that Silver thrived: The report goes to him, and he tells the captain, both the temporary and the real one. A pro-storyteller, Silver was; any attempted lie from someone was easily deciphered by him, since his knowledge of human nature was continuously vast.

Vivienne kept her ground when she heard a threat in William's assumption. He has a lot to learn, she inwardly thought once again, before turning her full form to him, her bustle following this graceful manuever. "Follow me, mister Turner", she requested of him, walking past him off the helm, and down the stairs. Before she proceeded into the Captain's Cabin, the brunette came upon the prescence of her youngest member, Jim. "You alright?", she asked the youngest lad, a trace of concern upon her youthful features. She could the expressions upon Mister Hawkins at any time; for him to be the easiest to read, Vivienne wasn't that oblivious to his feelings. He was like the little brother: Youthfully impressionable; that is what made her grow fond of him, and silently amused of where his loyalty lies. It reminded her a little of the girl she rescued yesterday.

Taking her leave into the cabin, it would, of course, it have the typical qualities: a desk, a grand chair, quills upon the desk, a few maps, and a grand window behind the said-chair. The light inside was dim, faintly, but beautifully lighting up the room. Heading towards a book shelf next to the entrance, the pirate strolled to the huge desk, and rolled out one of the huge maps across its flat, old-wooden surface. It was one of those global maps that show a clear navigation of the world and, of course, the Seven Seas. "Tell me, William, have you heard of this spot?", she laid a finger upon one of the locations: Nassau.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Will frowned and followed the woman. He stopped behind her as she paused to talk to a youthful looking pirate. The boy couldn't be but nineteen or twenty. Maybe a year older than Abigail? He was a bit surprised at Vivienne's question and the slight concern in her voice.

"Aye, Cap'n." Jim stuttered slightly. His gaze darted to Will and it was obvious he didn't like or trust the other man. He didn't ask who the man was. T'wasn't his business. If the Cap'n wanted to tell him then she would. Still, he didn't like it. Being dismissed, he watched her head on to her cabin. His gaze met Will's.

The boy clearly didn't like him. Well, the feeling was mutual. Will liked nothing about pirates. Though he felt a slight pity for the lad. Wasn't even that old and already a pirate. If he was caught, he would be hung. His short life wasted. Will shook his head and followed Vivienne into her cabin. It was fairly spacious for a ship. The furniture was nice. Maps, inkpots, and quills swayed slightly but stayed on the table even as the ship rocked. Wasn't bad.

He frowned and looked at the spot she pointed. "No." He hadn't. But then again, he wasn't familiar with pirate locations. He memorized the location in case he needed it. The British Government would be happy to know where one of the pirate hideouts were. "What's it have to do with Abigail?" He was a bit fixated on the point. "While we are wasting time here, Low is doing unimaginable things to her. She's only eighteen. Not much younger than your pirate boy out there." Will pointed toward the door. "You are going to leave a young, naive girl to her fate? Unlike your boy, she won't last long. Pretty thing like her." Maybe pointing out the danger, he could guilt Vivienne into getting her act in gear and helping. She was after all a woman and undoubtedly knew the dangers a female had among a rough male crew. If she didn't care than she was more heartless than he realized.
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