So as the title says I am looking for an individual to brainstorm an Elder Scrolls RP. The Elder Scrolls is very important to me, and I've been playing since Morrowind released. I'm fairly familiar with the lore and I would prefer someone else who is, but it's not exactly necessary, basic knowledge would be required though. I'm not looking for anything set in Skyrim if i'm going to be honest as i've had enough of that from playing the game, but I wouldn't be opposed to our characters travelling there for a plotline, just not staying. Also i'm fairly open to the timeline in which this takes place! However, neither character will be of huge significance meaning: No dragonborn, nerevarine, etc. Not to say we can't become "heroes" in our own right or powerful, just no 'god-like' status will be achieved.

So if you're interested and would like to possibly brainstorm something with me feel free to message me! Lets talk some elder scrolls and get this thing going!