I am looking for an MxF (I prefer to play the M) RP. I am looking for someone ELSE to come up with the setting and plot. Below I describe my preferences and requirements. I am used to creating RP’s. I am trying to avoid that. Seems like everytime I try this, someone PM’s me and asks “What do you have in mind”, flatters my detail, and wants to do one of MY ideas. PM me with your ideas.

Advanced (some casual for conversations). Give me something to respond to.

Daily posting (or as close as we can get) - not interested in constant excuses. Check your subscriptions. Commit a little. I am looking for a writer with good skills, and not expecting to be heavily sidetracked by RL stuff like school. If you don't honestly have the time, do not apply. Also, please don't just reply with "interested". I do realize that daily is probably not possible. Schedules alone will likely get in the way. I work a very odd schedule. Some days I have a ton of time. Often I am lucky to get an hour or two. If a reply gets to me too late, I won’t be able to start on a reply until the next day. Such is life. But weekly posting … I will get bored in a post or two.

I am not a grammar or spelling Nazi. I do, however, prefer third person, past tense as most books are written.

I detest most fandoms. (This is largely because I haven’t had a TV to watch in a decade and a half. I’m a little anachronistic.)
I tend to avoid darker scenarios. Real life has enough of that.
I enjoy romances. Usually they should not be the entire focus of the RP. I do, however, enjoy some that romance is the whole point, such as arranged marriages.
I love sci fi.
I love anachronisms, apocalypses, post apocalypses, colonization. (Not anarchism. )
I prefer to avoid most combat in RP’s.

I do not have time to do ALL these RP’s. One.

Some ideas:
I love anachronisms. Things and people out of their time or place. So things like time travel, cryogenic suspension and the like are a good start.

World building. I don’t mean literally building a planet. And I prefer to focus on one character. But a post apocalypse where the characters are trying to restart civilization is good. Being marooned for various reasons is good. One scenario is on an island where the economy has all but crashed and everyone is struggling. Then new money - a casino - comes in to buy everyone out for a meager sum, but better than nothing. Half the town is fighting to preserve their culture. Half is desperate enough to bail. But the casino wants it all and needs a 100% response.

Life or World changing events. I had a lottery winner RP. Another is the arrival of aliens. One scenario I liked was the Wet Firecracker War in which WWIII was a failure as every nuke failed to actually blow up. The nukes just looks like giant flares. However, the reason was the mystery. Another scenario had a bunch of kids gathered each as the potential heir to a vast fortune. This one was set about 20 years from now if I remember right.