Hey lovelies!

So, I'm thinking of expanding on a Justice League/Teen Titans type rp, but I wanted to run it through an interest check to see if I got any bites before putting a whole lot of work into it. I have a feeling there are quite a few of these out and about there, but this would be 1x1 so I figured I'd try.

Before I begin, I'd like to preface with: whatever I have here is simply a loose idea. I'm entirely willing (and entirely happy) to change things and come up with a story WITH you. I like forming the ideas with my RP partners. Always fun!

Getting into it... I like the idea of heroes of a future age. The Justice League, Teen Titans, Outsiders (all that jazz) that we know presently are heading into retirement. A new generation of young heroes (a name I'm flirting with is "Justice League Guard") is coming into its own and beginning to protect the world under the occasional mentorship of older league members.

I would prefer characters in this RP NOT be related to well known DC heroes, but rather inspired by them. Boy grows up with an idol, gains/has his powers (or perhaps has none at all, just wants to make a difference) and bases his own hero identity off of his idol. (In my character's case, he is a fan of Wonder Woman, and was put through some trials by both her and Cassandra Sandsmark.)

While action and a 'big bad' are certainly things I'd like to hash out, I do also enjoy a more domestic- slice of life bit to the RP. More laid back (sort of like the Teen Titans show before it got super edgy!) I'm more than willing to double up on characters so that we might have four instead of two going (unless you prefer having just your character against mine. I'm okay with that too.) If you're looking for romance in this RP, the character I already have in mind would be a MxM pairing. If I were to play another character, I could do virtually any other sort of pairing for them.

Anyway, toss me a PM, let me know what your thoughts are!

Edit: I suppose I should pop in here that I'd like this to be casual to advanced. I don't like it when my partners put zero effort into their posts and I don't need a post every day. I'm happy to wait for a post you're happy with submitting. =3