The premise for this one is simple. It is inspired by several movies. But here are the most prominent.

Last Action Hero
Stay Tuned

It begins when a guy and girl argue over a universal remote and end up zapping themselves into TV Land. The remote goes with them, so they do have some control over where they go - so long as they aren’t fighting over it. With each attempt to control the program change each of us will need to make a choice. If they are different, there is a conflict of interest. If it is wildly different, it is a hostile conflict. Ultimately I will determine the results. Partly I will try to use both ideas and blend them. It will be funny to try and mix a chick flick and a man cave action movie.

Whatever they do, they can’t lose the remote. Even if they do, it will eventually cross their paths again.

There will be no toon settings or B&W. Everything is in color and lifelike. However, Hollywood physics will apply based on the setting. They may find themselves taking on the roles of characters in movies - but as themselves. Unfortunately, the one thing they can’t alter is their own knowledge. So while they might become Iron Man, they won’t have his brilliant mind. But hey, flying around in a suit of armor is pretty cool. Don’t forget, along with the cool suit come some pretty nasty enemies and frienemies.

Westerns, Sci Fi, Action Drama, Comedy, “chick flicks”, disaster movies, fantasy, educational TV. They are all possible. Oh … and they will bet mood music. You know how the scary music starts when bad things are about to happen? Yep! Same will happen here when appropriate. In a Comedy, they may get a cue for laughter. And there will be cool sound effects.

But I should warn you, you can die in this RP. Say, if you enter an Aliens movie and one of those egg layer critters gets its tentacles on you. If the egg hatches, you die. You will need to leave the movie fast.

You may get teleported from time to time. You know how in a comedy scene some guy might argue about his rights to a cop and how they can’t do this? The scene may suddenly cut to standing in front of a height chart having your picture taken - and you with a black eye, then again to a jail scene before you can say boo. Never mind exactly how it happened.

TBD (ie we need to decide this before the RP starts)
- How the pair know each other.
- Their relationship to begin with (love / hate / annoyance)
- How they ended up arguing over the Remote to begin with.
- PM's or Forum based RP?

***One thought I had was having them at some friend’s house at a party, or group study session. Or maybe in a coed college dorm day room.

CS - I will be looking for a basic CS. A pic would be good. (PLEASE, no animated gifs - or hide them from the text. Bad eyes on my part.) I like to have some idea what my character is looking at.

Posting - I am looking for someone who can post on a steady basis. They must be able to contribute to the plot. While I prefer Advanced, this RP is going to be tougher to write like that - especially at first.