The Ouroboros

The Ouroboros


An organization that is held to be myth by most, few believe in their existence, and of those who do believe they exist even fewer believe the stories about cannibalism and leader who has lived for the entirety of it's existence. Even fewer believe that they are capable of instigating a war between Cordath and them thinking they are to weak to do such a thing. They are shrouded in mystery and speculation, but what is known about them rivals expectations. The Ouroboros have a hierarchical order.

Scales = Outer defense/first layer of security. Generally weak or non magic users who aren't aware they are part of Ouroboros. Bandits, thieves, and small gangs that act as the footsoldiers and scouts.

Bones = the support. Healers, or merchants who support the organization through various actions.

Liver = The individuals tasked with the dirty work. THey clean up the messes and deal with internal conflicts. The cleaners and internal affairs for the operation

Heart = The instinct and emotional driven members. Some of the most powerful are located here. However, they are young or inexperienced. Some have been driven insane by the abilities of the Ouroboros.

Throat = The orators, and "voices" of the group. They strike the deals, they instigate war, they know what to say when to say it, and who to say it to.

The teeth = 32 members of offensive powerhouses who's positions can only be lost through death. Even if they betray the organization (which wouldn't happen.) They would remain as a Tooth of the Ouroboros, however....the liver might just have a nice little meal later that evening.

The Eyes and The Ears = A four-member team acting as the knowledge gatherers. They are the greatest diviners and spies. Each takes the right or left position one eye and one ear. One skilled in the physical, one in the magical. However, do not underestimate any of them. They're all powerful by themselves.

The Brain = The defacto leader of the organization. She holds all knowledge and controls all actions. She is immortal in thought and deed. Infallible and perfect. However, she is endlessly hungry and incapable of self-control. She is held in check by the Head (The combined power of The Teeth and The Eyes and Ears.) and tempered by the Heart.

The Tail is a core knowledge in the Ouroboros in the ranks from Liver up through Brain. We consume ourselves until the end of time, to be reborn anew in shapes we never knew. All can rise, and All can fall.

Not one member can remain where they are indefinitely, and more importantly...The Head's duty is to watch over the rest of the Ouroboros util the end of time. Not one member is without value, all will take their turn in the Stomach.

The Stomach = A group removed from the hierarchy of the organization. They prepare the individuals so that specific skills, knowledge, or mental states can be drawn out of the flesh and be imbued into the bodies of those to take their place. A member of the Ouroboros will eventually become the meal of Ouroboros, and the Brain is one who has devoured each and every position and has grown to know all of the Ouroboros and lived the lives of a Thousand Men. But even she will fall to the blades of the Stomach.

To get revenge on Cordath and their throne in particular, to bring Cordath into a state of chaos

[REDACTED] As the story plays out more of their story will come out.

As powerful magic users they have collected, through various means, one of the most vast collections of magical and historical knowledge. On top of that, while specific individuals within the order are not immortal their knowledge and skills are not lost, just passed on to the next to take their place. With some of the best information gathering techniques currently available to them, they are more aware of movements by their enemies than those enemies could expect.

On the downside, as powerful magic users, they are weak when it comes to physical actions. While they can use their magic to sort most of these types of problems, magic does have its limits and they can't reach beyond those limits. ON top of that they've learned to value the life of humans lowly, including their own, believing that their "reincarnation" is a path to eternal life, which leads to them taking risky steps they otherwise shouldn't. Most importantly, they can not find common ground with the people and without that, they'll only ever be half successful in their endeavors.

What is the most important thing to know about your faction?
Not only are most of the stories about them true, some are not deep enough to really explain the situation clear enough.

What is your faction's greatest flaw?
They are monsters in thought and deed however they do believe that if Cordath loses power they can place a new power into the throne and "fix" everything that was done wrong by the Cordathian kings.

Why should your faction be in a position to influence an entire country?
They have been scheming, plotting, and infiltrating the kingdom for a long time. They worked for the position to influence that kingdom.