The Veiled Ones

The Veiled Ones

Unknown (But definitely longer than Cordath, so there's that.)

To remove Cordath's control from the deserts of their homeland and more specifically out of Caella the Pearl by the Ocean.

A race of people currently living in the Desert to the West of the Kingdom, with the majority of their people living in Cealla The Pearl by the Ocean. They're a mostly nomadic tribe, however, they have 3 major cities. They are traders with an unknown amount of wealth. Sometimes an over-abundance. Sometimes they cannot feed their children. They travel throughout the Lands and trade with different peoples. Their weaving is considered extremely valuable and the Court Ladies in Cordath compete to have the cloth. However, they have their own fighting and magic systems. They use a curved sword and a form of martial arts that is based on dance movements to strike the enemy down. They are fast and graceful. Men become warriors. Their women become witches. their magic is curses, minor healings, and drawing water up from the ground or out of the air. They work in groups, no single Witch will attempt to take a group of enemies down, however, they could. (If you want to play a male who uses magic or female who uses a sword that is not forbidden but they'd be kind of an outcast to society at large)

They worship Sol: the Life Giver and Death Bringer. Shrikant: The Desert wind. Macea: The lady of the Oasis. Basic religious ideology is that Sol is neither male nor female, but the creator of Shrikant and Macea who came together and gave birth to the world at large.

There is some sexism within their culture however, they have female tribal leaders and the Witch covens have power throughout their people.


A hardy people who know suffering, but have not fallen to it. They are warriors who know how to go days in the worst of conditions, without food or water, and still fight at the end of it. Mothers who can feed their children with nothing but sand to see for miles. But they are also merchants and traders, knowing the value of things in an almost intrinsic way. They also have a rich oral tradition, though they do have writing even if not everyone knows how to write.

They are extremely insular, and have an us versus them mentality. Anyone who does not fit the mold is considered an enemy and will be held at arms length. They are poor more often than rich, so their city is literally built from canvas and twine, their people hunger and knowledge is scarce and is considered a valuable commodity to the point that individuals do horde it at the cost of others' loss.

What is the most important thing to know about your Faction?
The Veiled ones are a under-estimated group because of their poor conditions, most do not know the exact power they hold. Very few enemies have survived angering these people, and they will show everyone how they can bite back harder than they were bit.

What is your Faction's greatest flaw?
Their insular nature makes trade, their livelihood, much more difficult than it needs to be. Unlike most groups that deal with barter and goods they can't open their arms to new peoples and short themselves in the long run. To survive this mentality must change.

Why should this Faction be in a position to influence an entire country?
They are not quite in the most prime position to influence anyone outside of their own lands. However their interests in Cordath are purely related to getting Cordath OUT of their lands, and they can do that with a vengeance.