If you are reading this letter, then congratulations. You've been accepted into the Ordinary Mythical Academy. Please find attached the two maps of the location of the academy, and if you cannot make it to the Academy then please go to the second location. The large field will be our meeting place for all students who cannot fly or reach the academy in any way, however any student is free to go to the meeting location to meet and greet fellow students. There, I, the Headmaster Arkan shall meet you all personally and take up all to the academy myself. I look forward to seeing all the students there. For those who can get to the academy themselves and do not wish to go to the meeting location, please head straight to the Grand Hall once you have arrived.

This Rp is about a Academy that has a one hundred year old curse attached to it, however the curse is not public knowledge. The curse gives the academy permanent bad luck to all those who enter, student or teacher. Despite this however it is still up and running, trying to teach students far and wide how to use their powers. The goal of the Rp is to discover the curse and find a way to break it, and free the academy and it's inhabitants of the permanent bad luck.

Who's interested?