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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago



The darkness of night hung like a shroud over New York, the stars above dimmed by the cabal of man-made light that was the Big Apple. The air was filled with the sounds of the city; rowdy nightclub music, police sirens, the audio of billboard adds, and a grand chorus of millions of car horns and engines. Though elsewhere, at a lonesome bridge in the far southern reaches of the city, these sounds of nighttime New York were less flamboyant. Aside from the distant noises of the city itself, only the occasional vehicle pronounced itself into the night here.

A single, shadowy figure stood alone here, not at the bridge, but along the grassy knoll that rose from the edge of the river below. He stood still, looking casually across the river at the buildings on the other side, unmoving and patiently waiting. Unlike most, patience was in fact a virtue of his, a skill he possessed and could maintain for weeks at a time, which was found admirable by many, but tedious by some.
A sudden rustle from behind alerted him, the sound of shoes scraping through tall blades of grass. He turned to face the sound, pleased by what stood before him.

It was a young man in a suit, his dark hair shadowed deeper by the night, his skin slightly darkened in concurrence. From his mouth came the faint red glow of a lit cigarette, small puffs of smoke flowed from his face into the cool night air.

"Thomas," said the shadowy figure, his low voice stern and oily,"I've been waiting."

Thomas, the man in the suit, grunted slightly and took the cigarette from his mouth, releasing a blast of white smoke from his nose as he did so.
"That's your specialty isn't it," he said, "patience."

The shadowy man smiled widely, his white teeth glinting in the darkness, "It is, true enough," he said, "patience is a virtue that few possess, and I pride myself in maintaining such an air. My patience has been a boon through the many years, proving on more than several occasions to land me on top. You and the others might take note of this, if your wise."

"Enough lecturing if you please," Thomas said, resulting in an unseen smirk by the shadowy man, "why did you call me here tonight, and why here instead of your estate?"

The cloaked man turned his back to Thomas and replied,"Because I want on update on the search for Liam, and as for why here and not my estate, well, I like midnight strolls by the river." He said with another smirk. "And besides," he continued, "this is more discreet, less suspicion to be drawn us meeting here. Now, a report please."

Thomas took another hit to his cigarette and casually replied,"We've searched nearly all of Brooklyn and the Bronx, and no signs of Liam anywhere. I suspect he might be in Jersey or maybe inner New York City. We'll begin searching there tomorrow night."

The shrouded man stood silent, his arms relaxed at his sides, his gaze fixated on the row of buildings across the river.
Thomas looked at the man uncomfortably, an unsure grunt slipping from his lips.
The man finally turned back to Thomas and replied,"Very well. Liam is a slippery little snake, but he always leaves a more than obvious trail of blood in his wake. His carelessness will prove his undoing. Take the night to yourself Thomas, and rest easy tomorrow, you'll have your work cut out for you tomorrow night."

"Right." Thomas simply replied, he dropped his cigarette into the grass and ground it to powder with his shoe.
He turned and started down the side of the road, walking at an ever casual pace. The tall, shrouded man still stood in place as he had before Thomas's arrival, his gaze now peeled towards the sky, his eyes squinted in a fashion of hate.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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The loud crash of a mahogany chair falling with a crash to the polished floor made Alice Lynch wince as she hoisted the bolt of fabric higher and shove it into it's allotted shelf. Delicate fingers rearranged the folds and set the chair to rights next to the matching set of table and chair. No damage done, but it was a irritant. The dimming sun outside had since gone down, and the antique clock chiming the late hour above the desk built into the back wall. The darkness outside suited the shop's interior thought and made the golden of the wood paneled walls and warm yellow lights shine all the more. The sign above the store reading 'Timeless Tailor' in golden letters against a black board.

The shop was Alice's pride and joy. Not to mention passion in life. Having scrapped together every dollar she could get her hands on, Alice had purchased the small building. The upper floors of the three story, old brick building serving as storage, as well as her own apartment. Plucking a flung veil from a lamp, she reattached it to the correct display. A bridal party had come through and while they had spent good money, the trail of destruction they left through her beloved shop... It was nothing Alice could not right, so she did just that. Setting things back on the display shelves, straightening mannequins, and giving the odd mirror a quick buffer.

Spinning about in her black heeled boots, the tailor studied her handiwork as she reached the ancient register. It too lacked the modern convenience, though she had a more updated one below the obvious of the counter. Green eyes gleamed with glee at the polished and shining perfect of the Timeless. Her hands on the hips of her lolita dress. Inspired by Victorian times the skirt that fell to just below the knee was the base of black layered with blue panels and edged in black lace. The matching blouse was the opposite and fit her like a glove. As it should, she had made it herself. Giving a quick glance over in a mirror, she plucked apart the ribbon that held her bun up. The blasted thing was utterly irritating after that mess. Not to mention it was nearing the closing time, Alice mused after giving the clock a quick glance in the mirror. Her waist length thick black hair shook as she turned about again, going through the closing routine. It might be a bit early to start such a thing, but the woman gave a cheery smile. It didn't mean the work ended for her. Just the customer dealing part! She still had designs to work with. Commissions to make. Her heeled boots clicked as she moved about, beaming at her lot in life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The door handle to the tailoring shop suddenly rolled around with a short click, and slowly came creeping open. As the door now stood wide from the frame, in steppeda young man with pale skin and fiery red hair. He was tall, thin, and rather elegant looking. His long red hair was thrown back in a casual style and flowed freely down his shoulders, a single braid was tucked away within it's length. His pale skin seemed to glow, even in darkness.
His eyes, a piercing icy blue, scanned across the inside of the shop, overpassing the racks of clothing and the shelves of materials that lined the store's interior.
Though his face was calm, the intensity of his searching eyes was un-concealable.

He then caught site of her, the spry, raven-haired young lady who pranced about the shop, tending to it with a personal vigor.

I don't see anyone else here, she must be the owner, perhaps the only one who even works here. He thought.
His mouth stretched to a wide smile, a pleased sound came from the back of his throat only echoed into his own ears.

He reached back and gently pushed the door shut, after stepping further inside of course.

He then spoke, broadcasting his voice so the woman could hear him, yet not in a harsh, brutish way.
"Excuse me Miss," his voice smooth, and tender, "are you still open? I know it's rather late, but I have a dire need to make a purchase, and I gather that your store has what I need."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

There was another clatter as the chair fell the floor, Alice stumbling back with a startled noise. She hadn't even heard the door open! Reminding herself to install a bell- something simple to help with the late nights. Picking the chair up again, Alice studied the potential customer, looking with a open curiosity. He was rather handsome. What with that pale skin and vibrant hair, he could be a model! Though it also made her fingers itch to pick up the fabrics and design a suit or some new fashion for this man. A deep green, perhaps burnt orange mixed with brown for the under shirt? The long hair was something she brushed off. Tie it back with a burnt orange ribbon- no, a green would look better.

Shaking herself to snap herself out of the spinning daydreams of fashion. She'd make a new line base of the colors later, for now she had a potential customer. Bills and the potential fabric and thread combinations both were fueled with money. Customers gave her money. Giving the tall man a charming smile, she welcomed him to the shop. "Good evening and welcome! Yes, we're still open, so how can I help you?" She prattled on, extending a hand to shake.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The man accepted her offer and shook her hand.
Her skin was smooth and softer than silk. He resisted the urge to stroke his fingers against her flesh as he shook hands with her, as this would put her off initially and could complicate things.

As he withdrew his hand he responded to her,"Well, I'm looking for something rather unique. Unfortunately though, I have not found it anywhere else I have looked. I was on the verge actually of giving up, until I heard about your store and decided to come and scope things out. You see, I would like a dress coat that harbors a Victorian era theme to it, yet maintains a modest modern feel to it as well. Something that holds a certain kind of 'Renaissance class', but is not flamboyantly outdated either. A long, flowing coat without tails and with silvery buttons as shiny as jewels, and jet black material to boot. Do you have anything like that? Could you perhaps make it if not?"

He stood with his arms now crossed.
Though his face showed hopefulness at this request, he tried to maintain that he wouldn't be totally crushed if she could not meet his request.
After all, he truly wouldn't be. He realized how unusual his request was, which was why no mall nor clothing store he had visited could meet his desire in this article of clothing.
Several costume shops held pieces of a resemblance, but they were too fictious-looking and held no serious to them, in fact looking very childish.
So he passed on them, choosing to come to the last store he had not ventured to yet to seek out his desired coat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

The raven tailor listened carefully to the man's request, her eyes bright with delight. This was right up her alley so to speak! Clasping her hands together she gave the man a beaming look of sheer joy. "I have just the thing. Though it might need a few modifications... It's nothing I can't have done in a small bit." Her forefinger and thumb held a bit apart to reveal the 'small' in small. Spinning on her heel in a flurry of lace and rustle of cloth, she slipped between two racks. Both held the suits and jackets of various style and sizes, the large ones being in the back. Covering her mouth with a small hand, she shot the man a apologetic look. "My apologies! I should have introduced myself. I am Alice- Alice Lynch." She amended her mistake as green eyes narrowed at the label of one coat.

Selecting several clear bagged coats from the hangers, the tailor moved towards the small stage and mirrored corner of her store. A fitting area and place to see the fit of something. Sequestered next to it was a bit of paneling that led into a small fitting room. Not easy to make out unless it was pointed out. Gesturing for the man to follow her over, she set the jackets across the chair before selecting the most likely candidate. It was just as he asked for. The buttoned up front laid as way typical in that time period. A jet black coat that would fall to just below his knees. The buttons however were black and meant to blend in, letting the silver trim stand out all the more. It wasn't flamboyant, but there was a certain edge defined by the border of silver. Then golden light of the Timeless brought the hidden design the fabric hid to light. A shifting pattern that would be hard to pick out in subtle silver strands. "I can change out the buttons in about... a half hour? If not less." Alice frowned, offering him the coat to try on. Giving herself room to work with a large amount of time than usual. "Would something like this work perhaps?" The price for this coat was rather high as it was hailed- by her anyways- as one of her best works. And one of a kind.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The man was pleased to hear that the store carried what he needed, and ensured the store owner that a short wait wouldn't bother him, as he had plenty of time.

The young lady introduced herself as "Alice", which was a nice name as far as he was concerned, though he did not voice this thought.
He introduced himself to her as Liam, Liam Enduro.

After introductions, Liam stood by and watched as Alice swooped about her shop, and followed when she motioned for him. He watched her lay out the coats she selected, and noted the particular coat she picked out of the selection, and cooperatively tried it on over his shirt.
It was satisfactory to him, and he was pleased that she could make a few "edits" to totally match it to his description.
When she asked if it was to his liking he ensured her that it was.

"It's perfect," he told her,"as good as I pictured it. Once you have changed out the buttons it will meet my fancy to the highest possibility. I'll take it."

He told her the wait was just fine, a half hour was no big deal, and he had plenty of time to spare, a slight smirk at the corners of his mouth as he said this. He said he would just wait there while she changed out the buttons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

Liam Enduro. The name sounded slightly Spanish to Alice's ears, but that wasn't for her to comment on. She was quite pleased he enjoyed the coat. "It's a hundred twenty- with tax." Alice informed him quietly as she set the coat on the counter and pulled out several boxes in the wall behind the till. Each held a needle with a certain color of thread, or buttons of a certain color or make. Pulling out the appropriate amount of silver buttons and fastenings the tailor perched on the iron wrought stool she had tucked away below the antique till. The price wasn't a unreasonable sum for a one of a kind thing with that fabric. The silver is what drove the price up a good bit. Alice refused to use false gilt on her outfits. Preferring the real metal, which she suspected this gentleman would as well.

Flicking a lamp on, Alice gave a small apologetic smile to Mister Enduro. "Please look around the shop. I doubt I'll be good conversation!" She commented, her focus already at the task at hand. With slim fingers and a particular care, the tailor began to ply her trade with a single minded concentration. Each thread coming from it's anchor without marring the cloth with holes of it's absence. Once one button or fastening was removed, black thread flashed in to restore it with a silver button. The black velvet buttons being setting to the side for another outfit. The left over thread would go into the trash. The stray comment coming as she placed the last button tight to it's proper place. "You'll look absolutely marvelous in this, sir." Her fingers stretching and tucking the needle in the bobbin of thread. She could put it away later. Green eyes peered up at Liam. "Shall we see how it fits?" Alice offered, not bothering her excitement at seeing him in the exquisite coat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liam had watched her as she worked away at the coat, disregarding her suggestion at looking around the shop. He instead stood nearby for most of the procedure, watching her nimble little hands working away at replacing the buttons. He did occasionally cast stray glances around at the nearby shelves and racks, eyeing their contents with a sort of admiration. This young lady seemed very devoted to her work, and her skill showed in her store as well.

The price she had given was of no object, and besides, it did sound rather fair considering the uniqueness behind the request. Honestly, if anything, it was probably a bargain.

When she asked if he wished to try it on he gave a simple, yet warm smile.
"Yes." He said, his response coated with a glaze of enthusiasm.
He turned around slowly and extended his arms outward and behind him so she could slide the coat onto him. He was quite eager to see how he would look.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alice slide off the stool with a small clack as her boots hit the smooth floor. The steady click and clack as she moved out from behind the counter and collected the large coat. In all honesty it would swallow Alice up if she were to wear it. But sliding it onto Liam's outstretched arms, the tailor studied the fit. Circling her work and the current client slowly as she studied the two and the fit. Her green eyes flickering up and down though it held none of the interest of a woman whose seen a handsome man. No, it was a handsome fit. But Alice was already making notes, suggestions really, to make the fit better. A tweak here and little bit let out there. Perhaps a under shirt or certain type of pants.

Shoes were another conversation entirely. Nodding to herself, Alice beamed at Liam's apparent eagerness and enthusiasm. It was always enjoyable to work with someone who could appreciate a good set of clothing, and this coat matched him well. Though she did note green or brown might work better. Give his pale skin a bit more color. "I can let some things out, take some in?" The tiny tailor offered, chewing at her lip in thought. "Perhaps tweak the collar a bit higher." She mused aloud. If anyone let her Alice would run over a piece of clothing from dawn to dusk and then still nit pick over the details. The light of inspiration was in her green eyes as she took in her handiwork.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liam was pleased at what he saw, and felt. The coat fit him like a glove, and it felt as comfortable as it could, he was needless to say quite pleased.
He listened as Alice chattered on about making adjustments, taking in and letting out as it were. Though he listened, he didn't feel that there was anything that needed to be done, the coat was more than satisfactory to him.

"No need for any of that," Liam said assertively, yet politely, "I like it as it is. It feels quite comfortable, and I feel it suits me."

He faced her directly and said,"I do thank you for this, I was starting to give up on ever finding such a unique article of my personal interest. It looks a fine job. I'll take it as is. I believe you said it's one-twenty, correct?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alice paused as Liam intervened with any potential edits she could make to the jacket. The raven haired tailor blushed at the praise. She knew and did her job well of course, but it still was incredibly pleasing tp hear it out loud. Stowing away her criticism about her own work, something that would not do to show the customer! Alice nearly skipped her way over to the register.

Jotting down the article number of the clothing in her record book, Alice wrote the name and price in full next to it. "It is." She gave a small chuckle. "And I do have a credit card scanner back here, as well as take checks." She reassured Liam that her shop wasn't completely devoid of modern payment methods. "I like seeing my clothing find a good fit. It means I have done my job well." She admitted, pleased with how thing were going.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liam gave Alice a small smile and reached into his front left pocket, withdrawing a simple brown leather wallet. He reached inside the leather folds and withdrew three bills, a one hundred and a twenty, and a one dollar bill to cover tax.

He lay them on the counter in front of Alice and put his wallet away. He casually looked around and adjusted his new coat as he did. He couldn't help but slightly beaming to himself as he saw his reflection in the store mirror, impressed with his new attire and how it suited him.

"I have a question," he suddenly said," do you like wine?"

He had turned his eyes back to Alice as he finished his sentence.

"Or maybe an evening coffee or tea might suit?" He asked, making direct eye contact at Alice, a narrow smile stretched across his face, a glint of longing in his icy blue eyes.

"You see," he continued,"my evening is rather free, and it isn't terribly late you know. If your closing up anytime soon I'll gladly hang about and wait."
His smile was now wider than ever, the corners of his mouth pressing thin dimples into his cheeks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alice took the cash with a smile as the customer- Liam- admired himself in one of the mirrors of her shop. He did cut a very good image, and she was glad he liked the look. Storing the money into her cash box and locking it again, she counted out his change in the change jar she kept next to her laptop below the counter top. Setting the change on the receipt for the coat, the tailor paused a stunned look crossing her features.

Was he- Did he just ask her out? Like a date ask out? Her cheeks flushed a red as she blinked for a second. She wasn't really a wine drinker but- "Tea? I think I know a place." She offered with tentative smile. Not sure why he was asking her for a drink. Was it merely to congratulate a job well done or was it more? She was something of a workaholic, so meeting people in such a way wasn't exactly common. Though it wasn't uncommon either. It helped that Liam Enduro was rather handsome and had incredibly good taste. The side smile with the dimples in his cheeks did make her cheeks and nose turn a bit more red. Flustering and brushing the wrinkles from her skirt, Alice slide off the stool. "I own this place, so I can leave it close with out a problem." She admitted, picking up a stylish deep navy blue coat. Ready to join him for this offered drink and to see what he wanted with it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Very good." He said with a smile.

He stepped back from the counter as she prepared herself, idly gazing about the shop once more, the almost goofy smile never fading from his face.
He looked at her coat with idle admiration, though in his opinion it wasn't as keen as the one he had purchased, it was still a nice wear for her.

"Tea seems well enough, as your not a drinker and coffee is a bit of a silly evening drink for one honestly. So then, off we go for tea, sweep me away to said tea place. I would sweep you away but as I don't know the direction, well..." He gave a sheepish shrug and his smile stretched apart into a thin grin.

He stepped over to the door, opening it wide and gesturing outward with a single hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

The cafe was a late night thing, catering to the jazz folk who stopped by for a drink. It was here Alice directed Liam, and luckily it was a quiet night. It was a more classic place and decorated with good taste. A place to sit, listen to music and chat. Perfect for someone like Alice who enjoyed a comfortable setting while working on her design. Low notes filled the cafe, as Alice entered and ordered a Chai tea for herself.

Settling at a table out of the main flow of traffic. Alice enjoyed the quiet and didn't see a reason to be bothered by people rushing by when she could merely sit out of the way. Though she did slipped up the counter ordering a chai tea. A blend she enjoyed. "What would you like-?" Alice blinked and shot a apologetic look at Liam. Usually men in generally liked ordering for others. But Alice was still in a good deal of 'work' mode. Especially when she was itching to sew. "Sorry, my minds still back in coats and cloth." The raven haired woman apologized, looked peeved at herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liam waved her off with a short smile, accepting her apology though assuring her it was alright.
For himself he ordered a small and simple honey tea, no need for anything exquisite at the moment. He truly wasn't a tea person, but more of a wine sipper, though it would've been rude to try and dictate the flow of things, especially since it was he that asked her out. At the very least he owed her the courtesy of her preference.

Besides, considering what's to come, at the least I think she's entitled to a final pleasure of some sort.

He felt a smirk edging across his lips, which he quickly dispelled.
As he received his honey and lemon tea, he turned to Alice.
"This is a nice little cafe, lively enough, but not boisterous. How much time to you spend here, Alice?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alice had been drawn off in thought. Her green eyes focus in the cloudy reality of possibly fashion lines. The notes of the jazz merely encouraging such a wandering of her mind. Blinking in alarm she shifted her attention back to the red haired man, taking a sip of the chai to buy herself some time to think on the question. She was always a little scattered in thought, which wasn't always a good thing. Especially at times like these. "Often enough, I enjoy the music." She admitted, "It's excellent when I'm stuck on a design and can't exactly go too far from my shop."

It really wasn't too far from her shop in all reality. Just a few blocks away, something that- if you were used to the walk- you would not notice. Even in the winter months with snow piling high and the bitter cold from general New York weather and the chill brought in by the sea... A good cup of tea on a cozy day or night like that. It would be enjoyable. "So why were you looking for such a coat on such short notice?" Alice questioned the potential model. Excitement stirred in her eyes. "I thought perhaps you were a model with such a look!" Pausing she shot Liam an apologetic look again. "You're not a model are you-?" Her voice trailing off in obvious worry she had offended him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mister Thirteen
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Mister Thirteen Dai Hachu

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liam released a short chuckle at Alice's model question, his gaze downward at his cup of tea.
Without looking up he said,"Not quite. Though the idea of such is rather flattering, I do appreciate that."
He looked up with a smile at her, the light making his eyes almost shine.

"You know," he said,"your not so bad yourself." His smile grew and, as he took a short sip of tea, winked at her over the cup at his face.

He lowered his cup and sat it on the table, speaking as he did,"You know I'm actually quite impressed with you, Alice. Your very much devoted to your work, which is also obviously an artistic passion as well, and yet you still maintain a social aspect to you. Most people so involved with their work don't really get out much."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 day ago

The tailor gave a slight smile in relief that she hadn't offended him. Things were going nicely and Liam was quite a charming individual Alice had to admit. Her cup slowly emptying of the tea as she sipped every so often. Savoring the flavor. Though his wink flooded her face with a reddening blush. "I- uhm- thank you!" Alice stammered, taking a long drink from the tea cup. While she did get out every so often, she wasn't usually flirted with. Never mind that most of the time she was buried with nose in a sketch book.

"I get out every so often." The tailor admitted. "I can't very well shut myself away from the world as I do require information on what people are wearing in their day to day lives." Her green eyes sparked with enthusiasm as she spoke of her passion with a joking tone. "I do have a business to run after all." Alice mused and fussed with her coat, pleased with the compliments even if they threw her very much off balance. She was just a tailor after all, she knew she was good. Very good, but praise about her looks, social aspect or her choice of career was something she would never take for granite. "So what do you do, if your not a model? And don't mind my asking?" Alice questioned carefully. Wanting to learn more about this flattering man.
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