If you have any interest in a relatively realistic post/mid-zombie apocalypse RPG, get at me.

Coming soon: Another fucking zombie RPG, because fuck you, I like zombie plots
Alright, you fucking fucks.
Setting: A mid-sized college campus in Chicago, using their abundance of nuclear power plants to justify electricity being on in certain areas, 7 weeks after the truth became self-evident and everything went to shit.
Characters: One national guard special forces dude (He's basically Tim Kennedy), otherwise, general survivors from the surrounding area
Major Plot points/goals: Stave off the ridiculous mass of zombies in the city, don't die, develop sustainable life-supporting systems, otherwise whatever-the-fuck-your-character-wants.
Rules: Realistic.
Zombies: Like WWZ zombies as far as physical capabilities, but Walking Dead spawning-style.

Simple characters sheets.
Appearance: Absolutely positively encouraging face claims based on public figures.
Character's first post sums up their current status, where they are, what they have, and how they got to that point.

I will need Co-GM's.
Expect more to follow.