
I will be accepting 4-6 more characters~

In our world, there are preserves that hold all the mythical creatures of lore. They are extensive, acres and acres of land. Some have areas changed into impossible biomes to allow these creatures to live comfortably. These places are guarded against human eyes and technologies by extreme and powerful magic. The preserves and all its inhabitants are cared for by Rangers, a title and jobs passed down through a family. These people have some small magical ability and resistance to much of the mind magic that the creatures might force against them. This is the story of Lochpine Preserve.

There is a parking lot located at the edge of a highway in Wisconsin. Across the way is a field of cows. The parking lot leads to a novelty store which sells beautiful, handcrafted items. These items are created by the residents of Lochpine. Some do have a small amount of magical ability, nothing harmful to the human world. Most are just intricate artworks made by the Fair Folk. This shop is tended by outsiders, people who are hired and work if they don’t get too close to the truth. The store is called “Goldie Loch”

Behind the shop is a thick forest. The path is only large enough to allow a four-wheeler through. Some ways ahead is a small house where the Ranger of Lochpine lives. This house and yard are a safe place. The Fair Folk cannot enter either without express permission. Some benign fairies live in the yard and preserve the garden. Except on solstice nights, when they may enter the yard but never the home.

Beyond the home are beautiful forests. Thriving, decaying swamps. Tall mountains. Dry deserts. Pristine lakes. All throughout the nearly endless preserve are areas where the Fair Folk may find their homes. Many, in fact, most places, are extremely dangerous. In some areas, a human may find an ally. However, only the Ranger and his kin may gain control over those in the preserve and has explicit safety.

The preserve is currently controlled by Ranger Rick. She has not married, and her family has passed away, allowing her to gain the official title of Ranger. She takes care of all the beings in this place and she is a very busy lady.



1 shopkeep who discovers the secret of Lochpine due to some family heritage (of your choice, within reason) [TAKEN]

The Fair Folk – I will accept nearly anything. Please be reasonable. I am willing to work things out with you but please consider what might be too far. It does not have to be listed to be accepted. Below are just some ideas.

Dragons: They can live in any biome and their appearance and abilities will depend on that biome. They are also hoarders who will take exclusively that which they view as exemplary artwork. A dragon may choose to hoard gold and treasures. One artwork. And another, butterflies. Their collections vary but they desire to collect only one thing. They may take human form. (I will only accept one dragon) [Dragons from other parts of the world (example: Eastern or South American) will also be accepted!]

Unicorn: They are beautiful creatures varying in colour. Their abilities include things like healing powers, purity which only allow those with good intentions to meet or touch them, and the growth of plant life. They also may take human form. (Max of two in character unicorns though there may be a herd of NPCs)

Fairy: Small and sassy little creatures. They are genderless, though may take on a gender should they choose for procreation purposes. Their magic is light – creating bubbles, rejuvenating plant life, making music, and general merry things. Rarely they may fall in love with a human at which time they can grow to the same size at the loss of an abundance of their power.

Satyrs: They are troublemakers and partiers. They are not malicious by nature but can sometimes get themselves into or create negative situations. They are “fair weather friends” only around when things are well. Will take off when things get hinky – though some have been known to perform acts of magnanimity and bravery.

Dryads, nymphs, and naiads: they are always women and do not differ much from legend. They are not particularly fond of humankind and will try to harm them if allowed. Some have been known to be kind to those they favour though and will give them a blessing to force others of this clan (all the above, and related cousins are so) to not harm them. This is given by way of a deep kiss.

Trolls: For the most part they are exceedingly intelligent. They collect works of knowledge. Books detailing history or instructional manuals. They will also collect treasure as a way of bribing others to collect knowledge from them. They are clever, ruthless, and known to cheat on a deal if able. Their magical ability and appearance depend on their preferred biome. (not a required character) [I should also note this is an example of a troll and other sorts will be accepted!]


RULES/What will NOT be accepted:

Overpowered/overly fantastical creatures (OF COURSE)

Witches, warlocks and the like

The shopkeep does not have magical powers beyond an immunity to charms/mind control/diversion magic. They may gain and use magical items in the future though.

Evil creatures – Good to Neutral only

Most non-humanoid creatures should be able to have a human form. Some have lived outside of the preserves for a lengthy amount of time so they should be able to blend as intelligent life forms. A human form is not required unless specified above, but can be fun should we need to leave the preserve for any reason.

Made up creatures - If it is not something I recognize I will ask for proof of its tale. Please do not be offended. I would like this to run more off mythology and I want you to get creative with the source material. (source material being Fablehaven or just your run of the mill mythos.) You may make some edits to current beasts, I am willing to consider and discuss this.


Character Sheet


Beginning: Characters establish themselves and some relationships. Perhaps work this out beforehand. You have lived on this preserve for a number of years. It makes sense to have numerous friends.

First Arc: A magical artifact has been stolen which endangers the preserves. We must seek it out and bring it back to be hidden before it exposes the preserves to a population who will never be ready.