(Note: This roleplay is based on one of my Sonic fancharacters, Aurelia Bradanska. However, I'm going to have her human in this story so that everyone who's not in the fandom can join. She'd look much like this, at least with the coal black hair, jade green eyes, and the dress. However, she would be a Caucasian Italian lady in the feudal era:


This story is one of your basic medieval dark fantasy and supernatural horror. It primarily involves my character Aurelia as an antagonist witch.

.I would like this to be ask-to-join, simply so I can keep track with others.

.Due to my constraints of being in college, expect this to be long term with some delays. I'm sorry, but I have studies to attend to IRL and I'm quite busy.

.This would take place in Medieval Europe, and at the start it would be in Italy.

.Standard roleplaying etiquette is expected.

.Aurelia is the main antagonist, thus she is believed to be powerful and not able to be defeated by one character alone.

.I would like basic paragraph format. At least one paragraph per post.

.This story is going to become dark, so this isn't for the weak of heart.

.If you don't like classic "evil really powerful witch" stories, please do not apply. This is meant to be fun and for people into dark fantasy stories involving practitioners of witchcraft and fantasy.

.Even though Aurelia and pretty much would be everyone around her is Italian. The story itself will be translated into English. (No offense to anyone from Italy, it's just the narrative and what is said has to be fluent for a lot of anglophones here.)

.Your character can be from out of town or out of the country, but please try to find some reason as to why they're here.