Name: Sanjin Zoric

Age: 20

Personality: While not on the hunt one could be forgiven for thinking Sanjin a friendly and energetic individual, if a bit dull. He a social little pup and is a frequent face among the tavern dwelling sort, enjoying tall tales of other hunters or brawling amongst them with a wide eyed amusement only matched by a child.

However, on the hunt is where his true nature is revealed. The aimless energy seen at home focuses to a razor sharp feralness, often devolving to the man dropping to all fours and snarling at the ground or sniffing at the air. Once he gets like this, there is very little that can persuade him to stop until his prey (be it beast or witch) is grasped firmly in his jaws, bleeding and mewling for a mercy that is unlikely to come.

History: Sanjin was born into a hunter clan known colloquially as 'The Pack'. However, 'clan' is somewhat of a misnomer. The Pack is a loose collection of hunters (both families and individuals) who are share a characteristic feral ferocity during the hunt. They are often simple hunters, openly disdainful of new technologies and following simple tactics. The most famous of which being their persistent hunting strategy, where in they drive a witch from their hiding place with a large team then follow them (sometimes for days on end) until they either die from exhaustion and exposure or finally tire enough to be beaten to death by the group.

Like many children raised in The Pack, Sanjin was raised communally and did not know who his birth parents were. Not that he cared in the slightest, he had many mothers and fathers to learn from and they spared no expense putting him and his broodmates through the ringer. Spending months at a time in the deep woods with few supplies beyond what they could track or gather was a norm, and frequent beatings by older Pack members even more so. So all in all, a rather happy childhood if he said so himself, even if an outsider might disagree.

When he was fifteen he was finally allowed to join the hunting parties. Not for witches, of course. The Pack was simple, but they were not stupid enough to let an untested hunter chase after such dangerous prey. Instead he followed hunters too old for witch hunts on expiditions for more mundane beast, hunted at the behest of local villagers in exchange for meat and coin. The scale and danger of the beast gradually increased over the next five years until eventually he was allowed to take a mask, the symbol of his right to participate in witch hunts within the clan. Now on the eve of his first hunt, the young pup is fit to burst with excitement.

Signature Weapon: A heavy silver plated club with spikes of iron.

Things they look for in a partner: Sanjin is a man of simple needs. Affectionate contact is a good start, though this may only make you a mate rather than a partner. He would like a person who can cook or make tools, as they can be invaluable members to The Pack's nomadic lifestyle. Try and take his somewhat simple nature in good stride, dont try to 'civilize' him and you are likely to get along fairly well with him. Do be prepared though, that feralness is rumored to come out in more than just hunts...

Pets/Familiars: Don't need a pet when you ARE the pet....wait no that came out wrong.
Experience: Novice.