I had an idea pop into my head that I feel would be rather interesting, I did a role play somewhat along these lines when I first started role playing – however, this is different than the first as I am more experienced. I am looking for someone to play the male character, needs to be dominant as it will be a higher up member of the unit – if not the commanding officer. My partner needs to be able to keep things rolling and interesting, I also need my partner willing to play background characters as needed and reply with AT LEAST two well written (6+ nice sentences) paragraphs. There will be cussing, adult themes, sexual scenes, pregnancy, kids, flashbacks, blood, gore, death, guns, war, etc. Since I am over the age of eighteen, I ask that my partners be over the age of eighteen since there will be sexual content in this role play! I'm looking for the male character or Character B to be anywhere from 23 years to 26 years old. Now onto my idea!

Character A and Character B met a few weeks before bootcamp, hitting things off rather quickly – the team building seemed to cause the pair to only grow closer than just teammates. After a few dates they were officially dating, finding their relationship a welcomed break from the stress of their unit and basic training – they confide anything within the other, creating a stronger bond than they had thought possible. When graduation day came, they introduced each other to the other families who had come to graduation. Together they chose to stay on base until they received their orders when their unit would ship out, thinking it would be easier to ship out that way then return home for the period of time between graduation day and their shipment date for their tour. It was only a matter of months before their shipment date was announced, a few more weeks away. It gave them the chance to continue their relationship, becoming intimate – mostly without protection thinking that luck would be on their side.

Luck was not on Character A’s side one night after the pair had gone out drinking, thought Character B had tried convincing her to stay with him for the night – she thought it best to walk the block to her own dorm like building – figuring nothing would happen on a military base so she’d be safe to walk the darkened streets. However, it wasn’t safe for her – at least not alone, maybe if Character B had accompanied her, she would have been fine. However, the pair was so sure the base was so safe that there was no argument of her walking alone. Between the drinking and the darkened alley, even with her training Character A didn’t stand a chance of three men from her own unit following her into her building and into her dorm. They lurked until the lights were off and she was asleep to spring, that was when the alcohol had its full effect on Character A. she wouldn’t stand a chance and by the time her neighbors heard her muffled screams and the base police were notified the attackers were able to flee.

The three men weren’t safe, leaving their DNA behind had allowed the police to arrest them – charging them with rape only if Character A would testify which also meant that she was to have no contact with her entire unit which included Character B. Character B thought she was too scared to end the relationship and just took off after filing to transfer to a different unit, but in reality the only way she would be able to testify against her attackers is if she cut off communications with her unit and she wanted them to pay for what they had done to her and possibly other women who were too scared to come forward. By the time the trail was over, other news brought an end to her first tour – a missed period. However, the big question was who was the father, was it Character B or one of the three men who had attacked her that night? Time had passed, Character A moved closer to home and bought a house close to her parents – figuring out single parenthood with the aid of her parents as she worked things out with the base, she had done her basic training at.

It took convincing, but they finally agreed to allow her one tour with her old unit as soon as she was cleared for active duty after her children were born. Time seemed to fly by when it came to arriving at her due date, but time seemed to drag by when it came to healing so she could put her training to good use. The local base had allowed her to do office work, anything that didn’t protean to her old unit – Character A hadn’t contacted Character B since the night of the attack when she texted him and told him she had made it home safely and that she loved him. The two had amazing plans for their future once they returned home – they had wanted to marry and start a family, that stopped in the blink of an eye. All of that, all those times together Character A missed – hoping when she was able to explain to Character B what happened he would understand but she doubted it as the time neared that she was able to return to training to prepare for her tour to rejoin her unit. Her parents had agreed to watch her children while she was on tour, promising weekly video chats and sending her photos and letters.

Character A didn’t look like she had children, she had lost the baby weight during her retraining before she was allowed to rejoin them – she found herself curious if any of them would even recognize her though she hadn't changed much. The real question would be if she recognized them and how much things had changed amongst them; her biggest fear was coming face to face with Character B and how differently he would treat her since she had just vanished. She had been told that everyone on the base was told there was a rape, but no names were released so maybe Character B would put two and two together? Once Character A is shipped out with her unit, things become awkward, an all-male unit is suddenly complete once more as it originally was supposed to be with a single woman. The old couple recognize one another as soon as they lay eyes on each other, Character B feels betrayed once more – still believing that she had just left without a word. They butt heads, they rub each other the wrong way for days until Character B has enough and pulls Character A away to demand why she did what she had.

That's when Character A breaks down and tells Character B the truth about that night and how she wasn’t to have any form of contact with the unit if she wanted to file charges against the men who raped her, she however left out one important part – she left out that she was pregnant. Character A saved that for a later time, once things slowly went back to normal and their old relationship began to flare between them once more did, she open up the she had a set of twins at home, a set of twins that she didn’t know who the father was because she was too scare to open the envelop which held the results. After weeks of their relationship growing back to where it once was Character B has had enough and snatches the letter from Character A and opens it secretly to read the results himself, the story can go one of two ways at this point. 1) The twins could be character B’s children or 2) The twins could be one of the attacker's kids. Either way, something happens between the two – maybe a mission goes wrong and Character A is taken hostage.

Having Character A so close again only to once more be taken away makes Character B realize he still feels the same way about her he did before, now he has to figure out how to prove that to her but first things first he needs to get her back to the safety of their unit. At this point in the role play he of course would rescue her with the help of the unit, at the end of their tour would be the big decision of who is moving where and where he plans on his proposal now that he knows the truth.