Character Full Name: Jackie Renolds

Gender: Male

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5'8"

: Flaxen blond hair, left a bit messy, and icy blue eyes. Medium build with good amount of muscle on him. Preferred outfit is a black t-shirt over his jacket with plain jeans and black boots. A few scars from previous fights along his body.

Personality Description: Jackie is cocky with high aspirations. He'll do what he needs to do to reach the top and doesn't care who he has to step over to get there. There are very few who enter his inner circle that will make him change that attitude. He's very sociable, though, and has an charismatic personality, one that he hopes to use to reach the heights he aspires to.

Short Biography: Jackie grew up in a shitty neighborhood to a drug addled mother and an abusive father. He dealt with the situation for years, never lifting a finger as he watched his father come home drunk day after day in a violent stupor. His mother took to drugs to avoid the abuse. Jackie held off for only one reason. His sister needed someone to take care of her. He tried to do so for the first few years, but he couldn't protect her from his father.

One night, while she was crying, his father took out his violence on her. It was the first time Jackie tried to fight back. He was knocked unconscious and, when he came to, he found his sister dead and his mother sobbing. His father was no where to be seen, but the police soon arrived. His mother was taken in, found to be an unfit parent for her addiction.

Jackie passed from foster home to foster home, causing more trouble in each one than the last. He fell in with bad crowds, got into plenty of scraps, always causing more trouble than good where ever he ended up. He eventually took up his mother's addiction, but kicked it a few years back after entering rehab. Since, he's been clean, but with no real talents and his track record, work is hard to come back. So, he brought himself into Riche City, hoping he could strike it big with what talents he does possess.

Character Nationality: American

Skills: Lockpicking, pickpocketing, brawler

Weaknesses/Detriments: Cocky, uneducated

Likes: Sushi, fighting, dogs, money

Dislikes: Authority, cowards