Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Temari Ordo

"I can concede this, Manda'lor has vouched for your fighting capability. I must insist Cosen goes however. Back up never hurts."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

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Jakito Twilight

“Fine, but you have to follow my lead, okay Cosen? I have the feeling this Stoneheart is an extremely dangerous enemy. If things get bad, I don’t want you getting yourself killed trying to save me, or become you really want to finish the job. If I say we have to run, you run.”

Cosen Greshh

Sighs. “Alright, but I’m sure it won’t come to that. You fought in the war. You’ve faced countless Sith Lords and Dark Jedi. One more shouldn’t be a problem.” I look at Gavin. “Guess I’ll see you afterwards?”

Gavin Greshh

“Yes. We still need a plan to get the shield down though. Maybe if you and Jakito hurry, you can make it back in time for the final assault.”

Cosen Greshh

“Hopefully, I...” my comm beeps again, and this time I glance at it in frustration. Who could have been bothering me, I wonder. As I read the ID tag on the display, my frustration evaporates instantly, though I try to hide my new emotions. With a straight face, I turn to Jakito’s holo and say, “We’ll meet up later to figure out a full plan. Talk to you him later.” Before he can say anything else, I end the transmission. I then turn to Gavin and mouth two words: Hayden’s alive.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

I narrow my eyes at the pair, not sure what they were up to, but not trusting it entirely either. "I trust this distraction won't keep us from doing what we're here to do?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cosen Greshh

I quickly turn to Temari. “Of course. Where were we?” Behind my back, I press a button on my comm to transmit our location to Hayden. I didn’t like hiding information from the Mandalorians, but I had no idea how they would react to Hayden. I may have been treated well, but I was still technically a prisoner. I didn’t want Hayden to be forced under Mand’alor’s will.

Kamari Ordo

“We were figuring out how to get the shield over the Senate District down. It is resistant to all our attempts to break it, and it’ll take way longer than we have time for to whittle it down. We need to shut the shield generator down before we can make the final push.”

Gavin Greshh

“What about a strike team? You have scouts all around the dome, and Jakito is on his way back from his search. Maybe a weak spot can be found and we can slip a small team through to hit the generator.”

Kamari Ordo

“Sucal probably has dozens of Sith Hunter Droids protecting him. Any small team that got caught past the shield would be dead before they knew what hit them.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

"Then we'll simply avoid being caught. Gavin, I trust that your Revolution still has maps of the less well known parts of the Senate District?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

I nod. “We do. The Ugnaughts probably have a pretty accurate map of the sewers and irrigation around the place too. We could slip in UNDER the shield and come up on the inside.”

Kamari Ordo

“The team would have to be small, but functional. As few people as possible to get the job done without being immediately detected.”

Gavin Greshh

“Give me time to talk to the Revolution leaders and I’ll have a team worked out.” I look at Cosen. “Do you have anything to add?”

Cosen Greshh

“Possibly. I just don’t want to say something I’ll regret later.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

I lock my eyes on the Twi'lek girl, the gaze hard. "Girl, this is a war and you are standing in the middle of a battle ground, whether the fighting is here or not. Secrets do not help, not us, not you and not Jakito Twilight. Don't think I missed the sudden hang up after you checked your commlink device. One does not become a Mandalorian Battlemaster by ignoring little details."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kamari Ordo

“Might I add that Mand’alor herself is on the way? She is to lead the final charge once the shield is down. So far, Tamari and I have had o my good things to say about you and Gavin’s progress, but knowing her, it will only take one mistake to incur her ire.”

Cosen Greshh

“Alright, fine. The message was from Hayden Twilight, Jakito’s daughter. She’s here on Coruscant. I haven’t spoken to her since my father was betrayed and murdered, so I have no idea what she wants.”

Gavin Greshh

“She is extremely powerful, but difficult to control. The Mandalorians could use her help, but it will only come voluntarily. She will not be forced into service like we initially were.”

Cosen Greshh

“She wants to see me and Gavin. Let us go to her and we will convince her to help you. Otherwise, she may find herself a odds with your people and add one more complication to the plan.”

Kamari Ordo

I know Hayden’s reputation well. HJ used to speak very highly of her, even when he was complaining. Having her on our side would definitely be beneficial. “You may go to her, but you will not do it unsupervised. Either I or Temari must go with you.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

I indicate the Revolutionaries still speaking in hushed tones in the other room. "It can't be both of you, not with the responsibilities you've taken. A leader cannot abandon those who need them."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

“Let Cosen go then. She and Hayden were very close once, and Cosen is the one she trusted to call. Take her to Hayden and she will convince her to help our case.” I look around the room. “Kam and I will finish up the planning here and await Mand’alor’s arrival.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

I nod. "Very well. Let me know when she arrives and we'll return as quick as we can, with or without Hayden Twilight."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cosen Greshh

“She’s on her way. I’ll have her meet us at somewhere away from the Mandalorian front. Someplace she won’t feel closed in.” I think a moment, then I get an idea. “Galactic City Zoo. Hayden used to love it there, and it’s far away from the fighting. Just... don’t pressure her to join us. If she says no, at the very least I can get her to stay out of our way. Piss her off and she’ll become your worst enemy.” I take out the comm and begin relaying instructions for Hayden to meet us.

About half an hour later, we arrive at the Zoo. Like most places on Coruscant these days, it is practically deserted. There are still a few droids about the place preforming their usual clean up duties, and of course the animals are still in their pens. Otherwise, we are completely alone. Then, from behind one of the enclosures steps Hayden Twilight... but she is not alone. With her are Jude Sucal and a small individual concealed by a heavy robe.

Hayden Twilight

I smile at Cosen, but I flash a glare at the Mando warrior behind her. “Good to see you again. It’s been a long time.”

Cosen Greshh

I smile. “Hayden! You... cut your hair.” I look at Jude. “And you, you’re.... back on our side?”

Jude Sucal

“I never left.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

I meet Hayden's glare evenly, unphased by it. "We have little time to waste on pleasantries."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hayden Twilight

I stand a little more guarded. “Who’s your new friend, Cosen?”

Cosen Greshh

“Temari Ordo. She can be trusted, I promise. Gavin and I have been working with the Mandalorians to help defeat Sucal. My mother is here too... and your father.”

Hayden Twilight

My eyes widen. “What!? Yo didn’t tell him I was here, did you?”

Cosen Greshh

“No, I kept it from him. I didn’t know if you were still on the outs with your family, so I didn’t say anything. But... he’s going to find out you’re here sooner or later.”

Hayden Twilight

“I know. Just not yet. He and I are on good terms again, but if he find out why I’m here...” I trail off, glancing back at the robes figure behind Jude.

Cosen Greshh

“What exactly ARE you doing here? Because we could really use your help with taking down that massive shield. It’s the last step before we take Presidential Palace.”

Jude Sucal

I step close to Hayden and whisper. “I wasn’t expecting her to be with the Mandalorians. That makes things harder.”

Hayden Twilight

I force a pleasant smile. “Can we maybe talk to you alone? We were hoping to get the old band back together for something. Just you, me, Gavin and Jude. Fuck Gendry. He’s dead, and good riddance.” I look at Temari. “So what do you say? Let Cosen off the leash and I’ll consider helping you guys out afterwards.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

I don't budge. "If what you have to say cannot be said in front of me, then you have no intention of trusting me or Manda'lor and therefore we will not need your help. The scheming of yourself and your family is not of concern to me, so keeping secrets around me is of no import. Share your plan so that we might return to the larger matter at hand."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cosen Greshh

"Just tell us, Hayden. I'll help you however I can, and I'm sure that when Gavin is done planning, he can land a hand too."

Hayden Twilight

I nod. "Okay, but your Mando friends better not interfere! I promise my full support to whatever crazy plan Ava Cadera has to stop Sucal, but in return, they need to either help me or back off!" I motion to Jude, and he brings the cloaked figure forward. "Remember Senator Xanthippe Naberrie?"

Cosen Greshh

"The Witch? Yeah, my father used to complain about her a lot. She was a major thorn in his side. Why?"

Hayden Twilight

"Well... this is her handmaiden." I pull the hood off of the figure, revealing Korré. "You remember Sucal's old plan? To have me absorb the Sith Emperor's power and use it to fuel that alien machine he talked about? When I refused... this became his backup plan. Show her, Korré." Reluctantly, she takes off the robe, showing off her very pregnant form. "She is only a few months in, yet she's already almost about to pop. Sucal and Xan used some sort of magic to create a baby, and they're using this girl as a carrier."

Cosen Greshh

"Yes... Yes, I remember Gavin mentioning this! He overheard a conversation between Xan and our father! But this happened just before Father was killed. How could this have advanced so quickly?"

Hayden Twilight

"Sucal is manipulating it, causing the gestation to move far more rapidly than usual. He wants this kid, and I have no doubt he plans to use it as the Sith Emperor's new vessel. Then he'll just plug it into his machine and use it as an infinite power source to tear the Force apart."

Cosen Greshh

"Then why would you bring her here!? If Sucal wants her, you should have sent her as far away as possible!"

Jude Sucal

"She's bait. My father is becoming desperate. If he knows she's here, he will stop at nothing to get her... and he will make mistakes. That is when we strike him down."

Hayden Twilight

"Basically, but we need to make sure that even if the plan fails, he can't get this kid. That is what I need you and Gavin for. We need to figure out what to do about Korre and Sucal's little nightmare spawn. I can't trust the Jedi or my parents because they are too blinded by mercy. We three plus Jude are the only ones willing to make the tough calls and do what needs to be done." I glance at the Mandalorian behind Cosen. "I was hoping to have a proper round table with you and Gavin, maybe somewhere secluded in the lower city. But maybe if you take us back to base..."

Jude Sucal

"Or we can end it now." I take my lightsaber off my belt, but don't activate it. I press the blade emiter to Korre's back. "The Mandalorians are in HJ's pocket, Hayden. We can't trust them to honor any agreement. They'll sell us out to your family and our only chance to end this will be lost."

Cosen Greshh

"Hold on! There is a lot happening at once here! Let's not do anything in haste." I look at Korré. "Are we talking about what I think we're talking about?"

Hayden Twilight

"Only if that is what you believe its the right call." The look on my face shows that I don't want to hurt Korré, but I will if there is no other option left. "I was really hoping you and Gavin would have a good plan because... because I've got nothing."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

The moment Jude pulls his lightsaber, I rest a hand on my blaster pistol, a snarl leaving my lips. "Do not question my honor, whelp, or I'll put you down where you stand before you can thumb the activator on your lightsaber. I have already stated that I have no interest in the planning and plots of either the Twilights or the Je'ands and that remains." My stance on their own planning made, I continue. "The girl is of little importance to our push into the Presidential Palace, so I care not for what you do with her. But if Sucal IS after her, and we have cornered him, you would be wise to remember that there is no animal more dangerous in all the galaxy than one that is cornered."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hayden Twilight

I whistle sharply at Jude. “Put that thing away, stupid. We aren’t killing her. At least not yet. How do you expect to use her as bait if you kill her?” I glare until Jude back off, then I return my attention to Cosen and Temari. “Anyways, now that that is out of the way, I’ll gladly lend my blade to stopping Sucal. As long as Cosen, Gavin, and I are allowed a bit of alone time between strategy sessions, any proper accommodations are made for the girl to stay, out Alliance can go smoothly.”

Cosen Greshh

“We are based out of an abandoned hotel. I’m sure we can find a place to stick Xan’s handmaiden until we make a real plan.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Temari Ordo

I take a moment to consider things and then nod. "Very well, but you'll have to make due with some of the lower levels of the hotel we're in. Just as a precaution until we take out the dome shield."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hayden Twilight

Nods. "Whatever you say. I've made due with worse." I signal Jude. "Come on. The sooner we get to the Mando base, the sooner we can figure out what to do with her." I walk towards Cosen, smiling anew. "We've got some catching up to do, Numa."


I pull away from Jude as he grabs me by the arms and pulls me along. "Excuse me, Honorable Mandalorian! I am a friend of HJ Twilight, and an ally of Mand'alor! She knows me, and swore to help protect me! If she learns that you let these Sith harm me, she will not be pleased!"

Jude Sucal

"Silence yourself! We're doing this for the greater good of the galaxy!"
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