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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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Dratini ignored Ribert and lunged at Tyrunt once more. The fossil Pokemon spun around, smacking away the smaller Pokemon with it's tail.

"Hey now, come down!" Professor Oak said as Tyrunt jumped after Dratini, trying to bite down on the smaller Pokemon. "Tyrunt stop!" Chad yelled, pulling out his pokeball. In a flash of red light, Tyrunt was returned to it's pokeball. "Well those two don't like each other..." Chad said, looking at the pokeball. "What's your Dratini's problem?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at Dratini as it shook its head.

"Well they're both dragons, so I assume they saw each other as a rival." Professor Oak explained. Squirtle poked it's head out from behing Chad's legs, checking to make sure the fighting was over. "S....squirt?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert sighed out and recalled Dartini back into her pokeball, as he shrugged his shoulders with a sheepish smile. "I will go with Oak's analogy...in fact I think all Dragon Pokemon have that issue? Or at least...the Dragonite line." Robert said with a chuckle, as Petilil and Pikachu sighed out with the grass pokemon shaking her head left and right. Couldn't believe Dratini is already starting trouble...not even ten minutes after the new trainer got his starter. The trouble making Dragon, already began to cause trouble.

"Well just be glad it didn't break out into something more. I mean Dragon types are nearly difficult to train and raise." Robert explained, placing both arms behind his head. Chuckling and smiling a bit "So...no hard feelings, I mean Tyrunt is probably going to give you a hard time as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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Dratini gave a quuck, indignant cry before she was sucked back into the pokeball, while Squirtle just sighed in relief. That was a close one.

"Don't worry about it man. Tyrunt can be kinda grumpy, but he's a good friend." Chad said in reply to Robert. "Just be glad he wasn't hungry though, he can get real mad when he's hungry."

Professor Oak cleared his throat, trying to get the two trainers attention. "Well now that that's settled, I do believe it is time."

"Time for what?"

"It is time for you to go. To choose the path you will walk, with your Pokemon by your side. It doesn't matter what you ultimately choose as your goal, wether it be collecting Pokemon, battling Pokemon, or just traveling with Pokemon! What matters is the journey! Who you are, who your Pokemon are, and who you will become together. It is time to enter, the wondrous world...of Pokemon!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert listened to Oak as well one of his speeches finally getting through. Without being interrupted or ignored by the abrupt trainer Chad. Explaining too the two of them, of what they should do, or what they could find or what their next plans are for heading out into the world. Where Pokemon roam across the land and such. Getting Pikachu and Petilil all smiling and giddy for their adventure to begin!

"No worries Professor Oak, I think I already know who I want to become when I begin my first step out there. Although might take awhile for me to decide on the matter. But eh, I can improvise." Robert joked out beaming from finally hearing Oaks famous speeches. That his mother always told him about, even if he does go on and on with them. They always seems to captivate all sorts of trainers, that they literately just stay an extra hour. To hear what kind of advices he has..which reminds him? "Oh right Professor Oak, any tips or advice you want to give too us? Before we head on out?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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For a moment, Professor Oak's face faltered, and a worried expression took over. He had heard of something going on...surely these two wouldn't get involved? Would they?

Realizing that Robert was still waiting for an answer, Oak mentally shook himself. "Just take care of yourself, and your Pokemon." Professor Oak finally answered. "...and always be careful of strange people." he added after a moment more of thought.

Chad raised an eyebrow at the Professor's strange reaction. Was he not telling them something? He had half a mind to ask what the problem was, before he decided against it. The old man had to have his reasons. He hadn't given them a reason to distrust him so far. "Thanks Professor, I appreciate the Pokemon, and the Dex." He turned to leave, before a thought entered his head. "Het Robert, you up for your first Pokemon battle?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert was about to ask what was wrong, to professor oak? When the man showed a very worried expression on his face and told the two of them. To be very careful of strange people? Which no doubt Robert knows better, than to interact with people that might be strange...not like crazy strange, strange. Those who probably would start making trouble or cause trouble for others kind of strange...

"Sure professor..? Thanks again for the pokedex Professor, really appreciate it." Robert smiled along with Pikachu and Petilil, all the while the three of them. Then turned around and faces at Chad. Who asked Robert if he wanted to have a first Pokemon battle? Robert lightly scratch the side of his cheek...in a bit of concern on the account well? Squirtle seems to be really shy, as well as weak too Grass and Electric types. Tyrunt he isn't really sure, but if it's a fossil pokemon, that might mean he is also part Rock. Which Rock is weak to grass...though it might be normally weak too grass, with it being part Dragon.

"I don't know Chad, not sure if that will be a good idea. Squirtle seems very shy earlier and I honestly don't want to hurt the little guy." explained Robert, who recalled Pikachu back too his pokeball. While Petilil just happily waddle her way over too the boy, and stand next to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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Chad looked down at the turtle hiding between his legs and nodded. He saw Robert's point, it would be better if he knew Squirtle better. "I guess your right, but definitely next time." He said with a grin. He offered a hand to his fellow trainer, his grin widening further. "Deal?"

As Professor Oak watched the pair, he couldn't help but feel nistalgic. How many times had he watched this very scene? What would these two go on to do? Would they become the best of friends, or bitter rivals? Even now he couldn't tell, but that was truly up to them now. They would decide their own destiny.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert chuckle and shook hands with the boy, "Deal" Robert replied back shaking hands with Chad and then bringing it back down to his sides. As Robert then turned around and smiles at Oak. "Well I'm off Professor, watch you are going to get a a lot of pokemon from me!" The boy said with heart full smile, and recalls Petilil to her ball as she happily danced in place before getting sucked into the ball as the boy then. Ran towards the door and gave a finger salute "See ya Chad, see ya Oak. I will try my very best to catching every single Pokemon!" The boy said as he opens up the door and heads on out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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Chad shook Robert's hand, and for some reason he had the urge to make a comment. Just as Robert was getting ready to leave Chad yelled after him, "Smell ya later!"


As Robert ran out of the building, he caught the eye of someone passing by. The person watched Robert run by, not noticing as he bumped into her. With a shriek, she fell to the ground, dropping a bunch of papers she had in her hands, which immediately flew all over the place. "No!" She cried as she desperately tried to catch them all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert after crashing into something...or someone. Groaned and rubbed the back of his head, "ow, ow, ow, ow." he muttered quickly, then heard somebody shouting no. Along with having him opening up his eyes and saw that some papers were flying up into the air. With what seems like a girl scurrying to gather them all up and such. "Uh sorry about that I got...excited from oaks lab." He started though went quiet.

He got up from the ground and help out the girl, by gathering the papers and such. "Again I am really sorry about this...though why are you carrying papers? Are they for oak?" Robert asked, grabbing the last few that were on the ground. By bending down and back up, figuring she must've gotten the rest. He then tapped the papers to have them neat and tidy, all the while standing back up. "here ya go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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The girl sighed in relief, taking the papers from Robert. "Thanks a lot, I appreciate the help." She said, giving Robert a big smile. "Though you should be more careful about watching where your going. Then again, who am I to talk? I do the same thing all the time! Like the other day when I was helping my-mm!" She slapped a hand over her mouth and blushed. She was always doing that, going on and on when she got excited. She had a habit of starting to talk and not being able to stop. "Sorry, gotta go!" She said from behind her hand. "Gotta get this stuff to the Professor!" She added with a giggle, finally taking her hand from her mouth. She turned to go towards the lab before stopping and taking a glance back at Robert. He looked kinda familiar... "Oh yeah, my name's Leaf, how about you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert blinked his eyes when this girl suddenly, slapped her hand onto her mouth. While she then apologizes for...who knows what? But figure because of how she was going on with her talking and such. He was about to say don't worry about it, only to then turn his attention at her when she moved by him. Telling him she needed to get these stuff and papers too Oak, making the boy to nod and raise his hand in understanding with a smile.

He then grinned when she told her name was Leaf, "Names Robert and it's nice to meet you Leaf, any way hope everything turns out alright with Oak. I have a journey to take!" The boy exclaimed with a wave of his hand and facing around. Robert started running out towards where Route 1 is, making sure to watch out for couple of the people who were walking along the side walks, as well as the streets. In a way too not run into a street pole, or parked cars.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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Leaf watched the boy run off, tilting her head. Robert? The name sounded faniliar, but she couldn't quite place it. "Oh well." She said with a shrug. She turned back towards the lab, the papers firmly in her hands. She had to give Professor Oak his parcel! Or at least, the papers he needed to sign before he coud get hjs parcel. She entered the lab, drawing the attention of Chad and the other scientists.

Leaf wore a red mini skirt, attached to a sleeveless light blue shirt. She had a yelliw duffel bag slung over her shoulder, with some kind of device on the strap. She had long brown hair, reaching down her back, and a white hat with half a pokeball symbol on it. Last of all, she had brown eye's, though they were a light shade.

"Professor Ooooak! I have your paaarcel!" She called out, holding the stack of papers in the air. "Well, sorta."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Professor Oak blinked his eyes and look towards the entrance of his lab. Smiling as he saw that it was Leaf, who was carrying what seems to be a lot of papers and such? "AH right the registration papers, to clarify my order." The professor said with a chuckle as he then walked on over towards the girl, and took the papers for her. So she won't be stumbling and fumbling around with them. "Thank you Leaf , sorry for putting you through that trouble of getting my parcel." The old man said with a smile. Bringing out a pen from his shirt pocket, signing his name onto them while turning around to walk back towards the pokeballs. "I hope the parcel of Pokeball's weren't heavy for you?" He asked, as he places the papers onto the table and begin writing in them.


Robert and his team of Pokemon, were doing a good start on their journey. As the boy was making sure to take his time in route one...searching high and low for any Pokemon that maybe in hiding...although he isn't really going to plan on using them in his team right now. On the account he doesn't want to grow a Rattata or a Pidgey as of yet. Not that there is anything wrong with them...he just figured to have a diverse team. After all he has Petilil from Unova, along with a Pikachu who at the time were eating the electrical wires of the apartment building, him and his mom are living at in Saffron city. All the while running into a Dratini...though not entirely sure where or when he caught her, or even remember running into the little dragon...but he has to say. His team is very unique...

It will take him a while before letting out a soft sigh, and looking over the little hill top he is standing on. Admiring.the scenery in front of him. Feeling the soft winds blowing against his hair and such, even chuckling when Petilil decided to come out from her ball and hopped into his arms and then worked her way up to his shoulders. Rubbing and nudging her cheek against his. "What do you think Petilil should we stay here a bit longer, to get some experience or continue moving forward?" He asked the little grass type. Who tilted her head and doing her best to make a shrugging motion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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Leaf shook her head, bringing her arm up to make a muscle. "Nope! I'm stronger than I look!" She said with a giggle. "Oh, by the way, who was that boy that ran out? He seemed awfully excited..."


As Robert and Petilil looked out over the small hill, they would catch sight of an extremely tall figure. The man was wearing an unusually large black trenchcoat, obscuring his body. The figure had a hat on its head as well, also unusually large, covering the figure's head. The figure was walking down the path, but suddenly stopped and looked at Robert, a pair of eye's visible beneath the hat. The figure looked up at Robert, staring intensely at the young trainer and his Pokemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert blinked his eyes at the stranger with somewhat confusion and curiosity, all the while Petilil is also staring confusingly at the stranger. Both showing that they don't feel somewhat threaten at all from his presence...despite looking very creepy and somewhat frightening. Robert and Petilil both then look at one another and then back at the figure, as Robert gave a small smile. Waving his wand gently left and right, with a soft chuckle. "Um...Hello? Are...are you lost mister?"


"Hm the boy that left? That was Robert Arma, he just came too get his Pokedex and begin his Pokemon journey." Professor Oak said with a small ah, as he finishes up the papers and headed on over back to leaf. Trading the parcel box with the papers, so this way she can send them back to the market. As Oak chuckle "Yeah he is definitely got that personality from his mother. Why do you want to know Leaf...do you by any chance have met Robert before?" Oak asked, as he places the box down on a table and hummed himself. Trying to recall if Robert and Leaf met up before..? I mean...they both went too the same school. It kind of surprise him, that the two didn't recognize each other?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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The figure continued to stare at Robert for a minute, not moving an inch. As Robert and Petilil stared at the figure, the hill they were on seemed to disappear, and the figure seemed to get closer and closer... A deep voice echoed in the duo's mind, "Run."

Professor Oak's lab...

Leaf stared at Professor Oak blankly for a second, the name running through her mind. "Uh, is she okay Professor?" Chad asked as he watched her.

Suddenly, her eyes opened wide, and she shouted, "What?! That was Robert?!" She turned and ran back towards the door, saying, "Sorry Professor, but I gotta go! Thanks for everything!"


Chad stared at the door for a second longer before sighing. "This isn't gonna be normal in any way, is it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert and Petilil were confused at first of what he meant by running. Only to then see the hill they were standing on were starting to disappear. Making Petilil and Robert to stagger backwards from the sight, and then hearing a voice in their heads. Telling them to run? Run from what is whats going through Robert's mind, as Petilil starting to get scare and tremble on Robert's shoulder as the boy didn't understand whats going on...? But figure to listen and began running down the hill away from the strange figure.

He look back to give a glance, of what was going on and if the stranger will be alright? "Lil?" petilil chanted in slight tremble in her voice. As Robert looked back forward and tsked...

"I'm sure they will be fine Petilil...though what is happening...?" He said outloud as he made a turn around a couple of trees. His figure slowly shrinking as go further through the route.


Oak blinked his eyes a bit at the sudden outburst Leaf just caused, and closed his eyes when the door got slammed shut. Making the professor chuckle and shake his head, as he turns around and started walking back into his lab. "In our world where humans and Pokemon coincide with each other? I say embrace the abnormality that you run or come across. Cause my boy, nothing in our fantastic world. Is ever normal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solar Tyrannomon

Solar Tyrannomon

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As Robert ran, the figure turned in the opposite direction, mentally counting down. Shouldn't be long now...

With Leaf...

As Leaf ran out of Pallet Town, she caught sight of Robert running back towards her. He remebered her! With a grin, she waved at him, though she was confused when he ducked behind a tree. Her smile faltered when she suddenly had a bad feelung in her gut, like something was bad waa about to happen...

With Chad and Oak...

Chad nodded at Oak, conceding the point. In a world where plants were alive, and fossils could be revived from the dead, anything was possible! "I'm off then Professor,bthanks again." He said as he turned to leave, excited to start his journey. It was time.

As the young trainers each went their way, something happened. There was a flash of light in the distance, followed by a massively loud explosion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tamerrobert21


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Robert heard the explosion as well the powerful noise it emitted when it was set off. Making Petilil to let out a small cry of fright. Hugging more into Robert's chest as the boy knelt down onto the ground with his arms holding the grass type tightly against him. He wasn't sure what is going on, or why there was a explosion...but is that what the person in the trench coat meant when he told Robert to run? To get away from something like that, so he wouldn't get harm? Well...he hopes that whoever it was, were alright along with any wild Pokemon who might've gotten hurt from the said explosion...


Oak nodded his head and said his farewell too the boy. As he shook his head with a small chuckle, and began moving some things around in his lab. Only to quickly grabbed onto the side of his labs walls. From hearing what sounded like an eruption or a explosion outside, that it cause the old man to quickly dart on over towards one of his windows. Peaking outside from it and then guarded his eyes. From the massive flash of light...after the light vanish and seeing what appears to be smoke. It raised alarms in Oaks head that something...and not even an hour into the children adventures. Something terrible has happened...But whats worst? Robert and Leaf were probably already in the route when this happens "I have inform officer jenny!"
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