Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

Two of my Hunters join Gavin and Jude in attempting to defend the Revolution gunners, but it quickly becomes apparent that we can't hold position much longer. "We need to move! We're going to get swarmed if we fight here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

“Hayden, cover us! Everyone follow me!” I push through the mob of cthons and run down the pipe, the others following close behind while Hayden takes out any of the beasts that get too close. Eventually, after running for some time, the pipe opens into a large circular pit. Several different pipe systems lead to this pit, and on the far side, I can see a ladder. “That’s our way out!” I look down the pit. It’s about a 20 foot drop into water. “We’re going to have to jump!”


“Are you serious?” My answer comes when Gavin leaps from the pipe and into the water. I sigh. “I really hope this mission is worth it!” I jump after him. After me come the remaining slicers and Jude.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

My Hunters and I hold bring up the rear as the Revolutionaries jump, our blaster rifles spitting death into the cthons as they try to rush us. I tell my men to go ahead of me in Mando'ade and keep firing until I hear the last of them jump. Then I pull out a thermal detonator and toss it towards the beasts before turning and leaping into the pit myself. Just before I hit the water, I hear it go off and smirk just as I splash into it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hayden Twilight

The water isn’t too deep. If I stand on my tippy toes, my head is alive the surface. Still, it isn’t fun at all. “Well, this is just what I wanted today. To swim in sewer water.”


“I thought you said you got used to it.” I flash a smirk.

Hayden Twilight

“You get used to the smell! I never said dive in.” I look around at the remains of our group. Thankfully, most of them had made it safely. “Where is Jude?”

Gavin Greshh

“I got him here!” Jude clings to my back with his arms around my neck. Poor kid never learned to swim. “Alright, everyone. The exit to the sewers should be right above us. We just need to climb that ladder to the top. That will take us close to where I believe the shield generator is most likely to be located.”

Jude Sucal

“Let’s hurry then. The longer we wait, the more of a chance something else could go wrong.” Just as I say that, one of the Mandalorians suddenly jerks violently, and a tentacle wraps itself around his torso before pulling him under the water. “Like that!”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

My Mandalorians and I unload in the direction that our fallen comrade was pulled in and one of us tosses a grenade that way as well. "No more dangerous and jinxing phrases!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Jude Sucal

“Alright, I won’t say anything anymore!”

Gavin Greshh

“Everyone to the ladder! Quickly!” I start to wade towards the ladder, waving the others to follow.

Hayden Twilight

As more tentacles splash out of the water, I do my best to back them apart with my lightsaber. “Dianogas! I hate these things!” Slowly, I begin to follow the others as they scramble for the ladder.


“Everyone one at a time! I’ll help cover!” I start shooting in the direction the tentacles are coming from, hoping to hit something viral.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

There's the sound of rapid blaster fire followed by the sound of a missile before the Mandolorian who'd been grabbed came jetpacking back, his blaster rifle lost and his blaster pistol hitting tentacles as they emerged from the water. I join him and offer cover fire as the others climb the ladder. While we could have jetpacked up if it was big enough, it was classic Republic design there it was just wide enough for whoever was climbing up the ladder. Half my Hunters continued to pour fire in the general direction while the other half and myself fired on the tentacles, hoping to buy the Revolutionaries time to get out first.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

Hayden and I use the Force to boost a few of the Revolutionaries up onto the ladder. Once they are out of harms way, I let Jude off my back and let him climb. Next, I grab Vette by the arm. “Come on, Mom.”


I continue to fire at the dianoga tentacles that appear out of the water until Gavin grabs my arm. I hesitate for a moment before nodding and climbing up onto the ladder.

Hayden Twilight

“You next, Gavin.” I shove him away before he has a chance to argue. “Come on, Mandos! Let’s get going!” I wave them to follow as I finally grab the ladder rungs and begin to climb after Gavin.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

I order my Hunters up before myself, using my rifle to fire on every tentacle that popped up until the last of my men was jetting up. Once I was sure the way was clear, I jetted up the ladder myself, firing down to discourage pursuit with it's tentacles and once I come out the opening, I land near it. "Close it now!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hayden Twilight

Gavin and I slam the hatch shut. From the other side, there is a few moments of banging as the creature tries to follow, but it gives up and there is silence again. “Well, that wasn’t too bad. At least we didn’t lose anyone this time.”

Gavin Greshh

“Still and unnecessary delay though. We will need to hurry to the shield generator before they realize we’re here. Let’s hope that Malori’s modified Cthons weren’t able to somehow communicate with her.” I wave everyone to follow as I head off towards an abandoned ally. “Come. We need to stay out of sight. The generator isn’t too far.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Mandalore the Risen

I look over the building tops towards the horizon, or what little I can see of it. The shield over the Senate District was still up, but the clans were already rallying to their attack positions. “Come on, Temari. Don’t let me down.”

I turn away from the shield dome and take out my holo communicator. With a few clicks, I bring up my father’s image. “Buir, the assault on Presidential Palace is about to begin. Is the fleet in position?”

Torian Cadera

“They are, Mand’alor. Lydia Viszla commands the fleet. She await your orders.”

Mandalore the Risen

I smile sadly. My father’s dedication to the Mando’ade way of life forced him to view me as his leader, not his daughter. “Tell her to hold position. When I give the command, I want Basilisks deployed to my location.” I pause a moment, then in a softer voice, I say, “Buir... what can you tell me about the Clan Chief Zarka Saxon?”

Torian Cadera

I take a few seconds to give my answer. “I knew Zarka Saxon when I was younger. We weren’t friends, but I saw him around during gatherings. Corridan Ordo and I invite him on a few game hunts, but he rarely came along. He isn’t the type that is easy to get along with, as you probably know. I broke his nose once too.” I think a little more before asking “Do you remember the name Tarro Blood?”

Mandalore the Risen

“He’s the one who killed Ba’buir Braden, right? Mother spoke of him on occasion.”

Torian Cadera

“That’s the one. He and Zarka were pretty close once. That is, until the Great Hunt when Zarka busted Tarro’s knee and forced him out of the game. You can imagine, that left a lot of us wondering; were they ever really friends, or was Zarka just playing nice, waiting for the right moment to strike?”

Mandalore the Risen

“Why would be turn on Blood? From what I understand, he was nobody.”

Torian Cadera

“Exactly. Blood wasn’t born a Mando’ade. He wasn’t even adopted into a clan. He was an Alderaanian noble until Hedarr Soongh started training him to fight. He proved himself, and was given a set of beskar, but not all of the Mandalorians viewed him as true Mando’ade. Zarka Saxon was among them. He is likely one of those who view foundling and clan adoptions as lesser than true born Mandalorians.”

Mandalore the Risen

I frown. “So he’s an elitist, and he isn’t above betraying his supposed allies.”

Torian Cadera

“Not blatantly, and not without reason. He is loyal to the Mandalorian way of life, and especially loyal to the Mand‘alor. If you give him orders, he will carry them o it without question. You can count on that.”

Mandalore the Risen

“So... he won’t challenge me?” It was a weak thing to ask, but my anxiety at the prospect was enough to put me beyond caring.

Torian Cadera

“Oh, make no mistake. He will most definitely challenge you. But you can rest easy knowing it won’t be until our current enemy is defeated.”

Mandalore the Risen

My nerves flair, and for a moment, my panic turns to anger. “But why? I’ve done nothing wrong! In fact, I’d say this is the closest any Mand’alor has ever come to conquering the galactic core! Is this all because...” I catch myself, and in a quieter voice, I ask “Is this all become of my relationship with HJ Twilight?”

Torian Cadera

“Your relationship, the allies you keep among the Jedi and Sith, and even your age are possible reason. There is also your clan; Cadera is one of the least loved among the clans. Ever since my father’s refusal to answer Mand’alor’s call and betrayal. I did what I could to restore our honor, but not everyone could be so easily pleased. Especially considering who I married.”

Mandalore the Risen

“What do you mean? Mako was a famous bounty hunter in her own right even before she met you!”

Torian Cadera

“But she’s no Mandalorian. She’s an honorary member of the clan, but she’ll never wear beskargam or ride a basilisk. Some Mando’ade, like Zarka, see marrying outside of the clans as weakness. I broke Zarka’s nose to prove that wasn’t so, and he never spoke a word about my love life again... but I have no doubt he thought about it often. Now here you are, a half breed child from a dishonored clan, demanding a veteran warrior bow down and call you Mand’alor. He would probably claim it as his duty to challenge you, though deep down I’m sure his motivation would be little more than jealousy.”

Mandalore the Risen

“The problem is that many others probably feel the same way, and if he issues his challenge, I worry that he will gain a lot of support.”

Torian Cadera

I momentarily break my business like demeanor and speak as a father to his child. “Remember that you ARE the Mand’alor, and he only wishes he was. You defeated Mandalone the Victor in fair combat. You earned the right to stand we’re you do. Remind your people that when the time comes to pick sides, and remember that Clan Cadera AND Clan Ordo will absolutely plan their flags in the sand next to yours.” I take a quick look around before adding “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Ad’ika.”

Mandalore the Risen

I bow my head. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Buir.” I end the call and turn towards where my warriors are gathering on the platform below me. Now was not the time for lamenting possible futures. Now was the time to focus on the present and prepare for action.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

We've been sneaking through side streets and allyways for a while, trying our best to avoid detection. So far, so good. Not far away, we can hear and feel the thrumming of a large machine, which leads us to believe the shield generator is close by. "Be on guard. We've made it this far, but I doubt Sucal would leave the shield undefended."

Jude Sucal

"He definitely left something to guard that generator. I can promise that. We can't avoid a confrontation forever. But... lets do out best to fight smart. Just because we are close to the end, that doesn't mean we should get cocky."

Hayden Twilight

I smile and tussle his hair. "You're finally learning something, my former apprentice."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

My Hunters had resumed their fanned out wedge ahead of the Revolutionaries, with myself near the main group so I could remain in the loop. "Once we can see the generators from a distance, my Hunters and I will take to the rooftops, make sure that nothing else catches us by surprise. With preparation, we're far more likely to come out on top."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

As we walk, I begin to hear a sound like buzzing. It slowly becomes louder, like something is coming from above. I signal everyone to stop and whisper “Get to cover.”

We scramble to hiding positions just in time for a large drone to fly over the buildings above us. It is unlike any Republic drone we’ve seen before, but it’s armor is the same color as the Sith Hunters.


“Great. They got fliers now. Just what we needed.”

Gavin Greshh

“Then we stay low for now. Hopefully we’re close to the generator and we won’t
have to worry about them for very long.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

Signalling the group forwards, I move along the edge of the building I'm next to. "Going in blind it is then. I get the feeling it's a moot point, but do any of you Force Users sense anything?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hayden Twilight

“Other than the over all feeling of danger? Nothing too specific at the moment. I’ll yet ya know if that changes.”

Jude Sucal

“I sense my father. I haven’t been this close to him in... a very long time. It feels strange. Almost comforting to be so close... yet I know that isn’t right. I hate him, yet I am drawn to him.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

I grunt and keep moving, signalling cover as another pair of drones go by. "Familial bonds are sacred, even to us Mandalorians. It's why betrayal is so horrible in our culture and usually earns the death penalty."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Jude Sucal

“I’m this case, I think the same rule applies here. I may need to kill my father in order to stop all of the madness he plans.”

Hayden Twilight

“You won’t be alone in that, kid. We’re all gunning for Sucal. Who knows though; you might get the final blow in yourself. But if you feel you can’t go through with it, I’ll gladly end him myself.”

Jude Sucal

“I don’t WANT to kill him, but I feel like I must. I can sense that part of my destiny is to be instrumental in his fall.”

Gavin Greshh

I signal a halt once again as we come to the end of the ally. Beyond is a long stretch of open area, like a large courtyard. There are no more places to hide. Only a low metal wall and a few statues serve as possible cover. At the far end of the courtyard is a large thrumming generator, from which spews a cone of plasma that reaches high above to create the massive shield dome.


“There it is.” I whisper. “All the way across no man’s land.”

Gavin Greshh

I nod bitterly. “We’ll he exposed the whole way. Nowhere to hide or sneak by.”

Hayden Twilight

“Could we make a run for it? We might be able to hold off the drones while the slicers set the charges on the generator.”

Jude Sucal

“There are worse things then drones over there. There are Sith Hunters hidden all around, just waiting to get the alert signal. We’ll be dead before we reach the generator.” I close my eyes, reaching out with the Force. "He knows we're here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"We never thought it would be easy, though I won't lie if I said I hadn't wished for it. We'll go on Gavin's signal." My warriors shoot me looks and I glare at them. "We are here as escorts. This is still his mission."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gain Greshh

“Alright. We need to take this slowly. That low wall over there is our last cover spot. If we can sneak to it, we might be able to duck behind it before anyone notices. From there, we’ll be exposed, but if we go one at a time, we might be able to cover each other...” As I speak, one of the drones flies over the courtyard and hovers, facing our direction. It’s photoreceptor glows blew, and it projects a large hologram down.

Jorg Sucal

My hologram smiles down towards the alleyway where the rebels are hiding. “Come on out. It is pointless to hide any longer. It’s alright. I just want to talk.”

Hayden Twilight

I sneer. “Yeah, I totally believe that.”

Gavin Greshh

“Doesn’t matter. He sees us. If we don’t come out, he’ll send more drones in after us, or worse.” I glance out towards the generator. “Walk slowly and calmly to the wall. If this becomes a fight, take cover. Mandos and Revolution lay down blaster fire while you, me, and Jude do our thing.”

Hayden Twilight

I nod. “Stay behind me, kid.” I push Jude behind me protectively. I glance at Temari. “Maybe have some of your guys hang back. If a fight does break out, maybe they can circle around and flank. Worse case, we’ll need someone to run back to base and tell them the plan if off.”

Gavin Greshh

“It won’t come to that! Now, come on!” The frustration at being so throughly cornered brings an edge to my voice. With a deep breath, I step out of the ally and walk towards the wall. Close behind me are Hayden and Vette, then Jude and the Revolution.

Jorg Sucal

“You have fought well. I admire the lengths you go through to accomplish your goals. Unfortunately, your plans end here.” At those words, there is a heavy clanking, and two Sith Hunter droids walk out from opposite sides of the courtyard, weapons ready. “Don’t worry. They are in defensive mode. They will only attack if you approach any further than that wall.”

Hayden Twilight

“Why such hesitation? Why not set them to kill us all now?”

Jorg Sucal

My eye twitches at seeing Hayden Twilight, one of if not my most hated enemy. “Because I am feeling generous at the moment. There is no need for further bloodshed. My victory is secure. Turn around and go home, and I will spare your lives.”

Gavin Greshh

“The Force still flows through us all, Sucal! As long as that is so, you are nowhere close to victory!”

Jorg Sucal

I am about to speak, but I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I step aside. My hologram is replaced by a tall, slender woman.

Carice Malori

“That will be rectified soon enough. The Tempest Eye is within reach. All we have to do now is reach out and take it.” I turn away from the holo projector and whisper to Sucal, “They are defiant to the end, my lord. They will not surrender. You know this.”

Jorg Sucal

“Then they will die.” I lift the remote controlling the droids to my mouth. “Hold position. Eliminate anyone who comes close to the generator.” I lock in the command and place the remote down. I then step up to the projector again. “So, what will it be? Surrender or death?”
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