In the country of Morvana King Gerald had rules for over forty years. Ruling in both times of peace and in war, keeping his country stable for the entirety of his reign. In his time as King, he sired twins children. A boy Henry and a girl Maria.

Henry trained in the arts of ridership and war while Maria trained mainly by the court. As the children grew so did the admiration of the people. Something changed in them though.

An accident had occurred, coming home from the royal summer home while the prince was not escorting his mother home because of the Ostigian war. The queen's carriage flipped and the prince was impaled by multiple crossbow bolts.

News of the impending demise of his Queen and near-death of his son had the King racing back. Leaving the war in the hands of the Duke of the Black Marshes Reynard Moreau and the royal niece and Duchess of (Blank). The two pushed back the invaders in a humiliating fashion and raced back also, leaving their aides to bring the army home.

The prince surprisingly made a full recovery but something changed in the young man. The prince's change was something that made King Gerald start secretly tutoring his daughter on how to rule the country. He could no longer trust his son.

Over the next five years, the king got sick and had gradually had gotten worse. It was then when a servant came to bring the king his fast found him dead. Having the luck to die in his sleep or most had thought. Within the week most nobles had come to pledge their fealty to their new King.

One night the Duchess of (Blank) had heard Reynard and Princess Maria arguing about something outside of the coronation feast. The argued silently but the Duchess knew something was a miss because Reynard had been like a second father figure to the princess.

Watching in secret when she saw Reynard sigh and had relented to the Princess's request. Taking notice that the conversation had taxed the both of them. When she had questioned her friend and former lover he was dismissive and distant. What in the world had happened?

Within the week both Maria and Reynard had fled the capital in haste. Narrowly escaping the closing city gates. It was then she heard the gossip. An attempt had been made on King Henry's life and the suspect we're none other than Reynard and Maria. Why would they fall to such a depraved level of stupidity?

Being of distant royal lineage and having an intimate knowledge of Reynard's unorthodox tactics. The Duchess was tasked with capturing the supposed traitors and bring them to court for justice. A civil war had erupted between brother and sister.

She had known that it was really because Reynard was her former lover and close friend. Regardless of her feelings, she carried out her duties being a loyal vassal of the crown. She also knew that the prince wasn't right either, he had changed. Changed for the worse.

Marching to meet the insurgents the Duchess had begun to ferry her troops across the Green Fork she was ambushed. With half strength on both sides and in complete disarray, her forces had been effectively crushed by Reynard. Taking the Duchess hostage for what was unknown.

Okay, enough story. Yes, this will be a wartime roleplay but it will be filled with drama, suspense, angst, hate, forgiveness. I would like to Reynard and the duchess to rekindle things but not necessarily. This will be mostly plot with some story. The world is ours to create. The Duchess will be in her thirties somewhere while Reynard is in his forties.

I will not push grammar since I struggle with it from time to time, just make sure I can understand it. Also, I'd like at least three paragraphs so there is no worrying about matching me. Also, I am soon to be a father to twins next month so I may go dark a while then. I will try to let you know ahead of time when my brief hiatus would start. If there any takers or questions please pm me.